1、 跨文化交際 潘震一、漢英修辭對比 比喻完全對應(yīng)的比喻所占的比例不大比喻的翻譯困難保留原語形象轉(zhuǎn)換原語形象舍棄原語形象而只傳達(dá)喻義比喻的翻譯原則:必須保證傳譯喻義,達(dá)到交際的根本目的盡量傳遞原語形象,或者代之以譯語讀者較能接受的另一個形象作為補償喻義和形象不能兩全時,舍形象,保喻義方鴻漸看唐小姐不笑的時候,臉上還依戀著笑意,像音樂停止后裊裊空中的余音。許多女人會笑得這樣甜;但她們的笑容只是面部肌肉軟操,仿佛有所教練在喊口令:“一!”忽然滿臉堆笑,“二!”忽然笑不知去向,只余個空臉,像電影開映前的布幕。(錢鐘書圍城) Fang Hung-chien noticed that the trace
2、of a smile lingered on Miss Tangs face when she was not smiling, like the last few notes that float in the air after the music has ceased. Many women can smile just as sweetly, but their smile is only facial muscle calisthenics, as if a drillmaster were barking the order, “One!”and suddenly the whol
3、e face would be wreathed in smiles, then“Two !”and just as suddenly the smile would vanish, leaving a face as blank as the screen in a movie theater before the movie starts. (Kelly, 1979:52)比喻的跨文化思考委婉語委婉語的翻譯困難:委婉語的翻譯原則:見他生的聰明俊秀,也欲使他識幾個字,不過假充養(yǎng)子,聊解膝下荒涼之嘆。(曹雪芹紅樓夢)And because she was as intelligent as s
4、he was pretty, they decided to give her a good education to make up for their lack of a son and help them forget their loss. (楊憲益、戴乃迭譯)排比借助平行鋪排的結(jié)構(gòu)增強語勢節(jié)奏感形式美音律美排比的翻譯原則:直譯含重復(fù)成分的:不含重復(fù)成分的:湖邊離水幾英尺的地方有一座涼亭,周圍綠樹成蔭,樹枝交錯,在小路上形成了一條拱道,樹梢一直俯垂到水面。There was a summerhouse near the shore of the lake, only a few fee
5、t away from the waters edge, surrounded and shaded by trees, whose branches arched over the path and drooped down to the surface of the water.二、顏色詞跨文化對比研究顏色是我們認(rèn)知世界的重要組成部分?;绢伾懂牐杭t、白、黑、綠、黃、藍(lán)、棕、紫等。顏色是“自然的符號”,顏色詞是“人為的符號”。“赤” 首先,“赤”或“紅”可表達(dá)憤怒的強烈情感,“面紅耳赤”、“臉紅頭脹”、“臉脹通紅”、“臉紅脖子粗”等,均顯示出血液使面部皮膚變色并腫脹的現(xiàn)象,這些原本表示人
6、體生理變化的詞匯被直接用來代表人類的情感。倘有不達(dá)時務(wù)的,捉空摘了一花一蕊,那老便要面紅頸赤,大發(fā)喉急。下次就打罵他,也不容進(jìn)去看了。(醒世恒言第四卷灌園叟晚逢仙女)he would make a terrible scene, reddening to the tips of his ears, and would never admit that person again. (楊曙輝,楊韻琴)the old man would flush with anger and never admit him again.(楊憲益,戴乃迭)he became quite ferocious if h
7、e caught one of his visitors breaking his promise. (Chi-Chen Wang)其次,“赤”或“紅”范疇可涵蓋“害羞”之情:王窺其意,戲之曰:“以娘子才貌,得配若人,庶可無恨?!迸畷灱t上頰,脈脈不作一語。(聊齋志異胭脂)Yanzhi blushed and said nothing.(黃友義).Yen-chih blushed and could not say a word. (Amy Ling)A tinge of red spread over the girls cheeks. She said nothing. (Denis C.
