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1、李陽瘋狂英語手勢突破發(fā)音(元音)1:2.iplease(Together! On e,two,three.)difficult (Please dem on strate.)(Ok,your turn.)Please speak En glish with me.It ' not difficult to speakEn glish.3. e Go to bed. red (Tha nk you for your help.) everyth ingEveryth ing is ready.(Outsta ndin g!-Just so so.)4. apple (Let5. A wo

2、nderful7. r remember8. togethertogether.9. a :possible's do it together. One,two,three.) practice Practice makes perfect.My mother is a won derful teacher. You speaks perfect wish.Remember to call your will remember to call my mother.America and China should always work' s right. America and

3、 China should always workbotherSorry to bother ' m sorry,Anthony-Thst ' s OK. You' re very charming.You have a charm ing smile.a i»iaplease and10. a rCharmingYou' re a charming young Yang. Always say “ please ” and “ thank you ”(One more time,sing it .) It ' s important to p

4、ractice English every day. Do you thi nk so-1 agree.You should work , I should.What' s your favorite food-Chinese food.favorite food is no odles.11. : always (One more time.)12. r importa nt13.14.u shouldu: foodfavorite food is15.16.16.17.ei mistake (You have a big mouth. Yes, I do.) Don' t

5、be afraid of making mistakes.ai China smile fly I Is this your first time in China-This No.It ' s your third-orl ' ve been here for three I travel back to America some time.(Is this your first time in China It a won derfulse0terice.)(Very useful. Yeah, very useful.)i enjoyI really enjoyed ta

6、lk ing to you. Keep in touch.OK. Bye-bye.(When you were disgusted, you know, When you don' t like Somebody. You know, When you donto talk with him polite way of ending a conversation is to say” I really enjoyed talking to you.it ' s time to say goodbye.)(Geta ball.)u smoke hope (Loke Wushu.

7、Martial art.) hope I hope to see you I hope to see you again,too. (OK. Keep in touch.)au how outstanding You' re outstanding.'s very important to hovorcuaaiation.(Whether it is) your mother Ianguageyour foreign Ianguage, it 'very important to have clear conversation, clear pronunciation.

8、 That ' s correct.18.19. i clear It ' s important, itYou have very clear ,I do have very clear pronun ciati on.You' re not ,I ' m not.Could you imitate a retarded person It ' s like a, a football player or boxer has been hit n the times and can not, you kno w, just speak.20. e ca

9、re We should all care about the environment.OK,read it. We should all care about the environment.America should care about the environment. We do.(You waste too much energy. That ' true.You people are too u sureI ' m sure you ' ll enjoy it.I ' m sure you ' ll like China.圖顧S屬財(cái)I &#

10、39; m sure we ' ll have a good time.I ' m sure you ' e going to speak good English.手勢突破輔音1、本單元音標(biāo):雙唇爆破輔音美語音標(biāo) /p/ 英語音標(biāo) ppossible,可能的;impossible,不可能的Noth ing is impossible沒有什么是不可能的。Everyth ing is possible一 切都是可能的。2、美語音標(biāo) /b/ 英語音標(biāo) bbaby,寶貝;believe,相信Believe in yourself相 目信你自己。3、美語音標(biāo) /t/ 英語音標(biāo)

11、t time,時(shí)間Don't waste time.不要浪費(fèi)時(shí)間。Don't waste water.不要浪費(fèi)水。4、齒齦爆破輔音 /d/decide,決定Decide to study En glish決 定學(xué)英語。Let me know what you decide.讓我知道你的決定。5、軟腭爆破輔音 /k/keep,保持Keep up the good work再 接再厲!6、軟腭爆破輔音 /g/gover nment,政府Our gover nment does a good job我們的政府表現(xiàn)非常出色。7、唇齒摩擦輔音 /f/feel,感覺I feel a lit

12、tle sick today我今天有點(diǎn)不舒服。I feel great today我今天感覺棒極了!8、唇齒摩擦輔音 /v/leave,離開When are you leavi ng你什么時(shí)候離開9、舌尖齒齦摩擦輔音 /s/Nervous,緊張You're n ever n ervous 你從來不緊張。Do n't be nervous.別緊張。10、舌尖齒齦摩擦輔音 /z/bus iness,生意Do you do a lot of busi ness in Chi naf爾在中國的生意多嗎Good bus in ess 好生意!11、舌端齒齦后部摩擦輔音/special,特

