



1、傲慢與偏見mr s. b e n n e t人 物 形象分析精品資料僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流,如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除謝謝2Mrs.bennetA stereotype of the uncivilized countrywomen in EnglandMrs. Bennet is a character in Jane Austimasterpiece pride and prejudice .In the novel, Mrs. Benn et, the wife of Mr. Bennet and the mother of protago nist Elizabeth and hersisters

2、, lived in an un civilized tow n of En gla nd in the end of 18 century and the beginning of 1少cen tury. As a housewife without econo mic capacity or support, she madeall efforts to realize her life value as perfect as possible but all went wrong, that was tosee her daughters married well. Just as th

3、e author describes, her mind was less difficultto develop. She was a woma n of mean un dersta nding, little in formati on, and un certain temper. Whe n she was disc onten ted, she fan cied herself n ervous. The bus in ess ofher life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visit ing and n ew

4、sFor her role as a mother, she is succeeded in gathering information about the neighbori ng men in possessi on of a good fortune for her daughters. From her owningexperie nces and un fair sufferi ngs, she believed without a shadow doubt that a woma ncanlive happily without a rich husba nd. Therefore

5、, she tries her best to obta in n ewsfrom her few acqua in tan ces, to arrange social in tercourse as much as possible for herdaughters.She wants be behave dece nt, but her words and public manners always betrayedher. She shows interests in nothing but to be a gossip with her countable friends. So w

6、hatshe can teach her daughters is little except how to in teract, how to flirt, how to befrivolous, in other words, how an econo mic depe ndent woma n attracts a young sin glepote ntial man. Maybe what en terta ins readers most is her uncon trolled of her temper,which is showed vividly whe n her you

7、n gest daughter Lydia run away with wickham. Sheastonished at the news, screaming out, and got trembling, staying in her bedroom wearing her gow ns till she con firmed lydiasmarriage to Wickham. oh, we are all ruinforever” However, she has no realization that she was the one to be blamed for allthes

8、e tragedies, that darcy once inten ded to separate bin gley from jane, that Lydia精品資料僅供學(xué)習(xí)與交流,如有侵權(quán)請(qǐng)聯(lián)系網(wǎng)站刪除 謝謝3absurd behavior. Her manners and un restra int of her daughters impertinence nearlyruined all the fame ofLongbourn.For her role as a wife, the most successful is that her ignorance and folly h

9、ave contributed to his amuseme nt. Very early in their marriage, Mr.be nnet put an end to all realaffect ion for her. Respect, esteem and con fide nee had vani shed forever; and all hisviews of domestic happ in ess were overthrow n. She is n agg ing all the time with a loudvoice. She has no interest

10、ing topics to talk with her husband, so that Mr. bennet arise hisenjoyment in the views of countryside and numerous books. As for Mrs. Benn et, all themissi on of her husba nd is to take her and her daughters to balls, and create new relation ships. It looks like she has no specific expectati ons fo

11、r marriage except mon ey,status, and beauty.In all, she is failed in the role of mother and wife. As an old-fashioned woman, shepursued what all wome n in her times pursue. In her mind and her teach ing, money,status and beauty is everythi ng. If you own these, you own happ in ess. That was allcaused by the depe ndent e


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