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1、tomeet. It s sad t hat in the、-ulua society people pi ant"、,s.i society ma n s ana nima" "he fnsocey, reur工程竣工檔案模板工程名稱:丹東華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能化工程開工日期: 2014 年10月 日竣工日期:年 月日安裝單位:沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科技有限公司工程負(fù)責(zé)人:宋偉工程技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人: 周曉祥質(zhì)量負(fù)責(zé)人:賀翔檔案編制人:宋偉 Thlvlf t thbjtitif v l tvlf ft lti Dif t v l w y f tP l itfh v lIt wt

2、h btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lth v lv ltf ilhv l t ftliii zt iil iiiztii l ilzt i th v l vt f Siltilzti tt t'vlit 1t yl i t t thf th thit - h tl t bv b fiIt t f l Th l Otkata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - -tceaearecdofaciments,howt< performance a son. Wat -es, wa kind of Outook h

3、ere tpeopleorientdOulok,sontepremseofresecingteinteestsa.poweofpeipleceatngapopula, mhe as, st , heart perormance,ceatig"serveforone olice, the be net o" acheet s, a. o - al cnstuctonofweloffsc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peoplesperformaci eet lat a-mplsmes, a_ aiotelokatthefecne

4、-ofs.aprogressCa ,ges baandruacan” bot had e nvionme nt tsregt he a nd another l ook atthe si evronmet imprlament momentof . l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustai nabl e . ”.me nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peopetoakabout"Oulook"snotwatthepefrmance.4. pepe resonne d t

5、o the sarig poit of te queston,adreledtqustonspointMansthesmofsocil re atonshi ps W ca I not lev e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tulsm ad eeranmet,enertiningadeveceaipoltl e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronment and s on. IDe t luma nnee is, al aB of le l cme it o be ng Pe ope crae fr thei iuWa, a nd cont

6、 nue enjyig tereu-oftecnntuclon.Cloruithetansormatonoftepepeof te orl d, cmmuni, vitaiB i theceaion of ma. Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, teceofhicst o m-t the nees if pe opl* include, luviva nee .s otona l nne.s and - l at alzt needs.Itsoudbenotedthat

7、 pe opl e ae not maci nes not te saw of a objec, not t be cnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - thei o pesnaiy has is o n pesnal , hhs is o n dig niy Pesn id of cae , ou nne. to unndesad neldtmee. I s .ad t ha in the、-ulua ”*, peple pl ant" i"i_s_l .cey ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,,reu.目錄一、前言二

8、、工程方案設(shè)計(jì)三、開工報(bào)告及圖紙會(huì)審記錄四、施工方案五、施工計(jì)劃及過程六、施工組織人員安排、施工機(jī)具及材料設(shè)備清單七、保證工程質(zhì)量及施工安全技術(shù)措施八、設(shè)備到貨及開箱驗(yàn)收九、施工簽證及有關(guān)聯(lián)系單十、工程質(zhì)量自檢記錄十一、驗(yàn)收材料及竣工報(bào)告十二、工程圖紙十三、其他No ae i I a ne hisorica sage of alround cnst ucin of a eloff sce ,Iperorm s and carid ou o. of pr oce ss i the e to pu pe opl e - a g uie priniles a nd a e s m n.ad efor

9、s 10m mas - moshope do of things do up, fommasls mos caeof hot prbe mgabed fommasls mos notsaisacinof plce m odie d u, not ma - nomi na of fmaBm, not .ogansa nd ng of coaek, t on- ig of s,e , he p mis s sae is pe ope I eel(C) the ivestepe I pe i s not only a i * i i s a .be qu - ment. Phiosph,trI u.

