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1、Optical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsCODE VIntroductory TutorialCheng-HoLab.of RF-MW Photonics, Department of Physics, National Cheng-KungTainan,ChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsTutorial OutlineI

2、ntroduction to CODE VOptical Design Process Code V Design Examples :1.2.Digital VGA Camera Objective10X MicroscopeAdvanced ApplicationsReferencesChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsIntroduction to CODE VChengHo7 December 2001ar

3、.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAn Overview of CODE V Features7 December 2001ChengH.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsStructure of CODE V7 December 2001ChengHo .twOptical System D

4、esign on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsCODE VVersion 9.00Status BarError LogWindow Navigation Bard WindowLens Data ManagerToolbar7 December barOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsOptical Design ProcessChengHo7 December 2001ar

5、.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsOptical Design Flowchart Todays tutorial will based on this processOptimizationFinal analysis & Performance evaluationTolerance analysisChengHo7 December 2001.twPrepare for fabricationInitial anal

6、ysis & Performance evaluationPre-designDesign condition SpecificationOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsDessiign Examplle (1): Fiixed-ffocuss VGA Diigiittall Camerra ObjjecttiiveChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photo

7、nice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsOutline Fixed-focus VGA Digital Camera Objective specificationIdentification of a Starting PointFirst-order optics considerationSelecting a Suitable Starting PointCode V New Lens WizardPerform a Basic AnalysisCompare with the specifications: Spot Diagram, Aberration curves, M

8、TF output.Guideline for OptimizationOptimizationMake things better, Performance re-evaluationTolerance AnalysisPrepare for fabricationSummary and ReferencesChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsIdentification of a starting pointC

9、hengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsLens SpecificationsFixed-focus VGA Digital Camera Objective Specifications* Small unmber of elements ( 1-3 )from common glasses or plastics640 x 480 effective pixelsResolution7.4 x 7.4 microns

10、Pixel size3.55 x 4.74 mm ( full diagonal 6 mm)Sensitive area* Objective LensFixed, depth of field 750 mm to infiFocusFixed, 6.0mmFocal length< 4%Geometric DistortionF/numberFixed aperture, F/3.5MTF through focus range(central area is inner 3 mm o f CCD)SharpnessVignettingCorner relative illuminat

11、ion >60%Lens alone, >80% 400-700 nmTransmission1 mm thick Schott IR638 or Hoya CM500IR filterChengHo7 December* Image sensor (baseline is Agilent FDCS-2020)Low freq. 17 lp/ mm>90% (central)>85% (outer)High freq. 51 lp/ mm>30% (central)>25% (outer)Optical Sys

12、tem Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsIdentification of a Starting Point Starting point scheme3-element SystemImage HIght = 3 mmEFL = 6 mmSemi-FOV = 26.5 degsImage height = EFL* tan(semi-FOV) These are useful to be a “ filter ” (criterion) for searching exiting designs in Code V n

13、ew lens wizardChengHo7 December 2001.twFFirirsstt-oorrddeerrccaalclcuulalattioionn: FFieieldldooffvvieieww FFOOVV=2266.5.5°°FFrroommssppeeccifificicaattioionnddirireeccttlyly: 33-eeleleemmeennttssyysstteemm EEffeeccttivivee ffooccaalllelennggtthh=66 mmmm FF/n/nuummbbeerr=33

14、.5.5Optical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSelectinga Suitable Starting PointChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSelecting a suitable starting point The Code V New Lens Wizard1. Searching existing de

15、signs- Patent Database Filter A suitable starting lens2.3. Lens name : or022488ChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSelecting a suitable starting pointDefining system dataPupil specification, Wavelengths, Fields1. Pupil2. Wavele

16、ngths3. Fields7 December 2001ChengHo .twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ optics Lens Data Manager Spsheet anddWindow1. LDMSpsheet2.d WindowChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ optics Drawing

17、 Pictures and First order Data2. First Order DataChengHo7 December 2001.twEFL, the result is not suitable for ourspecificationThe lens system is too small1. Quick 2D plotOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsThe lens data has been Scale the Lenschanged29

18、Updated system layoutThe EFL value is now 6mm as desired. The paraxial image height is 2.99 mmChengH.twJAPANPATENT 50_2807 7501 Optical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAnalyzethe Starting PointChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design

19、on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAnalyze the Starting Point Basic and Useful Analysis Ray aberration curves and Spot diagramsCompare with Lens SpecificationsDistortion ( Field Curve or Distortion Grid )Sharpness ( Diffraction MTF )Vignetting7 December 2001nFocal lengthFixed, 6.0mmGeometr

20、ic Distortion< 4%SharpnessMTF through f ocus range(central area is inner 3 mm of CCD)Low freq. 17 lp/ mm>90% (central)>85% (outer) High freq. 51 lp/ mm>30% (central)>25% (outer)VignettingCorner relative illumination >60%ChengHoTransmissioanrkphys.ckun.esdaul.otwne, >80% 400-700

21、nmOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsRay Aberration and Spot Diagram Ray Aberration Curves Analysis > Diagnostics > Ray Aberration CurveEnlargeChengHo7 December 2001.twPurpleAberration scaleOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys.

