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1、The Frankensteinby Mary Shelley1 / 61ContentsWalton's Narrative4Frankenstein's Narrative8Chapter One8Chapter Two10Chapter Three12Chapter Four14Chapter Five15Chapter Six18Chapter Seven19Chapter Eight20The Monster's Narrative23Chapter Nine23Chapter Ten26Chapter Eleven28Chapter Twelve30Chap

2、ter Thirteen32Chapter Fourteen35Frankenstein's Narrative Continues38Chapter Fifteen38Chapter Sixteen40Chapter Seventeen42Chapter Eighteen44Chapter Nineteen482 / 61Chapter Twenty51Chapter Twenty-one54Chapter Twenty-Two56Track 1: Letter One59Track 2: Letter Two60Track 3: Letter Three613 / 61Walton

3、's NarrativeTo Mrs Margaret Saville, England Saint Petersburgh, 11 December 17 My dear sister,I arrived here yesterday, in good health and full of hope. The cold wind from the north fills me with excitement I dream of the North Pole, the goal of my voyage. In my dream it is a beautiful place whe

4、re the sun never sets, and I will be the first man to walk upon its virgin snow. I am not afraid of danger or death. Who knows? I might find a passage to the East that will help our traders, or perhaps I will discover something useful to science. So do not worry about me, Margaret. You know that I a

5、lways wanted to be an explorer, except for the few years when I tried to be a poet and failed. Ever since I inherited my fortune six years ago, I have dreamt of this voyage. In two weeks I will go to Archangel to hire a ship and a crew. In June we will sail north. When will I return to you? I do not

6、 know. If I succeed, years will pass before we meet again. If I fail, you will see me soon or never.Goodbye, my dear Margaret. Your affectionate brother,R. Walton*To Mrs Saville, England Archangel, 28 March 17I have hired a ship and crew. The men are brave and diligent, but I have nofriend. I have n

7、o one to talk to about my hopes and fears. I will not find a4 / 61friend here at Archangel or on the sea.As I wait for the voyage to begin, I am full of excitement. Sometimes I am happy. At other times I am afraid. Will I see you again, dear Margaret? Write to me often. Your letters comfort me. If y

8、ou never hear from me again, remember me with affection.Your brother, Robert Walton*To Mrs Saville, England 7 July 17My dear sister,The voyage has begun at last. I am well and in good spirits. * Although great sheets of ice float past us on the sea, it is summer, and warm winds blow us north. Now I

9、feel sure that I will succeed! Goodbye, Margaret!RobertTo Mrs Saville, England 5 August 17I must tell you about the strange thing that has happened. Last Monday we were surrounded by ice. The ship could not move. We were very far from land. We waited anxiously, looking out at the ice, which stretche

10、d to the horizon. Suddenly, we saw a sledge 1 pulled by dogs going north. A gigantic man drovethe sledge. We watched until he disappeared from sight.5 / 61Later the ice broke, and we were able to move again. The next morning, we found another sledge on a floating sheet of ice in the sea. The man in

11、this sledge was weak, tired, and half-frozen. We invited him onto the ship, but he said, 'Tell me first where you are going.' When I told him we were going north, he climbed onto the ship. We gave him food and warm clothes. For two days he was very ill, and I feared he had gone mad. When he

12、had recovered a little, I asked him what he was doing alone on the ice.'I am following someone,' he said.'Someone who is also travelling alone on a sledge?' I asked. 'Yes.' 'Then I think we have seen him.'He asked many questions about 'the devil', as he called

13、 the other man. Which way was he travelling? Did I think that the breaking of the ice had destroyed the other sledge? From that moment, he was full of energy and purpose. He is an interesting man, and I like him very much. I wrote in one of my letters that I would not find a friend on the sea, but m

14、aybe I was wrong. I cannot send this letter, so I will continue it as a journal2 to send you when Ican.Extracts from Walton's Journal13 August 17The man's name is Victor Frankenstein. I like him more every day. I admire him and pity him. He speaks well, he is intelligent and sensitive, but h

