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1、英語新課標RJ)英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練. . 單項填空單項填空( )1. Why do you keep the windows _ on such a ( )1. Why do you keep the windows _ on such a cold day? cold day? A Aopensopens B Bopening Copening Copened Dopened Dopenopen( )2. I dont know if my American friend _ to ( )2. I dont know if my American fri

2、end _ to visit China next week.If he _ visit China next week.If he _,I think I think he will let me know. he will let me know. A Awill come; comes Bwill come; comes Bwill come; will comewill come; will come C Ccomes; will come Dcomes; will come Dcome; comes come; comes DA能力提升訓(xùn)練英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練

3、能力提升訓(xùn)練( )3. We should learn how to _ happiness with ( )3. We should learn how to _ happiness with our friends. our friends. A Atalk Btalk Bhelp Chelp Cshare Dshare Dagreeagree( )4. Im going to make a football team.Can you help ( )4. Im going to make a football team.Can you help me _ it? me _ it? A A

4、joining Bjoining Bto play Cto play Corganize Dorganize Dorganizingorganizing( )5. I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed ( )5. I guess Peter and his sister Sally enjoyed _ at the dancing party. _ at the dancing party. A Amyself Bmyself Bhimself C. herself Dhimself C. herself Dthemselvesthemselve

5、sCCD英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )6. Tell the children _ unhealthy food. Its ( )6. Tell the children _ unhealthy food. Its bad for their health. bad for their health. A Anot to eat Bnot to eat Bnot eatingnot eating C Cto eat Dto eat Deatingeating( )7. The math problem is so hard. I really dont know

6、 ( )7. The math problem is so hard. I really dont know _. _. A Ahow to do it Bhow to do it Bhow to dohow to do C Cwhat to do it Dwhat to do it Dwhat do itwhat do it( )8. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _.( )8. If you dont go to the meeting tomorrow, _. A Ahe will, too Bhe will, too Bhe wont,

7、 eitherhe wont, either C Che does, too Dhe does, too Dhe doesnt, eitherhe doesnt, eitherAAB英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )9. You can go out to play if you _ your ( )9. You can go out to play if you _ your homework. homework. A Afinish Bfinish Bfinishesfinishes C Cwill finish Dwill finish Dfinishedfi

8、nished( )10. This is a formal party.Everyone must dress up.If ( )10. This is a formal party.Everyone must dress up.If you _ you _, you cant go in. you cant go in. A Adont Bdont Bwont Cwont Ccant Dcant Dmustntmustnt( )11. If Mary is late again, the teacher wont_.( )11. If Mary is late again, the teac

9、her wont_. A Alet in her Blet in her Blet her inlet her in C Clet she to Dlet she to Dlet to her inlet to her inAAB英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )12. If you join the band( )12. If you join the band,maybe youll_.maybe youll_. A Afamous Bfamous Bbe famousbe famous C Cbeing famous Dbeing famous Dnot fa

10、mousnot famous( )13. Dont_jeans to the party.( )13. Dont_jeans to the party. A Aput on Bput on Bwear Cwear Cwearing Dwearing Ddressdress( )14. You wont get good grades_you study hard.( )14. You wont get good grades_you study hard. A Aif Bif Band Cand Cbut Dbut Dunlessunless( )15. You can solve the p

11、roblem by_your teacher ( )15. You can solve the problem by_your teacher for help. for help. A Aasks Basks Bto ask Cto ask Casking Dasking DaskaskBBDC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練. . 用所給詞的適當形式填空用所給詞的適當形式填空1 1If I dont finish my homework, my mother _ If I dont finish my homework, my mother _ let (not l

12、et)me meet my friends. let (not let)me meet my friends.2 2The teacher _(take) away my mobile phone The teacher _(take) away my mobile phone because I used it in class. because I used it in class.3 3What _(happen)if they go to school late?What _(happen)if they go to school late?4 4If you get up late,