10、 t te pe ope o-nttd toug ht in t he . of te Ofie, must be ca . objctws Pa,He i n te cl, thi s, rrmaisnne d cii sf, lcl bra nd The Count,(,*)Pa,Cmmtte ofies ad u-.“, unde te Of to hol . hghte banne of is t -cBnce pepe ore ne. re quie met* steg het he cnstuci on a nd ma I igoet of te Of t oads te ork、

11、hig he ear. I-see 1tmee. I s sad t ha in the、-ulua sociey peple pl ant" i、.s.l scey ma n s a animar, "he iforma1nsce,-eu. Thlvlf t thbjtitif v ltvlf ft ltiDift vl w y ftPlitf h v lIt wth btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lth v lv ltf ilhv l t ft liii z iil iiiztii l ivlztith v l vt

12、 f Siltilzti t wt t t'vlit 1t yl i t t thf th thit - h tl t bv bfi It tit f l Th l Otk ata_e s on lerecrd, inCuding - tceae a recd of aci ments, how t<performance ason. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremse of reseci ng te inteests ad powe of peI pl e ceatng apop

13、ula, mhe as, st , heart performan'c - ig "serve frone ofier, the benet -" acheets, ad o - al cnstucton of weloff sc* ad promotng Ie al roud . elpmet of peopl es perormancieet lat a-mplsmes, a_ aI ote lok at the fec ne- of sca progres* Ca,ges baa nd ruacan” bothad envirnme nt tSregt he

14、and another look at thesi evionmet imprlament momentumof d lopme nt a present, de pedng ontepoteta for sustainabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. aboutare wort ad leave peope toak about "Oulook" snot watthe pefrmance.4p.p. rmonne d to the sarig poit of te queston, ad rele d t qust ons point M

15、an s the sm of socil reatonshi ps W caI not lev e te chchuanyngdu, housng.tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eve ceai polt cal ecnomic culual ad scil e nvronme nt and son. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of ie lcmeito be ng Pe ope crae fr theiiuWa, and cont nneen. m g tereu-of tecnnt uclon. Ccloru i t he

16、tansormaton of tepepe of te -orld,cmmuni,vitaiS i the ceai on ofma.Theeore , an, .e do, the satng poit s huma, -ha aepepe. Us seld u dewlpment, tece of -hi c s t o m-tthe neesif people includig -viva needs emotona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs. It so.d be note d that peopl e ae not macines not te saw o

17、f aobjec, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl e ha - theio- pesnaiy has iso n pesnal ,hhs is own digniy Pesn i I >ed of cae, ounnedto unndesad neld工程開工報(bào)告工程名稱: 丹東華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能化工程施工單位沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科技有 限公司施工地點(diǎn)丹東市華美新天地小區(qū)建設(shè)單位監(jiān)理單位施工負(fù)責(zé)人宋偉手機(jī)號(hào)碼計(jì)劃開工日期2014年10月計(jì)劃竣工日期工程準(zhǔn)備情況及存在地主要問題:前期工程所需管線,安排進(jìn)場(chǎng),人員進(jìn)場(chǎng)實(shí)際查看。實(shí)行綜合布線施工施工單位(簽章): 沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科

18、技有限公司日期:2014年10月日監(jiān)理單位意見:監(jiān)理單位(簽章):日期:建設(shè)單位意見:建設(shè)單位簽章:日期:注:1、本報(bào)告一式三份,建設(shè)單位、監(jiān)理單位、施工單位各一份;No ae i I a ne- hisorica sa. of alround cnst ucin of a eloff sce ,Iperorm s and -rid ou o. of pr oce ss ith* e to pu pe ople - a g uie priniles a nd a e s sandad efors 10m mas - moshope do of tigs do up, fommasls mos

19、caeof hot prble m.abed fommasls mos notsaisacinof plce m odie d u, not ma- nomi na of fmaBm, not do.ansa nd ng of coaek, t on- ig of stye , hhlmls s sae is pe ope I eel(C) the ivestepe I pe i s not only a i i i s a .brequ - ment. Phiosph,trI ugg t te pe ope o-nttd toug ht in t he -. of te Ofie, must

20、 be ca - . objctws Pa,He i n te cl, thi s, rrmaisnced c'i sf, lcl bra nd The Count,(C*"a,Commtte ofies ad u-d - c. unde te Ike to hol dhghte banne of is t -cBnce pepe ode ned re quie met* stegg het he cnstuci on a nd ma ,. et of te Of t o-ads te ork 1a hig he ear.I-see of,u pelentaton, man.

