




1、諸整F中學(xué)2022學(xué)斗二弟一r三期高, b,J年0文英】吾期中測試試題假設(shè)2>0181.11第閱讀I1解(共兩節(jié),泄i分355第一二節(jié)10個小題;方小題2.5分LM_25分口A Jbhh 卜i.JohnsonWas born ira a b)laclk famiiyinArkansa:s city in 1918. Hlis fatherdied jnan accident WhenJohnWassi:x. 1Hew<asreachingthe highschd.i age,but hshOmetowyn offebed no hi(gh schoofor blacl(s.Fo)r
2、tunatey hehad a strong-Willed c;arnd_mOther.John membered that his mothe.told himmany:imes,Son,you c&n bearything4oUjWant really to 1beif youi justbelieve. Shieold h|irm no)t to dep)end binothers, irncl iudinghismother.Yoiu havetoearn s比ccess,力!shesaid.1AllthepeQple w/ho Workhard |dont succe汜d,b
3、utthe onlypeople2 Who dosuc(ceed are tflosewlio work hard,rThese Wordscame fK)m aWomanWith lessthan ai third(jrade20 X 20education. S|hd alSo kn|eW that believing aHd hard Wo|rk |doh ' |t 根電門 everything. So she worked hafd 至 a CoOk for two yeas| to| shve enojugh tb thke Her| sdn, who wds theh 15
4、, to ChiCago. Chicago i|n 1933 was 砌 | the prom|se|d lbnd that blaCk southerners I were look|nd fdr. John | s motherland | stepfather Cou|ld hot fihd | work. But here | | Jdhn could do to school, and here he | | | learned th|e powe of words as Mn editor of | the newspaper|and yearbook at Du | Sab
5、74; Hibh School. H|is wish wMs 七 publish amagazine fdr blaCks. While others III discouragedl him, l John|s motheroffered一 him more |woMs 擊 live| by. "Nothibg bdats a failure but a try. f She also &t him pawn 典官 | her furniture 迅 get the $ 500 | hd needed to start the NdgrH magazinb. It is n
6、atural that difficulties and failures III . followed John Closely until He becamel v6ry20 X 20SLccessfuI. 1Healwayskeeps h1ism()thersw()rds in r1和.S()n,failures rlotinoui vocaibiilaMN()wJohn H.Johhs()nisor|e of the4()0richest pebple inArnericaworth :) 150millio)n.1.Jo)hnsmOtherdeci(le(t to miove to(
7、Chicago b(ecaius>e.A. hisfather diec1 when jJohm wasveryyoung B3. lifewas too)hardf for themtostayonintheirhom(etdwni C.Johnneeded more edcation badlyD.therej wenenO s(力ools f(orblocks iin tlieir homletown :2.jOhn"s r10ther.A.didntbelieve iror dbpend on(other;s B. thouglitore coiuldbej whate
8、veroniewantedtobeC1believed c)nej would subcejed1 without workinghdrdD.thought no onej cbuld s:uc;ceedwithoutw()rkin(1hard 3,Thestory mailnlyteIsus.Al how Jbhn H. jJohinsonbgcame s2c;ce)ssfulB.at)ouit themen:alsupport Johns> mlother gave himCabout20 X 20th© imporl|an|ce| of| a gobd education
9、 D| about the |key tb Success | fof blacks. B One I of Amerida'S best-knoWn | artist colonids | | | ; th|e MacDoWell Coionyl will turn l|l0 next year. It is g place |wherb artists of all | | | types can sWeep |awa distractions ( | | |令人分 心的事物 I) and ju|st create. MacDowel|l's | | operations
10、Hre funded by I foundations, | | cdrporatidns| and individual. Writers| | cdmposers, photdgraphers, | filmmakers and . sculptors | bothfamous ahd| unknownFcompe|te fod th|e 32 free studids at |the place. Ohce accepted, an a#ist can stay for | as little as a | couple of III weeks , |or| as 101ng as a
11、 couple of mCnths. When they arriVel artists find a kind. of| | isolation( |) ha|rd |to find in our| world. ThlereIs no phone. No fax. No friends. No family. It' julst a cabin in III . the snowy woods) Writer Emily Rabotead20 X 20liVes in N|eW Yb水 ©ty| S|he| came to | | | MHcDowe|ll tb Wo*
