1、隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿一. 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):(重難點(diǎn))1.重點(diǎn)單詞:correct, method, force2. 重點(diǎn) 短語: look intodo an experimentfillwith coverwith turnupside downtakeoff be colledscientific methodbe sure of theforce of the air3.重點(diǎn)句型:1I think the cardboard will hold the water.2The force of the air keeps the water in the jar.3It is stro
2、ng eno ugh to hold the water .二. 預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué):(學(xué)一學(xué))(一)自讀課文,找出文中重點(diǎn)單詞,短語,句型,并用紅筆畫出自己不理解的句子。(二)再讀課文,完成LetDo it第2題。(三) 根據(jù)根據(jù)課文內(nèi)容填空課文內(nèi)容填空,What kinds of experiments have you done science class?.Danny, Jenny and Brian are_ _ the lab.* Then I _ the jar_ down and takemy handthe card board.* Can you guess what will?*
3、Thatsthe scientific method.,根據(jù)根據(jù)首字母首字母或漢語提示完成單詞或漢語提示完成單詞1.(擔(dān)礎(chǔ)題)Let s do eand sec whatwill happen.2. The f_ of rhe air will keep the water inthe jar*3* My English teach 亡 rl teaching tnisgry new,4. What you said is_ (正確的).5* . f 頃倒the milk into the glass* anddrink it.三. 合作交流議一議:(一)合作交流預(yù)習(xí)情況,組內(nèi)解決自己存在的問
4、題。過。(四)探究學(xué)習(xí)以下知識點(diǎn)。亂 There are many _ giving a speech at theparty,4” The_study will show us the reason*5. If he_ the bottle d(把_倒過來人* the water will pour out*/(Its very hot today. Why not take your coat_A. outB. offL away7.飛機(jī)在一小時后起飛。fhe plane will _ in anhour.& You are c_fand Jims answer is wrong.
5、()9. His spelling is not right Who can_ itfor him?九 correct K make C. turn九 年級 班 姓名:科目:英語課題:Lesson 25 LetDo an Experime nt課型:展示課(二)細(xì)讀課文,回答Letdo it第1題中的問題。(三)小組合作,結(jié)合LetDo it第2題,復(fù)述式驗經(jīng)1 change1. More and mare police bEgan to lookL_ _ the accident,science2. My favourite subject at school _ _tits very in
6、teresting.D. to隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:10.Mum, is our supper r_?Yestdear. You must be very hungry,()1L As a good childf we should be ready_others* A. to艮 forG to helpD+for help12.在岀發(fā)前,我們應(yīng)準(zhǔn)備好一切.We should_ before we leave13* Our physics teacher said the f. of the air is verystrong,()14. ItTs no
7、t good to_ other_ the thingsthey dont lik巳A. make, to doR forces to doQ getTdoD. force* do15.我們應(yīng)該盡力讓動物呆在森林里。We should try our best to_ the animah _ theforest四.課堂檢測(小試牛刀做一做)一離一離根據(jù)提示完成詞匯。根據(jù)提示完成詞匯。1, Whose answer do you think is cJimior Mary I?2* A good learning m_ is very important toust3. Have you fe
8、lt the f _from the strong wind?4. What can you c_fromthe experiment?5. When will they begin to do the s_ research?隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿二,單項選擇R hatD. dress)2.武漢市中*)18 Jim in the office?一 Nohe_to the dinning tialLA, goesR would goC has goneD had gone)3-(武漢市中 Honey,stay home before 1return* I _ , mutruA* mus
9、tB. canC. willD. should()4- 一 Morning,class. Is _ here? No* sir* Tom isnft here,A- anybodyBLeverybodyC nobodyD.somebody(5 Im very sorry. 1 broke your tea cup,A- It docsnft matterB. You*d better notC Take it easyD+It * s too hardH.用所給詞的適當(dāng)形式填空6+The force is strong enough(hold) thewater,7, lr s do some
10、 interesting _(experiment:)/8, The floor will get _ (wet).9, Danny_(conclude) that the air is strongerthan he thought.10. We can use(science) method to provewho s right*nr按要求做題1 h(易蠟:題)The girl has never seen that experiment. (完成反意疑問句)The girl has never seen that exptnmcntt712. People fill the hole
