



1、孔擴(kuò)張理論研究及自鉆式旁壓試驗數(shù)值分析        旁壓試驗的基本原理是利用旁壓儀對鉆孔壁施加橫向均勻應(yīng)力,使孔壁土體發(fā)生徑向變形直至破壞,量測壓力和徑向變形的關(guān)系,或加壓使孔壁膨脹至某孔徑時做保持試驗,觀測超孔隙水壓力的消散過程,然后可根據(jù)試驗結(jié)果(壓力-體積曲線或超孔隙水壓力消散曲線)確定土體的物理力學(xué)性質(zhì)、區(qū)分土類及確定地基承載力等。其中,自鉆式旁壓試驗(SBPT)因具有擾動小、測試深度大等優(yōu)點(diǎn)成為確定土性參數(shù)有效的原位測試手段之一。在飽和軟黏土層中宜采用SBPT,但利用常用的步驟確定的黏土不排水剪切強(qiáng)度及








9、模型參數(shù)由土體流變試驗確定。分析發(fā)現(xiàn),土體的流變對超孔隙水壓力消散的影響,除了通過應(yīng)力松弛改變應(yīng)力水平而使超孔隙水壓力下降,還通過改變超孔隙水壓力的分布而改變固結(jié)速度??紤]流變使不同滲透系數(shù)時超孔隙水壓力消散過程差異變大。滲透系數(shù)越小,土體流變性對超孔隙水壓力的消散速度影響越明顯。以s_u=48kPa,I_r=156為例,在流變試驗確定的參數(shù)變化范圍內(nèi)進(jìn)行變參數(shù)計算,分析流變參數(shù)變化對超孔隙水壓力消散的影響Self-boring pressuremeter(SBPT) has been effectively utilized to determine in-situ properties o

10、f soils in terms of overcoming soil disturbance to a large extent,especially in saturated soft soil for determination of permeability characteristics and undrained shear strength.However,it is recognized that the undrained strength value and horizontal coefficient of consolidation derived from SBPT

11、are different from those obtained by good laboratory tests and other in situ tests.In order to find the reasons of inaccuracy,the possible factors are analyzed by using finite element methods and quantified by comparing with analytical solutions of cylindrical cavity expansion that are useful interp

12、retation methods which involves important assumptions about material behavior,pressuremeter geometry and drained conditions.Many other geotechnical engineering problems also rely on cavity expansion theory for analyzing,such as pile driving,CPT and anchor working mechanics. And the theory has been p

13、rogressively refined over the past years.Many research results indicate that it is important for study on cavity expansion theory to choose the reasonable yield criterion and to consider the strain-softening and shear dilatation behavior of geomaterials.Though achievements have been made on the theo

14、retical study,the cavity expansion in non-brittle softening and dilatant soil is in the stage of development.Thus the other purpose of this paper is to present cylindrical cavity expansion analysis in dilatant and elastic-plastic soil,taking non-brittle softening and dilatancy behavior of geomateria

15、ls,and the effect of intermediate principle stress on soil strength into account.The main investigations consist of the following portions:1,The current use of fundamental mechanics in developing rational interpretation methods for deriving soil properties from SBPT is reviewed,and the sources of in

16、accuracy and modified methods are analyzed and summarized.2,Considering the effects of intermediate principal stress on material yielding strength, SMP yielding criterion is selected in analysis of cylindrical cavity expansion.Meanwhile, combining Bolton's simplification on the stress-dilatancy

17、relationship and Bolton model to reflect soil shear dilatancy and strain softening behavior this paper analyzes the problem of cylindrical cavity expansion in typical quartz sand(Ottawa sand) by discretizing the plastic zone to determine stress field,strain field,limit cavity pressure,and variation

18、of friction angle, dilatancy angle and void ratio.It is noted that this analysis is applicable to cavity expansions from zero initial radius and finite initial radius simultaneously.The impacts of intermediate principal stress on cavity expansion are examined by comparing the present solutions with

19、results based on Mohr-Coulomb criterion.And the effects of initial state and critical friction angle on ratio of plastic radius,limit pressure,dilatancy etc.are explored.A set of charts have been provided for use in direct estimate of limit pressure and ratio of plastic to cavity radius as a functio

20、n of soil state(relative density and initial stress state) for soils with the similar properties to Ottawa sands.3、The extended spatial mobilization plane theory(SMP) is adopted in consideration of the effect of intermediate principal stress on soil shear strength.Damage softening parameter, taken a

21、s degradation grads of material mechanics capacity,is introduced to depict the soils softening behavior after yielding.Rowe's Stress-dilatancy equation in combination with cohesion degradation expression by damage softening parameter is rewritten.It can simultaneously consider the bonding compon

22、ent in dilatant response of elastic-plastic soils and softening behavior due to structure degradation for cemented soils during cavity expansion.The cavity expansion problem is formulated in small strain in the elastic zone and large strain in the plastic zone.Based on the extended SMP criterion and

23、 stress-dilatancy relation,the governing equations of axisymmetric problem in the plane strain condition and the partial differential equations for the boundary-value problem of cavity expansion in frictional cohesive soils are established.Solutions of radial and hoop stresses and strains around an

24、expanding cavity are obtained by recursive computations.The significance of consideration of the effect of intermediate principal stress is demonstrated by a comparative study between the present solution and current solution based on Mohr-Coulomb criterion. Also the influence of damage softening pa

25、rameter,cohesion and friction angle is examined by a parametric study.The proposed solution presented here can be of interest for the interpretation of pressuremeter tests or pushing-in piles carried out in cohesive-frictional materials under drained condition.4,Numerical simulations of self-boring

26、pressuremeter loading tests using ABAQUS are performed to assess the influence of limit length of SBP and strain range on undrained shear strength derived from pressuremeter curves.The numerical models are built where soils behavior is depicted by modified Cam model,and low coefficients of permeabil

27、ity are chosen to control undrained conditions during expansion.The pressuremeter curves are obtained from numerical simulation of SBPTs for ratio of length to diameter L/D values of 6,10,15, 20 and various overconsolidation OCR range from 1 to 20.According to Gibson's analysis, the undrained sh

28、ear strength using the least squares method is determined from the several chosen strain ranges.The ratio between the undrained shear strength obtained with infinite L/D and the value with various L/D is defined as correction factor,which are obtained from several strain ranges.It is observed that s

29、train range over which the pressuremeter curve is fitted has little influence on derivation of the correction factors,while it has significant influence on undrained shear strength.And further,strain ranges of deriving undrained shear strength are proposed for different overconsolidation ratio by co

30、mparing finite element results for L/D=with analytical solution(Cao et al.) based on modified Cam clay model.5,Based on elastic-perfectly plastic Drucker-Prager model,analysis of holding tests using FEM is carried out to illuminate the applied conditions of commonly used a closed-form solution propo

31、sed by Randolph and Wroth through investigating the effects of pressuremeter geometry,the strain rate,permeability coefficient and the cavity strain level on partial drainage during cavity expansion,distribution of excess pore pressure,dissipation of excess pressure during SHT.Moreover,based on the results of numerical analyses,strain rate is proposed and the values of time factor T_(50) provided by Randolph el al.to estimate horizontal consolidation coefficient are modified in view of the effects of soil permeabili


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