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1、Pre-learning ActivityDo you know where your money goes?goals savings beverage books school suppliesclothingskin care cosmeticssnacks fruitgifts for a family friends Stored in the bankDinnerWhy You Need a Personal Budget SO You Need a Budget The amount of income being received Retirement savings An e

2、mergency fund Personal Budget A survey of college students monthly living expenses 1.您的生活費來源是:(可多選) A.父母 B.兼職 C.獎學金 D.勤工助學 E.其他2.您平均每月的生活費是: A.300元以下 B.300-500元 C.500-800元 D.800-1000元 D.1000元以上3.您平均每月的伙食費是: A.300元以下 B.300-400元 C.400-500元 D.500元以上4.除三餐外,您每月的消費還主要用于:(可多選) A.購買書籍學習用品 B.購買衣物 C.購買護膚化妝品 D

3、.購買零食水果E.出去玩 F.給家人朋友買禮物 G.儲存在銀行 H.請客5.您平均每月的手機、電話費是: A.30元以下 B.30-50元 C.50-100元 D.100元以上A survey of college students monthly living expenses 6.您平均每月用于購買生活品的費用是: A.20元以下 B.20-50元 C.50-80元 D.80-100元 E.100元以上7.您每月用于購買衣物的費用是: A.50元以下 B.50-100元 C.100-150元 D.150-200元 E.200元以上8.您平均每月的談戀愛的費用是: A.無,或50元以下 B.

4、50-100元 C.100-150元 D.150-200元 E.200元以上9.您覺得您的消費是否合理: A.是 B.否10.你覺得你現(xiàn)在的生活費足夠嗎?A.足夠 B.不足夠Monthly living expenses of college studentsConsumption Structure of College StudentsHow to Make a BudgetSticking to Your Budgetmonthly household budget worksheetmonthly budget spreadsheetDOOR Track your Income and

5、 Expenses Group Income and Expenses into Categories Make a Budget to Live Within Your Means Unit3 Construction BudgetText A Creating a Budget for Home BuildingAbout the Unit Four tasks in all Learn to speak About 8 periods for each unit Learn to write Exercises after class Assignments for home work

6、Content read to know Read to think learn to speak learn to write exercise C Budget bdit n.預算;預算案;預算撥款;一束 vt.& vi.把編入預算;謹慎花錢 adj.價格低廉的;花錢少的;收費合理的;便宜的 vt.在預算中撥款給;按預算撥(款);按預算來計劃(或安排);規(guī)劃 vi.做安排(for) on a budget 花錢不多花錢不多, 精打細算精打細算 were travelling on a budget. 我們旅游時精打細算。我們旅游時精打細算。 the budget cuts 削減預算削減預算

7、 household budget 家庭預算家庭預算Warming-up Questions: What is a budget estimate ? Do we need to create a budget when we build a house ? What are hard costs and soft costs ? What do hard costs include in construction budget ?KEY A budget estimate is a financial plan for your entire design/build process. (預

8、算是針對您的整個房屋設計(預算是針對您的整個房屋設計/建設過程而做的財務計建設過程而做的財務計劃。)劃。)The primary purpose of preparing a budget is to understand and control costs. (編制預算的主要目的是了解和控制成本。)(編制預算的主要目的是了解和控制成本。)Hard costs include labor and material to build the house. (硬成本包括勞動力和建筑材料。)(硬成本包括勞動力和建筑材料。) Soft costs include everything else. (軟

9、成本包括其他一切成本費用。)(軟成本包括其他一切成本費用。)Basic Vocabulary equivalent adj. 等價的,相等的等價的,相等的 category n. 種類,部屬,類目種類,部屬,類目 departure n. 出發(fā),起程,改變,變更出發(fā),起程,改變,變更 scope n. 范圍,視野,地域,見范圍,視野,地域,見 識識 utilize v. 利用利用 specification n. 具體要求,規(guī)范,規(guī)格,具體要求,規(guī)范,規(guī)格, 技術說明技術說明 feasibility n. 可行性可行性Professional Vocabulary budget n. 預算預算

10、 budgetary adj. 預算的預算的 sprinkler n. 噴灑頭,灑水車噴灑頭,灑水車 culvert n. 水管,陰溝,下水道水管,陰溝,下水道 backfill v. 回填回填 skylight n. 天窗天窗 texture n. 紋理,質(zhì)地,結構紋理,質(zhì)地,結構 cabinet n. 框箱,櫥,盒,室,間框箱,櫥,盒,室,間 superintendence n. 指揮,管理,監(jiān)督權指揮,管理,監(jiān)督權速記短語速記短語 a plan for /a financial plan for .的計劃的計劃/的的財務計劃財務計劃 as time goes by 隨著時間的流逝隨著時間