15、e has some secret sadness.Now that he is a little stronger, he spends all his time on the deck, 1watching for the other sledge. I watch with him, talking about my hopes for6 / 61this voyage. One day I told him of my ambitions to gain knowledge and succeed where other men have failed. My words distur

16、bed him.'Unhappy man!' he said, 'Do you share my madness? Let me tell you my story, and I hope it will be a warning to you.'He was too ill to continue.*19 August 17Yesterday the stranger said to me, 'I have had a very unhappy life. I want to tell my story to you, because you too

17、are ambitious. You want knowledge and wisdom, as I once did.' Today he will begin to tell me his tale. Every night I will write down his words. You must be eager2 to read his story. Think, then, how eager I am. I know him. I can hear his wonderful voice and see his shining eyes.How awful must be

18、 the that has ruined such a man!7 / 61Frankenstein's NarrativeChapter OneI was born in Geneva. My father was a magistrate. I had a little brother called William and an adopted sister called Elizabeth. My parents found Elizabeth living with a poor family in Italy. She was gentle and very beautifu

19、l, with golden hair and blue eyes. Her real parents, an Italian nobleman and a German lady, were both dead. My mother and father adopted Elizabeth and brought her to our home.Elizabeth and I grew up together, and we were very happy. I spent my days with Elizabeth, William, and my dear friend Henry C

20、lerval. Henry wanted to be a poet. He loved nature and beauty, but I was interested in science. I wished to make some great scientific discovery. I wanted wisdom and knowledge, and I wanted to succeed where other men had failed.When I was seventeen, my parents decided to send me to the university at

21、 Ingolstadt, but my departure was delayed by the first misfortune of my life. Elizabeth became ill with scarlet fever, and my mother nursed her.Slowly Elizabeth recovered, but my mother caught the illness from her. When my poor mother was dying, she called us to her bedside and said, 'Dear Victo

22、r and Elizabeth, your father and I hope that one day you two will marry. Be happy, my children, and take care of little William.'She died calmly. How can I describe our sadness? There is no need.Everyone knows that sadness, or will know it one day. A few weeks later I went to the university in I

23、ngolstadt. I walked around the town during thescarlet fever: 猩紅熱。nursed:護(hù)理。8 / 61first three days. I met some of my professors and fellow students, but I felt lonely and disappointed. I had no desire to study. Then I went to hear a lecture by Mr Waldman, the professor of chemistry. At the end of the

24、 lecture, he spoke of modern chemistry in words I will never forget.'Modern chemists can perform miracles,' he said. 'They have followed Nature to her hiding places. They have penetrated her secrets. They have discovered how the blood circulates. They understand the nature of thunder sto

25、rms and earthquakes. They are like gods.Those were the professor's words - or I he words of Fate - spoken to destroy me. I left the lecture full of a new ambition. 'I will discover new things in science,' I thought. 'I will explain the mysteries of creation.''The next day I w

26、ent to Mr Waldman. 'I wish to be your student,' I said. Heshowed me his laboratory and told me what books to read. My future was decided.penetrated:洞察。Fate:命運(yùn)。9 / 61Chapter TwoI was a diligent student. I became very interested in the human body.'Where does life come from?' I asked my

27、self. To study life you must also study death. I began to work with dead bodies. I studied the progress of theirdecay. I examined the change from life to death and froth to life.Then one day I suddenly understood. I was surprised that nobody had discovered the secret before. I had succeeded where ot

28、her men had failed.I am not mad. I swear it is true. After days and nights of work, I discovered how life was created. I, myself was able to create life.I can see by your eager expression, my friend, that you want me to tell you the secret. I will not tell you, and soon you will understand why not.

