



1、北師大版小學(xué)四下英語教案Unit 7 At the restaurantTeaching aims:Can read and write the words for this unit.Can understand and read the new sentences.Importance and difficulty:Can use the dialogs.Lesson 1PreparationPrepare student cards.You will also need:flashcards for this Unit.1.Set the sceneAsk the children if

2、 they have a favorite restaurant. Then ask them what dish they usually order. Try to elicit the words for chicken and vegetables in Chinese. Write the words on the board.Point to the word for chickenand say, “The English word for this food ischicken. Write the English word next to the word you have

3、already written. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you.Repeat the procedure for vegetables.Now explain the meaning of the word food. Write the word on the board. Read the word aloud and have the children repeat it after you.Present the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up th

4、e flashcard for restaurant. Model the word for the children and have them repeat it after you.Repeat the procedure for menu, fruit, fried rice, corn, noodles, and hot dog.2.Model the dialogWrite the question What food do you like? on the board. Read the question aloud to the children, pointing to ea

5、ch word as you do so. Explain its meaning and have the children repeat the question after you.Now present the structures “I like (hot dogs). ” and “I dont like (chicken). ” Repeat the procedure used to model the question.Present the question “Do you like (fruit)? ” and the answers “Yes,I do./No,I do

6、nt. Repeat the procedure used to present the other structures.3.Talk about the storyStudent Book pages 2 and 3北師大版小學(xué)四下英語教案Have the children the pictures:Picture 1:open their books at pages 2 and 3. Ask these questions about“Who can you see in the pictures?”“Where are they going? ”Picture 2:“What are

7、 they reading? ”Pictures 3/4/5:Picture 6:“What do you think Mocky, Ken, and Annare talking about?”“Does Mocky look happy? ”Pictures 7/8:Picture 9:“Do you think Mocky likes the food on the menu?”“What is happening now? ”4.StoryStudent Book pages 2 and 3the tape withoutrepeatSay, “Nowwere going to hea

8、r what the characters said. Play stopping. Have the children look at the picturesas they listen.Play the tape again, pausing after each new picture. Have the children the words each time. X|k |B| 1 . c|O |m 5.Set homeworkEncourage the children to tell the story to their families.Lesson 2PreparationY

9、ou will need:flashcards for this Unit.1 .ReviewReview the flashcards for this Unit.Hold up the flashcard for restaurant.Ask,“Whats this? ” Elicit, Its a restaurant.”Repeat for menu and hot dog.Now hold up the flashcard for vegetables.Ask,“What are these?” Elicit, “Theyare vegetables. ”Hold up the fl

10、ashcard for fruit and elicit the correct word from the children.2 .Words to learnStudent Book page 4Have the children open their books at page 4. Draw their attention to the pictures at the top of the page. Show your copy of the page.Point to eachpicture in turnand elicit the words the children alre

11、ady know (food, fruit, vegetables, chicken, noodles, French fries, restaurant, and menu).Now point to the picture of the hamburger. Model the word and have the children repeat it after you.Repeat the procedure for fried rice, hot dog, and corn.Play the tape and have the children touch the matching p

12、ictures as theyhear北師大版小學(xué)四下英語教案them mentioned on the tape.Replay the tape.Pause after each word. Have the children repeat the word each time.3 .Listen to thisStudent Book page 4Have the children look at the pictures at the bottom of page 4. Point to the picture of Ken. Ask, Whos this? ” Elicit,Its K

13、en. ”Now point to the bowl of fruit in the samepicture.Ask, “Whats this? ” Elicitthe word fruit.Repeat the procedure for the other pictures.Tell the children that they will hear each picture described on the tape. They must match each sentence to the correct picture.Play the tape, stopping after eac

14、h sentence, and have the children point to the corresponding picture. Make sure they are all doing this correctly.Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. Explain that this timeyouwant the children to write the sentence number in the box next to thematchingpicture.Check the answers in a cl

15、ass drill.4 .Let s singStudent Book page 5of the page. PointHave the children open their books at page 5. Show your copy to the train. Ask, Whats this? ” Elicit, Its a train.Repeat the procedure for hot dog and soup.“What are these? ” Elicit,“Theyre FrenchPoint to the French fries. Ask, fries. ”Now

16、point to the song s title, The Food Train. Readthe words aloud to the children.Read the words of the first verse to the children, pointing to each word as you read.Have the children repeat the words, touching them in their books as they do so.Play the song without stopping. Have the children clap al

17、ong.Now play the tape again, stopping after each line. Have the children echo each phrase after hearing it on the tape.Play the song again from the beginning. Encourage the children to touch the words in their books as they sing along.Divide the children into three groups. Play the tape again. Have

18、each group sing a different verse.Have the groups change verses so that all the children have a chance to sing each verse.5.Set homeworkStudent Book page 5Explain to the children that you want them to sing the new song to their families.Lesson 3PreparationYou will need:?flashcards for this Unit.1 .R

