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1、SADM 5/ed -CASE STUDY 3 -Milestone 5: Process ModelingP age: 5-4Prep ared by Gary B. Rando Iph forSystems Analysis & Design Methods 5edby J. L. Whitten, L. D. Bentley, & K. C. DittmanCop yright Irwin/McGraw-Hill 2001MILESTONE 5-P ROCESS MODELINGSynop sisrocess modeli ng is a tech nique for o

2、rga nizing and docume nti ng the structurePand flow of data through a system' s processes and/or the logic, policies, an(procedures to be impiemented by a system' IrstprocmitestBne wefocus on using and con struct ing data flow diagrams (DFDs) anddeco mp ositi on diagrams to p erform pr ocess

3、 modeli ng.Data flow diagrams are tools that dep ict the flow of data through a system and the work or p rocess ing p erformed by that system. A deco mp ositi on diagram is a DFD planning tool that shows the top-dow n fun cti onal deco mp ositi on and structure of a system.During this milest one you

4、 will first con struct a con text diagram to establish project scope and boun daries. Second, you will draw aun cti onal deco mp ositi on diagram to p artiti on the system into logical subsystems an d/or fun cti ons. Third, you will draw eve nt deco mpo siti on diagramsto model in dividual p rocesse

5、s. Fin ally, you will con struct asystem data flow diagram that shows the big picture of the system, and a p rimitive data flow diagram for a sin gle eve nt pr ocess.ObjectivesAfter comp let ing this milest one, you should be able to:Con struct a con text diagram to illustrate a system en vir onment

6、.Ide ntify exter nal and tempo ral bus in ess eve nts for a system. Logically group eve nts to create a fun cti onal deco mpo siti on diagram.'s in terfaces with itsCreate eve nt diagrams.Merge eve nt diagrams into a system data flow diagram.Draw approp riate p rimitive data flow diagrams.P rere

7、quisites1. Process modeling -Chapter 82. Optional: Milestone 3 or 4 solutionAssig nmentAs a systems an alyst or kno wledgeable en d-user, you must lear n how to draw deco mp ositi on and data flow diagrams to model bus in ess p rocess requireme nts. The p relimi nary inv estigati on and p roblem an

8、alysis p hases of the methodology have bee n completed and you understand the current system' s strengths, weaknesses,limitati ons, pr oblems, opportun ities, and con stra in ts. As part of a requireme nts an alysis p hase, you have already built the data model (Milest ones 3 and 4) to docume nt

9、 bus in ess data requireme nts for the new system. You now n eed to build the corres ponding p rocess models.ActivitiesDraw a Con text Diagram using the acco mpanying n arrative.Give n the acco mpanying use-case (eve nt/res pon se) matrix, draw thFun cti onal Deco mpo siti on Diagram.Give n your dec

10、o mpo siti on diagram from above and the use-case matrix, draw Eve nt Deco mpo siti on Diagrams. Your in structor will tell you which ones to draw.Use your data model from milest ones 3 and 4 as an attribute refere nee. Also, state any assu mp ti ons you make.Merge your eve nt diagrams from #3 above

11、 into aSystem DiagramFor all tran sacti on p rocesses described in the acco mpanying n arratives, draw the Primitive Data Flow Diagram .Deliverable format and software to be used are accord ing to your in structor sp ecificati ons. Deliverables should be n eatly p ackaged in a bin der, sep arated wi

12、th a tab divider labeled“ Milest one 5.” pleted Data Model Solution from Milestone 4Context Diagram NarrativeExhibit 5.1Compl eted Use-Case (or Event-Res ponse) ListExhibit 5.2P rimitive Diagram Narrative(s)Exhibit 5.3Deliverables:Context Diagram:Due:Time:Functional Decom po

13、sition Diagram:Due:Time:Event Decom po sition Diagrams:Due:Time:System Diagram:Due:Time:P rimitive Diagram(s):Due:Time:ALTERNATIVE OP TIONDraw use-case diagrams using the object-oriented analysis notation described in Module A. For the use-cases (sp ecified by your instructor), draw approp riate act

14、ivity diagrams or state models.Use-cases:Due:/ /Time:Activity diagrams and state models:Due:/ /Time:Milestone' s Po int Value:SADM 5/ed -CASE STUDY 3 -Milestone 5: Process ModelingP age: 5-5Exhibit 5.1Use the followi ng n arrative to con struct the Con text Diagram for the Pinn acle P ublishi ng

15、 sales and book track ing systemThe purp ose of the sales and book track ing system is to pro vide a sin gle cen tral rep ository of all in formatio n about sales leads, books in p rocess, and books for sale. The Sales Dep artme nt will en ter new authors to the system as they gather leads from vari

16、ous sources. In res pon se, the system can p roduce maili ng labels for sending in formati on to authors. As sales people en ter in formati on on their phone calls, the system will gen erate recall lists to hel p the sales people schedule their calls. Man ageme nt wants to get a sales p erforma nee

17、report from the system.“shepherd ”O(jiān)nce a sales person sells a p ublishi ng con tract to an author and the author sends in a manu scri pt, the P roducti on Dep artme nt will create a book record to track the book through the p roducti on p rocess. Each book will be assig ned a who will oversee the p

18、roduct ion p rocess for that book. The system will p rovide the she pherd with a list of the status of each of his or her books each day. Whe n the she pherd sees that a task has bee n fini shed for a book, the she pherd will assig n ano ther task and select the tech ni cia n to comp lete that task.

19、 The system will com muni cate that assig nment to the tech nician via e-mail. Tech nicians will en ter up dated in formatio n to the system as they comp lete their tasks. The system will also out put in formati on daily from the database to a self-service web site where authors can check on the sta

20、tus of their books. As the book comes to p ress, p roduct ion people will en ter in formati on about pro moti ons being don e, ISBN, and other in formati on.The Sales Dep artme nt continues to work with authors who have submitted books to sell them various pro motio nal op ti ons. The P roducti on D

21、ep artme nt fulfills those op ti ons.For books that are p ublished, the system n eeds to p ull sales in formatio n from several exter nal e-commerce web sites. This in formatio n will be used by the Acco unting Dep artme nt to gen erate royalty rep orts to use to pay authors.Exhibit 5.2Below is a Us

22、e-Case list for the major p rocesses of the system. To kee p the assig nmentsimple, all“ maintenance ” events, such as adding new salespeople, tasks, and technicianshave bee n igno red.ActorEve nt (or Use-Case)TriggerResponsesSalesAdd authorCon tact comes in by phone, direct mail res pon se, etc.Cre

23、ate Author in databaseGen erate author maili ng labelsSalesUp date call in formatio nSales callsRecall ListsSalesSell a pro moti on op ti onSales callsCreate new P romoti on Sale in databasePr oducti onAdd book to the pr oducti on pr ocessMan uscri pt comes in from authorCreate Book in databasePr od

24、ucti onUp date book in formati onComp leted pro moti ons andISBN registrati onsUp date Book in formati on(time)Mon itor status of book pr oducti onDailyGen erate Book Status Rep ortsBook “ Shepherd ”Make new assig nmentDecisi on by Book “ Shepherd ”Up date Task Work in formatio n in databaseSend e-mail to tech ni cia nTech ni cia nComp lete assig nmentDoes workUp date Task Work in formatio n in databaseMan ageme ntMon itor sales p erforma neeUpon Req


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