11、ivith sea water.(改 為同 義句)The hyle_ sea water13,1 think Danny should put on Ins raincoats (改為 否定句)I _ think Danny _ put on hisrstincoat.I 4.(重點(diǎn)題)The air pressure is strong enough to hold the water in the jar(改為同覽句) The air pressure isstrongitcan hold the water in the jiar,15. He is taller than any ot
12、her student tn our class* (改為同義句) lie isstudent in our class.I .單項選擇1. The box is heavy. It is filled :milk*A, inB. withC. ofD. by2* S ofhuman beings.第 G題判斷正課表示正確,“F表玉銷 誤八第7題憲成句子;第 8題簡略回答問題,第 9 題 找出并寫下第二段的主題句*第 10題將文中畫線句 子翻譯成漢語亠6. Corriputers are always good far us. 7. Searching for information onli
13、ne is very_ .8. Why do computers play an important role in our life?9._10,_隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九 年級 班姓名:科目:英語課題:Lesson 26 Keep the can dle Burni ng課型:展示課審核:王小梅組名:.學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):(重難點(diǎn))合作交流議一議:1.重點(diǎn)單詞:match組內(nèi)交流預(yù)習(xí)情況,解決存在的問題。2.重點(diǎn)短語: a buri ng can diekeepdoinguseupone fifthit第1題。3.重點(diǎn)句型:Let the can dle burn for two or th
14、ree minu tes.As the can dle burn s, it uses the oxyge n in the air.Because about one fifth of the air is made up of oxyge n.二.預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué):(學(xué)一學(xué))(一)自讀課文,找出文中重點(diǎn)單詞,短語,句型,試著翻譯,并用紅筆畫出自己不理解的句子。(二)一檄據(jù)首寧母或漢語提示完成單詞6. How much _f 氧氣)Moes a man need?7* I used a m_ to light the candle.& Can you pict ure?9. 呂 ci 亡 n
15、ee isseeso(四)the candle h(有趣的)!10, You should keep the candle b(三).堆據(jù)漢語垃思完應(yīng)英語匂子E空氣中大約有五分之一的氟氣. There isabout _the air.in7.當(dāng)清燭停止燃燒的時候它已經(jīng)用完了空氣中所 有的氧氣。_ _ the candle stops _. it hasall the oxyg 亡 n in the air.&水面上屛了多少?does the water9 往盤字里裝二車昭水。 the dish half full16把蠟應(yīng)放在燭臺上口the candlewater.the candl
16、e holder.細(xì)讀課文,與同伴討論實驗過程。并完成Lets Do獨(dú)立完成LetDo it第2題,在班上展示。在小組內(nèi)用英語口述本課實驗經(jīng)過。探討學(xué)習(xí)下列知識點(diǎn):(五)L We usually use m_ to light the woodh2. The I . _ in the room is vgry daik You can turn the i .on.3* There are going to be two football Enext Sunday*()4, We don*t have any brothers_sisters.So we are alone;A. andK o
17、r()5,) 7+er butD. with_ How long will you stay in the countiy?_ about two months.A. InK AtG ForD+ OnLet the little boy_ _alone,1 know he need to be calm.A. to stay R stay mg -Letfs go oul for awalkA. ThatJs all rightC ThatJs right8.Iheenergy (能源) will beudayin the future.C. staysD. stayB. All rightD
18、. Rightup one&. Hve they run out of all the money?(改為同 義句Have they_ _ all the money?()10. They had to walk home after_A- use it upB* using it upC. use up itD. using up it主備人:李秀11- Four_ (five)of the people are working in the city.()12 _ of the children like hamburgers.A. Two threeKrIwo thirdQ Tw
19、o thirdsD* Second three13, Three q_ of the jobs are don by young people.軽羈14. Our vacation plan is m_ up of four parts.()15, Look! This kind of desk is mademetal andwood.A. ofB. up ofC, intoD. from四.課堂檢測(小試牛刀做一做)草項選擇Lof thepeople in the country are farmers*A* Two fiveC. Second fifth2. My ear stopped
20、me make itA.run;runC, runnings run3. I he book is madeis madeA, up ofC up ? from4. Ronht worry* She herselLcatcfully enough B. careful enough C* enough carefully D. enough careful5. Tn 1850 * about a third of the USA covered withforcts(森林)*A. wereB. has beenC. areD. wasB. Two fifthD. Two fifthsjust
