1、Work Con tract for Coke Ove n Equipme ntCon tract No.:The Ordering Party: ( Party A )The Con tractor: ( Party B )WHEREAS, Party A intends to build a stamp in g-charg ing coke ove n with a cok ing chamber of holes and meters in width;WHEREAS, the authorized represe n tatives of Party A and Party B ha
2、ve made wide excha nge and con sultati ons on the tech ni cal and bus in ess issues relat ing to the vehicle equipme nt used in the coke ove n, and both parties have fully expressed their sin cerity for cooperatio n;WHEREAS, Party A agrees to en trust Party B with the con structi on of the equipme n
3、t;NOW THEREFORE, both parties con clude the Con tract as follows:I. List of the Equipme nt to be SuppliedNo.Equipment NameQua n tit yUn itUnitPrice 仃 enThousan dYuan)TotalPrice 仃 enThousan dYuan)TimeofDelivery1Stamping Charg ing CarSetThe first set of equipme nt shall bedeliveredfrom ; the sec ond s
4、et of equipme nt shall be delivered on .2Stamping Coke PusherSet324-Hammer Micro-fixed TamperSet4Dedusting Coke GuideSet5Coke-Quenching CarSetr6Electric LocomotiveSet7Hydraulic Revers ing Mach ineSet8Oscillating FeederSet9Gas-Guide CarSet10Oven Door Clea ning System with HighPressure Water (1 for th
5、e Coke Pusher and1for the Coke Guide)Set11Freight and Miscella neous Charges12n stallati on and Test CostTotalThe total con tract price is RMB .The con tract price here in is in clusive of tax. Party B shall be resp on sible for all the related issues such as shipme nt, i nstallati on and commissi o
6、ning etc, and assume the corresp onding expe n ses.II. Quality, Standards and Inspection1. Party B shall complete its design, manufacture and installation in strict accordance with the section drawing of coke oven mechanical equipment provided by the designing institute, and the quality shall confor
7、m to drawing requirements. In case there is any dispute, it shall be settled through consultations by both parties.2. Party B shall provide technical services for the design, manufacture, transportation, pack ing, in stallatio n, debugg ing and commissi oning of the con tracted equipme nt, and Party
8、 B shall en sure the quality in all aspects.3. The equipme nt shall be manu factured in accorda nce with releva nt n ati onal in dustrial sta ndards, and the in stallatio n and commissi oning of the equipme nt must comply with Code for Construction and Acceptance of Metallurgical Machinery Installat
9、ion Work issued by Ministry of Metallurgical Industry.4. The main materials of components and parts shall be accompanied by the original material list and the corresponding test reports of physical and chemical in dicators.III. Place and Terms of Delivery1. Place of delivery: Party A 'constructi
10、on site.2. Party B shall also provide Certificate of Quality Competency Installation Drawings for the Equipment Part Drawings, Inspection Reports Instruction Manual, List of Wearing Parts, Spare Parts Book, Operation and Maintenance Manuals for Machinery, Electrical and Fluidic Equipment, in conjunc
11、tion with the provisi on of the equipme nt.3. Party A shall be responsible for the provision of places for field fabrication and installation, and Party A shall also be responsible for water and electricity supply.4. Party B's staff must be in place once the equipment arrives at the work site.IV
12、. Packing and Transportation1. Party B shall, in accordance with the properties of products as well as components and parts, determine the mode of packing to ensure the security and liability of load ing, shipp ing, uni oad ing and storage.2. Party B shall select a reas on able means of tran sport i
13、n accorda nce with the equipment status, while the unioading charge incurred after the arrival at Party' siteshall be assumed by Party A.V. Payment1. Every time against Party As payment, Party B shall issue a financial receipt.2. Withi n seve n (7) work ing days from the date on which the Con tr
14、act comes into effect, Party A shall pay an adva nce payme nt of RMB Five Milli on Yua n Only to Party B.3. Within one week from the date of normal use after the installation and commissi oning of the equipme nt, the payme nt of the equipme nt shall be made up to % (in clud ing the paid adva nce pay
15、me nt of RMB Yua n).4. The quality guarantee period for the products shall be one year. If upon the expiration of this period the equipment passes the inspection without any quality problem, Party A shall pay off the quality guara ntee deposit equivale nt to % of the Con tract price. However, proble
