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1、Bullo辰ratopathyM生角 膜病變eratocoHSW 角 EpidemickeratoconjunctviSs生角結月Jphlyctenular keratocon firtctivitis 3 i輸愛通ry e啟曲啟richiasis結膜炎 pterygium犬裔施curreft 發(fā),!ry eye 眼癥richiasistraumatc 傷怪fte 后發(fā)性 contusion injuries傷;pc oposteriorpannus 管 UmaculaucomaH ,synecha 膜粘連osterior synecha(PS) ripherarh terioynechja

2、邊虹膜前粘Veits 萄膜炎;eeSympathetic ophthamialetinal detach §|莫脫離;pathological examWaSobfinocular dipMpfeM 視 Hordeolum 性眼箱upraorbita nel udtis申經歐板腺麥粒腫chalazion板腺!霰粒腫trichiasis、睫;blepharitishypertensive retinopathy視網膜,. ,一瞼緣期erpes zoster ophth aHZcus 艮帶狀皰悌choma 眼;Retinitis pigmentosa (Rp)fe 素如Opiliopa視

3、點病變apillaryc atrophy (0祎)§ 萎縮;record writing vision loss 視力 下 降;itches 感photophobia,lacrimation,foreign bodysedischange 物;conjunctival con'- 'igestotelfheadaches, nausevomitim g吐;倒睫 conjunctivao ne結膜結石ubconjunctiem orrhage吉膜下 出血 scleHtisL 膜炎cataraccomplicate或性ongeni曲天性;GlauconaataclkE;

4、Eyepositio neyelid 膩瞼umpj 中塊 eyelior conjuncticongestion僉或結膜充血水follicleformi 泡形成, papillary hyperplasialCorneal edema 水肺anspareSU ,必JaE 翳 Central corneal thicknpsQACTrior capsular op a廚1囊混?jQL Eye 工晶體 Aphakia:晶體 Orvinechamber depth深AC, Aqueous flareWMpterior chamberGasssyndrome primaryngle-closgreuc

5、om|PACG; primary 房,limbaa nteriarhambeepthJ邊前房深hypopyon房積膿;open-angle glaucoOAchronic open-aggtecomCOAG; hyphemaW出血yndalAngle-closuAngle openPgpil size secondary glaupomagenitaj neovascular glaucoma shap鏟upillary 花fLens opacities混泣rystal Cleior location卜idocornealdothelsylndrormCE 虹膜角膜內皮iPigmentary

6、norm al Intraocullen次工晶體traocupressurop Visuafield glaucomalt 性青光 Gaucoma ciliary body inflammationisyndror examinatioVF /PerimetVitreoiopacitieVitreoihemorrhage 綜合癥Iridocyclitis-secoglagpoma發(fā)于虹膜睫狀體炎的青光眼;funduexaminatjonetinartemorrhagOptiatrophy神經萎縮igc GlucocorticonducegllaucomaEtWB(4SBti艮;Lensnduc

7、ed bordeclearance/FuZzyW?!/榭胡,Opticcuplargedeep C/D glaucoma犬體源性青光nterior chamber angle recession glauco cup-to-disc ratio ;1undiusntral fovea of mama 心 Reflective 房角后退性青 malignanlaucoma 性青光曰Lateperio晚期、fuzzyi光模撕acular hol斑裂曲inocudiplopi雙眼復視;dilated abso ufundus examination擴瞳眼底檢查acrimauctobstruction

8、道阻塞;膜后粘_Treatmentfanytimei時就診eturitoclinicElectivsurgeiWear iridocycli崎 虹膜睫狀體Fuchs syndroVKH syndromehcet glasses 戴眼EOptometryfe Alternate cover therapy 蓋療法;d sea sRetinal periphlebitisd(entropion內HSymblepha瞼ns粘JtMass/lumpPtosik瞼下 edem視孚L頭水月中0Pticdiscvasculitis/papillovascufitis管炎; 垂 dacryocystisisl

9、次hron幔性;conjunctivitis 結膜處ira-、retrobulbapticneuritis(RBON)視神經絹nteridschemOpticBacteriaChronicrachomalM Keratitis膜1Bacteria菌惟ngal NeuropathyOP); centraleroushorioretinopathyCR 中漿; 真菌性prneal ulcerl潰癡rginal keratitis邊緣性角膜炎;Mooren ulceCentral exudative chorioreHnoabetic retinopDRy 糖尿病視蠶食性角膜潞tromkeratit