21、now. Can you help again?Brun;runningD* running jrunningpaper and the paperwood.B. frotnjofD+offromisto take p&re of隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九年級 班姓名:科目:英語課題:Lesson 26 Keep the can die Burni ng課型:展示課 主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:.用方框中所給單詞或短語的適當(dāng)形式填空-駕 examinetfilltholdFuse up;matchL The teacherour homework and thenbegan
22、to have the class.2rThe candle holder is *11the caudle+3 When tHe candle stops burningit has all lhe oxyg 亡 n in the idr.4. The glass is_ with milk.5* Jlhere are two boxes ofon the table,、根據(jù)提示完成詞工。We have a box ofWhen did you(火柴)in the kitchen.(檢查)your body in the)3.)&.What shouldWEdo now? Pleas
23、e turn to page_theA. twelve j fifthG twelve fiveDa you knowHe is a dentist.A- where he is fromK where is he fromC what does he do1 what he isWhy are you walki 隅 so quickly; EHward?Therea talent show in ten mrpicture.twelfthfifthD+ twelfth Hiveexam?(H)of the air is oxygeaYou can go swimming_ (淺的)area
24、. Doyou have any candle(支托物)?nut總缶A” will haveB will beC. is going to haveD. are going to be、選詞井用其適當(dāng)形式填空look atUnlike most mums and dads my dad never says thingsthat make me feel 12* He is alwaysthere la give tne encouragemeTii and help. 空 I da wrong things,he always tells me what & rihl in a po
25、sitive way. For exampletif I am in 14, heoften tells me to open the books he bought me. Then heme tothf: 5 that can helpme with the problems I m facing. After that * we have a 16together.Even though Im not always a good kid, my dad 1_7shoutyor gets angry with me. know that hes 18 a day when 1 grow u
26、pand understand things in my life,I can see the reason that because he believes in 19twhatever 20 it is underhe is so positive isAnd he belivs thfitcontroL So we have5. About one、單項選擇哉)1. When is JayJs concert?three o1, How can we keep ourselves safe from a-It?sclocktemoon of July 18th.the af-buildi
27、ng?2* Threeof the students can go there onA. attin11 at i onD* in*onC On4in)2* What would you like to drink*girls?一_, please.A* Two glass of waterK Two glass of watersQ Two cups of teaDLTWOcups of teasvacatioru3* You can cut the apples into two 4* How many _ can you stand onone foot.5 Do you think E
28、nglish is very_?完涉填空The most positive (爍觀的 personI haveever seen is my dad!He is so positive that I do not 11 head ng a single word from himwhich isrelated (相關(guān)的)to hopelessness!nothing to worry about. Be positive!11. A. mindC like12. A, goodrich13. A. WhenC Before14. A.fear ”C. surprise15. A. titles
29、C. stories16. A. discussionC. meeting17. A. usuallyCFsometimes18. A. looking for 【 waiting for19. A., itselfC, himself20(A tnovesC. appearsBtkeepD+ remem berB. hxdD. poorB, UntilD. SinceB, troubleD.dangerB. ordersFX questionsB. practiceD- reviewB.亡 w亡 rDtneverB+worrying aboutD. thinking aboutB, myse
30、lfD+yoursejfB, happenDTdevelops自我評價:教師評價:日期:隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九 年級 班 姓名:科目:英語課題:Lesson 27 Pla net Da nny課型:展示課 主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:一. 學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):(重難點(diǎn))1.重點(diǎn)單詞:certa inly, uni ess, double2.重點(diǎn)短語:in the solar systemlook trougha tinycircle of lightturnaroundlook forbe worth doing even ifbelong tomore thanfive hun dred
