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1、Delegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013 -workshop,full back i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for cons

2、i deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe party's 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth pres

3、ent safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk

4、 Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.No personali njury a c

5、ci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt h

6、eData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n increase of1.76mil lion Yua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemis sions performancegrea tly reduce d com

7、pare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur dioxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust removaefficiency of more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: equivale nt availabilityfact orin 93.47%,increase d 7.95% from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate 0.08%,0.16%re ductionoverthe same peri oda yearearl

8、i er.Majorachievement s: first,we shoul da dheretot hetwo "manage mentsystem" basis, stre ngthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsic safety Enterprise construction took newste ps. -The tw o "managementsystem" for improvement. Focus onpr omo

9、tingthe powerofthecompa ny managementsystem a ndtheapplicati ona nd implementati on ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafety management system,realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutine s,safetysupervisi on a ndmanag ement netw orkrole to playtoachieve clos

10、ed -loop. Stre ngtheningthe supervisi on a nd management of ha bitualvi olationof, strengthening t he safety supervisi on ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Carried out inspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand

11、 theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論50/10t × 28.5m A5 橋式起重機主要參數(shù)一 . 速度V主起升=6.18m/minV副起升 =13.14m/minV 小車 =38.2m/minV大車 =58.8m/min二 . 起升高度H=13mspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupe

12、rvision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論一 . 主 起升機構(gòu)1. 電動機的選擇 按靜功率初選電機Nj=QtV/6120Qt=( 50000+365) =50365kgNj=( 50365× 6.18) /( 6120× 0.97)=52.5kw查電動機樣本,按S3Fc=25%選取。YZR280S-8功率Ne=52kwFc25% 根據(jù) GB/T3811-83,對電動機進行過載校驗PnH/( m

13、· M)·(PQ· Vq/1000 )spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論其中Pn=45kwPQ=50467× 9.8=4.95 × 105NVQ

14、=6.18/60=0.103m/s =0.92 M=2.85H=2.1m=1則H/( m· M)·(PQ· Vq/1000 )= 2.1/( 1× 2.85)· 4.95× 105× 0.103/( 1000× 0.92)=40.8kwPn=45kw 40.8kw電動機過載校驗通過 根據(jù)GB/T3811-83,對電動機進行發(fā)熱驗算 電 動機的穩(wěn)態(tài)平均功率:PS=G· ( Vq· PQ) /( 1000 · m· )參考GB/T3811 附件 W 確定主起升機構(gòu)的系數(shù)G 的類別

15、為G2即 G=0.8 CZ值為150則 PS=0.8×(0.103× 4.95× 105) /( 1000× 0.92× 2)=22.1kw 根 據(jù) GB/T3811 附錄V 可知spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號

16、2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論當(dāng) Jc25% CZ=150時 YZR280S-8電動機的輸出功率P=48kw因此P PS=48kw由以上可知,電動機的發(fā)熱驗算通過2. 減速機的選擇根據(jù)Jo/T8905.2-1999 附錄B選用ZQ850減速機,i=48.57 其允許輸入功率P=48kwP M5 P但 PM5僅比P 超過: ( 52.5-48 ) /48×100%=8.3%在工程設(shè)計中允許。因此選用ZQ850減速機是合適的。制動器的選擇M Z n· Mjspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons

17、,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機2009024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論根據(jù) GB/T3811規(guī)定,制動安全系數(shù)為1.5 倍。靜載力矩:Mj=9550× 52.5/715=701N · m則 nMj =1.5× 701=1052N· m選用制動器YWZ4-500/121推動器Ed121

18、/6其額定制動力矩MZ=2500N· mMZ=2500 nMj =1052N· m因此選用YWZ4-500/121 制動器是合適的。鋼絲繩的選擇 鋼絲繩拉力S=Qq/( m· a· 1)其中起升載荷Qq=4.95 × 105N繩系數(shù)目m=2滑輪倍率a=5滑輪組效率 1=0.98則 S=4.95 × 105/( 2× 5× 0.98) =50510N 鋼絲繩的最小安全系數(shù)n=5 則鋼絲繩的破斷拉力應(yīng)滿足:spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a

19、 nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論S P n · s=5 × 50510=253KN 選用鋼絲繩6 × 19W系列6W(19)-24-170I其破斷拉力SP=273KNSP=273 ns=253KN因此選擇此鋼絲繩是合適的。二 . 副 起升機構(gòu)1. 電動機的選擇 按 靜功率初選

20、電動機Nj=QqV/6120Qq=( 10000+214) =10214kgNj=( 10214× 13.14) /( 6120× 0.92)=22.6kw查電動機樣本,按S3Fc=25%選取。則為 YZR225M-8功率Ne=26kwFc25% 過 載校驗PnH/( m· M)·(PQ· Vq/1000· )其中Pn=22kwspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysu

21、pervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論PQ=10214× 9.8=1 × 105NVQ=13.14/60=0.219m/s =0.92 M=3.17H=2.1m=1則H/( m· M)·(PQ· Vq/1000 · )= 2.1/( 1× 3.17)· 1× 105× 0.219/( 1000 ×

22、0.92)=14.8kwPn=22kw 14.8kw電動機過載校驗通過 發(fā) 熱驗算 電 動機的穩(wěn)態(tài)平均功率PSPS=G· ( Vq· PQ) /( 1000 · m· )其中穩(wěn)態(tài)負載系數(shù)G 取為G2 級別,則G=0.8 根據(jù)GB/T3811-83 附錄W:則 CZ 值為150則 PS=0.8×(0.219× 1× 105) /( 1000× 1× 0.92)=18kw 根 據(jù) GB/T3811-83 附錄V 可知:當(dāng) Jc25% CZ=150時 YZR225M-8電動機的輸出功率24.1kwspring

23、a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論因此P=24.1kw PS=18kw電動機的發(fā)熱校驗通過。2. 減速機的選擇根據(jù)起升速度及卷筒直徑 400可推知減速機速比即 13.14= ( 715/i )×&#

24、215; 0.4135/3則 i=23.34副起升機構(gòu)工作級別M5,根據(jù)JB/T8905.2-1999, 減速機的允許輸入功率。P M5=24.5kw選用ZQ500減速機,速比23.34其允許輸入功率P=24.5kwP M5 P 但 PM5僅超過P ( 26-24.5 ) /24.5 ×100%=6.1%在工程設(shè)計中是允許的。因此選用ZQ500減速機是合適的。3. 制動器的選擇MZ n · Mjspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction

25、 mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論根據(jù)GB/T3811 的規(guī)定,副起升工作級別M5,制動器安全系數(shù)n 取為1.5靜載力矩:Mj=9550× 26/715=320 N· m則 nMj =1. 5 × 320=480 N· m選用制動器YWZ4-300/50推動器Ed50/6其額定制動力矩MZ=630N· mMZ=630 nMj

26、 =480N· m因此選用YWZ4-300/50 制動器是合適的。4. 鋼絲繩的選擇鋼絲繩拉力S=Q q/ ( m· a· 1)其中Qq=1 × 105Nm=2a=3 1=0.98則 S=1 × 105/( 2× 3× 0.98) =17006N鋼絲繩的最小安全系數(shù)n=5( 3)鋼絲繩的破斷拉力應(yīng)滿足SP n· s=5× 17006=85KNspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr

27、oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論 選 用鋼絲繩型號6W(19)-13.5-170I其破斷拉力SP=104KNSP=104KN ns=85KN因此選擇的鋼絲繩型號是最合適的。三 . 大 小車運行機構(gòu)1. 運行阻力的計算 摩擦阻力Pmmax=( Qq+G) · ( 2H+df) · ( Kf) /DQq=50000kgG=11000kg(小

28、車)53000kg (大車)=0.06(小車)0.1 (大車)f=0.02d=12cm (小車)15cm(大車)D=50cm (小車)80cm(大車)則小車摩擦阻力P mmax=( 50000+11000) × ( 2× 0.06+12× 0.02) × 1.5/50=723kg大車摩擦阻力P mmax=( 50000+53000) × ( 2× 0.1+15× 0.02) × 1.5/80spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i

29、nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論=977kg 坡度阻力P P=( Qq+G)×KP大車KP=0.001小車KP=0.002則小車坡度阻力PP=0.002×(50467+11000) =169kg大車坡度阻力PP=0.001 ×(50467+53000) =125kg2. 電動機的選擇 靜

30、功率Nj=Pj · V/( 6120 · · m)小車運行機構(gòu)Nj=(723+169)×38/(6120×0.96 ×1)=5.7kw大車運行機構(gòu)Nj=(977+125)×58/(6120×0.96 ×2)=5.4kw 考慮起動加速時慣性力,應(yīng)選電動機功率N=Kg· NjKg為慣性力影響系數(shù)小車運行機構(gòu)N=1.1× 5.7=6.27spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safe

31、typr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論大車運行機構(gòu)N=1.2× 4.2=6.48kw根據(jù)以上計算選擇小車運行電動機為YZR160M1-6其Ne=6.3kw Fc25%選擇大車運行電動機為YZR160M2-6其 Ne=8.5kw Fc25% 過載校驗Pn1/m as PG(W+M c)+PW ×VY(/1000· ) + G