12、on |a noVel. She. reCeivd a desk, chaifs, Ipdncil Wnd paper-and ice I grippers. The Walk from ohe | isolated | | oneroom stu|dio 的 another is icy, so | | | cdlony residents |居住的人 fasten the ice grippers to the bottom of their shoes. | | Another colony resident, Belfast comp|osbr | El'ine AgheW,
13、IplWys a piece called To a Wild Rose, Written by EdWaH MacDoWel|l. | S|he says it s.famoUs that every | pianist in thd World has played the tunb. I A hundred yeaR ago I, | MacDoWell oWndd the lad Where the I cdlony boW sits. He liked | 悶 isolatidn and his ability td get Work _ ddne there. After his
14、death, his Wife, I I I Marion, endoUraged other artists to come. And for the Gst century, artibts have Illi accepted the invitation, coming to step outside of| 咻| daily lives for a short III20 X 20time. Privacy i§ rdspected, but III cdoperatin |an|d discuSsin | is common. | | SCreenwriter Kjt C
15、arsoh-w|ho wrote TeXaS ChainsaW Mhsbacre 2 |add the film | | | adaptation of Sam Shepherd's play PWriW,| TexashHs | vi§ited MWcDoWell twice. Hd I s&ys that th, ihterdisdpl|nary( | | 學(xué)科問的 discussion there ib ValUable.fYbu | sitarbund at| dner, |talkiHg, | and then | | | somebody rUns off
16、 and btings you badk s°me stuff and shows it| to yHu, |" he | says. "T|hat, l| didn't realize, was part| of| I the magic| here b|ecause people are Qally open to showMg their opinions here. III 4. What do the 同皿丫 residents have in 口 I common? A. They usually stay in the colony for
17、months. B. They are already famous in their own| fiKld. Cl. They are not I I I I I I disturbed by the outsidle world. D. Thely find it hard to sLrVive the loneliness. 5| | |20 X 20Why does| th|e Author 坨帕揄 Elaine AgeW? A.| To shoW the wide range Of the residents, B.| To admire hbr breat| mUsical tal
18、entC.| To introdUce the oigin|of| the colony. D To show respeCt for MacoWell. 6. Where ddes the mabiC of the Mdcpowell Coljny 岫 adcording to| Kit Carson? |A. | It values | | work-play | bdlahce. B. |t has| an 口 idea-shari|ng| atlmdsphere. C. It encouragbs privacy greatly! D. It has a homely feel. |
19、7. What woUld be the best title for the| teXt? A. H|ap|py| artists B. Wdnderland for| artists C. powdr df isoMtibn |D.Creativity |at work | C British shoppers bu 2.15 milldn s of clothing |and shoes annually, yet UK citizens haVe an estimated| £ 30 billion worth of unused clothing gathering dus
20、t at the back of the wardrobe辰11 . But new technology could see| the end of that, with the20 X 20garments |the"se|ves giving owners a gentle reminder Of their existence. |" SmartclOthescOul|d help Us CleRr out our | | | wardrobes 附 sending messages or tWeetg us if they haVeh't been| wO
21、n for a good I I while. If theWe alerts arb ibnOred, the | | | gWrments |wil g|et in touch w|ith a clothihg| charity and RsH tO be reused, with an | | | orlanizatibnl adtomatidally pending out I I dOnation ihfOrmatjon. They could also |be prOgramMed tO pm themselVes up for | auction 拍接 | On eBay. Ab
22、ademics atBirmingham City nivdrsity |are develOping_the“cohnectedwardro|be| " to 耳門也口同mOre suitable clothes cOnbumptionl 消費. The concept sees garments tagged 給 力口標簽using washable contactless III technology. Markl Brill, IselniOr lecturer bt III Birmingham I City Univdrsity,| said,I1"Thinko
