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1、Public Relations 主講:江東權(quán)副教授 管理學院行政管理專業(yè)教研室E-mail: the book: The Practice of Public Relations ,清華大學出版社,清華大學出版社 Public Relations:定義很多。:定義很多。 to study this course? 1. Prepare for the class. 2. Review the textbook after the class. 3. Practice in your daily life.IV. About the exam: 50% daily achievement+50

2、% final exam. V. About the class: 1. Thouse whose are absent will be punished 3 scoure each time. 2. Thouse whose are late for the class will be punished 1 score each time. 3. Thouse who break the requirements will be punished 3 score each time. What is Pulic Relations?What is Pulic Relations? Answe

3、r the following questions: 1. What happened after Mr. Ballmer casually mentioned to a group of reporters that the stock of Microsoft was selling at too high a price? 2. What had driven the Nasdaq stock index to its fourth worst point decline? 3. Can you say something about the Public relations? I. I

4、n the realm of entertainment: II. In the field of politics: III. In business:IV. In the media:V. In our daily life: I. What is the difference between “Doing the right thing and doing the things right”? Which is more important? II. Public relations help the organizations do the right thing. III. Now,

5、 the public relations has grown immeasurably in numbers and respect over the last three decades and today is clearly a growth industry. (refer to page 4) I. In the dawn of the 21st century, the prominence of the public relations has never been greater. downsizing, layoffs, mergers, firing have becom

6、e standard business practice 當前席卷全球的金融風暴使企業(yè)倒閉,員工失業(yè)。II. President Clinton, George W. Bush, Prime Minister Blair attached importance to public relations.III. Salaries for public relations executives continued to rise in both corporations and agencies.Public relations is a distinctive management functi

7、on which helps establish and maintain mutual lines of communications, understanding, acceptance, and cooperation between an organization and its publics; involves the management of problems or issues; helps management to keep informed on and responsive to public opinion; defines and emphasizes the r

8、esponsibility of management to serve the public interest; helps management keep abreast of and effectively utilize change, serving as an early warning system to help anticipate trends; and uses research and sound and ethical communication techniques as its principal tools. I、公共關(guān)系是社會組織于公眾之間的雙向傳播和溝通、公


10、遵循一定行為規(guī)范和準則的傳播活動。的傳播活動。居延安(復旦大學)居延安(復旦大學) PR客戶客戶投資者投資者員工員工社區(qū)社區(qū)政府政府媒體媒體供應商供應商消費者消費者合作伙伴合作伙伴1、什么公共關(guān)系?學習公共關(guān)系的作用和意義有哪些?2、怎么理解公共關(guān)系是幫助組織作正確的事?3、你得到了什么啟發(fā)?有人說:關(guān)系也是生產(chǎn)力。你同意嗎?The Evolution of Public Relations The roots of public relations are ancient. Leaders in every great society throughout history understoo

11、d the importance of influencing public opinion through persuasion.Some good examples: The Romans, when faced with an upcoming battle, Caesar would rally public support through assorted(配合的、組合的)(配合的、組合的) publications and staged(分階段的)(分階段的) events. During the World War I and World War IIWestern countr

12、ies attached importance to the public relations.日本標榜其侵略戰(zhàn)爭日本標榜其侵略戰(zhàn)爭為為“建立大東亞共榮圈建立大東亞共榮圈”。我國春秋戰(zhàn)國時代的合縱聯(lián)橫、遠攻近交,朱元璋的約法我國春秋戰(zhàn)國時代的合縱聯(lián)橫、遠攻近交,朱元璋的約法三章;三章;漢代張騫出使西域,明朝鄭和下西洋。 The American public relations experience dates back to the founding of the Republic. Influencing public opinion, managing communications, a

13、nd persuading individuals at the highest levels were at the core of the American Revolution. 我國清政府時期奉行閉關(guān)鎖國的外交政策,驕傲自大,不學我國清政府時期奉行閉關(guān)鎖國的外交政策,驕傲自大,不學習和接受西方工業(yè)革命的先進科技成果,結(jié)果導致國家落后習和接受西方工業(yè)革命的先進科技成果,結(jié)果導致國家落后和鴉片戰(zhàn)爭、中日戰(zhàn)爭等一系列失敗。和鴉片戰(zhàn)爭、中日戰(zhàn)爭等一系列失敗。 The creation of the most important document in American The creation

14、 of the most important document in American history, the Constitution, also owed much to public relations. history, the Constitution, also owed much to public relations. Federalists, who supported the Constitution, fought tooth and Federalists, who supported the Constitution, fought tooth and nail w

