1、第14卷第4期紡織高?;A(chǔ)科學學報2001年12月BASI C SC IENCES JOURNAL OF TEXT I L E UN IVERSIT IES3教學研究3. 14, N o . 4V o l D ec . , 2001淺談英語寫作中句式的多樣化朱銘(江蘇石油化工學院外語系, 江蘇常州213016關(guān)鍵詞:英語寫作; 句式; 表達形式中圖分類號:H 315文獻標識碼:B 文章編號:100628341(2001 0420367203句式就是句子的結(jié)構(gòu)方式, 也就是句子的式樣或格式. 不同的思想內(nèi)容要用不同的句式來表達; 而同一思想內(nèi)容也可以用不同的句式來表達. 句式不同, 表達的效果也
2、就不同. , 文章才會生動有趣, 充滿活力. 可是, 在實際寫作中, 句, 文章單調(diào)乏味, 毫無生氣. 筆者認為, , 增強表達效果, 下面介紹幾種常用的方法.1, 如Peop le , W e , I ,. 但這種開頭見多了, 難免讓人厭倦. 試比較:H e , T hey , (A W e w ill never fo rget th is lesson .(B T he lesson w ill be firm ly roo ted in ou r m inds .(A Peop le th roughou t the coun try have greatly dem anded al
3、l k inds of nu triti ou s foods . (B T here is a great dem and acro ss the coun try fo r all k inds of nu triti ou s foods .很顯然, (B 句是變化后的句子, 第一句改用非人稱名詞作為主語開頭, 第二句則用there +be 句型開頭. 這樣既改變了主語+謂語+賓語的單調(diào)句型, 又把想強調(diào)的意思突出地呈現(xiàn)出來. 實際上, 為了把文章寫得生動活潑, 除了用主語開頭外, 還可以用句子的其它成分開頭.(1 用副詞開頭. Too often , studen ts stray i
4、n to the hab it of cheating on tests(2 用同位語開頭A ir , w ater and oxygen , everyth ing is necessary fo r life .(3 用狀語開頭D ark and em p ty , the hou se looked very differen t from the w ay I rem em bered it .(4 用表語開頭Equally essential to the highest success in learning a language are intense interest p lu
5、s persistent effo rt . (5 用賓語開頭M y advice you w ou ld no t listen to ; m y help s you laughed at . N ow you w ill have w hat you asked fo r .收稿日期:2001210217作者簡介:朱銘(19662 , 女, 四川省內(nèi)江市人, 江蘇石油化工學院高級講師, 從事應(yīng)用語言學與英語教學工作. (6 以短語修飾語開頭以介詞短語開頭To m e the new s w as very in teresting , bu t to m y w ife very bo
6、ring .以分詞短語開頭D istu rbed by the disco rd of Am erican life in recen t decades , M enchester took fligh t fo r the. Pacific islands以不定式短語開頭To p ass the exam , you shou ld w o rk very hard .2巧用連接詞有的學生在作文中用的簡單句太多, 成了簡單句堆砌; 有的寫復(fù)雜句時, 動輒就用so , and , then ,刻板. 為了避免這些bu t , o r , how ever , yet 等, 非但達不到豐富表達
7、方式的目的, 反而使句子結(jié)構(gòu)松散、現(xiàn)象, 可以通過使用連接詞, 尤其是一些表示從屬關(guān)系的連接詞, 如w ho , w h ich , that , becau se , since , although , after , as , befo re , w hen , w henever , if , un less , as if 等, 不僅能夠豐富句型, 而且還能夠把思想表達得更清楚、意義更連貫. 例如:N atu ral resou rces are very li m ited . T hey w ill be the It t true . B u t it becom es a m
8、 aj o r concern over the w o rld . T h is a ted 文中都用簡單句表達, . 如果使用連接詞, 將單句與其前后合并, 、結(jié)構(gòu)嚴謹:It is is a m aj o r concern over the w o rld fo r the exhau sti on of li m ited in the near fu tu re , though it is un likely to be true .再如:T he M ississi pp i R iver is one of the longest rivers in the w o rld ,
9、 and in sp ring ti m e it often overflow s its bank s , and the lives of m any p eop le are endangered .此句and 把三個分句一貫到底, 既乏味又可笑. 如果使用了連接代詞w h ich , 語義就會更連貫, 語言就更流暢:T he M ississi pp i R iver , w h ich is one of the longest rivers in the w o rld , often overflow s its bank s in the sp ring ti m es ,