11、的流逝 at the very least 至少至少 be broken into 可分為可分為 a ball park 大概,大約大概,大約 cost analysis 成本分析成本分析 beginning point for 作為作為的起點的起點 trade-off 取舍,權衡,物物交換取舍,權衡,物物交換 Hard costs and soft costs 硬成本和軟成本硬成本和軟成本Para. 1 A budget estimate is a financial plan for your entire design/build process. It is the dollar eq

12、uivalent for all the work it takes to design and build your new home. equivalent ikwivlnt adj. 等價的,相等的;同意義的等價的,相等的;同意義的 n. 等價物,相等物等價物,相等物 Para. 1 You are Not expected to create this document accurately at the outset of your experience, so its best to begin with estimates and refine your financial pl

13、ans as time goes by.【分析分析】從上文推斷出從上文推斷出experience指指design and build your new home?!咀g文譯文】所以在你建造房屋起初并不需要創(chuàng)建一份所以在你建造房屋起初并不需要創(chuàng)建一份精確的文件,最好的方法是從預算開始,隨著時精確的文件,最好的方法是從預算開始,隨著時間的推移來完善你的財務計劃。間的推移來完善你的財務計劃。Para 2What is the primary purpose of preparing a budget?Para 2 The primary purpose of preparing a budget is

14、 to understand and control costs. Beginning with the estimates, one is able to guess the total dollar amount for the style and size of a home on a particular lot. At the very least , a budgeter should be able to consider if the project is feasible once estimates are made. feasible fi:zbl adj. 可行的;可能

15、的;可實行的 feasible solution 可行/適宜的解釋Para 2 The total dollar amount can be broken into two categories: hard costs and soft costs.【譯文譯文】總金額可分為兩類:硬成本和軟總金額可分為兩類:硬成本和軟成本。成本?!痉治龇治觥縝e broken into:可分為:可分為Para 2 What is hard cost? What is soft cost? What do they include?Para 2Para 3 The budget estimate for mate

16、rial and labor is a departure point for considering the scope of the Drawings and Specifications. 根據(jù)對建筑材料和勞動力的預算來規(guī)劃圖紙和建筑說明。 These budgetary considerations begin early in the planning phase of the design and build process. 這些預算在房屋設計和建造規(guī)劃階段初期就已經(jīng)開始了。Para 3階段 Consider the initial study of costs as an ex

17、ercise in project feasibility. 把對成本的初步研究當成是對此項目的可行性分析。Para 3初步研究 Based on your projection(方案) of costs for material and labor, the budgeter should be able to weigh and consider the design/build options. 根據(jù)您的建筑材料和勞動力成本的預測, 預算員應該能夠?qū)υO計/建造方案進行權衡并進行選擇。Para 3Para 4 What are the budget review processes we

18、should pay attention to?With estimates prepared, attention can be given to the budget review process.1.Identify priorities;(優(yōu)先權)2.Recognize trade offs;(取舍)3.Do cost/benefit analysis;4.Revise cost estimate.(修訂)What kind of house will it be if you choose “SIEMES” brand refrigerator and comparable prod

19、ucts?How to match material/ product choices with the price category?Para 5 The following percentage estimate of hard costs is a ball park guess. 【譯文】以下硬成本預算百分比是一個大概猜測。 【分析分析】a ball park:大概,大約大概,大約 如:如:The annual industry estimate is only “in the ball park”. 對工業(yè)生產(chǎn)的年度估算值只是一個“約數(shù)”。Para 5 It simply is a

20、beginning point for determining if the amount you have to spend is even close to the house you want to build. 這只不過是用來確定建造房屋必需的花費是否更接近于你所想的一個起始點。 One should realize that this is a very volatile estimate. 人們應該意識到,這是一個非常易變的預算。 volatile vltail adj. 化學 揮發(fā)性的;不穩(wěn)定的; n. 揮發(fā)物;有翅的動物Para 5There is a cost range f

21、rom economy ,to modest, to custom, to luxury which correlates with the products and materials you choose to install in your home.【譯文】此處有一個與你選擇安裝的家用產(chǎn)品及材料相的從經(jīng)濟型到適中型、傳統(tǒng)型、豪華型的成本范圍?!痉治龇治觥縠conomy 經(jīng)濟型經(jīng)濟型 modest 適中型適中型 custom 傳統(tǒng)傳統(tǒng)型型 luxury 豪華型豪華型Para 5Para 6 Consider the following items as a preliminary beg