13、 you _ (be)late for If you get up late, you _ (be)late for school.school.5 5Its necessary for us to finish _(do) our Its necessary for us to finish _(do) our homework on time. homework on time.wont lettookwill happenwill bedoing英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練6 6Please ask the children _(not play)in Ple

14、ase ask the children _(not play)in the street. the street.7 7Remember _(bring)it here tomorrow.Remember _(bring)it here tomorrow.8. He has a difficult time _(finish)the work 8. He has a difficult time _(finish)the work in a short time. in a short time.9 9If he _(have)enough time tomorrow, he If he _

15、(have)enough time tomorrow, he _ _ (meet)you in his office. (meet)you in his office.1010Its cold. Wed better keep the door _ Its cold. Wed better keep the door _ (close) (close)not to playto bringfinishinghaswill meetclosed英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練. . 完形填空完形填空Will you be happy if you have a new N

16、ike Tshirt onWill you be happy if you have a new Nike Tshirt on?Probably you will. But what if you see a friend _1_ a Probably you will. But what if you see a friend _1_ a more fashionable(more fashionable(時髦的時髦的)and more beautiful one)and more beautiful one?You may You may not feel as satisfied (no

17、t feel as satisfied (稱心稱心)_2_ you expect to and the )_2_ you expect to and the feeling of happiness may disappear in a minute.feeling of happiness may disappear in a minute.Why are we not so happy as we should beWhy are we not so happy as we should be?The secret The secret isis:We focus on(We focus

18、on(專注專注)what we want instead of what we )what we want instead of what we have.We keep making our list of desires(have.We keep making our list of desires(愿望愿望)longer and )longer and longer.As a result, we are not pleased with what we have longer.As a result, we are not pleased with what we have _3_ o

19、wned._3_ owned.英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練We say to ourselvesWe say to ourselves,“Ill be happy when this desire Ill be happy when this desire is satisfied.”However, another desire appears when this is satisfied.”However, another desire appears when this one is met.So, we still dont feel happy thoug

20、h we have one is met.So, we still dont feel happy though we have got what we want.Happiness_4_ when we always have new got what we want.Happiness_4_ when we always have new desires hard to satisfy.desires hard to satisfy.Luckily, there is a way to be happy.Think more about Luckily, there is a way to

21、 be happy.Think more about what we have than what we want.Rather than wish you were what we have than what we want.Rather than wish you were _5_ to have an enjoyable vacation on the beach, think _5_ to have an enjoyable vacation on the beach, think of _6_ fun you have had near home.Similarly, instea

22、d of of _6_ fun you have had near home.Similarly, instead of hating to do much homework, _7_teachers for making you hating to do much homework, _7_teachers for making you have the chance to practice more.have the chance to practice more.英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練The list of what you have can also

23、be endless.Each The list of what you have can also be endless.Each time you find yourself falling into “I wish life were time you find yourself falling into “I wish life were different” trap (different” trap (圈套圈套) ),take a deep breath and think of take a deep breath and think of _8_ you have ever h

24、ad._8_ you have ever had.Pay more attention to what you havePay more attention to what you have,and youll and youll probably get more of what you want. _9_ example, your probably get more of what you want. _9_ example, your good attitude toward doing homework can bring great good attitude toward doi

25、ng homework can bring great grades in exams because _10_ makes perfect.grades in exams because _10_ makes perfect.Start to focus on what we haveStart to focus on what we have!The more we feel The more we feel satisfied, the more happily well live.satisfied, the more happily well live.英語新課標RJ)Unit 10

26、 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )1. A. wearing ( )1. A. wearing B Bto wearto wear C Cwears Dwears Dwearwear( )2. A. very( )2. A. very B Basas C Csoso D Dtoto( )3. A. already B( )3. A. already Byet yet C Cfor Dfor Deveneven( )4. A. cant be found B( )4. A. cant be found Bcan findcan find C Ccan be found Dcan be found