29、Listen to my story, and learn from my example. Knowledge is dangerous. An ambitious man is not a happy man.My first task was to create a body. I worked day and night. I grew thin and pale, but I continued to work. The moon watched me through the window as I uncovered the secrets of Nature. What horr

30、ible work it was! I explored dead bodies and tortured living animals, but my work did not seem horrible to me then. I thought that I had conquered death. I would be the creator of a new race of happy and excellent creatures!All summer I worked on my filthy creation in a lonely attic room. I did not

31、see the sunshine, the flowers, or the green leaves. I did not write to my family or think about them. I thought only of my work.Any ambition that makes you forget the people you love and the simple decay:腐爛。uncovered:發(fā)現(xiàn)。race:種類。filthy:邪惡的。10 / 61pleasures of ordinary life is bad. The leaves fell fro

32、m the trees, and still I worked. I became anxious and nervous. I avoided other people. I hid myself like a criminal. My creation was nearly done. Soon it would be finished, andthen, I promised myself, I would rest and recover my health.11 / 61Chapter ThreeI completed my creation one cold rainy night

33、 in November. With trembling hands I gathered my instruments to give life to the dead thing that lay at my feet. It was one o'clock in the morning when, by the light of the candle, I saw the yellow eye of the creature open. He breathed. He moved.How can I describe him? I had tried to make him be

34、autiful. Great Cod! His skin was yellow and wrinkled. His hair was long and black. His eyes were watery. He was monstrous!I had worked for nearly two years for this moment. Now that the moment had come, I felt nothing but horror and disgust. I ran out of the room. For hours I lay awake in my bedroom

35、, horrified by what I had done.When at last I fell asleep, I dreamt that I saw Elizabeth, young and healthy, walking in the streets of Ingolstadt. Delighted and surprised, I embraced her, but when I kissed her she grew pale and cold. Her face began to change into the face of my dead mother. She was

36、wrapped in a shroud, and I saw the graveworms crawling in its folds.I woke up trembling with horror. My forehead was cold with sweat. By the pale yellow light of the moon, I saw the monster I had created. He was standing beside my bed, looking down at me. He made a sound, grinned at me, and stretche

37、d out his hand to touch me. I ran away and spent the rest of the night outside.The next morning was grey and rainy. I walked the streets of Ingolstadt,afraid to return to my apartment. Suddenly I heard someone call my name.wrinkled:有皺紋。monstrous:丑惡的。shroud:裹尸布。crawling:緩慢的爬進(jìn)。12 / 61Turning round, I

38、saw Henry Clerval stepping out of the coach that had just arrived from Geneva.'My dear Frankenstein!' he cried. 'I am so glad to see you! I have come to study at the university.'We walked to my apartment together. I asked him about my father, Elizabeth, and William.'They are all

39、well, but they are a little worried because you do not write to them,' he said. Then he stopped and looked at me anxiously. 'But my dear Frankenstein, you are ill! You are so pale and thin!'I told him that I had been working too much. I did not want to think about what had happened the n

40、ight before. I was afraid to see the monster again, but 1 was even more afraid that Henry would see him. When we came to my apartment, I left Henry at the door. I ran upstairs and into my room trembling with fear. The apartment was empty. Relieved, I called Henry and told him to come upstairs.'V

41、ictor, what is the matter?' asked Henry.I covered my face with my hands and said, 'Do not ask me.' Then I fainted. Poor Clerval! I was very ill for several months. Henry nursed me. He did not tell my family how ill I was. He did not wish to worry them.Slowly I recovered. By the time I wa

42、s well enough to look out of my window again, it was springtime. One morning, Henry brought me a letter. Itwas from Elizabeth.coach:公共馬車。relieved:感到寬慰。13 / 61Chapter FourMy dear Victor,We are so worried about you. I know you cannot write yet, but please write to us as soon as you can.Get well soon a

43、nd come home to us. you will find a happy home full of people who love you. Your father is in good health. William has grown tall. He is a lovely little boy, with his smiling blue eyes. Justine, the servant who nursed your mother during her last illness, has returned to us after an unhappy time with

44、 her own family. Poor Justine! I think she loves us as if we were her real family. I know that she loved your mother very much.Get better soon, dear Victor, and please write to us. Thank Henry for hiskindness and his many letters.Your affectionateElizabethI wrote to my family that day. As soon as I

