



1、2019-2020 年高中英語(yǔ)必修 2Unit5Lesson4Let sDance4ObjectivesTo practise readi ng a text quickly to ide ntify the type/ genre.To read a text with gapped senten ces and be able to plete the gaps using topic,linking and refere nee clues.To practise vocabulary related to music and dancing.To talk about prefere

2、nces about music and dancing.Resources usedPictures of traditional dances from China and other countries (and, if possible, a cassetteof the music for these dan ces).Possible problemsSome students may be less interested in music and dance than others.BackgroundThe inven ti on of CD-ROMs has revoluti

3、o nised access to en cyclopedias.Microsofts Encarta, for example, contains over 30 volumes of material, and by simplyclicking on the puter mouse you can rapidly skip around from volume to volume. Thequote is by Fred Astaire (1899-1987), an American dancer and film star. He starred inmany musicals wi

4、th his part ner, Gin ger Rogers.Routes through the materialIf you are short of time, set some of the exercises for homework and omit pari ngCultures.If you have time, do one of the Options activities.If you have two periods for this less on, a suitable n atural break is after Exercise 4.Language Pow

5、er: pages 72-73 ReadingBefore you startExercise 1Key Words disco, classical ballet, Chin ese folk dan ce, waltz, breakda nceStudents read the Key Words and explain or translate them.The n they liste n to the musical extracts on the cassette and ide ntify the dan ces.Answers1 Chi nese folk dance 2 cl

6、assical ballet 3 classical ballet4 flame neo 5 twist 6 waltz 7 breakda nce 8 Charlest onRead to learnExercise 2Ask students to look at the text quickly and decide where it is from.Ask stude nts for their an swers and ask them to giveas ons.Answersa CD ROM encyclopediaAsk students how difficult they

7、think the text will be and why.Ask students how it would be different if it were in a newspaper, a traditionalencyclopedia or a Sunday magazine.Exercise 3Useful vocabulary: art form, style, generation, palaces, noble family, ballroom. Studentsshould be able to understand the general meaning of these

8、 words from the context.Read the Reading Strategies box with the class, studying the example given ofParagraph 1 and sentence d.Students then follow the stages in the Strategies:1read the text to get a general idea of the content2look at the missing sentences and gaps3think about the sentence topics

9、 and paragraph topics and match them4check that sentences fit the text by focusing on linking words and pronouns.Students can pare their answers in pairs before checking answers as a class. Answers1 d 2 c 3 b 4 e 5 aExercise 4Read through the questions with the class.Students work in pairs answrieng

10、 the questions.Answers1 Ordinary people.2 Popular dances are usually popular for only a short time.3 Waltz.4 The mixing of immigrant cultures produced new forms of dance.5 Break dancing.Vocabulary: pound WordsExercise 5Students workin pairs, matching the words to make pound nouns.When checking answe

11、rs, also check that students have used the hyphen correctly.Point out that some pound words remain two separate words, e.g. folk dance; some,especially pounds with adjectives, are joined with hyphens, e.g. wellknown; some formone word, e.g. ballroom.Answersballroom rock music art form well-known mid

12、-1980sfolk danceStudents choose four of the words and make sentencesof their own using these words.Exercise 6Studentsmatch the words with their definitions.Answers1 well-known 2 folk dance 3 ballroom 4 mid-1980sIn pairs, students choose one of the other words from Exercise 5 and write a definition,g

13、iving the part of speech.The pairs the n read out their defiitiD ns to the class who have to guess the word.SpeakingExercise 7Read through the questi onn aire with the class.Students work individually thinking about their answers.In pairs, students tell each other their answers to the questionnaire.

14、erhstener canmake no tes if he/she wishes.The students then report back to the class about their partner.paring CulturesIn pairs, students scan the text again and make a list of dances they have just learnedabout.In pairs, students talk abut the dances in the list with the information from the text,

15、 adding extra in formatio n if they know any.En courage stude nts to discuss in groups the dan ces which are popular in their tow n.Have a class discussi on and stimulate stude nts to expressedfnt opinions.QUOTEUNQUOTERead the quote with the class and ask stude nts if they have heard of Fred Astaire

16、 andknow anything about him. Explain that he was one of the greatest popular dan cers of hisday and although the quote sounds very simple, he did extraord inary things with his feet.Ask students to make similar simple quotes for other people who do things extremelywell, e.g. a good cook, tennis play

17、er, footballer, poet, sin ger, artist.OptionsPracticeStude nts look back at the text Dance and read it aga in carefully.In groups, students prepare four or five more prehension questions about the text.The groups the n ask and an swer their questi ons.The groups the n ask and an swer their questi on

18、s.Exte nsionIn groups, students write instructions about how to dance a traditional dance of theircountry or a modern dance. Tell them to write very precise instructions.The groups then take turns to read their instructions to the class and the other studentsguess which dance they are describ ing.20

19、19-2020 年高中英語(yǔ)必修 2Unit5Rhythmmunicationworkshop1Teaching aims:To write a positi onTo practise spoke n En glish about promise and inten ti onTo liste n to a song and un dersta nd itTeaching materials:puter and tapeTeaching courseIdo the exercise about thoughnWritinga. Ask stude nts to write a positi o

20、n about con certb. In order to help stude nts to write it, first the teacher ask the stude nts to turn to page 90 and readthe article.c. Present the table with the information about your concertd. Use the information from your table to write paragraph notes.1. the start of the con cert2. the perform

21、a nee3. The audie nee reacti on4. The end of the con cert川SpeakingIn groups, decide these things:1. Where the tee nager wants to go (a disco, a camp ing weeke nd, a rock con cert, a party)2. Why his /her parents donwant him /her to go (too dangerous , too young , has to do homeworkor someth ing else)3. Who in the group takes the different roles (teenager, mother, father, brother or sisterMake a list of possible ideas for your roleTh


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