23、f | the surprise when an Owner suddenly II-20 X 20reicejives bics foritems> thattheydidin'kHow werein tliei? wardro)be“Th(5cOnnectedwardrobe isapr<actical,pleasant |cohcept toer】co)urage peo)p& t(othnkabouttheir c10thinig c.nsiumptionFihally, h)pe it willencoUraige moreappropriatej fas
24、hidnconsimptionheJadded“.*erh<甲s> we(cani even moveaway他由the i(dea of'()wnetshipof clothing Whenwes've wornthem jenough,thetermswllpas:s廿1emselVesoni to their nextkeeper.'t fbllo)w)s iri th】efoo)ts1tecs ()ftheInternetofThiings-ac()n(;ep)tthatsees(ordiriary househdlditemscOnnectingt
25、o theInternet inorder toshare irnfdrmation,Frorn adusting youal<arrn clock(to monitorihqthe tempe:ra:uraJofycurhorne, theInternet is;cliarigingtheWaywe live. Now, theL“Internet bfClbtfies力)willsee that neglec;ted ganment5;20 X 20wi|ll tweet |and txt the Owhes| "&sKingto | be worn dep|en|
26、ding On | the weather |and | frequency of WeWClOthbs will keep trdck of ot|he|r info/matibn | sUch as whO I I owned them| previously, Ws well as ho" muCh they originally Cost, wh|o made them ahd | | hdw much the wdrker was paid for the|m.| 8.| What does the | underlined words | "tweetjngus
27、" mea|n?| A. getting| in | toUch with us B. I m,king short hjgh sound to Remind us | C.| | giving us information through the Internet D|. making a c?ll to Us 9. How | | | dEes Mak Brill find the“connected _wardrobeT | ? A. It helps people buy | cheaper dlothes. B. It dhandes peoplel I 1 s shopp
28、ing habits. C. It contributes to right consumption attitudesD.| It | III improve s | peoples consuming confidence 10. What bah be inferred frdm the last paragraph? A. Weather affects the III20 X 20cdnnected Wardrobe. B. Cldthes are sOd online at a ldw price. C|. MuCh information can be fdund from cl
29、othes. D. TheIntbrnet is a pldce to sharb items.| 第匚 節(jié)I:任務(wù)型閱讀|共口51個小題;每小嗎2|分, 滿份10分| |根據(jù)短文曲容,從短文后的選項 中選出能填入空白1處的覆佳選項.選項中有兩hort-s appear項的多余選項.1Easy Ways to Ke:ep、<ourBran Sf】arpEveryone isforge式ful,butas weageJ, westart tofeellikeour ttrains are slowing1 donn abitandthat cari bea very arinoyinghi
30、ng.11Read onforsome te(:hni(ueswoith trying.12People vvhoeguarlymadIe plansandooked fo)rwadtoupcc)ming eventshada 5)peircenreduce(c chmnceof Ailzheimei'sdise泊se(早老性癡呆癥),accordingto arece*t study,13Sonethingas simplea assetting agoal to 1lavea weekly coffeedatewitli a friencwilldo.Thee'spvide
31、sncethatpeople、whohave apurpose in life or wh.are working on long or sto do betterIn other words, keepyour 價新 looking forward. Go fora walk Mildly raised glucose葡萄糖 )levels can harm the areaact vity canof the brain that helps ycu fo m memories and physica20 X 20help get blood gucose downto norm(d le
32、vproduce冶chiemicalsthataregoo(f foryounevv Take aSpanishclaj冶onlinejoina dPlay cards.A stiidy found thet mejntalstimwe;akeningeffects c:aging on me5mory anfor y,ourbrain is 'vheri yoilearn somehingactve at thesar】e time.15 Or godancingonthe future. B.Thii) cari beesp(ecialy hasheuldbe somethine1
33、 likeleaninggardenieac:h day tothink about )<ourfutuire. E.Buischedule isn't filled with life-d】anging(wenshews thereis a10tlyoucan(do toavoid thwerds,wheeycu take care o)f your b()dy,弟二部分完形填空(分滿分30分)Last auitumtabk? after havingmykidney stone(feemyselfslowy regaining riy 16 . IcoulI haid apo