15、ith anti Federalists, who opposed it. Their battle was nail with anti Federalists, who opposed it. Their battle was waged in newspaper articles, pamphlets, and other organs of waged in newspaper articles, pamphlets, and other organs of persuasion in an attempt to influence public opinion.persuasion

16、in an attempt to influence public opinion. After ratificationAfter ratification(批準,認可)(批準,認可), the constitutional debate , the constitutional debate continued, particularly over the documents apparent failure to continued, particularly over the documents apparent failure to protect individual libert

17、ies against government encroachment(protect individual liberties against government encroachment(侵侵犯、侵蝕犯、侵蝕) )。 在我國,清末軍閥割據(jù),辛亥革命后的軍閥混戰(zhàn)。 Two of the better-known, some would say “notorious” practitioners of this art were Amos Kendall and Phineas T. Barnum. 1829, President Andrew Jackson selected Kendal

18、l, a writer and editor to serve in his administration, became a member of Old Hickorys “kitchen cabinet” and the adviser of the presidents public relations. Phineas T. Barnum: a huckster(流動商販)流動商販), whose motto might have been “ The public be fooled”. Emergence of the Robber Barons Typical of the re

19、putation acquired by this group of industrialist was the famous response of Vanderbilt: Public be damned! Enter the Muckrakers(搜集并揭發(fā)丑聞者)When the ax fell on the robber barons, it came in the form of criticism from a feisty(好斗的) group of journalists dubbed (起綽號)“muckrakers”,especially for the scandals

20、 by using newspaper, magazines, etc. 1955年,國際公共關(guān)系協(xié)會(IPRA)在倫敦成立,標志著公共關(guān)系成為一門世界性的行業(yè)而獨立存在。開辦大學:美國292所大學開設(shè)公共關(guān)系,碩士、博士。成立公共關(guān)系組織,專門從事公共關(guān)系策劃和服務。4.科研學術(shù): 卡特利普和森特的有效公共關(guān)系理論。 杰夫金斯和他的公關(guān)專著(見P16),開辦公關(guān)學校。從“扒糞運動”到艾維李的公關(guān)思想與公關(guān)實踐。 (1) “扒糞運動”:勞資糾紛、重大事故、環(huán)境惡化 輿論不滿,“讓公眾知道真相”。 企業(yè)認識到改善與公眾的關(guān)系的重要性。 (2)艾維李(牧師的兒子):說真話(我國非典、甲流)幫助洛克

21、非勒、賓夕法尼亞州解決鐵路事故。2、伯內(nèi)斯:現(xiàn)代公共關(guān)系的創(chuàng)始人 伯內(nèi)斯為公共關(guān)系理論奠基。1923年,寫成世界上第一部公共關(guān)系著作輿論明鑒;1925年,完成公共關(guān)系學;1928年,完成輿論Ivy Lee: The real father of Modern public relationsIvy Lee was a former Wall Street reporter who plunged into(突然而猛力進入) publicity work in 1903. Lee believed in neither Barnums “Public-be-fooled” approach no

22、r Vanderbilts “Public-be-damned” philosophy.Lee firmly believed that the only way business could answer its critics convincingly was to present its side honestly, accurately ,and forcefully. Instead of merely appeasing the public, Lee thought a company should strive to earn public confidence and goo

23、d will. Sometimes this task meant looking further for mutual solutions. At other times, it even meant admitting that the company was wrong.In 1914, John D. Rockefeller Jr., who headed one of the most maligned and misunderstood of Americas wealthy families, hired Lee. Lee did less to change the Rocke

24、fellers policies than to give them a public hearing. The famous thing which Lee did for Rockefellers is to handle the strike peacefully. Later Rockefeller admitted that the public relations outcome of the Colorado strike “was one of the most important things that ever happened to the Rockefeller fam

25、ily.In working for the Rockefellers, Lee tried to “humanize” them, to feature them in real-life situations such as playing golf, attending church, and celebrating birthdays. Simply, Lees goal was to present the Rockefellers in terms that every individual could understand and appreciate. Years later,

26、 the family came to be known as the nations finest example of philanthropy(博愛,仁慈). 公關(guān)意識產(chǎn)生 1984年廣州白云山制藥廠成立公共關(guān)系部-我國公共關(guān)系萌芽 1985年,美國“偉達”公共關(guān)系顧問公司在北京設(shè)立辦事處 1986年,廣東公關(guān)俱樂部成立(第一個公關(guān)團體),上海公關(guān)協(xié)會(第一個協(xié)會) 1987年,中國公關(guān)協(xié)會成立(全國性),1988年,國際公關(guān)協(xié)會中國分會成立.公共關(guān)系理論研究和教育培訓全面發(fā)展。 Public relations really came of age as a result of the

