寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材(英文)_第1頁
寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材(英文)_第2頁
寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材(英文)_第3頁
寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材(英文)_第4頁
寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材(英文)_第5頁
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1、寶馬R56 駐車距離監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)產(chǎn)品信息技術(shù)培訓教材英文 Aftersales Training -Product information.Park Distance Control R56.MINI ServiceThe information contained in the Product Information and the Workbook form an integral part ofthe training literature of MINI Aftersales Training.Refer to the latest relevant MINI Service inform

2、ation for any changes/supplements to theTechnical Data.Information status: June 2006conceptinfobmw.de2006 BMW GroupMünchen, Germany. Reprints of this publication or its parts require the writtenapproval ofBMW Group, München.VS-12 Aftersales TrainingProduct Information.Park Distance Control

3、 R56.Greater parking safetyVisual indicatorNew ultrasonic transducersNotes on this Product InformationSymbols usedThe following symbols are used in this product information to facilitatebetter comprehension and to draw attention to important information.3 contains information to facilitate better un

4、derstanding of thedescribed systems and their function1 identifies the end of a note.Information status and national variantsMINI vehicles conform to the highest safety and quality standards.Changes in terms of environmental protection, customer benefits anddesign render necessary continuous develop

5、ment of systems andcomponents. Consequently, this may result in deviations between thisproduct information and the vehicles available in the training course.This document relates exclusively to left-hand drive vehicles with Europespecifications. Some controls or components are in part arrangeddiffer

6、ently in right-hand drive vehicles than shown on the graphics in theproduct information. Further differences may arise as the result of theequipment variants used in specific markets or countries.Additional sources of informationFurther information on the individual subjects can be found in thefollo

7、wing:- Owner's Handbook- MINI diagnostic system- Workshop systems documentationContents.Park Distance ControlR56.Objectives 1Preparation for trainingSource of reference inpractical applications 1Introduction 3System overview 5Schematic circuit diagram R56 5Functions 9Functional principle of the

8、ultrasonictransducers 9Function activation 10Distance signalling 11System components 13System components 13PDC control unit 15Service information 17Troubleshooting 17Summary 19Points to remember 19Test questions 21Questions 21Answers to questions 222Objectives.Park Distance Control R56.Preparation f

9、or trainingSource of reference in practical applicationsThis Product Information is designed to provide you with the opportunity for testingprovide you with fundamental information on yourself on the subject matter of this Productthe function and operation of the park distance Information.control.Th

10、e technical training course with its practicalAfter working through the Product Information exercises, in which you participated, willyou will know that the park distance control is enable you to perform service jobs on the parka self-contained system. You will learn what distance control in the R56

11、.conditions are necessary for activation of the3 The Product Information is an integral partpark distance control. You will also be able toof the Aftersales training concept. It is suitableidentify the control units that acquire theas a self-study aid while also serving as asignals from the park dis

12、tance control systemdetailed source of reference. 1and provide the necessary displays.The Summary section towards the end of theProduct Information allows you to consolidatethe acquired information in concise form.The subsequent test questions willconsolidate what you have learned. They also1223Intr

13、oduction.Park Distance Control R56.Park distance controlThe park distance control PDC is a distance When the vehicle is equipped with thewarning system that provides both visual and corresponding option, the graphic distanceaudible information on the distance to the signalling is shown on the centra

14、l informationnearest obstacle when parking and driving out display.of spaces.PDC is optionally available in thePDC is optionally available in the R56 asR56 as variant SA507 PDC, rear.variant SA507 PDC, rear.The distance to the nearest obstacle ismeasured by means of four sensors fitted in The follow

15、ing changes/new features havethe rear bumper. been implemented compared to thepredecessor models:Depending on the equipment configuration,New transducers and new control unitthe signal tones are produced and output bymeans of the existing audio system or byGraphic representation of distance tomeans

16、of a separate piezospeaker specifically obstaclesinstalled for the PDC Audible signalling via speaker dependingThe frequency of the signal increases as the on equipment variantdistance to the obstacle decreases. Apermanent tone signal is output in closeproximity to obstacles.3344System overview.Park

17、 Distance Control R56.Schematic circuit diagram R56The schematic circuit diagram shows which provides an overview of the input signals thatcontrol units and actuators are used for the are required for the PDC control unit andPDC function. In addition, the table of signals shows which output signals

18、are sent by thePDC control unit via the busses.541 - Schematic circuit diagram PDC in R56Visual representation in central information display, audible warning output via audio speakers64Index Explanation1 Car communication computer, radio 2 Boost or radio 1 Wave CD2 Central information display3 Junc