22、NCKU/ optics Spot DiagramAnalysis > Geometrical > Spot DiagramScale by Pixel Size 7.4 umChengHo7 December 2001.twField angleScale barOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ optics UsefulSpot MacroTool > Macro >Sample / Geometrical Analysis/ sopt2d.seq

23、ChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsDistortionAnalysis > Diagnostics > Field CurveAnalysis > Diagnostics > Distortion Grid1. Field Curve2. Distortion GridChengHo7 December< 4%Geometric Dis

24、tortionOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKUMTF through f ocus rangeSharpness/) optics(ceMTF OutputLow freq. 17 lp/ mm>90% (central)>85% (outer)High freq. 51 lp/ mm>30% (central)>25% (outer)Analysis > Diffraction > MTFChengHo7 December

25、Viignettiing / Illumination and Transmission1.Get from Text tab of MTF output1.2.Analysis > system > Transmission Analysis2.Illumination and Transmission for each wavelengthChengHo7 December 2001.twRelative IlluminationOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCK

26、UVTransmissionLLeennssaalolonnee, >>8800%440000-7-70000nm/ opticsCorner rela tive illumina tion >60%ignettingOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsPicking on Glass Tool > Macro > glassfit.seqSample Macro / Material InformationResult of glassfit.seqChengHo7

27、 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsOptimization: Making Things BetterChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAutomatic Design ProcessABDesigner TasksCeDPrint each cyc

28、le for user feedbackEvaluate designNot good enought re-enter process at A, B, C, or DNoDesigner Tasks :YesSCThOePn(ggonHoHuogh).twCODEV/AUTO tasksProcessDevelop finite ConstructEvaluatedifferences forerrorerrorfunctionfunctioneach constraintand aberration* EXITChoice of constraints,

29、rror function controls,other controlsAuto inputChoice of variablesStarting design SetupOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsThe Game PlanDefine as variable: all radii of curvatures, thickness values, and fictitious glassesAutomatic Design SettingMake sure all glass ele

30、ments are thick enough and glass index doesnt get too highConstrain the effective focal length (EFL) to the current 6 mmUse the default spot size (transverse ray aberration ) error function,but trace mire rays in the gridoptimizationsRun AUTOUnderstanding the output and reevaluations Modify AUTO set

31、ting to refine the solutionChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsDefining VariableVariables are defined in the LDMTo vary the constructs what you want, place the cursor on the it in the LDM window, right-click,and choose “ Vary” f

32、rom the shortcut.ChengHo7 December 2001.twThe red, small letter “V ” means variableOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAutomatic Design SettingThe first boundary condition category is General Constraint General Thickness Constraint Glass Map Constraint

33、The second boundary condition category is Specific Constraint Edit Constraint : Optical Definition / First Order or Third Order Aberration Defining Constraint Mode and Constraint Target Error Function Definitions and Controls Error Function TypesOutput ControlsChengHo7 December 2001.

34、twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsGeneral ConstraintMin. center thickness0.9 mmMin. edge thickness0.8 mmDefining new corner point for the glass mapChengHo7 December 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsSpecific C

35、onstraintConstraint EFLChengHo7 December 2001.twConstraints modeConstraintsConstraint categoryOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsError Function Definition and Controls CODE V Error Function Only Error Function typeTransverse Ray AberrationChengHo7 Dec

36、ember 2001.twOptical System Design on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsRun Automatic DesignChengH.twError function valveError fun Error functi Error function = 26.38829598 1. 04 MM Error f unction = 7.484 58174Scale: 24.00 ORA 21-Nov-01Optical System Design

37、on Lab. ofRF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsUnderstanding AUTO OutputChengHo7 December 2001.twError function changeError function contributionsError function contributionsOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAnalyzing and Modifying WeightsDIFFRAC TION

38、AXIS 0.4 FIE LD ( 11.00 Digtial VGA CarmeraT RT RT RDIFFRACTION MTF 0.7 FIE LD ( 19.00 ORA 22- Nov-01 1.0 FIE LD ( 26.50 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 MO 0.6 D UL 0.5 A TI0.4 O N0.3 0.2 0.1 7.0 14.0 21.0 28.0 35.0 42.0 49.0 5 6.0 6 3.0 70 .0 SPATIAL FREQUENCY ( CYCLES/MM) ChengH.twF 3 XF 4 XOptic

39、al System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsAnalyzing and Modifying WeightsDI FFRA CTI ON AX IS Optimized MTF ResultsDigtialVGACarmeraT RT RT R0. 4F IELD ( 1DIFFRACTION MTF 0. 7F IELD ( 1ORA22- Nov-01 1. 0F IELD ( 21.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 MO 0.6 D UL 0.5 A T IO 0.4 N0.3 0.2 Error function WeightField AngleAberration0.1 Direction7. 014. 021. 028. 035. 042. 049. 056. 063. 070. 0SPATIAL FREQUENCY (CYCLES/ MM)ChengH.twF 3 XF 4 XOptical System Design on Lab. of RF-MW Photonice. Phys. NCKU/ opticsOptimizatio


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