27、 confluence of five general factors: The growth of large institutions and their sense of responsibility to the public The increased changes, conflicts, and confrontations among interest groups in society. The heightened awareness of people brought about increasingly sophisticated communications tech

28、nology everywhere. The spread of global democracy The growth of the Internet and World Wide Web.公共關(guān)系的發(fā)展分為幾個階段?當代公共關(guān)系體現(xiàn)什么特點?你將怎樣應用公共關(guān)系知識提高自己的溝通能力和塑造自身良好形象?I. What is Public opinion? II. What are attitudes?III. How are attitudes influenced?IV. Motivating attitude changeV. Power of persuasionVI. What k

29、inds of “Evidence” persuade people?VII. Influencing Public OpinionVIII. Polishing the Corporate ImagePublic opinion is elusive(難懂的,已變的) and fragile.Public opinion is not easily explained.Splitting public opinion into its two components, public and opinion, is perhaps the best way to understand the c

30、oncept.Public: public signifies(表示意思,意味) a group of people who share a common interest in a specific subject-stockholders, for example, or employees or community residents. Each group is concerned with a common issue: the price of the stock, the wages of the company, or the building of a new plant.A

31、n opinion is the expression of an attitude on a particular topic. When attitudes become strong enough, they surface in the form of opinions. When opinions become strong enough, they lead to verbal or behavioral actions. Attitudes Opinions Actions Public opinion is the aggregate(聚集,集合)(聚集,集合) of many

32、 individual opinions on a particular issue that affects a group of people. Stated another way, public opinion represents a consensus(公眾輿論). That consensus, deriving(獲得) as it does from many individual opinions, really begins with peoples attitudes toward the issue in question. Trying to influence an

33、 individuals attitude-how he or she thinks on a given topic-is a primary focus of the practice of public relations.Attitudes are predispositions (性向,癖性,易患某病的心理素質(zhì)性向,癖性,易患某病的心理素質(zhì)) to think in a certain way about a certain topic. Attitudes may more likely be evaluations people make about specific probl

34、ems or issues.Attitudes are based on a number of characteristics:Personalthe physical and emotional ingredients(原料,要素,組分,成分) of an individual including size, age, and social status.Cultural-The environment and lifestyle of a particular country or geographic area, such as Japan versus(對抗,縮寫為V或VS)Amer

35、ica.Educational-the level and quality of a persons education.Familial-peoples roots. Children acquire their parents tastes, biases, political partisanship and a host of other characteristics.Religious-a system of beliefs about God or the supernatural. Religion is making a comeback.Social class-posit

36、ion within society. As peoples social status changes, so do their attitudes.Race-ethnic origin, which today increasingly helps shape peoples attitudes. The history of blacks and whites in America has been stormy, with peaceful coexistence often frustrated. Attitudes are positive, negative, or nonexi

37、stent(沒有的,不存在的). A person is for something, against it, or neutral. A small percentage expresses strong support and another small percentage expresses strong opposition. It is hard to change the mind of a person who is staunchly opposed to a particular issue or individual. Likewise, it is easy to re

38、inforce(加固) the support of a person who is wholeheartedly in favor of an issue or individual.Studies show that for any issue, most people dont care muchThe vast majority is smack in the middle:passive, neutral, indifferent.The people whose attitude can be influenced most readily are those who have n

39、ot yet made up their minds. -In politics this group is often referred to as the swing vote(決定性選票). Many elections have been won or lost on last-minute appeals to (呼吁,懇求)these politically undecided voters.The silent majority is extremely important for the public relations practitioner, whose objectiv

40、e is to win support through clear, thoughtful, and persuasive communication. -Moving a person from a latent(潛在的) state of attitude formation to a more aware state and finally to an active one becomes a matter of motivation. people are motivated by different factors, no two people respond in exactly

41、the same way to the same set of circumstances. Each of us is motivated by different drives and needs. The most famous delineator(描寫,描述) of what motivates people was Abraham Maslow. His hierarchy of needs helps define the origins of motivation, which, in turn, help explain attitude change.Maslow post

42、ulated a five-level hierarchy:The lowest order is physiological needs: a persons biological demandsfood and water, sleep, health, bodily needs, exercise and rest, and sex.The second level is safety needs: security, protection, comfort and peace, and orderly surroundings.The third level is love needs

43、: acceptance, belonging, love and affection and membership in a group.The fourth level is esteem: recognition and prestige, confidence and leader ship opportunities, competence and strength, intelligence and success.The highest order is self-actualization, or becoming, self-actualization involves se