34、werfulfeeling that '7 was with rgrandmother -s presence with n1e a:> if sroorn.InmyminI I s<lid,“C;ran(dmaels.In faict, ejxerc:iserbrain. 14 Learnsomethingrawiing cub,(or learn toulation limitsthed the mind. E3ut tlhe best tngnew/ and are'phy/sicallywithi youir fri(ends.A.Focuisrmfuil
35、tothe iaged.C.Itng. 1D. S(o take afewminutest don】't w(orryf yourts. F.Luckilyresearchosemorrients. G.In()theryoutakecane ofyourbrain.共20小題;每小題1.5n asI la)/ ontheoperating1 room腎結(jié)石)removed, Ibegan toLd see nothineb butdarkness.ie. Ifelt myhe werestill18 andin th淞hejardyour191“Kitty, Iam20 X 20ri
36、ghit here. ItsOK,Just hod on.over again intilope汨edmy21 to a kindherthatthis22 1iad 1】appeneC many tmes醉).Itseernedas ifshehad23 this typeit was all inmy :4 . Itoldherthatmygranjust now*buit she said that w<as just asideHo、wever, Ididn,t thiink $o. I)elieabout me, aind siie may havebeen hejpinggr
37、andma, who passed awayyears ago, uswhenev,er we w(we having ahardtimej. Fr28chalenges. Ve worktd late and we oft“hioldonI hearc1 in hiosptal nnighhavhop)e, hold()n tofaitli anC hod orforthe fbetter 31 yo)u hold oin. P(wha)s sihe was tealwaysbe tlhere32 rne, <md offerng enco“卜101don m:akesus Jstay
38、34 facinJ1 thediffcult),I always thnk of mygrandma saeyesight B.emotionC. sense區(qū)Dstrengtheve:ryone Dnob)ody18.A. nfusedB. coA.、/oiceJ B.new!, C.breath D.soijnd 22. A:hekept20 this to mes over andecoveryroorn nurse.I tol(cduring rmy anesthesia(麻of thing t)efore anid tod mpdma25stayt2d with nieeffect
39、oftheane:sthesia.vedthatmygrandmahadbeen 26mecomie oiit ofthe :27 .Mysed to tel usto h(old onequeetlymyhusb)andandI we4een 29 tomak:e money,.Thee 3()meanings.lHoldon tofuture. Tlings> willgetellingmethatshewoulduragement to33the carknless.se challemges. W,henwe ;35 anyying“Hold o1 " n!16A.is
40、 17'A.anyone E3. someone C:.)nteiit C.livey D.alive 19|i. exposing B.focusing C.20 X 20whispering D. demanding 21 A. mou h B. heart C. hands D. eyes 22. A.accident B. experience C. approach D. memory 23. A. crowded in B.made out C. heard of D. picked out 2. A. imagination B. movement C.inspirati
41、on D. explanation 25 A. curiously B. indeed C. constantly D.particularly 26. A. concerned B. upset C. optimistic D. cautious 27.A. question B. spot C. operation D. scene 28. A. equipped with B.associated with C. convinced of D. faced with 29. A. arranged El.struggled C. rejected D. contr buted 30. A
42、. different B. simp e C.brief D. good 31. A. even if B. in case C. as though D. as long as 32.A. supporting B. informing C. blaming D. astonishing 33. A. delipht B.ignore C. avoid D. fight 34. A. pessim stic B. negative C. positive D.objective 35. A. get over B. meet with C. turn down D. break down第
43、三局部:譯填空,或用所給詞或詞組的正確形式填空共15題;每題1分,總分值15分 )36. The newly publ shed book, which refers to basic Englishgrammar,(intend for ) beginners. 37It ' s no use(和某人爭論)him. Hewo, t change his mind. 38. Fortunately, we are studying inclassrooms(equip with) air condition ng. 39.Actually, you can(增 強 )yor health by20 X 20runringevery morniing. 40. She caresmu,(對挑actirig co)uldalways put the audience _自在)and they fe業(yè)more(content w八th taircaft cer w.is piit touseto _(防御;保衛(wèi)Mssib)le atack_ (很有可臺匕 目匕)suc;ceewhatever yc)u doi. 44.Ton, _(thesports ntee
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