21、 de I eds on I o m uc datd a docume ntrrcognie d by the ledesip, ho ma,ae l iseni ng to te pe I pe i navur of te reor, ho ma,mapo e dewl opme nt ad seki ng, majr prbl » ad foste a d - naae iduut,a id Idjsment .riul ura .u»re a nd caridtmee. I s sad t ha in the、-ulua socey peple pl ant"

22、;; i、.s.l scey ma n s a a nimar, "he iforma1nsce,-eu. Thlvlf t thbjtitif v ltvlf ft ltiDif t v l w y ftPlitf h v lIt wth btv lht it ktyv ltivylt l . i hi iltht hv lth v lv ltf ilhv lt ft liii z iil iiiztii lilzt i th v l vtf Siltilzti tt t'vlit 1t yl i t t thf ththit - h tl t bv bfi It tit

23、f l Th l Otk ata_e s on lere crd, inCuding - t ceae a recd of aci ments, how t< performance a son. Wat es, wa kind of Outook here tpeople orie ntd Oulok, s ontepremse of reseci ng te inteests ad powe of peI pl e ceat ng apopul a, mhe as, st , heart perormance, ceatig "serve for one ofier, th

24、e be net -" acheet s, ad o - al cnstucton of weloff sc* ad pr omotng Ie al r oud . elpmet of peopl es perorma nce-ci eet lat a-mplsmes, a_ aI ote lok at the fec ne- of sca pr ogres* Ca ,ges baa nd ruralCange; bot had e nvionme nt tSregt he a nd another l ook at the si evionmet imprlament moment

25、umof d l opme nt a present, de pedng onte poteta for sustainabl e . lopme nt Lea- people t、. a boutare rts and peope t oak about "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nce.4p.p. resonne d to the sarig poit of te queston, ad rele d t qust ons point Ma n s the sm of socil re atonshi ps W ca I not le

26、v e te chchua nyngdu, hous ng.tulsm ad eeranmet, e nertini ng ad eveceai polt cal e cnomic cul ual ad scil e nvronmentand s on. IDe t luma n nee is, al aB of le l cme it o be ng Pe ope crae fr thei -.iva,a nd cont nneen. m g tereu-of tecnnt uclon. C.lo.u i t hetansormaton of tepepe of te orl d, cmmu

27、ni, vtah i the ceai on ofma.Theeore , an, . e do, the sat ng poit s huma, ha ae pepe. Us seld u dewlpment, tece of hi c s t o m-tthe nees if pe ople includig -viva nee ds ot ona lnne ds and -l-tal-t needs. It so. d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not tesaw of a objec, not t becnt.- d. Pe opl

28、 e ha - thei o pesnaiy has iso n pesnal ,hhs is o n dig niy Pesn i I >e d of cae , ounnedtounndesad neld施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)報(bào)審表工程名稱:丹東華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能化工程項(xiàng)目編號(hào):致:(監(jiān)理單位)我方已根據(jù)施工合同的有關(guān)規(guī)定完成了丹東華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能化工程施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)的編制,并經(jīng)我單位上級(jí)技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人審查批 準(zhǔn),請(qǐng)予以審查。附:施工組織設(shè)計(jì)(方案)承包單位(章)沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科技有限公司項(xiàng)目經(jīng)理宋偉日 期;2014年10月專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師審查意見:專業(yè)監(jiān)理工程師日期總監(jiān)理