44、lf-fulfillment and achieving a goal for the purposes of challenge and accomplishment.Physiological needssafety needslove needsesteem needsSelf-actualization needsHierarchy of needsPerhaps the most essential element in influencing public opinion is the principle of persuasion. Persuading is the goal

45、of the vast majority of public relations programs.Persuasion means getting another person to do something through advice, reasoning, or just plain arm-twisting(施加壓力)施加壓力).Scholars argued that the media has a limited effect on persuasion, doing more to reinforce existing attitudes than to persuade to

46、ward a new belief.when personal involvement is low and little difference exists between behavioral alternatives, knowledge changes are likely to lead directly to behavioral changes.When personal involvement is high but behavioral alternatives are indistinguishable(不能區(qū)別的), behavioral change is likely

47、 to be followed by attitudinal changeWhen personal involvement is high and clear differences exist among alternatives, people act in a more rational manner: Facts: Facts are indisputable, in other words, facts speak louder than words. Research is very important. Good public relations program will al

48、ways start with research-the facts. Emotions: People do respond to emotional appeals-love, peace, family, patriotism. personalizing: people respond to personal experience. Appealing to you: the one word that people never tire of hearing is “you”(漢語里的“您”). A thoughtful public relations program can cr

49、ystallize(使結(jié)晶,使變 得清晰具體化) attitudes, reinforce beliefs, and occasionally change public opinion. -First, the opinion to be changed or modified must be identified and understood; -Second, target publics must be clear. -Third, the public relations professional must have in sharp focus the “l(fā)aws” that go

50、vern public opinion-as amorphous(無組織的無組織的, 無定形的無定形的, 雜亂的雜亂的) as they may be: Most organizations today and the people are extremely sensitive to the way they are perceived(觀察到,意識到) by their critical(批評、臨界) publics.Most organizations today understand clearly that it takes a great deal of time to build

51、 a favorable image for a corporation but only one slip to create a negative public impression. In other words, the corporate image is a fragile commodity. A positive corporate image is essential for continued long-term success.Once a company wins favorable public opinion for a product or an idea, th

52、e trick is to maintain it. The worst thing to do is sit back(依著靠背椅舒適地坐著) and bask(坐著或躺著取暖) in the glory of a positive public image, thats a quick route to image deterioration(變壞,變質(zhì),惡化)Public opinion is changeable, and in assessing it, communicators are susceptible(易受某事物影響的) to a number of subtle let

53、hal(fatal致命的)traps.Essential first step1.The four-step R-A-C-E and five-step R-O-S-I-E approaches to public relations problem solving both start with research.2.Public relations recommendations must be grounded in hard data whenever possible. That is to say, public relations professionals must analy

54、ze audiences, assess alternatives, and generally do their homework. No research, no say. The only way to know what to do is by researching first.3.Research should be applied in public relations work both at the initial stage, prior to planning a campaign, and at the final stage, to evaluate a progra

55、ms effectiveness.The systematic collection and interpretation of information to increase understandingApplied research:strategic researchevaluative researchTheoretical research Theoretical research is more abstract and conceptual than applied research. Theoretical research can help practitioners not

56、 only understand the basis of applied research findings, but also temper(調(diào)劑、緩和) managements expectations of attitude and behavioral. Surveys -Descriptive surveys-Explanatory surveysCommunication auditsUnobtrusive(不多嘴的,謙虛的,客氣的,低調(diào)的,不受察覺的) methods Descriptive surveys: offer a snapshot of a current situ

57、ation or condition.Explanatory surveys: are concerned with cause and effect. Its purpose is to help explain why a current situation or condition exists and to offer explanations for opinions and attitudes.Four elements: -The sample -The questionnaire -Interview -Analysis of results Random sampling S

58、imple random sampling Systematic random sampling Stratified random sampling Cluster samplingNonrandom sampling Convenience samples Quota(配額,限額) samples Volunteer samples-Keep it short Use structured, not open-ended, questions Measure intensity of feelings Dont use fancy words or words that have more

59、 than one meaning. Dont ask loaded questions Dont ask double-barreled question Pretest Attach a letter explaining how important the respondents answers are. Hand-stamp the envelopes Follow up your first mailing Send out more questionnaires than you think necessary. Enclose a reward.What is a focus g

60、roup?Interview can provide a more personal, firsthand feel for public opinion.What is a difference between drop-off interviews and Delphi panels? Define your objectives and audience Recruit your groups Choose the right moderator Conduct enough focus groups Use a discussion guide Choose proper facili


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