31、 billi on (11)billi ons of (12) on other pla nets3.重點(diǎn)句型:1Try looking through the other end.2But I still cansee any stars or pla nets.3Well, it sworth a try, even if I donfind a planet.二. 預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué):(學(xué)一學(xué))(一)認(rèn)真讀課文,在文中畫出目標(biāo)中的重點(diǎn)單詞,短 語及句子并翻譯成漢語。(二)一根扌6, Danny is looking at the stars _ 通過)atelescope,7. The earth
32、 is a p_ of the sun.& The sun is one of the stars ni the ssyst em,9, I want to buy a dbed,10. The universe is a_謎辛神祕)*三. 合作交流議一議:(一)組內(nèi)預(yù)習(xí)交流預(yù)習(xí)情況。(二)再讀課文,完成Lets Do it第1題。(三)與同桌一起,分角色讀對話,并一起合作完成LetsDo it第3題。(四)探究學(xué)習(xí)下列知識點(diǎn)??键c(diǎn)一:1. across, through 2. on ethe other 3. end考點(diǎn)二:4. turn on打開turn off關(guān)掉turn dow
33、n調(diào)小turn up調(diào)大turn over翻轉(zhuǎn)turn around轉(zhuǎn)過身turn to轉(zhuǎn)向.考點(diǎn)三:5. if unless引導(dǎo)的條件狀語從句考點(diǎn)四:6. be worth t n .有.值得be worth doing值得做考點(diǎn)五:7. maybe, may be1, She is studying the solar system by looking t _ the telescope.()2, I have two bikes._ 泊 black,_is redA. one+otberK sotneTothersC. one, the otherD. somehe othets3,
34、Our school usually ends at 4*30* (改為同義句)Our school . . usually . . ._ at 4 出 0*At the eof lhe story, they had beaten the bad meruthe radiocould you _?A. turn it onH turn it upC turn on itD+ turn up it7, The boy turned aand said goodbye to us.耒占土(We won?t go on a picnic_ the weather is bad,A. if&
35、 unless C until D. before( 溝.You won1! make any ptegress 一 _ you work hard on it,A* ifB. unless G whenCl 山ETI0+I dont think the book is w _ &o much,()11. The activity is well worthpart in*幾 take R to take C. taking D. took13. M13. Maybe Jimisstrangeto thetnachina (改為同文旬Jim_ strange to the machin
36、e.四. 課堂檢測(小試牛刀做一做)I.2+of ynurSv3. We can see the stars far away through the t4. That7s really a big m _, we want to findit out*根據(jù)提示完成詞匯)5, Please turn _. the radio before you fall asleep.A. on且 offC ofD up)6, I cant hear the weather report onI wotit go on a picnic u . _ itw sunnytomorrow*How big is
37、your livingroom? -About d_ the size隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿乩 The earth is one of the planets in the s_system.、單頊選擇。()1. Show me your homework, Dave.SorryTMrs, Brown. I?ve_ it athome*A. missedK forgot tenC lostDi left隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九年級 班 姓名:科目英語課題:Lesson 27 Pla net Da nny課型:展示課主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:2,4*5.)2* Who ra
38、nof all in the sports 負(fù)問meeting?Hector did J think.A* fastB faster.從方框中選擇適當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~或短語填空倉 through;even ifidouble;unlessior 冬2 輕 X;.件 如、Q護(hù) t 脅、4MJ嗒AT;嚴(yán) G 皿產(chǎn)W - SC. the fastestD. more fast)3 W 半 all wnt to the einetn except youlast night. Why didnt you come?that movie twice.tk had watchedD. would watchBeca
39、use I _A. have watchedG was watching)4 Many trees _ _ery year. So the ;A. plantC. are planting)5* Helendo you know if Jim Ourparty?一 Sorry I donft know. If he willlet you know.A- comes, will comeB. will come, comesU cotne&T comesD. will camefwill come、選詞井用直適當(dāng)理式填空。_ along the streets v- airis ver
40、y fresh now,氐 are plantedIX pJantedothEr * tgy, my、big* 吧日忑 dWhy do you think science isNothing happenedthough he1 have two friends. One is in Class Four, thehis best.L She wont leave the TV set_the supperis an the table,2. You will be late for school_ you get upearly,3. The scientists walked_ the f