10、endangering the lives of m any p eop le .3長短句交叉長句和短句是就字數(shù)多少、形體長短而言的. 長句和短句各有其優(yōu)點和缺點. 長句, 因為使用的定語、狀語較多, 限制了概念的外延, 增大了概念的內(nèi)涵, 所以比較精確、嚴密, 但使用起來不夠活潑簡便. 短句, 由于字數(shù)少, 直截了當, 一般比較簡潔、明快、有力, 但不利于表達復(fù)雜的語義內(nèi)容. 在具體語言活動中, 最好長短句交替使用. 這既體現(xiàn)了節(jié)奏上的要求, 也是意義上的需要. 例如:(1 W e can i . (2 T here are m any trees along the streets . m
11、 agine the beau tifu l su rroundings(3 T here is a clean river in the city . (4 T here are m any fishes in the river . (5 T here are w illow trees on the one side . (6 T here are som e p ieces of grassland on the o ther side . (7 T here are m any flow ers on them .文中7個句子都是簡單句, 句型結(jié)構(gòu)單一, 而且句子長短同一, 都是七八
12、詞左右, 十分單調(diào). 下面是修改后的段落:(1 Ju st i m agine the beau tifu l su rroundings if w e have m ade ou r cities greener . (2 Green trees line the streets . (3 A clean river w inds th rough the city , in w h ich a lo t of fishes abound . (4 O n the. (5 O n the o ther side lies a stretch of grassland sp rink led
13、w ith one side stand row s of w illow treesm any yellow and red flow ers . (3 和(5 , 也有短句(2 和(4 , 一長一短, 抑揚頓挫的節(jié)奏感就出改寫后的這段文字, 有長句(1 、來了. 不僅句子長短交叉, 而且句型結(jié)構(gòu)變化也很大, 使文章流暢自然、生動活潑.4利用倒裝結(jié)構(gòu)英語的基本句型是S +V +O , 如果偶爾打破常規(guī), 改變某一成分的位置, 不僅可以豐富句型, 而且能強調(diào)、突出被倒裝的部分, 收到意想不到的表達效果. 例如:(1 can one find such en thu sias m fo r ap
14、p lying fo r ho sting the 2008O lym p ic Gam es .(2 the m aj o rity of p eop le w ill never lo se .5利用修辭手段(1 松散句(L oo se Sen tence 松散句的主要信息較早出現(xiàn), 隨后附加修飾語和補充細節(jié), 語氣比較隨便. 例如:T hen the f orlorn be w ild er m en t of it struck m e ; fo r there w e w ere m ade to o ther go ing in one directi on to the w om
15、 en s w ard and w e in ano to .(2 尾重句(Peri odic Sen tence , 尾, 使其得到充分強調(diào). 例如:U n less p aren ts as s m all bab ies , un less they resp ect their p rivacy r and un less they try to understand their feelings and though g g ap w on t be na rro w ed ., 直到最后主句的出現(xiàn), 句子的全部意思才清晰, 才知道作用要講的是什么.(3 漸進句(Cum u lati
16、ve Sen tence 漸進句是由基礎(chǔ)句式引出以后, 然后再從整體到局部, 從一般到個別, 通過修飾語(通常是以獨立結(jié)構(gòu)和分詞短語形式出現(xiàn) 進一步加以說明. 基礎(chǔ)句的位置通常在句首, 但也可能根據(jù)具體情況放到兩個修飾語之間或幾個修飾語的最后面. 例如:T he f a ll cam e ea rly tha t y ea r , the trees tu rn ing bare overn igh t , their yellow leaves scattered by. the w indsT heir hair m u ssed , their clo thes w rink led ,
17、 their eyes du ll and half 2shu t , they had the look of the recen tly sick .(4 重復(fù)通過對一些關(guān)鍵性的詞、詞組或某一結(jié)構(gòu)有意識、有目的的加以重復(fù), 以加深讀者對這些強調(diào)部分的印象, 也是增加句式變化的一個重要手段. 例如:T here are 100candidates com p eting fo r j ob s in j o in t ven tu res w here they are very scarce , w h ile there is on ly one app lying fo r a schoo l w here ten teachers m igh t be needed .H e can exp erience the reality of by know ing and being 例結(jié)構(gòu)的對稱反映了兩種傾向的對立. 例三次重復(fù)h i m self 這一個詞, 表面上似乎有些羅嗦, 實際上非常有力, 暗示了實現(xiàn)個人價值、個人抱負的重要性.值得一提的是, 在學生作文中有時出現(xiàn)一種簡單的、只能說明是缺乏思考的詞語重復(fù)現(xiàn)象. 這種重復(fù)非但不能加強語言的節(jié)奏感, 反而會使人感到枯燥、單調(diào). 如:M y s
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