10、isl膜基質窕orneapacity膜混濁;網膜病變athologic myopja(4遍ged-related macular degenerati(AMD)年齡相關性黃斑病變;cystoid macular edema (CME)黃斑水腫;Macular epiretinal membrane(MEM)黃斑前膜;Idiopathic macular hole 特發(fā)性黃斑裂孔; CRVO ( central retinal vein occlusion ); CRAO (central retinal artery occlusion ) BRAO(branch retinal vein o

11、cclusion) ; BRVO(branch retinal artery occlusion); Acute retinal necrosis(ARN)急性視網膜壞死;polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy ,PCV 息肉樣脈絡膜血管病變;choroidneovascularization ( CNV) ; Proliferative vitreous retinopathy( PVR); Posteriorvitreous detachment ( PVD) ; Vitreous opacities 玻璃體混濁;vitreous hemorrhage 玻璃體積

12、血;Choroidal hemangioma 脈絡膜血管瘤;Choroidal malignant melanoma 脈絡膜惡性黑色素瘤;Choroidal metastatic carcinoma脈絡膜轉移性癌;Uveal melanoma 葡萄膜黑色素瘤; Retinoblastoma(RB) ;Endophthalmitis 眼內炎 Oculomotor paralysis 動眼神 經麻痹;ophthalmoplegia眼肌麻痹;Orbital tumors 眼眶腫瘤 Lacrimal ductobstruction 淚道阻塞 Lacrimal inflammation 淚道炎 Dacr

13、yocystitis 淚囊炎 abscess 膿腫 intraocular forergn body (IOFB ) 眼球內異物 Cornea forergn body 角膜異物 Ocular injury/trauma 眼夕卜傷;intraocular foreign body Ocular chemical injury 眼化學傷,electric ophthalmitis 電光性眼炎; subconjunctival hemorrhage, 球結膜下出血;corneal epithelial abrasion 上皮擦,eyelid skinlaceration 眼瞼皮膚; Corneal

14、 laceration 角膜裂傷;eyeball contusion ;rupture 破裂傷 Iris prolapse 虹膜脫出;Lens prolapsed 晶狀體脫出;Eyecontents prolapsed 眼內容物脫出;Hyphema 前房出血;Refractive errors/ametropia 屈光不正; asthenopia 視疲勞; Myopia、nearsightedness 近視; presbyopia 老視;Astigmatism (astig) 散光; hyperopia/farsightedness遠視;amblyopia ( ambl ) 弱視; Heter

15、otropia 斜 視; asthenopia 視 疲勞; Exophthalmos 突眼癥;Orbital cellulitis 眼眶蜂窩織炎;Subcutaneous abscess皮下膿腫inflamation 炎癥; Infection 感染; Pathological examination病理檢查抗感染 Anti infection fucithaimic 5g optifucin 5ml 夫西地酸;Tetracycline e. o四環(huán)素眼膏; 5ml ; optiflox氧氟沙星Norfloxacin(apiflox)10ml 諾氟沙星;Ciprofloxacin%ciloxa

16、n)5ml環(huán)丙沙星;colicusi gentadexa ml地塞米松磷酸鈉/硫酸慶大霉素/鹽酸四氫口坐咻 TobraDex妥布霉素地塞米松spersadex comp .( 地塞米松磷酸鈉%+ %氯霉素)maxitrol (5ml/地塞米松+新霉素和多粘菌素B眼藥水和眼藥膏都包含三種有效成分)inj Penicillin1000000u 青霉素;*10 阿莫西林;inj cefazoline 1g 頭抱口坐林;inj Ciprofloxacin100ml ()環(huán)丙沙星;inj gentadar硫酸慶大霉素80mg/2ml抗炎Anti-inflammatory 1%colicusi ciclo

17、peljico普拉洛芬 5 毫升 %diclogesic雙氯芬酸鈉止癢、抗過敏:Relieve itching; Anti allergicSpersallerge 10ml過敏性結膜炎,因藥物的敏感性鹽酸安他陛咻.0,5毫克 Tetryzoline HCI .0,4 毫克羥丙基甲基纖維素;Prisoline (Naphazoline奈甲口坐咻+Chlorpheniramine 氯苯那敏)10ml;ImidazylA(Naphazoline+thonzylamine) ; optizolin 10ml 安他口坐咻鹽 酸鹽抗組織胺;imidazylaA硝酸蔡甲口坐咻(血管收縮藥)本品為a-受體激