41、orest tostudy the rarest atiimaL4. Hurry upj _ _ we wont catch the early bus.5* He bought abed yesterday,”根據(jù)首字母融聶痕示完成句子6+1 wanlTO_發(fā)現(xiàn))a new planet,7+The story refers to a_ 秘密)in her pust.8+Do you want a single room or a d_room?9.Have you ever looked at stars thravigh atat night?10. If the sun 営i_brig
42、htly, the weather isusually warm,H.用所給詞的適當(dāng)老式填空11” I will go to visit you unless itrain)tomorrow.12* Air is_ (heavy) thanWEthink.13* This piece of news is_(amazed).14, Please try_ (do) all your studies duringth亡 day.15. He said the book was worth _ (read).HacLis from Class Two*thanYour apple is much
43、myappleThis coat is blueTbut閱讀理解Ilans BtheThe late German-American physicist (物理學(xué) 家)Hans Bethe once described himself as the H-bomks midwifet 氫彈的半路妻子嚴(yán).He left Nazi Crermany in 1933fafter which he helpeddevelop the first atomic bomb原子 彈),and won the NoblePrie in Physics in 1976 for his contribution t
44、o the theory of nuclearreactions (核 反應(yīng))and advised controls over nuclear weapons (核武器)for the peaceful use of the nuclear energy.Francis CrirkThe Jate Francis Crick, one of Britainps most famous scientistswon the Nobel Prize in Pliyiology l 生理學(xué)呂 n 且 Medicine in 1962 He was be 畫 t known far his disco
45、very with James Watson and MauricieWilkinsfof the double helix trocturef 雙螺旋結(jié)構(gòu)of the DNA* thoughhe also mad-c important contributions in other fiehls;. He died in 2004+Peter HllSir Peter HalTs life in the theotre has seen him running the ArtsTbeatrefounding the Royal Sbakespeare Company when he was
46、only 29+ aLtid directing the National Theati亡. He also directs Akenfieif forLondon Weekend Television and1nurt the Peter Hall CompanyPwhichhas 40 famous productions.11+ The above information is about _*A. famous physicists B, gret peopleQ great directionsD Nobel Prijse winners12, Francis Crick won t
47、he Nobc! Prize beforeyears of his death.A. 24B, 32C- 42D 4513!. Pe-ter HsJI founded the Royal Shakespeare Company st the age of_ .A. 29B. 39, C,42D 92.14.has 40productions all over theworld,A 亠 The Peter Hall CompanyB, The Royal Shakespeare CompanyC, The Arts TheatreD. The National Theatre15. Accord
48、ing co the passage . which of the following is right?A. Hans Bftthe won the Nobel Prize in Physics an 1962.EL Francis Crick was a faiiious physicist. he is _ ._(lie)*14* They(leave) for Beijing yesterday.15* The Mok liLtle gidlie) all night betweenhfe and death until her fever was gone.單項選擇1, (2013
49、*河北 咐考)Ifyou cant find the placet Iwill show youA. what it isB* what it wasC. where itD, where it was2* He didnhT knownext.A. what to doB. what to do itl: how tc doD. how do it3h()7.Notonlymy parentsbut aho mycousin _ying Chinese 曲已弱 now.A. likeR likes G liked D. is Lke主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:9. Her failure
50、(失敗)is r_to her AttitudeX) towardsstudying.10. 她的痛與那次事故有聯(lián)系Her pain _ _ the accident,.合作交流議一議:B exceptH andthe rnusiC) the whole movie is very gooiB ExceptD. And_ (不 Jt)sawa lotof(而且)learnt a lot(六)討論:吃轉(zhuǎn)基因食品好嗎?并完成一個小寫作。She has been to both Xinjiang and Tibet,(改為同義旬)She has been to_Xinjiang Tibet,隴縣城關(guān)