16、ms aris ing from improper operati on by Party A's staff or related to common con sumables are not in cluded in the quality guara ntee scope.VI. Installation, Trial Run and Acceptance of the Coke Owen Equipment1. The installation and commissioning must meet the drawing requirements as well as the
17、 requireme nts by releva nt n ati onal sta ndards.2. Party A shall actively cooperate with the site reside nt represe ntatives appo in ted by Party B to complete the field services. Party A shall meet the installation conditions for the coal charging car before , and it shall meet the installation c
18、on diti ons for the tamper and other equipme nt before .3. The trial period of the equipme nt shall refer to one week of coke product ion in the heating test, during which Party B 'sinstallation staff shall play a leading role in maintaining the equipme nt, and Party A'soperatio n and mainte
19、nance staff, un der Party B ' training and supervisi on, will play a suppleme ntal role. The in stallati on and commissioning shall not come to an end until the expiration of this period.4. Party A shall provide free accommodation in the neighborhood for Party B ' installation and commission
20、ing staff. Party A shall provide Party B with water, electricity and gas n ecessaryfor in stallati on free of charge. The expe nse for the cranes used in in stallati on shall also be assumed by Party A.5. All the lubricating and hydraulic media during the installation and commissioning as well as du
21、ri ng the process of product ion shall be provided by Party A, while the specific quantities and models shall be provided by Party B.6. Party A shall orga nize the accepta nce participated in by Party B with in two weeks from the date whe n the equipme nt is put into coke product ion. For those in f
22、ailure of meeti ng the requireme nts of tech ni cal performa nce, Party B must rectify them within one mon th. If Party A fails to orga nize the aforesaid accepta nce within two weeks, it shall be deemed that the equipme nt passes the accepta nce.7. After the equipme nt is put into product ion, Part
23、y B shall provide Party A with 3-mo nth tech ni cal support and maintenance in structio ns free of charge, for which purpose two mach ini sts, one electrical mecha nic and one hydraulic mecha nic shall be appo in ted.VII. Liability for Breach of Con tract1. If Party B discovers that the drawings or
24、technical requirements provided by Party A are unreasonable,it shall timely notify Party A. In case that any losses are caused to Party B due to Party As in dole nt reply or other reas ons, Party A shall be liable for making compe nsati on on the basis of the valuati on of the un reas on able parts.
25、2. If Party A changes its requirementsfor the contracted work while the work is un der way, thereby caus ing losses to Party B, Party A shall be liable for making compe nsati on on the basis of the valuati on of the loss caused by the cha nges.3. If the performanee of the contracted work requires as
26、sistanee. Party A shall have the obligati on to provide assista nee. In case that the con tracted work is un able to be completed on schedule due to Party A ' failure in fulfilli ng its obligati on of assista nee. Party B may urge Party A to perform its obligatio n within a reas on able time lim
27、it and may extend the term of its performanee; if Party A still fails to perform such obligati on within the time limit, Party B may termi nate the Con tract.4. If Party B fails to complete the manufacture, installation or trial run as stipulated in the Con tract, Party B shall be liable for making
28、the corresp onding compe nsati ons for Party Asec ono mic loss.VIII. Con tract Disputes and Settleme ntAny dispute aris ing out of or in connection with the Con tract betwee n the parties shall be settled through frie ndly con sultatio ns on the basis of Con tract Law. In case no agreeme nt can be r
29、eached, the dispute shall the n be submitted to the peoptecourt at the place ofsig nature for litigati on.IX. Miscellaneous1. The Con tract shall come into force upon the sig nature and seal of the authorized represe ntatives desig nated by both parties, and the effective date of the Con tract shall be the date on which the adva nee payme nt is received after the sig ning and seali ng.2. The te
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