29、工程師審核意見:項(xiàng)目監(jiān)理機(jī)構(gòu)總監(jiān)理工程師日 期注:1、本報(bào)告一式三份,建設(shè)單位、監(jiān)理單位、施工單位各一份;No ae i I a ne hisorica sa. of alround cnst ucin of a eloff sce ,Iperorm s and carid ou o. of pr oce ss ith* eto pu pe ople - a g uie priniles a nd a e s sandad efors 10m mas - moshope do of things do up, fommasls mos caeof hot prbe m.abed fommasl

30、s mos notsaisacinof plce m odie d u, not ma- nomi na of fmaBm, not do.ansa nd ng of coaek, t on- igof s,e , he p mis s sae is pe ope I eel(C) the ivestepe I pe i s not only a i i i s a .be qu - ment. Phiosph,trI ugg t te pe ope o-nttd toug ht in t he . of te Ofie, must be ca . objctws Pa,He i n te c

31、l, thi s, rrmaisnne d cii sf, lcl bra nd The Cunt,(C*)Pa,Commtte ofies ad u-d - c, unde te Of to hol dhghte banne of is t -cBnce pepe ore ned re quie met* stegg het he cnstuci on a nd ma ,. et of te Of t oads te ork、hig he ear.I-see of,u pelentaton, man,de I eds on I o m uc datd a docume ntrrcognie

32、d by the ledesip, ho ma,ae l iseni ng to te peI pe i n favur of te reor, ho ma,mapo e dewl opme nt ad seki ng, majr prbl » ad foste a d - naae iduut,a id Idjsment .riul ura .u»re a nd carid4. pepe ronne d to thesarig poitof the -esin, ad re -d to qusti ons point. Maainshi ps W I not lev e

33、te chchua nyngdu, hous ng, tu - m ad eeraceai polt cal e cnomic cul ual ad sca envionme nt, and son. De to luma nnee -, a w a* of le wl cme ito be ng Pe ope -ate fr theiluvia, and conti nue enjyig the reulsng point s huma, wha aee - . I Sou d be note d that pe opl e ae not maci nes not te sae of a o

34、bjec, not I be cntr -unndesadneidto mee.I s sad tha in the "g - ul-asociey peple pl ant" in "n_sralscey ma n s a anima" "he if0rmain sce,s one of the”ccl fomof valesThe so ues rees tie objecve li ngs ae of novaue ad Ie vale of fun. ea pespecve. Dffeet vaues, peoples bei ur 一

35、、“ent. Pepe.re.te ide s on lere crd, inCudig w I crae a recd ofaci mentshowipefrmacea I d s on. Wa es Waki. of Oilook Adhee Ipeope ore nid Oulok,s on Ieprrm ofrespci ng Ie id fcus on huma tie ad rraiy, nned the br .es mas - as .les Anteess ad po-we of pei pl e ceaI ng a popul a, mhe as, sedyheat per

36、ormaceai polIl e cnomic Lui ual ad scbl e n-onme nI and s on. IDe IA dhee Iluma| e ope orettd vnneceaig、ve frn nee ds, al w als ofId ues s "m.e Ie ecnomy more d le fr one olce, the be nei -" lche-etIs of ie wl cme itopme nt, m«o<eddmocac, cut ua prosleis, ad o - alcnlUrcIon ofwelof

37、fsc* ad pr i h i ilt ht h. lt h . l. ltf ilh. l t fI lifii z I ii l iiliztii it l ilzIith . l .t f SiltilzI t -t tI t'vli tl t ol i t t If t h thiI h tl I b. 1b.i lt II f l Th l O I Iomoig Ie al roud develpmet of peoples pefrmanne-cievmet -laI accmplsmes, aae aI oIe lok at the ffec ne- ofscbl pr

38、 ogrss ca .g - baand rua can” boI had e nvrnme nt Isregt he and ta_aothe l ook at the si evronmet imprlament momet-of d l opme nt a preent, de pedig onIe pote Ia forlusanal e d lopmenI LLa<epepe I、, about "ale,are worIles ad leve peope toak abou "Oul ook" s not watt he pefrma nne.I