51、鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿IL在西方國家,我們通常把紅色與中國相聯(lián)系,In western countries, people usuaEly_China_the colour red,(五)合作探究,交流完成LetDo it第3題短文填空。隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九年級 班 姓名:科目英語四.課堂檢測(小試牛刀做一做)L卿方框中所給單詞或卿方框中所給單詞或短語的短語的適當(dāng)冊式填空適當(dāng)冊式填空孫 曲妙 Q漳 s 箱命&姑燈血血 9S 母 4 呦$I except for un the futurettaketbefbe related to ;&跡曲 R51心注謬*4*礎(chǔ)鼻靡
52、L Your Chinese homework is good_ _ _your handwriting*2. What would you like to be_ ?3. Cooking_us much time every day.4. Thi boy_that old manT5. Not only the students but also the teacheragainst the plan yesterday.IL扁據(jù)漢語意思亮成英語句子扁據(jù)漢語意思亮成英語句子6. 她不但會唱歌而且會跳舞口Sh can_ sing _7*她的毛衣和我的毛衣顏色一樣“Her sweater ism
53、ine,&他做的不能和他說的聯(lián)系起來,What he does canwhat he says,購一般來說,我可能會把大象和馬結(jié)合起來*_A might combine an elephantand a horseH10-請再慢點(diǎn)重復(fù)這個句子。Please _ _the$亡ntence more.課題:Lesson 29 DNA- The story of You課型:展示課E、單項選擇。()1, Anna, have you _seeti Chinafs Got Valent 毬中國達(dá)人秀防? Of coursej_ it lastweekend.A- neverseeK never
54、TsawC. ever, sawD. ever,have seen()2. Would you mind if I sing here?_ _ _ . Look at the sign. It saysuBeQuietA. Of course not R Better not C. Not at allD* 1 dont mind()3. Could you give me someonhow to learn English_? Sure. Praclice makes perfect* 扎 advice, goodK suggestionsgoodC* advice, well D sug
55、gestionTwell()4I called you last night, but there was noanswer. Oh Ja wnlk with my parent atthat time*A+ tookB. was takingC am takingF)- take()5, Im leaving for Switzerland next week,RA. Thatfs all rightB.Its # pleasureG Have a good timeD+ YouJre welcome主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:、完成句子$L生物體內(nèi) DNA 與生物的樣子有關(guān)口 The
56、DNA in_is _ ._ their looks,2._除了學(xué)校,那個小區(qū)是一個好地方*the school#that communityis a good place*M 天空中有成千上百億的星星口There are_ stars in the sky,氐科學(xué)家在未來將能改變我們的DNAQThe scientist will _change our DNA in the future.乩繚的手指與你的頭發(fā)有相同的 DNA.Your finger has theDNA_yourhair.詞并用苴適當(dāng)形式填空 oL Not everything on the Internet is _ fo
57、r us.2* 1 think music is _ interesting than art.3. 一 How many people are there in China? 1 here are about 1. 34* He is too short so that he isntto get theapples on the tree*5. The helmet can protect youfrom _ _ hurt,自我評價: _ 教師評價: _日期: _隴縣城關(guān)鎮(zhèn)中學(xué)“導(dǎo)學(xué)案”設(shè)計稿九 年級 班 姓名:科目:英語課題:Lesson 30 Scie nee Affects Us課型
58、:展示課主備人:李秀英審核:王小梅組名:.學(xué)習(xí)目標(biāo):(重難點(diǎn))1.重點(diǎn)單詞:affect, suggest, developme nt, discovery2.重點(diǎn)短語:do experimentsbe likecoverwithturn overtake offenjoy doingchange the world3.重點(diǎn)句型:The experime nt you did sounds in terest ing.I always wonder what life would be like without computers ormobile pho nes.二.預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué):(學(xué)一學(xué))(一
59、)自讀課文,圈出文中重點(diǎn)單詞,短語,結(jié)合課后 釋義及字、詞典理解其漢語意思,并試著掌握其用法。(二)再讀課文,劃出自己不理解的句子。(三)完成LetDo it第2題。根據(jù)首字毋或漢語提示完成單詞1, There are many a- _ things in the world.2. We did an e_ in the science class yesterday.3* The scientists s _ that children shouldnot eat too much sugar ten years ago,4. The policeman rang to report hi
60、s new _【發(fā)現(xiàn)).5* All of us were _ (驚奇的)that such alittle girl spoke English so we IL ”楓據(jù)句意及首字母提示完成單詞乩 The goldfish can7 live w7. Science is interesting and it aeveryday lives.8* The experiment you did s9.1s_ you try ik10* Scientific _ are making ourlives betterand better三. 合作交流議一議:一)齊讀課文,處理預(yù)習(xí)導(dǎo)學(xué)遺留問題。精讀課文,理解課文大意,完成Letdo it第1題。(三)L I will give my mother a g
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