18、動劑,具有收縮鼻粘膜血管作用,減少血管的滲出物,減輕鼻粘膜腫 脹充血。降眼壓:Reducing intraocularpressure%pilocarpine匹羅卡品 apimol %曝嗎洛爾馬來酸betaxolol 5ml陪他洛爾;1%azopt5ml布林佐胺;travatan5ml曲伏前列腺素醇 500ml Lidocaine 利多卡因 20ml Epinephrine 腎上腺素 1ml*methazolamide 25mg 醋甲 口坐胺 淚膜角膜修復solcoseryl 5g小牛血去蛋白提取物 tears natural 5ml 人工淚液激素maxidex %地塞米松optipred 5

19、ml醋酸潑尼松optilone 5ml氟米龍efemoline 5ml (氟米龍/鹽酸四氫口坐)Anti-virus 抗病毒: Acyclovirtab 200mg inj 250mg 阿昔洛韋;*Ganciclovir 更昔洛韋;Anti-fungus 抗真菌: natamycin 那他霉素;amphotericinB 兩性霉素 B inj 25mg ;(局部滴 ml;球結膜下)Fluconazole 150mg cap 氟康口坐口服,100mg 200mg/次,2 次/日 擴瞳劑 Compound Tropicamide 5ml 復 方托口比卡胺;1%Atropine5 ml阿托品;口服:

20、Mecobalamin 500ug*10*2 甲鉆胺 tid ; Carbamazepine卡馬西平*30/ bid; Vitamin B12 1ml: ; 1ml: ; 1ml: ; 1ml: ; 1ml:1mg ; indometacin 25mg *10 消炎痛; vitamin B1 10mg ; Inosine 肌昔; Compound vitamin B tablets 復合維生素 B 2 片; Neuropine 硝苯地平片 azathioprine(AZP) 硫口坐喋吟 50mg tid Ranitidine 雷尼替 150mg tab ; vitamin A 50000iu

21、cap ; Prednisone 5mg 潑尼松片; ASPirin Enteric-coated 25mg Tablets 阿司匹林腸溶片;Sublingual suck注射劑5%Glucosesolution(GS) 葡萄糖注射液 normal saline(NS)生理鹽水 sodium chloride injection氯化鈉注射液;Ringer s solution 林格氏液 Mannitol甘露tetanus antitoxin TAT 1500u 破傷風抗毒素 ;Prolonium Iodide 安妥碘/普 羅碘俊 2ml; Etamsylate/dicynone 1g 止血敏/

22、酚磺乙胺Citicoline 胞磷膽堿 ;inj Adenosine triphosphate 40mg (ATP ); inj Coenzyme A 100u(Co-A); inj Inosine *4 肌音;Ganglioside 神經節(jié)昔脂 Dicayine 地卡因;inj Diazepam 10mg 安定(地西泮);inj phenobarbitoil 苯巴比 妥(魯米那);Compound aminopyrine 2ml復方氨林巴比妥 (安痛定);injDextran 40500ml 低分子右旋糖酎;Atropine Sulfate Injection 1ml (5mg)硫酸阿托品注

23、射液;Dexamethasone 4mg*1DialogueWhatabout your eyesight ?你的視力如何Do you suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure or other eye diseases 你 是否患過糖尿病、高血壓或其他眼部疾病Have your eyes suffered trauma or had surgery?你的眼睛是否受過夕卜傷或者做過手術? Are you allergic to certain medications ?你是否對某種藥 物過敏 How have you been the fasting

24、blood sugar ?你最近空腹血糖怎樣 How have you been blood pressure ?你最近血壓如何You go over to check vision optometry room你到對面驗光室檢查視力Today You start using eye drops six times a day, eye drops to use three weeks你今天開始滴用眼藥水,每天滴六次,眼藥水需要使用三周時間You need to review your eyes the next Sunday你下星期日需要檢查你的眼睛 You are relatively y

25、oung , simple pterygium excision is easy to relapse你比較年輕,單純行翼狀醬肉切除手術是容易復發(fā)Glaucoma is a serious eye disease, it can make your eyes become blind青光眼是一種嚴重的眼病,它可以使你的眼睛逐漸盲Glaucoma can seriously damage a person's vision青光眼可以嚴重損害人的視力 Glaucoma is one of the main factors that cause blindness 青光眼 是致盲的主要因素之

26、一so You're suffering from glaucoma , your eyes need to be examined regularly to the hospital你患有青光眼,因此你的眼睛需要定期到醫(yī)院來接受檢查You're suffering from glaucoma, you must acceptoperation treatment, operation can delay the development of glaucoma你患有青光眼,你必須接受手術治療,手術治療可以延緩青光眼的發(fā)展.Glaucoma treatment( for any