39、e cnnI uuIon. CcIo.u i t he tansormain of Iepepe of Ie worl d, cmmuniy vIa i the ceai on of ma. TheHore , any w. we do, the saI ngpoit s h - a, wha aepepe. Us seldu dewlpment, Iece of whi cs t o mletthe nees if pe opl* include,luviva nee ds emoI ona lnneds andlel -tal-I needs. It sou d be note d tha

40、t pe opl e ae not maci nes not Iesawof a objec, not I be cntr- d. Pe opl e hie theiow pesnat, has is ow n pesnal , hhs - own dg niy Pesn id of cae y ounnedto unndesadneld工程開工報(bào)告建設(shè)單位沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科 技有限公司工程編號(hào)工程名稱丹東華美新天地 小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能 化工程批準(zhǔn)機(jī)關(guān)批準(zhǔn)文號(hào)資金來源設(shè)計(jì)單位沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科 技有限公司出圖日期2014年10月工程量計(jì)劃開工時(shí)間2014 年 10.月計(jì)劃竣工時(shí)間投資金額工程簡(jiǎn)要內(nèi)容:丹東

41、華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能化:1 .綜合布線,2 .數(shù)字監(jiān)控,3 .數(shù)字可視對(duì)講,4 .停車場(chǎng)系統(tǒng)5 .信息發(fā)布系統(tǒng)6 .巡更系統(tǒng)7 .背景音樂系統(tǒng)工程準(zhǔn)備情況:前期工程所需管線,安排進(jìn)場(chǎng),人員進(jìn)場(chǎng)實(shí)際查看。實(shí)行綜合布線施工施工單位沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科技有限公司施工負(fù)責(zé)人:宋偉2014年10月 日建設(shè)單位年 月 日工程監(jiān)理年 月日主管部門審批年 月 日S one of thela cia fmof <alesTe so dm vl s rees totheatiude S on there crd, incudig w toate a recd ofaci ment> ._ . I. ll

42、. _>L. .Lilli. r -objecive thi ngs are of novaue ad Ie vale of fun. ea pespes how i< pefce a . son. wa Wa kL . >. . I . I L .I.-. r .I . 1n s the sm of so.a recie. Difeet values pepleS beavI ur atiu - s dieent. Pepleo_nte.-dhee Ipeople ore ntd Hook, S onteprrm of resecing the ie nerani ng a

43、d eved fcus on huma 'ale ad rraiy, nned the br .(des m-ls as <ales A dhee to ,e ope oriettd vl ues S "moe the ecnomy more d - lnteeSs ad powe of peI pl e ceai ng a popul a, mhe aS, sedy hhar perorman', ceaig、ve forone ofice, the be nei o" (chevmet_ L I . .I I . . _ I. . F. L . L

44、 - > ,-.L. L .opme nt, m«o<eddmocacy cut ua prospeis, ad o<ealcnsrrcIon ofweloffsc* ad pry, ad - a hapier s dee y concennd I ha huma .一 lpment a. hhma s deve opme nt of sca a nd huma uniid, ins . i n the mae - l cvl.3 c zai on a nd s.lu. » ov eal a n. .t I f Soc_I st. onia I gher

45、l e Alsnt Iomoig Ie air oud deveopmet of peoples perorma nne-cievmet -Iat accmpIsmes, tale aI othe look at the elel ne- of s.a pr ogrss Ca . baand rua Can” both had e nvrnme nt tsregt he a nd tae aothe l ook at the si eonmet mprof te cnst ucton. Cloru i t he tansormain of tepepe of te worl d, cmmuni

46、ty viaiy ihe c - iof ma. Thereore,any w.we do, the satpepe. Us seo u dewlpment, theneesif pe ople incl ud I g luvia neeth tlament mds - ot ona lnne ds and lel -tzt netomee theent, de penne ad the cmmunity Apote tia for lusanal e d lopme L-L.- -L-. Ll .dee t o pe ope orieed to Stongy Idvcae eveycommu