8、&Victor H. Mair)再次,“赤”或“紅”可指代“驚恐”、“窘迫”之情:劉媽媽走將進(jìn)去,便道:“為甚青天白日,把門閉上,在內(nèi)摟抱啼哭?”二人被問,驚得滿面通紅,無言可答。(醒世恒言第八卷喬太守亂點鴛鴦譜)Their faces aflame, Jade Boy and Huiniang were at a loss for an answer, which further convinced Mrs. Liu of their guilt.(楊曙輝,楊韻琴)Their faces flushed with alarm, but they had no reply, which
9、 only confirmed Mrs. Liu in her suspicions. (Patrick Hanan)另外,“紅”或“赤”范疇也包含了嫉妒之情,這是中文的獨特用法,具有東方情感色彩,在英文短篇小說中未見有此用法:那徐言、徐召雖也掙起些田產(chǎn),比著顏氏,尚有天淵之隔,終日眼紅頸赤。那老兒揣知二人意思,勸顏氏各助百金之物。(醒世恒言第三十五卷徐老仆義憤成家)Knowing how consumed they were with jealousy, the old man advised Yan-shi to give them each a gift of a hundred tae
10、ls of silver.(楊曙輝,楊韻琴)They always openly showed their jealousy. ( Susan Arnold Zonana)青”“青”包含“綠”、“藍(lán)”和“黑”三種意象。夏扶,血勇之人,怒而面赤;宋意,脈勇之人,怒而面青;武陽,骨勇之人,怒而面白。光所知荊軻,神勇之人,怒而色不變。(漢魏六朝小說選燕丹子)Xia Fu has courage in his blood: when he is angry his face turns red. Song Yi has courage in his veins: when he is angry hi
11、s face turns green. Wu Yang has courage in his bones: when he is angry his face turns white. But I know a man named Jing Ke who has superhuman courage. When he is angry he does not change color at all. (楊憲益,戴乃迭)Hsia Fu is a man whose daring is in his blood; when aroused his face turns red. Sung Yis
12、boldness is in his veins; when angered his face turns blue. Wu Yangs courage lies in his bones; when stirred his countenance grows pale. I know of one Ching Ko, a man of divine valor. When he is provoked, his visage remains unchanged, and he has wide learning and a strong memory. (Peter Rushton) 那員外
13、眼中不見如花似玉體態(tài),只見房中蟠著一條吊桶來粗大白蛇,兩眼一似燈盞,放出金光來。驚得半死,回身便走,一絆一跤。眾養(yǎng)娘扶起看時,面青口白。(警世通言第二十八卷白娘子永鎮(zhèn)雷鋒塔)they saw that his face was green and his lips were white. (楊曙輝,楊韻琴)they saw that his face was pale and his lips had lost all colors. (Diana Yu)一拿到時,已是膽戰(zhàn)心驚,如今聽說把潘壽兒殺人的事,坐在他身上,就是青天里打下一個霹靂,嚇得半個字也說不出。(醒世恒言第十六卷陸五漢硬留合色鞋
14、)And now, the accusation that he was the murderer struck him like a thunder bolt from a clear sky. (楊曙輝,楊韻琴)he felt as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt-he was scared speechless. (Diana Yu)“白”壽兒被太守句句道著心事,不覺面上一回紅,一回白,口內(nèi)如吃子一般,半個字也說不清潔。(醒世恒言第十六卷陸五漢硬留合色鞋)The prefects words touched a raw nerve. Shou
15、ers face blushed and paled by turns and the words failed on her lips as she stammered and stuttered. (楊曙輝,楊韻琴)As each accusation hit home, Shouer first flushed, then blanched, and finally began to stammer, unable to get a word out properly. (Diana Yu)又想一回道:“我聞得做老鴇的,專要錢鈔。就是個乞兒,有了銀子,他也就肯接了,何況我做生意的,青青白
16、白之人?若有了銀子,怕他不接!只是哪里來這幾兩銀子?”(醒世恒言第三卷賣油郎獨占花魁)“.Theyll even accept a beggar if he can pay. I am a man with an honest business.” (楊曙輝,楊韻琴)“.They would admit even a beggar if he could pay, so why not a respectable tradesman.”(楊憲益,戴乃迭)“.Moreover, Im in a respectable trade, so why shouldnt she receive me i
17、f I have the money.” (Lorraine S. Y. Lieu)“.so surely shed see a businessman like me with a spotless reputation.” (Patrick Hanan) “我是清清白白的人家,決不要這樣敗壞門風(fēng)的好東西??爝€了我昔年聘禮,另自去對親,不要誤我孩兒的大事?!保ㄐ咽篮阊缘诎司韱烫貋y點鴛鴦譜)“We are a family of stainless reputation. We dont want one who would only bring disgrace to us.”(楊曙輝,楊
18、韻琴)“We are good, honest folk in my family, and we certainly dont want such a disreputable creature as that.” (Patrick Hanan)女笑曰:“君慮亦過。妾不過離魂之倩女,偶為情動耳。此事宜要慎秘,恐是非之口捏造黑白,君不能生翼,妾不能乘風(fēng),則禍離更慘于好別矣?!保凝S志異葛巾)“But our affair must be secret. There are those who would make our love difficult.”(黃友義)“The main thing is for our affair to remain a carefully guarded secret, or judgmental tongues will color things to suit themselves.”(Denis C. &Victor H. Mair) 又對李甲道:“妾風(fēng)塵數(shù)年,私有所積,本為終身之計。自遇郎君,山盟海誓,白首不渝。(警世通言第三十二卷杜十娘怒沉百寶箱)“After we met, you and I took many a vow
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