13、別的This is a special local dish這是一道地方特色菜。12、舌端齒齦后部摩擦輔音/pleasure,高興It's a pleasure to be here today我很高興今天能來到這里。It's my pleasure我也很高興。13、舌齒摩擦輔音/ 0/bathroom ,洗手間In America” you say WC,nobody would understanc在美國,如果你說 WC,沒有人會聽得懂。I n eed to use the bathroo m.我需要使用洗手間。14、舌齒摩擦輔音 /e/weather,天氣Are you

14、used to the weather here你適應(yīng)這里的天氣嗎15、聲門摩擦輔音 /h/help,幫助Let me help you.讓我來幫助你。16、 舌尖齒齦(后部)摩擦輔音/r/terrific ,好極了You look terrific toda y你今天看起來棒極了!17、 舌端齒齦破擦輔音/t/cha nge,改變Chi na is cha nging every da中國每天都在變化。18、 舌端齒齦破擦輔音/d/Ian guage,語言En glish is an intern ati on al la nguage英語是國際語言。Chin ese is an inter

15、n atio nal la nguage,toc漢語也是國際語言。19、雙唇鼻輔音 /m/memory,記憶力I have a poor memory我的記憶力不好。I have a good memory我 的記憶力很好。No matter how poor your memory is,you have to say,"I have a good memory .不論你的記憶力有 多糟糕,你都要說 “我的記憶力很好20、舌尖齒齦鼻輔音 /n/number ,號碼Can you give me your teleph one nu mber你能給我你的電話號碼嗎21、舌后軟腭鼻輔音

16、 /wrong,錯誤的Is there anything wrong 有什么問題嗎 Nothi ng is wron g.沒問題。22、舌邊輔音 /l/learn,學(xué)習(xí)learn someth ing new every day 每天都學(xué)點(diǎn)新東西。helpful,有幫助的You're very helpful 你幫了大忙。23、舌后軟腭半元音 /w/welcome,歡迎You are welcome to join us歡迎加入我們的行列。24、舌前硬腭半元音 /j/yesterday,昨天When did you arrive 你是什么時(shí)候到的I arrived yesterday

17、morni ng.我是昨天早上至U的。25、齒齦后部破擦輔音 /tr/trouble,打擾I don't want to trouble you. 我不想麻煩你。26、齒齦后部破擦輔音 /dr/drink,喝What would you like to drink 你想喝什么I'd like to drink water.我只想喝水。27、舌端齒齦破擦輔音 /ts/lots,很多I have lost of frie nds from all over the world.我有很多朋友來自世界各地。28、舌端齒齦破擦輔音 /dz/words,言語Words can't

18、express how tha nkful I am言語無法表達(dá)我的感激之情。My pleasure.不客氣。(這是我的榮幸。)容易混淆1、Willwell wall2、World where very well very weird very wildWhere are you from I am from the world , i am the world , we are the world.You are very weird.你很奇怪Anthony is very wild.3、kind important solveYou are very kind.I enjoy solvi

19、ng problems.You enjoy creati ng problems.You have to practice very hard你一定要刻苦操練。Practice makes perfect 熟能生巧。You're goi ng to be the best speaker in the world你將會是世界上最出色的演講家。With my help,with our help,with our Crazy Bady,we're going to shake the world.在我的幫助下, 在我們的幫助下,在Crazy Bady的陪伴下,我們要撼動世界。We

20、're goi ng to set the world on fire.我們要用熱情點(diǎn)燃世界!Part 1 語音技巧1. 發(fā)音口訣表(IPA:代表國際音標(biāo).:代表美國音標(biāo))IPA瘋狂英語外號例詞例句穿針引線長“衣”音feelHow are you feeli ng today你今天覺得怎么樣i:ipeopleThe Chin ese are a great people. 中華民族是偉大的民族。經(jīng)典收小腹減肥短“衣”音giveShe gives me a big headache. 她讓我頭痛。littleI feel a little sick today. 我今天感覺有點(diǎn)不舒服。e