32、D2·n2/·ta其中m=1(小車)m=2(大車) as=1.7PG =( 50467+11000 )×9.8=5.2 × 105N(小車)PG =( 50467+53000 )×9.8=1.01 × 106N(大車)W=0.006VY=38/60=0.633m/s (小車)0.8m/s(大車) GD2=1.2×(0.45+0.15 ) =0.68kg ·(小車) GD2=2× 1.2× 2.15=5.28kg ·(大車)ta=5s(小車)6s(大車)產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書spring a n

33、da utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論則小車運行機構(gòu)1/( 1× 1.7 )× 5.2 × 105×(0.006+0) +0× 0.633/( 1000× 0.96) +0

34、.68× 9302/(×5) =1.76kw大車運行機構(gòu)1/( 2× 1.7)× 1.01 × 106×(0.006+0) +0 × 0.8/( 1000× 0.96) +5.28× 9302/(×6) =2.25kwPn=5.5kw 1.76kw (小車)Pn=7.5kw 2.25kw (大車)大、小車運行機構(gòu)電動機過載校驗通過 發(fā)熱驗算 穩(wěn)態(tài)平均功率PS=GPG ( w+mi) +Pwi × VY/( 1000· m· )其中G根據(jù)GB/T3811附錄W 取為級

35、別G2(小車)G3(大車)則 G=0.8(小車)G=0.8 (大車)CZ=150(小車)CZ=150 (大車)則小車運行時間PS=0.85.2 × 105×(0.006+0) +0× 0.633/ ( 1000產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重

36、機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論× 1× 0.96) =1.78kw大車運行時間PS=0.81.01 × 106×(0.006+0) +0 × 0.8/ ( 1000× 2×0.96) =2.43kw 查 GB/T3811 附錄 V可知:YZR160M1-6 電動機的允許輸出功率:Fc25% CZ=150 時 P=5.83kw (小車)YZR160M2-6 電動機的允許輸出功率Fc25% CZ=150 時 P=7.84kw (大車)由以上計算P S=1.78 P=5.83kw

37、(小車)P S=2.43 P=7.84kw (大車)大、小車運行機構(gòu)的電動機發(fā)熱驗算通過。3. 減速機的選擇根據(jù)運行速度可推知減速機速比小車V= Dn/i38.15= × 0.5 × 930/i i=37.9大車V= Dn/i58.78= × 0.8 × 930/i i=40.17產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafe

38、tyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論根據(jù)以上計算結(jié)果選擇小車運行機構(gòu)減速機為ZSC600 i=37.9其允許輸入功率P=14kw( 25%)則 PM5=8.62kw P=14kw小車運行減速機合適。選擇大車運行機構(gòu)減速機為ZQ500i=40.17其允許輸入功率P=12.7kw ( Fc25%)則 PM5=8kw P=12.7kw大車運行減速機合適。4. 制動器的選擇制動器所需要的總制動力矩:MZ=1/t Z(1.2 ×GD2·n·m)/37

39、5+0.975 ×(Qq+G)×V2· /n小車運行機構(gòu):MZ=1/5 1.2 ×0.68 ×930 ×1/375+0.975×( 50467+11000 )×0.633 2× 0.96/930 =6.3kg · m=62N · m產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書spring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of prod

40、uctionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論故選擇制動器YWZ-200/25 M e=200N· m合適大車運行時間MZ =1/6 1.2 ×5.46 ×930 ×2/375+0.975×( 50467+53000 )×0.82× 0.96/930 =17.2kg · m=170N · m故選擇制動器YWZ-200/25 M e=200N· m合適四 . 主

41、梁1. 受力分析根據(jù)GB/T3811 按第種載荷組合進行計算主梁所受的載荷主要有自重載荷,起升載荷和水平載荷 小車自重為5GXC=11000× 9.8=1.05 × 105N 半橋架自重為1/2Gqi =15000× 9.8=1.27 × 105N 起升載荷為Qq=50000× 9.8=4.9 × 105N 半橋架慣性載荷41/2PHQJ=0.15 × 15000× 9.8=2.21 × 104N產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書Delegates,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spr

42、i ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013 -workshop,full back i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deration.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er

43、companie sadheretothe party's 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safety situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt,

44、 busi ness ma nagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey ondthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca

45、pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.No personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,no

46、major fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safetyforthre econsecutiveyearsto mai ntain sta bilityto g ood posture.Busi nessfi nancialindicat ors:total profits of255milli onYuan, beyond t hea nnualbudget of207million Yuan,beyondt heData ng companyindex41.89 millionYuan,a n incre

47、ase of1.76mil lion Yua n,FCM a ssessment atgrade four.-Energy: power supply standard coal compl eting312.25 g/k Wh, down 0.1 g /kWh;integrate dauxiliary powerconsumpti on ratio in 5.12%, dow n 0.26%; pollutantemis sions performancegrea tly reduce d compare dto lastyea r, carbon 0.09 g /kWh,sulfur di