47、iy mambe,ieve otes, beekial Ite commuiy of peopl. Tnt LLat pepe tola. abou/"alel"ae wrthlss and la<e peope t o ta.abou "Oul ook- S not wat t he pefrma n. I .1.1. - I . L . 一 . _ , . - i.L I _ IL . -. I . . .d. Pe opl e ha<e theirow pesnaty has isow n pesnal iy, his is own dignit

48、y Pesn i le d of cae y ou n>ed tohe s cae d ook技術(shù)聯(lián)系單提出單位設(shè)計(jì)單位建設(shè)單位工程監(jiān)理安裝單位NW ae ipoiialparca new hisorca sage of alpain bbsid on cnsiay tround cnstro adeeto pepe.-nteucion of a w eloff sced wl be arund tppI perorm duteomote cords and r-ou w o. of pr ocenainDveopme nt evets grea -ss ithe w e to pu p

49、e opl e - a g u- priniles aof,u pe -ntaion, many de I eds on I ow muC da- a docume ntrrcognie d by the ledesi p, how may ae l IHeni ng to the pemapow e deel opme nt, ad seki ng, mjr prbl -adfoste ad,antage idusry aid idjstment .riul ua .ucur* and caridaCi ngs. The 6_. _ _. ll"par* sieI pe i n a

50、vur of terror, how maynd a te s Handai, eforts fom mas - mosI tfc Oulok on develpmet i_ L . . L . . I . . Ihope do ogss the ne w Ce "a cl ecie ledo up, fom mas- mos caepaid dividends it he pra dcl w I rk m pr - pre seaion drafing lrsitte deve opme nt of cnnotain,evl e - irmets accuae gas em gab

51、ed fom mas - mos notdevelpme nt ese ntal, fut l l _. .d itet, Geneal esasalin ofplce m odfie d u, not make nomiher dde pe the esene of devilopmet and inovain, so - udestad GI ea ld cons de of pr obem ae tou pay s uig idda a L . I L . . . Iideth tprrsent esali shi ng ad mpeme Ung teI . -.L.L."L

52、.hikng e .irmet s wehiglghtole igof sye , he p m s sae is pe ope I .i(C the ivestepace f - urs, pu luperI r aproa ch pol cy ad l ca a cua combi nnd u, pu prisedea i i s a jb equ - ment. Phiosphy threme t hus a nd m-ss of by tought - . ll . > . . l. . .by was tshoud sev ce ce nter i nia- i -mlao c

53、mbine d u; r .urrme nts sees tstremiedesip of te -cson, teob|cs Paty Ofie icue nt fous s tofnusn te cty thi s yea rrmans Adad clar, wi hsmple of ang uage exresson on prmoti ng com.l . . ,一一e legpehensiv, coodiaed and lusaia.l. l _ .l . _ .l."os- riof connotain. Secnd theons, do moe esarch, lumm

54、aizd the tyial Oe s. . .draftd to a the levo succes i s sme hig s our fr theour pre seainipolcy de csion a g ood iea an mportant pars the main Ofice I f "roduct", s th e ba sc carie staf sevie, s mI I _ . L L . . .Ie qualy聯(lián)系單位沈陽瀚唐鼎盛科技有限公司工程名稱丹東華美新天地小區(qū)商業(yè)樓智能 化工程內(nèi)容:項(xiàng)目負(fù)責(zé)人:宋偉 電話:工程技術(shù)負(fù)責(zé)人:周曉祥董工電話:/3150質(zhì)量負(fù)責(zé)人:賀翔 電話:施工隊(duì)長(zhǎng):趙斌電話:施工員:賀翔宋海濤張巖趙文斌等na of fmm,do .ansand ng of comHC, tpe I pe i s not only a ilug t te pe ope o-nttd toug w.of teOfice, must be ca w.nce d civ stie, lcl brand The C.unty(CIy)Paty Committe ofies ad uisd - cy unde te Of - dhg h te banne of is t-cBncepep


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