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1、江蘇省中等職業(yè)學校學業(yè)水平考試英語試卷(四)及參考答案本試卷分兩部分,第一部分語言基礎知識與基本技能,滿分45分;第二部分語言綜合運用,滿分55分;共計100分??荚嚂r間75分鐘。第一部分: 語言基礎知識與基本技能(共 4小節(jié),滿分45分)(共5小題;每小題1分,滿分5分)A. / 0B. /?/C. / t /D./ z /E./ ?1.() readszoon eedsn oi§y2.()applebala neetagcabbage3.() Englishboringexcitingsingle4.() marketcon tacthuntregret5.()fifth_thr

2、owhealththroughI 總結規(guī)律,從方框內找出各小題戈U線部分的音標:(共10小題;每小題1分,II.交際對話:滿分10分)(A)在II欄中找出與I欄中相對應的句子/6.()What do you thi nk about our school?A. A very long time, since I was a kid.7.()How long have you known each other?B. It is small but beautiful.8.()How ofte n do you see each other?C. No, we don't.9.()Do t

3、hey live far away from you?D. No. We live in the same n eighborhood.10.()Do you meet each other very ofte n?E. Twice a mon th.III(B)從方框所給的 A、B、C、D E五個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項,完成對話。Joe: Hi, Ann .It's Joe. I m calli ng to make an appo in tme nt for Cindy.11Ann: Let me look at his appo in tme nt schedule.

4、12Joe: No, she is busy all Tuesday after noon.Ann:13Joe: She should be able to be available by 3:00 on Wed nesday14Ann: Okay, I ll do that, but can you con firm with me by Mon day?Joe: Sure,15A. I llcall you no later tha n noon on Mon day.B. She wants to meet Miles sometime next week.C. What about 3

5、:00 on Wedn esday?D. Why don't you pencil her in for now?E. Can Ci ndy be here on Tuesday at 2:00?III. 圖文理解。根據所給圖片、句子或對話中的信息從A、B、C三個選項中選出可以填入空白處的最佳選項:(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)School Calendar* + May 2016SundayMandayTuesdayWednesday1234Labour Day Holiday (|Motbers' Day Stall (MB910-11Mothers" D

6、dy (SFX)NAPLAW testing (SFXNAPLAN testing (SFX;16. Accord ing to the school cale ndar. Labour Day Holiday is celebrated onA. SundayB. Mo ndayC. Wed nesdayWOMEN MEN GIRLS BOYS aAflY LUGGAGE SALES & DEALSCloUiing, Shoes & Jewelry 牛 Men > Shoe > Atniefc > RunningNikeNike Men's Donw

7、shifter 6 Running Shoe住令立右 t 呼 378 customer rwiewsPrice: $64,94 & FREE Shipping. FREE Returns. DelaisSfast:EURM.5:Size Chan | Fit: As expected (73%) TCalor:hyper pink/rn&tallHC silvar/foyal blue半17. Billy is going to buy a pair of running shoes from Amaz on. Which of the follow ing is the si

8、ze of the shoes?A. 378B. 64.94C. EUR 38.5London AttractionsGet fast-track entry and special devils on Londonos top sights18. You can take London Bus to visit the city. Which stop can you get off to visit The LondonEye?A. Stop 14B. Stop 5C. Stop 19PreK 8th9th -12thQ95 Monthly w 1 7Per StudentMonthly

9、p JU Per StudentJOIN US19. From the advertiseme nt above, if two stude nts of Grade 10 want to joi n the less on, theyshould paya month for the less on.A. $30B. $19.95C. $6020. Billy wants to have dinner with his friends in Disney Village. He should get there atA. 6.30 p.m. on Wed nesday B. 8.30 p.m

10、. on Thursday C. 6.30 p.m. on Mo ndayW: Good morni ng, Sir. What ca n I do for you?M: Yes, I want to check out. My name is Peter Black and my room number is 203.21. The woma n works in a.A. restaura ntB. hotelC.bankWANTEDAre you good at En glish? Do you like to do bus in ess? If you have teamwork, c

11、ooperati on spirit and good com muni cati on skills, it would be better. Come and join us!22. Who will probably get the job?A. John, who majors in History.B. Sarah, who likes reading and writing.C. Peter, who majors in bus in ess En glish.W: Is it still snowing?M: Yes, and besides, the wind is blowi

12、ng heavily.23. The seas on isA. spri ngB. fallC. win terM: I'm trying to get on Flight GN4535. Am I on time?W: Not exactly. It5:20now. But the flight ' s been delayed.M: How lucky I am! What great news!24. From the information above, we can know the man feels about the delay of hisflight.A.