45、was well enough, I took Clerval to meet the professors at the university.I did not return to my studies. The thought of science filled me with anxiety and disgust. Instead, I read poetry and studied Oriental languages with Clerval. I stayed with him in Ingolstadt all that year. When spring arrived a

46、gain, Henry and I went for walks together in the countryside. The blue sky and green fields made me very happy. I made plans to visit my family.One Sunday, I returned from our walk to find a letter waiting for me.Oriental:東方的。14 / 61Chapter FiveThe letter was from my father.My dear Victor,How can I

47、tell you what has happened? We were all so happy, waiting for you to come home. I want to prepare you for the awful news, but it is impossible.William is dead! Your sweet little brother has been murdered! Last Thursday, Elizabeth, William, and I went for a walk in Plainpalais. William ran off to pla

48、y. When it came time to go home, we called his name, but he did not answer. We searched until it was dark, but we could not find him. Then Elizabeth said he might have gone home. We returned to the house, but he was not there. We went back to Plainpalais with torches and servants to help in the sear

49、ch. About five oclock in the morning, I found him, dead .The marks of the murderer's fingers were on his neck.When Elizabeth saw the body, she cried, 'Oh,God! I have murdered my my lovely boy!' She told me that she had given William a locked on a chain with a picture of your mother insid

50、e it. The locket is gone.Perhaps the murderer killed William for the locket.Come home, dear victor! We need you. Do not think of revenge. Just come home to those who love you .Your father Mphonse Frankenstein Geneva ,12May 17-Horrified by this news, I said goodbye to Clerval and left for Genevaimmed

51、iately. At first I wished to get home as soon as possible, to comfort 15 / 61my poor family, but when I got close to Geneva I began to feel afraid. I stopped two days at Lausanne, in a state of nervous anxiety. Then the lake and the mountains calmed me, and I continued my journey.The sight of Mont B

52、lanc brought tears to my eyes. As I approached my hometown I became afraid again. It was dark when I arrived, and the city gates were already closed for the night. I decided to visit the place where William had died and spend the night in a nearby village. When I got toPlainpalais, there was a thund

53、er storm. I watched the lightning over Mont Blanc.Suddenly, in a flash of lightning, I saw a gigantic figure nearby. It was the monster! Was he the murderer of my little brother? I began to tremble. In another flash of lightning I saw him climbing Mont Saleve with amazing speed. He soon reached the

54、top and disappeared.Two years had passed since I created the monster. Was this his first crime? I spent the rest of the night in the mountains, trembling and crying. I felt as if the monster were a horrible part of myself, forced to destroy everyone I loved.The sun rose, and I hurried to my father&#

55、39;s house. I wanted to tell what I knew of the murderer, but then I thought, 'If I tell the truth, everyone will think I am mad.' I decided to remain silent.My father and Elizabeth met me at the door. They were both thin and pale with sorrow.'Welcome, my dearest Victor,' said my fat

56、her. 'What a pity you did notcome months ago, when we were happy. Poor William! He was such a lovely, little boy!'16 / 61We three all wept in each other's arms. Then my father said, 'It makes me even sadder to think that Justine could have done such a thing.''Justine?' I

57、asked, amazed.'Did you not know?' asked Elizabeth. 'Justine has been arrested for the murder of William.''But she is innocent,' I said.'I wish I could believe that,' said my father. He explained that on the morning after the murder Justine had fallen ill and spent sev

58、eral days in bed. One of the servants, taking Justine's clothes to be washed, found something in her pocket. It was the locket, with the picture of my mother inside, that had been on a chain around William's neck.'Justine is innocent,' I said again.'Oh thank you, Victor,' cried Elizabeth. 'I feel sure that she is innocent.Perhaps you can prove it. You are so kind and generous. No one else believes in poor Justine.'wept:哭泣。17 / 61Chapter SixAt eleven o'clock Justine's trial began. In the court I suffered


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