27、form) entails decreasing aqueous humor production, increasing fluid drainage or a combination of the two. These treatments will not restore any vision already lost to glaucoma.的治療側重于抑制房水的產生和促進房水的吸收或者兩者結合。因此這些方法不能恢 復已經造成的視力減退。reducing IOP in time,shorting the duration of high IOP for patients withacu

28、te of angle closed were recommended to save the visual function of,縮短高眼壓的持Glaucomapatients.對急性閉角型青光眼患者應進行緊急降眼壓治療 續(xù)時間以挽救和保護患者的視功能。surgery is not possible to improve your eyesight青光眼手術不能夠提高你的視力Cataract surgery is very successful,but your fundus have a problem 白 內障手術是非常成功的,你的眼底有問題If your fundus is norm

29、al, you will be able to see clearly after cataract surgery如果你的眼底是正常的,白內障手術后你就能清楚地看到After the operation , You must carefully drop with eye drops, otherwise you susceptible to endophthalmitis , it can destroy your eyeballs手術后你必須認真滴用眼藥水,否則你容易患眼內炎,它可以摧毀你的眼球You avoid extrusion eye and can not be dirty wa

30、ter into the eyes recently你最近避免擠壓眼球而且不能將臟水流入眼睛When you feel eye pain or redness, you must go to the hospital當你感覺眼睛脹痛或者眼睛發(fā)紅,你必須到醫(yī)院就診First drug treatment, if not improve , they must be treated surgically 先藥 物治療,要是不見改善,就必須行手術治療You usually have to avoid mental stress, fatigue, and drinking is prohibited

31、你平時要避免精神緊張、勞累,而且禁止飲酒hospitalization 住院治療; Outpatient service 診; ward 病房;Physicians 內科醫(yī)生;gynaecologists 婦產科醫(yī)生;Neurologist神經內科醫(yī)生;Neurosurgeons 神經外科醫(yī)生;Endocrinologists 內分泌醫(yī)生;Cardiologists心血管科醫(yī)生;Gastroenterologists 消化科醫(yī)生;Surgeon外科醫(yī)生;Pediatrician兒科醫(yī)生namesuperficialanesthesia of eye 眼部,Local infiltration

32、anesthesia局部浸潤麻醉; Topicalsubconjunctival anesthesia局部結膜下、peribulbar block 周,Retrobulbarblock球后阻滯;Sty incision麥粒腫切開術;Chalazion incision 霰粒腫切開 術;keratoplasty角膜移植; Corneal foreign body removal surgery 角膜異物取出術;Pterygium excision + Limbal stem cell transplantation;Trabeculectomy 小梁切除;Peripheral iridectom

33、y 虹膜周邊切除; Small incision extracapsular cataract extraction; Phacoemulsification+Intraocular lens implantation ; YAG laser posterior capsulotomy (YPC)YAG 后囊切開術;Enucleation眼球摘除;evisceration 眼內容物剜除;Artificialeye pedestal implantation眼座植入術;vitrectomy 玻切; Retinaldetachment surgery 視網膜脫離復位術;endolaser 眼內激光

34、;Retinal laser photocoagulation 視網膜激光光凝;Tumor resection 腫瘤切除術;Strabismus surgery 斜視矯正術 ;Entropion correction 眼瞼內翻矯正術 ; Eyelid tumor resection 眼瞼腫物切除; Subcutaneous abscess incision 皮下 膿腫切開術 ;Debridement and suturing 清創(chuàng)縫合;probing of lacrimal passage 探通術 Syringe 注射器 Milliliter 毫升;infusion apparatus 輸液器

35、;Ophthalmic surgical microscope眼科手術顯微鏡;Blade 刀片;Microsurgicalknife顯微外科手術刀;needle針頭;Flushing needle 沖洗針頭;eye speculum 開瞼器;Microsurgery scissors 顯微手術剪刀;MicrosurgeryForceps 顯微手術鐐子;Microsurgery needle holder顯微持針器;Forceps 血管鉗;curet刮勺;Snare圈套器;ophthalmic sutures眼科縫合線;Gauze紗布; cotton wool balls 棉球 ;swabs 棉

36、簽;adhesive plaster 膠布;mask 口罩;Medical hat 醫(yī)用帽子;rubber glovers 橡皮手套;remove the sutures 拆線; change their dressing 換藥; Viscoelastic agent 粘彈齊U ; Carbachol 1ml 卡巴膽堿;Iodophor 碘伏;Alcohol 醫(yī)用酒精;Hydrogen peroxide solution雙氧水;slit lamp 裂隙燈; Front mirror 前置鏡;trihedralreflector 三面反射鏡;direct /Indirect ophthalmoscop


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