13、angry B. worried C. gladW: Look , the man in black is climbing the tree to take a photo!M: What? Climb so small a tree? How dangerous it is! Besides, it s' not proper to do so!25. The speakersthe man in black.A. likeB. dislikeC. agreeIV. 詞匯與語法:(共20小題;每小題1分,滿分20分)26. - Sue, what 'your pla n f

14、or the coming weeke nd?-I ve decided to see a film.go with me ?A. Why not youB. Why notC. May youD. Why do you27. - It's said that a foreig n En glish teacher will teach us En glish n ext term.-Wow! We can practice our oral En glish better.B. What excit ing n ewsD. How excit ing n ewsA. What an

15、excit ing n ewsC. How excited the n ews is28. - Why are you in such a hurry, Joh n?-Therean NBA basketball game in five minu tes.A. will haveB. will beC. is going to haveD. are going to be29. - Is there anything serious with me, doctor?-No.some medici ne and youfine.A. Taking, areB. Take, areC. Taki

16、 ng, will beD. Take, will be30. The boys areplay ing balls.A. kee n in B. crazy about C. fond for D. like31. -You were brave eno ugh to quarrel with him at the meet ing yesterday.-Well. Now I regretthat.A. to doB. doingC. to have doneD. to be doing32. - Does Jimmy always go to school by bus?-No, rat

17、her tha non a crowded bus, he always prefersa bike.A. ride, rideB. riding, rideC. ride, to rideD. to ride, ridi ng33. - Where did Tom go last summer?-Hehave a cha nee to visit Hong Kong Disn eyla nd last summer.A. was eno ugh lucky toB. was lucky eno ugh toC. was to eno ugh luckyD. was lucky to eno

18、ugh34. - What is the new trend here in wi nter?-The new trend here isin the cold.A. worki ng inB. worki ng atC. work ing outD. work ing on35. Look at Lily! Sheher homework and is arranging her schoolbag.A. is doingB. will doC. has doneD. had done36. - Can the problem be solved?-Yes. It 'said tha

19、t our monitor hasa way to deal with it.A. come up withB. come withC. come outD. come around37. - Will you go to atte nd her weddi ng?-No,I was in vited to.A. ifB. even thoughC. whe nD. un til38. - What do you thi nk of the book, Ja ne?-It ' the best book.A. that I had readB. which I will readC.

20、which I readD. that I have ever read39. The old scie ntist is happy to live a very simple life, though she has give nhersavi ngs to the Hope Project.A. two thirds ofB. two thirdsC. two third ofD. two third40. - What did Jack say just now?-Jack saidto meet the America n frien ds.A. which he pleasedB.

21、 he is pleasedC. that he was pleasedD. what he was pleased41. - Why are you so excited?-The player kicked the ball into his own goal. It washis stupiditywe won the game.A. tha nks to, thatB. due, thatC. because, whichD. owe, which42. - I have sold the painting you saw last week at the price of 1000

22、Yuan.-You have sold it? The pain ti ng is. You should not have sold it at such a lowprice.A. great valueB. of great valueC. of great valuableD. very value43. - We fin ally believe that war n ever settles anything.-I agree. It onlyviole nee.A. leads toB. beg ins withC. comes fromD. runs into44. - Did

23、 you enjoy that trip?-I 'm afraid not. And.A. my classmates don 'eitherB. my classmates don 'tooC. n either do my classmatesD. n either did my classmates45. The stude ntsto be hardwork ing stude nts.A. are con sideredB. con siderC. con sideri ngD. have con sidered第二部分:語言綜合運用(共 3小節(jié),滿分55分)

24、V. 完形填空:(共10小題;每小題1分,滿分10分)When ever you go to the doctor ' office for a con sultati on(會診,咨詢),take a pen and a46 with you. This may sound 47, but it is very useful. Many people complain that theyare often at a loss in a doctor ' s office. They can remember one or two symptom癥狀),but so ofte

25、n they leave 48 thi ngs un said.Patients who take a notebook with them to the doctor' s office will benefit in many ways. Forexample, they can write dow n all their most importa nt symptoms and questi ons 49 they get to the office. 50, they can be sure that they 51 the doctor everyth ing they wa

26、nt to say.They can also be positive that they give all the questi ons they want to ask. They can also writedow n all the advice and in formatio n they get from the doctor, such as52 the pills have tobe taken, what tests are 53, what foods should be avoided, and so on. All of these areimporta nt 54.

27、Misun dersta ndings really 55 be dan gerous and a no tebook and pencil cansave your life.46.A. pen cil-boxB. pillC. no tebook47.A. crazyB. in terest ingC.good48.A. forB. withC. without49.A. afterB.u ntilC. before50.A. What 'smoreB. ThereforeC. However51.A.speakB. tellC. say52.A. how oftenB. how

28、muchC. how long53.A. comfortableB. necessaryC. expe nsive54.A. questio nsB. an swersC. facts55.A.needB. shouldC. canVI. 閱讀理解:(共20小題;每小題2分,滿分40分)(A) 閱讀材料,從題后所給的 A、B、C三個選項中選出最佳答案。Driver Wan tedHouse for SaleDrive for busy restaura nt, some evening and¥ 150, 000, built in 2005.weeke nd work.The ho

