



1、希望對您有幫助,謝謝一句英文簡短情話經典導讀:本文是關于一句英文簡短情話經典,如果覺得很不錯, 歡迎點評和分享!1、你可以讓我傷心,但是千萬不要讓我死心!You can make me sad, but dont let me die!2、 拉著你的手, 看風景, 一輩子, 這是我對你的全部奢求。Hold your hand, see the scenery, for a lifetime, this is all I want foryou.3、我不要短暫的溫存,只要你一世的陪伴你。I dont want short-term warmth, as long as accompany you

2、 allyour life.4、我可以為你生.為你死,只要你肯愛我!I can live and die for you, as long as you love me!5、我會努力掙錢,養(yǎng)你。I will try to earn money and support you.6、真正懂得的人,從不問為什么!People who really know never ask why!7、不是除了你,我就沒人要了。只是除了你,我誰都不想要I dont want anybody but you. I just dont want anybody but you.you希望對您有幫助,謝謝8、在人生艱辛

3、的跋涉中,愿我們化做兩盞明燈互相照耀,互相溫暖。In the arduous journey of life, may we turn into two lights to shine andwarm each other.9、只要你愿意,我可以一直等你!I can wait for you as long as you like!10、好想從現在開始抱著你,緊緊的抱著你,一直走到上帝面 前。I want to hold you from now on, hold you tightly, until I come to God.11、你不要一個人勇敢了,來我懷里懦弱好嗎?Dont be br

4、ave by yourself. Come and be cowardly in my arms, willyou?12、陽光燦爛的笑容,使我心甘情愿繳械投降,在初遇你的那 一刻。The sunny smile made me willing to surrender, at the moment I firstmet you.13、世人皆謂我獨戀長安,卻不知我只戀長安的某某。People all say that I love Changan alone, but I dont know that I onlylove somebody in Changan.希望對您有幫助,謝謝14、不曉得

5、如何愛你,看著你,是我唯一的方式。I dont know how to love you. Looking at you is my only way.15、一曲一場嘆,一生為一人。Sigh after sigh, life is a person.16、我們可以一起看海,卻不能手牽手看海。We can see the sea together, but not hand in hand.17、我在等一個偶遇,然后和你在一起。Im waiting for an encounter, and then Ill be with you.18、我發(fā)誓:五十年后,我還是像現在一樣愛你。I swear:

6、 Fifty years later, I still love you as I do now.19、趁我還愛你,你可不可以不要錯過我?While I still love you, can you not miss me?20、原來只要是分開了的人,不論原來多么熟悉,也會慢慢變 得疏遠。As long as the original separation of people, no matter how familiarwith the original, will gradually become alienated.21、喝了你釀的愛情酒,如果沒有續(xù)杯,我情愿渴一輩子。Drink yo

7、ur wine of love, if there is no refill, I would like to thirst for alifetime.希望對您有幫助,謝謝22、我有一個小夢想,簡簡單單踏踏實實的跟你過一輩子。I have a small dream, simple and down-to-earth with you for alifetime.23、下雨時,我們打一把傘,我向往和你擠在一起走路。When it rains, we take an umbrella. I yearn to walk with you.24、不要擔心害怕,你會是我最美的新娘。Dont be a

8、fraid, you will be my most beautiful bride.25、在愛情的世界里,你就是我的唯一。In the world of love, you are the only one for me.26、全世界就這么一個你,叫我怎么舍得放棄。The world is such a you, how can I give up?27、因為愛你,所以我要我們在一起。Because I love you, I want us to be together.28、在心中,你是我唯一的夢,唯一的思念,唯一的愛。In my heart, you are my only dream

9、, my only missing, my only love.29、人總是會老的,希望到時,你仍在我身邊。People will always be old, I hope you will still be around me.30、你出門總是忘記帶鑰匙,我要留著雙腳好給你開門。You always forget to bring your keys when you go out. Ill keep my希望對您有幫助,謝謝feet to open the door for you.31、縱然傷心,也不要愁眉不展,因為你不知是誰會愛上你的 笑容。Never frown, even whe

10、n you are sad, because you never know whois falling in love with your smile.32、我想,能和你在一起。I think I can be with you.33、你知道嗎,你的一舉一動都在牽動著我的心。You know, your every move is affecting my heart.34、同樣的,他不愛你的時候也沒有辦法假裝愛你。Similarly, he cant pretend to love you when he doesnt love you.35、你偷走了我的心,你要為此事負全部責任。You h

11、ave stolen my heart and you are fully responsible for it.36、我愛你,盡管你渾身是刺, 刺的我遍體鱗傷可我依舊愛你。I love you, although you are thorn, thorn all over my scales, but I stilllove you.37、看著滿天的繁星,其中有兩顆就是我注視你的眼睛。Look at the stars all over the sky, two of them are my eyes.希望對您有幫助,謝謝38、看一個姑娘可否有內涵,要看她的走姿。Whether a girl has connotation or not depends on her walkingposture.39、一顆心,屬于尓太久了。離開了,仍然愛著。A heart belongs to you for too long. Leave, still love.40、要學著自己笑,自己哭,自己唱歌給自己聽。Lea


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