21、e小開口“ 45度”音expensiveEverythi ng is so expe nsive in Japa n. 在日本什么東西都那么貴。friendShe is my best friend. 她是我最好的朋友。大開口夸張“90度”音familyI have a very happy family. 我有一個(gè)非常幸福的家庭。badThat stoo bad.太遺憾了。經(jīng)典收小腹減肥急 促短“啊”音loveI love money 我喜歡錢。luckyI m just lucky. 我只是運(yùn)氣好。重讀卷古曰workDid it work這行得通嗎perfectNobody is perf

22、ect. 沒有十全十美的人。輕讀卷古音matt erWhat s the matter什么事輕讀卷古曰teacherOur En glish teacher is great. 我們的英語老師很好。經(jīng)典收小腹減肥放 松短“鵝”音aboutForget about it. 忘記它吧。togetherChina and America should work together.中美應(yīng)該攜手合作。a:a“感嘆”祖國大好河 山超級美國大嘴音fatherMy father has n ever traveled abroad. 我父親從未出國旅行過。calmKeep clam, its nothing

23、serious. 保持冷靜,沒什么大不了的事?!?0度”大嘴音afterHow about the day after tomorrow后天怎么樣hastYou've made the same mistake as last time.你犯了和上次同樣的錯誤。a:arf ,仃止匕丄/zchargeWho s in charge here這兒誰負(fù)責(zé)大嘴卷舌曰hardWhat makes you work so hard 什么使你這樣賣命a“感嘆”祖國大好河 山短音confidenceHe has a lot of con fide nee.他充滿了自信。impossibleNothi

24、ng is impossible. 沒有做不成的事。中嘴長元音talkI n eed to talk to you. 我要和你談?wù)?。callI will call you latter. 回頭我給你電話。rmoreI really can 'sta nd it anym ore. 我實(shí)在受不了啦。中嘴卷舌曰forI'm look ing for . 我找李先生。u經(jīng)典收小腹減肥放 松短“烏”音goodMy mother is a good cook. 我媽媽的廚藝不錯。lookYou look great today. 你今天看上去好極了。u:u小圓唇長“烏”音improveI

25、 want to improve my poor En glish. 我想改進(jìn)我的破爛英語。truthYou must tell the truth.你必須說出真相。ee嘴角咧到耳朵上音painNo pain, no gain. 沒有付出,就沒有收獲。mistakeI made a mistake. 我犯了一個(gè)錯誤。aa超級大嘴飽滿“阿 姨”合口雙元音shyDon 'be shy, just try. 不要害羞,只管去嘗試。mindDo you mind if I smoke你介意我吸煙嗎中嘴短“衣”合口雙、_ 兀音joinAsk him to join us for lun ch.

26、請他來和我們一起吃午飯。enj oyEnjoy your stay here. 祝你在這里過得愉快。uo瘋狂舀水合口雙元曰hopeI hope I can see you aga in. 我希望能再次見到你。knowI don 'tk now what to do. 我不知道做什么。auau鬼哭狼嚎合口雙元曰aboutNo doubt about it.毫無疑冋。soundThat sounds great. 聽起來棒極了。r短“衣”集中卷舌音hereDo you live n ear here 你住在附近嗎yearWe ve bee n friends for years. 我們是多

27、年的好朋友。e£咧嘴集中卷舌曰careI dont care what you do. 你做什么我都不管。whereWhere are you from你從哪里來uur短“烏”集中卷舌音P)oorHe is from a very poor family. 他出身于一個(gè)非常貧困的家庭。pP氣破雙唇音pro)blemNo problem. 沒問題。bbt)usyI'm very busy now.我現(xiàn)在很忙。tt舌尖齒齦彈氣音todayToday is a great day. 今天棒極了。ddJdndWhat kind of job do you have 你是做什么工作的k

