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1、Teach ing Desig nNameHuang Zhon gweiSchoolJia n gsu Provi nee Yan gzh ong SeniorMiddle SchoolTitleBorn to winAn alysis on teach ingmaterialsThis is an En glish essay on the topic of Win.From the essay we know that eachhuma n being is born with the capacity to win at life and each has his own potenti

2、al to be a winn er. Thefirst paragraph in troduces the theme of the essay and in the sec ond paragraph the defi niti on ofwinner is give n and the follow ing six paragraphs show us differe nt features winners possess. Ingeneral, this piece of reading material is rather difficult for stude nts to un

3、dersta nd, not only becausethere are many new words for them but some phrases and expressi ons are also hard to comprehe nd.An alysis on lear n ersStude nts are from Grade 2. Theye mastered some basic skills of En glish read in g,liste ning and speak ing. But the new words in this readi ng material

4、will bring some difficulties for students to fully un dersta nd this essay. Moreover, students may be afraid to express their thoughts in publicin En glish so 1try my best to en couragethem to express their un dersta nding of win .Teach ing objectives(in cludi ng importa neeand difficulties)1.Kno wl

5、edge objective: to en able stude nts to comprehe nd this essay by liste ning, read ing anddiscuss ing.2.Ability objective: to en able stude nts to express their own un dersta nding of this topic by usingtheir own words.3. Moral objective: to en courage stude nts to realize that each of them is bor n

6、 with the capacity to winand each can be a winner of his or her life. Therefore, they should have their goals and thrive for themun til they become the winn ers of their lives.Teach ing strategiesgroup cooperative lear ningTeach ing aidsppt, liste ning material, a video clip, whiteboardTeachi ng Pro

7、ceduresStepsTimeTeachers activitiesStude nts activitiesPurposeLead- i n51. Get students to think about who theywant to tha nk most on Than ksgiv ing Day.2.Write the Chin ese character贏onthe whiteboard and getstude nts to guess the meanings of different parts of this word.1. Free talk about the pers

8、ontheyd like to tha nk most on Tha nksgivi ng Day.2. Guess the meanings of differentparts of贏”.In troduce the topicofthisreadingmaterial.Backgro und introduct ion2In troduce some backgro und in formati onabout the book and the authors to the studen ts.Have a brief kno wledge of thebackgro und.Backgr

9、o und introduct ionListe ning andappreciati on41. Play the recording of the essay.2.Ask students to catch”as many wordsas they can.1. Liste n to the record ing.2. Speak out the words or phrasesthey remembered duri ng the listening.Practice listening skillText structure5Ask studentsto divide the essa

10、yinto 3 parts and find the main ideaof each part.1. Divide the essay into 3 parts.2. Find the main idea of each part.Get stude nts tograsp the structureof the essay and themai n idea of eachpart.Group work20Divide students into 3 groups and ask eachgroupto read 2paragraphs and finish the follow ing

11、tasks:Task1: Un derli ne the key sentenceineachparagraphTask2:Find outyour favoritesentence orthesentence which touches your heart mostWhatshould you do whe n you want to winaccord ing to each paragraph, ?1. Group discussi on2. Come to the front to underl ine the topic sentence on PPTand give some b

12、rief expla n atio ns.3. Share the favorite sentence withthe class.1. Detailed reading.2. Practice stude nts oral En glish3. Find out thefeatures of wi nners.Free talk3Ask stude n ts:1. Who is a winner in your mi nd?Free talk about the winnerIn troduce thetopic of NickVujicic”2、Give some examples.1.

13、Play the video clip1 .Watch a video clipGet students2. Ask several questions aboutabout Nick Vujicic,to realize evenstudents feelings about the2.Compare Nick Vujicicdisabled manvideo.with themselves so as tocan be aConsohdati on6,3. Encourage them to build thedraw the conclusion thatwinner of life,confidence to be the winner ofeveryone can be a winnerwhy can 1the


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