48、oxide 0.104 g /kWhNOx0.512 g/kWh; dust removaefficiency of more t han 99.8%.-Relia bilityindex: equivale nt availabilityfact orin 93.47%,increase d 7.95% from ayearearlier.Equivalentforced outage rate 0.08%,0.16%re ductionoverthe same peri oda yearearli er.Majorachievement s: first,we shoul da dhere

49、tot hetwo "manage mentsystem" basis, stre ngthe ningtechnologi calresear ch, strengthe nhi dden ha zards controlandintrinsic safety Enterprise construction took newste ps. -The tw o "managementsystem" for improvement. Focus onpr omotingthe powerofthecompa ny managementsystem a nd

50、theapplicati ona nd implementati on ofthe safety loop five-starmanagementsystem,improvethesafety management system,realize thesystem ofsafetycontrol.Further regulatesecurityroutine s,safetysupervisi on a ndmanag ement netw orkrole to playtoachieve closed -loop. Stre ngtheningthe supervisi on a nd ma

51、nagement of ha bitualvi olationof, strengthening t he safety supervisi on ofoutsourci ngcontract ors.Carried out inspring a nda utumn ofsecurity inspecti ons,floodcontrol a nd i nspecti on,safetypr oduction mont h, daysupervision of productionsafetyand theOlympic Games andother產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-02

52、4規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論 小車慣性載荷4 PHXC=0.15 × 11000× 9.8=2.12 × 104N 動載系數(shù)2 2=1+0.71V=1.052. 強度計算 移動載荷產(chǎn)生的彎矩:移動載荷P= 2· q+1/2GXC=1.05 × 4.9× 105+1/2× 2.74× 105=6.71 × 105跨中產(chǎn)生的最大彎矩Mmax=( 1/4) P· L=( 1/4)×6.71 × 105× 28500=2.77 × 10

53、9N· mm 固定載荷產(chǎn)生的彎矩產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論橋架自重屬于均布載荷則 q=( 1/2Gqi) /28500=5.7N/mm跨中產(chǎn)生的最大彎矩M max=( 1/8 ) qL2=( 1/8)×5.7 × =1.89× 108N· mm 小車慣性載荷產(chǎn)生的彎矩當(dāng)小車位于跨中時大車起制動慣性載荷在主梁上產(chǎn)生則跨中最大彎矩Mmax=( 1/4 )×PHXC· L=2.2× 108N· mm 橋架慣性載荷產(chǎn)生的彎矩橋架慣性載荷作用

54、于主梁上為均布載荷產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書產(chǎn)品名稱通用橋式起重機產(chǎn)品編號2009-024規(guī)格型號QD50/10-28.5A5合同號計算內(nèi)容結(jié)論q28500則 q=( 1/2PHQJ) /28500=1.34N/mm跨中產(chǎn)生的最大彎矩Mmax=( 1/8 ) qL2=( 1/8 )×1.34 × =4.56× 107N· mm 主梁截面特性選取主梁截面如下圖所示慣性矩:IX=( 6 × 17003/12 )×2+20× 700 × 2 × 8502=2.51 ×1010mm4產(chǎn)品設(shè)計計算書Delegates

55、,staff: Hell o! inthe r un-uptot he Spri ng Festival,we held one session offourstaffrepresentativesConference2013 -workshop,full back i n2012,careful analy sis ofthecurr ent sit uation,discuss2013 development plans.Here,onbehalf of my company2013w ork reports tothe Ge neralAssembly,for consi deratio

56、n.PillarI, 2012ba ckin 2012, XX pow er companie sadheretothe party's 17great spiritfor guidance, comprehe nsivelyimpleme ntthe scie ntificconcept ofdevel opment, prom oting cost-lea dership strategy, standards,focuson impl ementation, lea nmanagem ent, continuously impr ove,sm ooth present safet

57、y situati on ofenterpri se manageme nt, busi ness ma nagementa nd contr olscientific a nd standardize d,and thede dicati on ofstaff,managea harmoni ousand dem ocraticatmosphereofthe good situation.Mai nindicat orsare asfoll ows:-t he battery i ndicat or: powerge nerationtotaled7.815billionk Wh,bey o

58、ndthe a nnualbudget impl ementation ca pacity of315million k Wh, an increase of757mil lion kWh.Salestotaled 7.425 billion k Wh,exceedi ng sale s of330 million kWhtheannual Exe cutive budget,ani ncrea se of729 million k Wh.-S ecurity measures: unplanned outages2.5times.No personali njury a cci dent occurre d, no majoraccide ntand above,nomajor fireacci dent swithoute nvironmental polluti on accide nts,safe


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