27、Dcant findcant find( )5. A. used B( )5. A. used Bsadsad C Cable Dable DinterestinterestABAAC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )6. A. how B( )6. A. how Bwhatwhat C Cwhose Dwhose Dwhenwhen( )7. A.thank B( )7. A.thank Brefuserefuse C Cdislike Ddislike Dgivegive( )8. A.everything B( )8. A.everything Bthingt

28、hing C Cnothing Dnothing Dsomethingsomething( )9. A. As B( )9. A. As BAt At C CFor DFor DInIn( )10. A. exercises B( )10. A. exercises Bgradegrade C Cpractice Dpractice DexerciseexerciseBAACC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練. . 閱讀理解閱讀理解 A AWill it matter if you dont take your breakfast? A Will it matter i

29、f you dont take your breakfast? A short time ago, a test was given in the United States. short time ago, a test was given in the United States. People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to People of different ages, from 12 to 83, were asked to have a test.During the test, these people were

30、 given all have a test.During the test, these people were given all kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast kinds of breakfasts, and sometimes they got no breakfast at all.Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies at all.Scientists wanted to see how well their bodies worked whe

31、n they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.worked when they had eaten different kinds of breakfasts.英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練The results show that if a person eats a right The results show that if a person eats a right breakfast, he or she will work better than if he or she breakfast, he or s

32、he will work better than if he or she has no breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and has no breakfast.If a student has fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly milk before going to school, he will learn more quickly and listen more carefully in class.a

33、nd listen more carefully in class.The result is opposite to what some people think. The result is opposite to what some people think. Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight.This Having no breakfast will not help you lose weight.This is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat

34、 is because people become so hungry at noon that they eat too much for lunch.They will gain weight instead of too much for lunch.They will gain weight instead of losing it.You will lose more weight if you reduce your losing it.You will lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.other meals.英語新課

35、標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )1. During the test, the people were given _.( )1. During the test, the people were given _. A Ano breakfast at allno breakfast at all B Bdifferent foods or sometimes nonedifferent foods or sometimes none C Cvery rich breakfastvery rich breakfast D Dlittle breakfastlittle b

36、reakfast( )2. The results show that _.( )2. The results show that _. A Abreakfast has great effect on work and studiesbreakfast has great effect on work and studies B Bbreakfast has little to do with a persons workbreakfast has little to do with a persons work C Ca person will work better if he only

37、 has fruit a person will work better if he only has fruit and milk and milk D Dits nothing to have no breakfastits nothing to have no breakfastBA英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )3. According to the passage, some people think ( )3. According to the passage, some people think that that if you dont have

38、breakfast, you will_. if you dont have breakfast, you will_. A Abe healthier Bbe healthier Bwork betterwork better C Close weight Dlose weight Dfeel betterfeel better( )4. The word“opposite( )4. The word“oppositein the last passage means in the last passage means _. _. A A不確定不確定 B B相反的相反的 C C一樣的一樣的

39、D D正確的正確的CB英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )5. Which of the following is NOT right?( )5. Which of the following is NOT right? A AIts bad for your health to have no breakfast.Its bad for your health to have no breakfast. B BToo little for breakfast and too much for Too little for breakfast and too much

40、 for lunch may make you fatter. lunch may make you fatter. C. The more breakfast you have, the more quickly C. The more breakfast you have, the more quickly youll learn in class. youll learn in class. D DYou will lose more weight if you reduce your You will lose more weight if you reduce your other

41、meals. other meals.C英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練 B BIf you have to take medicine, your doctor will tell If you have to take medicine, your doctor will tell you and your mom about the medicine and how you have to you and your mom about the medicine and how you have to take it.take it.Your medicine ma

42、y be a liquid in a bottle or a pill. Your medicine may be a liquid in a bottle or a pill. Sometimes you may have more than one medicine.You might Sometimes you may have more than one medicine.You might have something to stop the illness and something to take have something to stop the illness and so

43、mething to take away the pain.away the pain.Whatever it is, make sure that you follow the Whatever it is, make sure that you follow the instructions and remember to do exactly what you are told. instructions and remember to do exactly what you are told. It is also important to take the medicine for