19、eview?Review the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up the flashcard for restaurant. Ask, “What s this? Elicit, “It s a restaurant. ”?Repeat for menu, hot dog, and fruit. ?Nowhold up the flashcard for vegetables. Ask, “What are these? ” Elicit, “They are vegetables. ”2Talk togetherStudent Book page 6?Ha

20、ve the children open their books at page 6. Draw their attention to the top ofthe page. Show your copy of the page. Point to the first picture. Ask,“Who arethey? ” Elicit, “Ken and Ann. Now ask what Ken and Ann are reading. Elicit the word menu.?Point to Ann s speech bubble. Read the question aloud

21、to the children. Repeat for Ken s answer.?Have the children repeat the question and answer in a class drill.?Draw the children s attention to the second picture. Point to each food item inturn and ask, “What s this? ” Elicit the correct words.?Put the children into pairs to practice the questions an

22、d answers. Encourage them to substitute the foods 川ustrated in the second picture for chicken. Tell them that they can answer truthfully for each kind of food (Yes, I do./No, I don t.)Student Book page 6?Have the children open their books at page 6. Show your copy of the page. Point to the food in e

23、ach picture and elicit its correct name.?Explain to the children that they will hear a sentence on the tape, and they must match it to the correct picture.?Play the tape. Have the children point to the matching picture.?Play the tape again, stopping after each sentence. This time the children need t

24、owrite the correct sentence number next to the corresponding picture.?Have the children repeat the sentences in a class drill.4Trace, match, and copyStudent Book page 7?Have the children open their books at page 7. Show your copy of the page. Draw thechildrens attention to the first picture. Point t

25、o the hot dog. Ask, “Whats this? ” Elicit, Its a hot dog. ”?Nowpoint to Anns speech bubble and read the words to the children. Have them repeat the words after you. Ask the children which word is missing. They should answer, “Hot dogs. ”?Have the children find the correct word in the box and trace i

26、t. Then have them copy the word in the space provided to complete the sentence.?Repeat the procedure for the other pictures and words.?Check that all the children have completed the sentences correctly.5Set homeworkStudent Book page 6Tell the children to color the pictures on the page.Lesson 41.1 nt

27、roduce hard /c/and soft /c/Stude nt Book page 74 (Uncle Booky s ABC)?Write the letter c on the board. Explain that you are going to say two words withthe letter c in them. One word has a hard /c/ sound(cat) and the other word hasa soft /c/ sound (cent). Ask the children tolisten and watch as you mod

28、el hard/c/ and soft /c/. Ask them to listen forthe difference between the two sounds,and then have them repeat the two sounds after you.?Turn to Uncle Booky s ABC at the back of the Student Book and point to the hard /c/ and soft /c/ words. Say each word in turn and model the hardand soft sounds.?Re

29、peat the procedure with the letter k.2.Sounds and lettersStudent Book page 8?Draw the children s attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page.?Play the tape for kite and camera. Ask,“Do these words have a hard /c/ soundor a soft /c/ sound? ”?Play the tape again and have the children say the w

30、ords aloud.?Repeat the procedure for the soft/c/words.3 .Listen for /c/Student Book page 8?Direct children s attention to the middle of the page. Show your copy ofthepage and point to the first row of words. Say that one of the words have a different /c/ sound.?Play the first four words on the tape

31、and have the children point to each word asthey hear it.?Play the tape again. This time the children cross(x )the word that has a different/c/ sound.?Repeat the procedure for the second row.4 .Read with Uncle BookyStudent Book page 8?Direct children s attention to the two rows of words at the bottom

32、 of the page.Show your copy of the page and point to the first row of words.?Play the tape for the first 5 words. Have the children point to each word that they hear in the tape.?Ask the children if they can find that the letter c in all the words has the same sound.?Tel l the children to find out h

33、ow to read the last two words.?Play the tape for the last two words and have children repeat after the tape.?Repeat the procedure for the second row of words.5 .Model the structures?Hold up the flashcard for hot dog. Ask one of the children, “Do you like hot dogs?” The child should answer either, “Y

34、es, I do. or“No, I don t. ”?Pin up the necessary drillcardson the board to form the question and answer. Readthe sentences aloud to the children, pointing to each word as you do so. Have the children repeat the question and answer after you.?Now ask another child the same question. Continue until yo

35、u find a child who gives a different answer from the first child.?Substitute the necessary drillcards to form the new answer. Repeat the procedureused to model the first answer. Then have the children repeat the question and answer after you.?Now review the question, What food do you like? Pin up th

36、e necessary drillcards on the board. Repeat the procedure used to model the first question.?Repeat the procedure for the sentences, I like (fruit). and I don t like(vegetables).6 .Uncle Booky s blackboardStudent Book page 9?Have the children open their books at page 9. Model the structures on Uncle

37、Booky s Blackboard by reading them aloud to the class.?Have the children repeat the structures in a class drill. Use all possible combinations.7 .Touch, ask, and answerStudent Book page 9?Draw the children s attention to the pictures at the bottom of the page. Showyour copy of the page. Point to Ken

38、 s name and the six pictures below it. Explain that Ken likes all the foods with a black check (?) next to them. He doesn t like thefoods with a red cross ( x) next to them.?Review the names of each kind of food pictured (chicken, hotdogs,corn,apples,watermelon, and French fries).?Now point to the q