28、k氣破舌根軟腭音weakI feel a little weak today. 我今天感覺有點(diǎn)虛弱。ggquestionMay I ask you a questio n 我能問你一個(gè)問題嗎goI've got to go now. 我該走了。ff唇齒相依摩擦音lifeLife is beautiful. 生活是美好的。vv唇齒相依摩擦音/eryIt sa very nice view. 景色真美。ss氣通舌尖齒齦音se;riousAre you serious你是認(rèn)真的嗎zzbusinessBusin ess is bus in ess.公事公辦。deliciousThe fish

29、is so delicious. 這魚的味道太鮮美了。舌尖齒齦氣擦曰pleasureIt smy pleasure. 這是我的宋幸。00丿卜仕 仃木thankTha nk you 謝謝。ee惟 咬古曰weath erThe weather is good today. 今天天氣不錯。hh大口喘氣音lateI hate her.我討厭她。rr四指卷舌音rightYou have no right to do that. 你沒有權(quán)利那樣做。tt氣沖舌尖齒齦曰cheapThat watch looks cheap. 那塊表看起來很低廉。ddjobShe's look ing for a pa

30、rt-time job. 她在尋找兼職工作。ddchangeHere's your cha nge.這是你的零錢。mm雙唇閉嘴鼻音moneyHe makes a lot of mon ey. 他賺很多錢。nn舌尖齒齦開口鼻音niceNice to have you with us. 很高興你能跟我們在一起。舌后軟腭撒嬌鼻音noth ingIt 'nothing serious. 這沒什么了不起。舌尖齒齦清晰旁流lookLook before you leap. 三思而后行。舌尖齒齦含糊旁流coolThat'a cool car.那輛車很酷。ww圓唇突出短“我”音whyW

31、hy did you do that你為什么那樣做jj雙唇扁平短“爺”音yesterdayWhere were you yesterday昨天你在哪2. 語調(diào)Dialogue1. Boy: You are pretty!Girl: Thank you!Boy: Pretty ugly.Girl: You are funny.Boy: Thank you.Girl: Funny looking.2. Jacky and Ketherine just got back from America. They ran into Rockyat the People 'Park.R: So, h

32、ow was your tripJ: Oh, it was quite nice.K: What do you mean, nice It was brilliant!R: Good hotel.J: Quite pleasant, yes.K: Pleasant It was excellent! Wonderful!R: How about the foodJ: It was OK.K: OK It was absolutely delicious!R: And the sceneryJ: Quite pretty.K: It was amazing! Beautiful !Part 2三

33、最短文挑戰(zhàn)Passage 1Rome was n 'built in a day冰凍三尺非一日之寒Lear ning En glish is like buildi ng a house.Laying a strong foundation is the first and most important step.In other words, you should read and speak English everyday.Memoriz ing new words and phrases is also helpful.Like buildi ng a house, lear

34、ning En glish takes sometime.So don 'be impatie nt. Remember, Rome was n 'built in a day.參考譯文:學(xué)習(xí)英語就像建造房子.打下堅(jiān)實(shí)的基礎(chǔ)是第一步也是最重要的一步 換句話說,你應(yīng)該每天讀和說英語 背誦單詞和詞組也是很有幫助的 . 像建房子一樣,學(xué)習(xí)英語很需要時(shí)間 . 因此你不用急.牢記,冰凍三尺非一日之寒Passage 2Just do it!today.開始行動people put off until tomorrow what they can doThey always look for

35、 excuses to postp one doing someth ing. In the en d, it n ever gets done.If we leave thi ngs undone, we will eve ntually worry.This will the n cause unn ecessary stress.Therefore, if you have this bad habit, it 'best to get rid of it參考譯文:很多人把今天能做的事推到明天。他們總是找借口拖延做 事。到頭來,事情總是沒做完。如果我們沒把事情做完,我們心里會 感

36、到忐忑不安。這樣會造成不必要的壓力。因此,如果你有這種 壞習(xí)慣的話,最好是將它克服并且盡快把事情做好。Passage 3Everybody 'bus in essis n obody 'bus in essThere are four people named Everybody, Somebody, An ybody, and Nobody.There was an importa nt job to be done and Everybody was asked to do it.Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.An ybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody ' job.Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn 'do it.It ended up that Everybody blame


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