44、the full It is also important to take the medicine for the full time, even if you are feeling better very quickly.If you time, even if you are feeling better very quickly.If you stop too soon, you could get sick again.stop too soon, you could get sick again.英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練Many people no

45、wadays take vitamins and herbal Many people nowadays take vitamins and herbal medicines (medicines (中藥中藥)to help keep their body healthy.Many of )to help keep their body healthy.Many of these probably dont help you much, and taking too many these probably dont help you much, and taking too many vita

46、mins may be bad for you.But sometimes herbal vitamins may be bad for you.But sometimes herbal medicines can helpafter all a lot of medicines are made medicines can helpafter all a lot of medicines are made from herbs.from herbs.Its a good idea for Mom and Dad to talk to a Its a good idea for Mom and

47、 Dad to talk to a qualified doctor, who has more experience. Dont ask qualified doctor, who has more experience. Dont ask someone who just sells herbal medicines.The best medicine someone who just sells herbal medicines.The best medicine of all is to eat healthy meals, exercise every day and be of a

48、ll is to eat healthy meals, exercise every day and be happy!happy!英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )6. The underlined word “qualified” means_ ( )6. The underlined word “qualified” means_ in in Chinese. Chinese. A A態(tài)度好的態(tài)度好的 B B資深的資深的 C C信任的信任的 D D幸運的幸運的( )7. If we have to take medicine, _.( )7. If we ha

49、ve to take medicine, _. A Awe may try different kinds of medicinewe may try different kinds of medicine B Bwe must stop when we feel much betterwe must stop when we feel much better C Cwe should follow the doctors instructionswe should follow the doctors instructions D Dyou can take it at anytimeyou

50、 can take it at anytimeBC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )8. According to the passage, _.( )8. According to the passage, _. A Amedicines made from herbs can sometimes be medicines made from herbs can sometimes be good for your health good for your health B Btaking too many vitamins may be good for tak

51、ing too many vitamins may be good for your your body body C Ctaking medicine for the full time will make taking medicine for the full time will make you get sick again you get sick again D Dyou can ask someone who just sells herbal you can ask someone who just sells herbal medicines medicinesA英語新課標R

52、J)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )9. It can be learned from the passage that ( )9. It can be learned from the passage that _._. A Apeople can take pills only according to people can take pills only according to their their past experiences past experiences B Bvitamins and herbal medicines are not very vitami

53、ns and herbal medicines are not very popular with people these days popular with people these days C Cthe right diet and playing more sports will the right diet and playing more sports will keep you healthy keep you healthy D Dwhen you take medicine if you are feeling when you take medicine if you a

54、re feeling better very quickly, you can stop taking it better very quickly, you can stop taking itC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練( )10. The best title for the passage is _.( )10. The best title for the passage is _. A AThe History of MedicineThe History of Medicine B BThe Introduction to Herbal Medici

55、neThe Introduction to Herbal Medicine C CHow to Take Medicine in the Right WayHow to Take Medicine in the Right Way D DThe Best MedicineThe Best MedicineC英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練. . 書面表達書面表達根據(jù)提示以根據(jù)提示以“If I have a lot of money, I will”“If I have a lot of money, I will”為為題寫一篇英語作文。題寫一篇英語作文。8080詞左右詞

56、左右( (文章的開頭已給出,不計入總詞文章的開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)數(shù)) )。提示:提示:1.1.幫助貧困兒童上學(xué);幫助貧困兒童上學(xué);2 2讓父母過上好的生活;讓父母過上好的生活;3 3為保護環(huán)境為保護環(huán)境(environmental protection)(environmental protection)貢獻一份力量。貢獻一份力量。If I have a lot of moneyIf I have a lot of money,I will do many things.I will do many things._ _英語新課標RJ)Unit 10 能力提升訓(xùn)練能力提升訓(xùn)練One possible versionOne possible version:If I have a lot of moneyIf I have a lot of money,I will do many things.I will do many things.First, I will help the poor children go to school. I First, I will help the poor children go to school. I hope they will not o


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