39、uestion, Does Ken like apples? Read the question aloud. Point tothe picture of the apples. Then elicit the answer, “Yes, he does. Have the children read the answer.?Substitute the o ther foods pictured for apples and repeat the procedure.?Drawthe children s attention to the second collection of pict

40、ures (beans, hot dogs, bananas, pears, chicken, and corn).?Repeat the procedure used for the first question and picture.?Put the children into pairs to practice the questions and answersLesson 5Preparation?You will need flashcards for this Unit.1 Review?Review the flashcards for this Unit. Hold up t

41、he flashcard for restaurant. Elicit the correct word from the children.?Repeat the procedure for other flashcards.2 Read and checkStudent Book page 10?Have the children open their books at page 10. Show your copy of the page. Explain that you will read the questions and answers together. Tell the ch

42、ildren that only one answer is correct for each question.?Point to the first picture. Ask the children what Ken is eating. Elicit the word, chicken. Read the first question aloud. Have the children repeat the question as they touch each word in their books.?Repeat the procedure for the first answer.

43、 Then ask the children if the answer iscorrect. The children should say,“Yes. ”?Nowread the second answer. Again, ask if the answer is correct. The children should say, No.?Have the children check (?) the box next to the correct answer.?Repeat the procedure for the other questions and answers.3 .Let

44、 s chantStudent Book page 11?Ask children what food they like. Elicit the phrase “I like vegetables. ” “I don t like chicken. from the children.?Tell them that we are going to learn a rhyme about food.?Read the rhyme to the children, pointing to each word.?Play the tape for the whole rhyme several t

45、imes. Have children listen.?Play the tape again and have children join in, encouraging them to hum or clap with the rhyme.4 .Let s doStudent Book page 11?Tell the chidren think about the food they like and they don t like.?Write the phrase “I like ” and “I don t like “ on the blackboard.?Encourage t

46、he children to speak out the food they like. Write the words under like ” ?Have the children list out the food they like on their own book. Tell them they can turn to page 4 for reference, and they need also to draw out the food if they can.?Repeat the procedure for the food they don t like.?Have th

47、e children work in pairs and tell each other what they like and what they don t like.5 .Set homeworkStudent Book page 10Explain to the children that you want them to color the pictures on page 10.Lesson 61 .Uncle Booky s storytimeStudent Book page 12?Tell the children that they are going to listen t

48、o a story.?Play the tape, ask the children to listen to the story with their books closed.?Have the children open their books, and look at the pictures.?Ask them to look for familiar words in the story.?Have children read the story silently, encourage them to try to guess the meaning of unfamiliar w

49、ords.?It doesn t matter if they don t know the words. The requirement for this part is to understand the story.2.Spelling gameUse the following gameto review someof this Unit s core vocabulary words and their correct spellings.?Ask the children to tell you the English namefor a place where people go

50、 when they want to eat out. Elicit the word restaurant.?Write the word on the board. Now spell the word aloud as you point to each letter in turn (r-e-s-t-a-u-r-a-n-t).?Ask the children to look in their books and find a word beginning with each letter.For example:?After you have elicited a word, wri

51、te it in its correct place on the board. Then spell the word aloud for the children, pointing to each letter as you do so.?You can extend this game by eliciting another core vocabulary word from this Unit and repeating the procedure.3.BingoThis is a vocabulary drill in the form of a game.?Have each

52、child draw a Bingo gameboard (3X3 boxes), and take out their small cards for this Unit.?Tell the children to put nine cards onto the box of their game board.?Tell the class that you will call out a word. The children must find the correctcard in their set.(Make sure that you call out the words in a

53、random order.)Thechildren then turn over the card and say the word aloud.?Have the children call out “Bingo! ” each time they have turned over a full column down their Bingo boards. Continue until all the cards have been turned over.?At the end of the game, review all the vocabularies in a class dri

54、ll.4.Snap!This gamereviews new vocabulary introduced in this Unit. It is best played in pairs. ?Ask the children to take out their small flashcards for this Unit.?See previous unit, for the rules and procedure.5.Self-assessmentStudent Book page 13In self-assessment children need to assess themselves

55、 by their own so that they canhave an idea of what they have achieved. Children can do this part by their own after class or the teacher can choose to assess the children within class time.?Ask the children to look at the pictures in the first activity. Ask if they knowall of these food. Say, “I lik

56、e vegetables. ” “I dont like noodles. Have children to work in pairs to talk about their preference of food with the help of the pictures. If necessary ask a confident pair to give one more example. At the end of the activity ask several pairs to check how well they could finish it.?In the second ac

57、tivity children need to finish the sentences. Say,“We are goingto write out what we said just now. Draw the children s attention to the sentences under the pictures. Tell them to finish the sentences. The children can read out their sentences and check in pairs.6.My notes and teacher s notesStudent Book page 13?This activity helps children have a look at what they have done in this Unit. Askthem to assess themselves according to the items in My Notes individually. Explainto them that the stars here only indicate ho


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