19、tion box4 Mid-range speaker, rear right5 Acoustic generator, rear piezospeaker only on vehicles with radio 1 Wave6 Control unit for park distance control7 Ultrasonic transducer, rear right8 Ultrasonic transducer, rear centre right9 Ultrasonic transducer, rear centre left10 Ultrasonic transducer, rea

20、r left11 Mid-range speaker, rear leftThe following table shows the signals for the The signals are received and sent via the K-park distance control function. CAN.SignalsIn/out Information Source/Sink FunctionIn Reverse gear signal Reverse gear switch FRM The parking aid is alwaysactivated automatic

21、ally byengaging reverse gear.In Outside temperature Outside temperature The PDC control unit cansensor Instrument cluster then correct the calculateddistance using a factorcorresponding to theoutside temperature.7485Functions.Park distance control.Functional principle of the ultrasonic transducersOp

22、eration of the ultrasonic transducers is transducer sends the period of time requiredbased on the echo-sounding principle. between sending the ultrasonic pulse andreceiving the first echo to the PDC control unitShort ultrasonic pulses are sent out by thewhich, in turn, calculates the distance to the

23、ultrasonic transducer, reflected from objects innearest object from this period of time.the vicinity and received again by theultrasonic transducer. The ultrasonicTransmit and receive mode of active ultrasonic transducerSend mode Receive modeIndex Explanation Index Explanation1 Ultrasonic transducer

24、 connection 4 Outer diaphragm2 Ultrasonic transducer electronics 5 Ultrasonic waves3 Piezoceramic element 6 Obstacle/wallSend mode Receive modeThe ultrasonic transducer behaves as a The ultrasonic transducer behaves as a"speaker" in send mode. "microphone" in receive mode.At appr

25、ox. 40 kHz to 50 kHz, the selected After the outer diaphragm has settled approx.ultrasonic frequency is outside the range in 1 ms, the ultrasonic transducer receives thewhich people, pets and domestic animals are ultrasonic waves reflected by the obstacle.not adversely affected. The outer diaphragm

26、and the piezoceramicelement oscillate and send the electricalThe electronics of the ultrasonic transducerpulses to the electronic circuitry of theproduces electrical pulses to set theultrasonic transducer.piezoceramic element in motion conversionThe electrical measured signal is digitized andof elec

27、trical energy to mechanical energy.transferred to the PDC control unit.The piezoceramic element is located on theThe data are processed in the PDC controlinside of the outer diaphragm. The outerunit and the distance to the obstacle isdiaphragm vibrates in line with the resonancecalculated.frequency

28、and produces ultrasonic waves.The echo propagation time is calculated fromThe short pulse sequences hit an obstaclethe send start time and the time the incomingand are bounced back reflected.echo is received. Based on the knownultrasonic speed in air, the echo propagationtime is a measure for the di

29、stance to theobstacle.95Function activationThe PDC control unit performs a system test Any fault in the system is indicated as a checkafter the ignition has been turned on. The control message in the SCC and shown in theparking aid is ready for operation on CID if available.successful completion of

30、the system test.Automatic activationThe parking aid is activated automatically by of approx. 1 second on manual transmissionengaging reverse gear. A delay of approx. 1 vehicles because of the standardizedsecond is programmed on both automatic and operating concept.manual transmission vehicles. On au

31、tomaticOn vehicles equipped with a centraltransmission vehicles, this delay preventsinformation display, it is possible to selectunintentional activation of the PDC whenwhether the distance to the obstacle is to bepassing through the R-position whenindicated visually.changing the drive stage. There

32、is also a delayAutomatic deactivationThe parking aid is deactivated immediately ondisengaging reverse gear. The audible and, iffitted, the visual distance signalling are alsoswitched off.105Distance signallingThe distance between the vehicle and an the central information display showing aobstacle i

33、s always signalled audibly. schematic representation of the vehicle andthe obstacles.With corresponding equipment, therepresentation can be additionally activated onAudible distance signallingDepending on the vehicle equipment, the In order to better locate small obstacles as welldistance is signall

34、ed audibly by means of as obstacles located only on one side of theseparate piezospeaker or via the speakers of vehicle, only the speaker installed on thethe audio system. corresponding side of the vehicle is activatedwhen the obstacle is detected by an outerThe signal frequency changes correspondin

35、gultrasonic transducer. The tone is outputto the distance of the vehicle to the obstacle.through both speakers left/right in theThe shorter the distance of the vehicle fromcontinuous tone range distance 25 cm.the obstacle the faster the tone sequence. AThis function to distinguish between left andco

36、ntinuous tone is output at a distance belowright can be disabled by way of coding. Theapprox. 25 cm. As the vehicle moves awayobstacle closest to the vehicle is indicated.from the obstacle, the audible signal isThe mid-range speakers on the left and rightimmediately switched off as soon as theare ac