22、inning point for your budget estimate. 進行初期成本預算請以如下項目作為考慮的起點。 But you can add or delete line items based on your circumstance. 但你也可以根據(jù)情況根據(jù)情況添加或刪除項目。 You must go through a budget review process with your architect, designer, trade contractors and suppliers in order to do a thorough cost analysis. 你必須

23、與建筑師、設計師、承包商和供應商達成預你必須與建筑師、設計師、承包商和供應商達成預算審查進程,算審查進程, 以便進行徹底的成本分析以便進行徹底的成本分析Consider the following items Private Septic or Public Sewer 私人或公共下水道 Private Well or Public Water 私人或公共供水井 Electrical Service from Utility Company 電器服務 Private Fire Sprinkler or Public Hydrant 私人自動噴水滅火或公共消火栓Consider the foll

24、owing items Gas or Oil Service from Utility Company 天然氣或石油使用 Drawings & Specifications Development 圖紙與建筑規(guī)范 Permits & Special Fees from Building Department 建設部許可證及特別費用Consider the following items Site Access and Street Culvert as well as Driveway 建址入口、路面電纜人井以及車道 Excavation/Backfill/Grade 開挖/回填/坡度 Fou

25、ndation/Structural Slab-on-grade 建筑基礎/結構 Flat Concrete / Aprons / Pations / Sidewalks 混凝土板/墻裙/天井/人行道 Frame Lumber /Trusses / Labor 木質(zhì)框架/桁架/人工 Decks / Porches / Veranda 平臺/門廊/陽臺 Roofing /Flashing / Ventilation 屋頂/窗扇/通風排氣系統(tǒng) Windows / Skylights / Solar tubes 窗/天窗/采光系統(tǒng) Siding / Exterior Trim 墻板/室外裝飾 Gut

26、ters / Downspouts / Storm Water 排水溝/落水管/雨水排放 Fireplace / Stove / Insert 壁爐/爐/插座 Plumbing and Trim Fixtures 管道和裝飾照明燈 Heating / Ventilation / Air Conditioning 供熱/通風/空調(diào) Electrical and Trim Fixtures 電源線路和裝修設施 Exterior Doors & Garage Doors 外門和車庫門 Weatherization / Fire Stuffing / Insulation 防水/防火/絕緣 Drywa

27、ll / Tape / Texture 灰墻/膠帶/質(zhì)地 Paint Interior / Wallcoverings 室內(nèi)噴涂/墻壁涂料(墻紙) Paint / Stain Exterior 涂料/防銹涂層/ Cabinets / Counters 櫥柜/臺面 Interior Doors / Trim / Hardware 室內(nèi)門/裝飾/五金器具 Floor Coverings 地面材料 Cabinets / Counters 櫥柜/臺面 Interior Doors / Trim / Hardware 室內(nèi)門/裝飾/五金器具 Floor Coverings 地面材料 Drywall /

28、Tape / Texture 灰墻/膠帶/質(zhì)地 Paint Interior / Wallcoverings 室內(nèi)噴涂/墻壁涂料(墻紙) Drywall / Tape / Texture 灰墻/膠帶/質(zhì)地 Paint Interior / Wallcoverings 室內(nèi)噴涂/墻壁涂料(墻紙) Paint / Stain Exterior 涂料/防銹涂層/ Cabinetis / Counters 櫥柜/臺面 Interior Doors/Trim/Hardware 室內(nèi)門/裝飾/五金器具 Floor Coverings 地面材料 Appliances 電器用具 Bath Accessorie

29、s 浴室配件 Clean-up / Recycle / Landfill 清潔/回收/垃圾填埋 Landscaping 園林綠化 Contingency 應急費用 Superintendence 監(jiān)理 Profit / Overhead 利潤/日常管理費 Sales Tax (if applicable) 銷售稅金(如果有)Text B Title: How to stay on budget during construction projects 如何控制建設項目預算如何控制建設項目預算Paragraph 1 Many construction projects get started o

30、nly to stop before completion because the money runs out. Whether building new homes, flipping houses or remodeling a home ,set a budget and stick to it . Follow these steps to stay on budget during construction.Instructions Step 1 Have a design plan before you begin.Instructions Step 2 Factor in ex

31、tra expenses.Instructions Step 3 Get contracts in writing.Instructions Step 4 Pay contractors as work gets completed.Instructions Step 5 Look for ways to save money.Instructions Step 6 Keep tabs on your expenses as they occur. keep close tabs on密切關注 keep tabs on sth密切注視Exercise B Decides whether the st


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