29、use with 3 bedrooms, aAll meals are free.bathroom, a living room, a kitche n andRing 63335678.a breakfast room. It 'ins the south ofthe city.Yingbin Supermarket, the biggest shopping centreRose' s Special Concertin our city will open on July 8, 2015. Everybody withTime: 2 p.m., July 3, Satur

30、daytoday ' Nanjing Daily will get a small present that day.Place: People s SfadiumTel: 67984321Ticket Price: RMB 150 yuan forAdd: No. 6 Hunan Roadadults; 70 yua n for stude ntsNanjing Daily June 1,2015June 25, 2015()56. If you work as a driver in the restaura nt, you may.A. n ever pay for meals

31、B. pay a little for meals C. pay for meals()57. If you buy the house, you.A. may pay $150, 000 for itB. have to take a bath in the public bathroomC. may live in the south of the city()58. Any customer with a Nanjing Daily of June 1, 2015 will get a small present fromA. Hunan RoadB. Tianjin DailyC. Y

32、i ngbi n Supermarket()59. When will the concert be?A. June 8, 2015.B. July 3, 2015.C. June 25, 2015.()60. If two adults and two stude nts want to go to the con cert, the tickets will cost RMBA. 440 yuanB. 270 yuanC. 370 yuan(B) 閱讀材料,判斷所給句子的正誤,正確的選A,錯誤的選B。The clergy(牧J帀),firefighters and others with

33、professional jobs that involve helping or serving people are more satisfied with their work, and are happier than those in other professions, accord ing to results from a n ati onal survey.“ Themost satisfying jobs are mostly professions, especially those involving caring for, teaching and protectin

34、g others, s”id Tom Smith, director of the General Social Survey at the Nati onal Opinion Research Cen ter at the Uni versity of Chicago. In the study, in terviewers asked more tha n 27,000 people questi ons about job satisfact ion and gen eral happ in ess. In dividuals level of conten tme nt affects

35、 their overall sense of happ in ess. Smith said. 47% of those surveyed said that they were satisfied with their jobs and 33% reported being very happy.Here are the top five most satisfy ing jobs and the perce ntage of subjects who said they were satisfied with the job.1. Clergy-87%2. Firefighters-80

36、%3. Physical therapists-78%4. Authors-74%5. Special educati on teachers-70%“ The least satisfying jobs are mostly low-skilled and service occupations, especiallyin volv ing customer service and food servi ng,” Smith said.()61. Most Firefighters are satisfied with their jobs.A. TrueB. False()62. Jobs

37、 in volv ing cari ng for others are ofte n satisfy ing jobs.A. TrueB. False()63. Tom Smith is the director of the Gen eral Social Survey at the Uni versity of Chicago.A. TrueB. False()64. 80% of the special educati on teachers are satisfied with their jobs.A. TrueB. False()65. Accord ing to the surv

38、ey, waiters are more satisfied with their jobs tha n authors.A. TrueB. False(C) 信息匹配。閱讀5段描述和5條相關的信息,將這些描述和相應的信息匹配起來,并把與信息對應的字母填寫在括號內。The following notice shows a list of coming major exhibitions in the national museum. Decide which exhibition each person needs to visit.(下面是國家博物館即將安排的活動或展出的列表 請將每位參觀者

39、與要去參加的活動或展出名稱相匹配?;顒踊蛘钩雒Q用字母A-E表示。)A.Arts and Artists in Tang & Song Dyn astyn-th小八也八25 -30 AprilB.Job Fair of Nanji ng 2017丄 Jh/Jh10 -13 JuneC.Natio nal parks around the globe/八th處八也10 -20 JulyD.The bite of China8th-18th AugustE.Carto on and Comics Showthth2 -12 September()66. Hele n is going to

40、 write a report about n ati onal parks. She n eeds to gather somein formatio n.()67. Henry ' s uncle is a cook, and he is interesteChinese cooking .()68. Peter majors in Carto on in a vocatio nal school.()69. Tom is look ing for Chin ese painting in formati on for his history teacher.()70. Joh n

41、 will graduate from uni versity this year.(D) 閱讀下面的電子郵件,然后按要求填寫信息。Emma Peters onRoskilde KatedralskoleEmail add: prastmarkmail123.dkDate: 3/11/2015Dear Liu Fei,My name is Emilie, and I am a Danish girl, who is graduating at the high school Roskilde Katedralskole this summer. I am looking forward to

42、meeting you this spring. I am 18 years old, and I have just started taking the exams for Driving license, I will finish it around this Christmas.I live with my mother, father, little sister and my two dogs. I have never been to China before, soI am really excited to meet you. In my free time, I am u

43、sually with my friends in the weekends and I am mostly doing homework in the after noon in weekdays. I go to do box ing once a week, which makes me relaxed and clear my mind. How do you spe nd your weekdays and weeke nds? I know that you focus more on education than we do, but what do you do in your free time, do you go to any sport?I really hope you will write to me by email, I would


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