37、tivated as soon as a centrally positioneddistance changes by more than 10 cm. Thisultrasonic transducer detects an object.tolerance range is necessary to ensure thatsmall changes in distance 10 cm do notJapan versionresult in deactivation of the audible signal.The audible signal reversing gong is ou

38、tputDetection range for audible warning:via the gong or mid-range speaker for as longLeft/right approx. 60 cm as reverse gear is engaged. If the PDC detectsan obstacle in the detection range, the signal isCentre approx. 150 cminterrupted immediately and a distancewarning is given. When the PDC no lo

39、ngerPiezospeakerdetects an obstacle, the reversing gong isA piezospeaker that signals obstacles with a activated again after a defined delay.tone frequency of approx. 1 kHz is located atthe rear of the vehicle.Audio systemThe audio control unit e.g. radio Wave CD,radio Boost CD or CCC receives the s

40、ignalfrequency via the K-CAN from the PDCcontrol unit for the purpose of signalling thedistance audibly via the audio system.115Visual distance signallingIn the R56, the distance to an obstacle can vehicle and the obstacles are shown in a topalso be indicated visually. view. The grey background repr

41、esents themonitored area. The obstacles in this area areThe visual display can be permanentlyshown in green, yellow and red correspondingswitched on or off by means of the MINIto the distance from the vehicle.joystick for the central information display. Theaudible indication always remains active.

42、The central information display receives thedistance data between the ultrasonictransducer and obstacle from the PDC controlunit via the K-CAN and produces thecorresponding graphic representation.The PDC image is superimposed on otherimages in the central information display. Theprevious display aut

43、omatically reappearswhen the PDC is switched off again.Distance from obstacle in cm1 - Visual indicator for park distance control in the R56RearThe PDC image appears in the centralColour Outside Insideinformation display when visual distanceGreen 115 120signalling is activated and the PDC systemwas

44、activated.Yellow 56 to 115 56 to 120The visual distance signalling indicatesRed 55 55obstacles earlier than the audible signalling.The acquisition range is up to 250 cm. The126System components.Park Distance Control R56.System componentsThe following description only deals withspecific features or c

45、hanges to thecomponents.Ultrasonic transducerThe ultrasonic transducers canamplify the echo signals and convertThe ultrasonic transducers fitted in the R56 made possible by new design methods. Thethem into digital signals. Aoffer new product advantages such as greater diaphragm is no longer decouple

46、d from the bidirectional line is used to transmitdata to the PDC control unit.range and optimized design. bumper trim in the ultrasonic transducer itselfbut rather it is now decoupled by means of aLarger rangedecoupling ring.The range of the new sensors is approx. 250The installation of the decoupli

47、ng ring iscm. The entire range of the sensors is used foressential and ensures trouble-free operation.visual distance signalling. The ultrasonicThe transmission and reception quality maytransducers are reduced to a range of 150 cmbe reduced if no or an incorrect decouplingfor acoustic distance signa

48、lling.ring is fitted. In addition, the PDC can trigger aOptimized design continuous tone although there is no obstaclein the detection range of the ultrasonicThe new ultrasonic transducers are approx. 50transducers. The decoupling ring does not% shorter than the previous transducers andserve as a se

49、al.have a smaller diaphragm important fordesign. The smaller diaphragm has been1 - Ultrasonic transducer in the R56Links: with ring mountedRight: with ring removedIndex Explanation Index Explanation1 Decoupling ring 3 Sensor housing2 Outer diaphragm 4 Connection socket136The ultrasonic transducers c

50、an amplify the identical design. Adaptation to the respectiveecho signals and convert them into digital bumper is achieved by way of variantsignals. A bidirectional data line is used to encoding. These data are specific to the typetransmit data to the PDC control unit. For this and vehicle and depen

51、d on the installationreason, all ultrasonic transducers are location.connected by means of a 3-pin waterproofTo ensure the ultrasonic sensors can be usedplug connection to the wiring harness. Theuniversally, the corresponding data isone-piece wiring harness runs from thetransferred from the PDC cont

52、rol unit to thecontrol unit to the ultrasonic transducers at theultrasonic transducers every time the parkingrear bumper and has 12 wires non-shieldedaid is activated. This means the ultrasonicand non-twisted. Electrically andtransducers of one vehicle can bemechanically, all ultrasonic transducers are ofinterchanged as part of a troubleshootingprocedure.146PDC control unitDesignA 4-channel PDC control unit is used in the The PDC control unit is installed on the rearThe PDC control unit is located onR56. right in the wheel arch behind the tail light. Thethe rear


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