1、Book IVUnit 1(6 hours)1. Teaching objectivesa. Understand the New Years resolution and the text structure.(What is the father going to change thisyear? How does he try to make this year different? Why the results all went contrary to his expectations?)b. Learn the essential elements of narration, su
2、ch as time sequence, suspense, tone and style” Learnlanguage points; appreciate the writing techniques and rhetorical devices.c. Have a basic understanding of ambition in text 2.d. Oral speaking practice2. Teaching focusa. Vocabulary: resolution; spontaneous; escape mechanism; swarm around; morality
3、 rapportb. A brief summary of the ways to express futurityc. Appreciate the narrative skills demonstrated in the text(the selections of the details, the conversational tone; idiomatic and straightforward writing style; the use of the exaggeration; the frequent use of the verb-preposition and verb-pa
4、rticle combination to make his writing very informald. The writer carried out his New Years resolution faithfully to improve himself but the results all went contrary to his expectations. Why?3. Teaching StepsTEXT I This Year Its Going to Be Different3.1. Pre-reading QuestionsStarting from the Inter
5、action Activities on page 16, ask the students to talk about their new terms resolutions.Conclusion: Its often easier to make resolutions than to carry them out.3.2. The Main IdeaThe statement that best sums up the main idea is (3): The writer carried out his New Years resolution faithfully to impro
6、ve himself, but the results all went contrary to his expectations.,3.3. Language points1. A brief summary of the ways to express futurity1) The neutral future is formed by using the auxiliaries will/ shall and infinitive.Examples:Tomorrow will he his Sunday. (Level 3, Unit 3)Is it possible to make a
7、n atomic engine that will be really safe in every circumstance?(Level 3, Unit 6)2) The construction to be going to is used to express future intention.Examples:This year it is going to be different.I know what the kids are going to eipreting (the statement, etc.) strictly/literally/figurativel
8、y/fully/best/properly, etc.就精確/字面/ 比喻/全 面/最好/適當(dāng)?shù)囊饬x而言6. blood:new blood: new talentkill sb. In cold blood: deliberately kill sb.make ones blood boil: make sb. Very angrymake ones blood run cold: fill one with fearblue blood: aristocratic descentones one flesh and blood: ones relationsBlood is thicker
9、 than water: the ties of family relationship are real.blood and thunder story/drama: story/drama which is full of exciting incidentsblood brother:結(jié)拜兄弟Blood type/group/donor7. restrain: v.hold back, keep under control, prevent sb./sth. from doing sth.e. g. restrain a child from (doing) mischiefrestra
10、in ones anger/laughterrestrained: a. kept under control restraint: n.8. dilapidated: a. (of buildings, furniture, etc) falling to pieces, in a state of disrepaire. g. a dilapidated-looking car, a dilapidated old house9. scribble: v.write hastily or carelessly, make meaningless marks on paper, etc. s
11、cribbling-block: n. pad of cheap paper making notes. 便條侖氏10. elegant: a. showing, having good taste, graceful, done with care, skill and taste11. bind: V. fasten (sheets of paper) into a covere.g. a well-bound book/a book bound in leather12. edition: n.1) form in which a book is publishede.g. a chea
12、p edition/a pocket edition/the first edition/a revised edition2) total number of copies (a book, newspaper) issued from the same type13. crayon: n. stick or pencil of soft colored chalk, wax or charcoal14. soul: n. a central, most important or most active parte.g. Hes such a good joke teller, hes th
13、e life and soul of any party.heart and soul: (with) all ones power and feelingkeep body and soul together: to have enough money, food, etc to livesoul-destroying: giving no chance for the mind to work; very uninteresting soulful: full of feeling,soulless: showing no attractive or tender human qualit
14、ies15. so to speak: you say so to speak to draw attention to the fact that what you are saying is not literally true,but is a colorful way of describing a situation.=as one might say, rather 可以說(shuō)是,簡(jiǎn)直是,e.g. Hes up to his neck, so to speak, in debt.16. volume: n.1) one of a set of books of the same kin
15、d or together forming a wholee.g. a set of Dickens7 works in 24 volumes2) magazines put together in book form, often yearly.3) often fmL: a book, esp. a large one4) (degree of) fullness or loudness of sound17. typography: n.1) the work of preparing and setting matter for printing 排版2) the arrangemen
16、t, style, and appearance of printed matter 版面18. wide-awake: a.having or showing fully active senses, alert19. glide: v. move (noiselessly) in a smooth continuous manner, which seems easy and without effort,20. light: a.1) (of books, music, plays, actors, etc) having the intention of amusing only, n
17、ot deep in meaning2) not serious, unimportant21. fiction: a. stories or novels about things that did not really happen, as compared to other sort of literature, like history or poetryHctional: a. told as a story e.g. a fictional accountfictitious: a. untrue, invented e.g. fictitious character22. fun
18、damental: a. being at the base, from which all else develop23. margin: n.1) one or both sides of a page near the edge, where there is no writing or printing2) the area on the outside edge of a large area3) (in business) the difference between the buying and selling price 贏余,毛利 marginal: a.1) of smal
19、l, rather than central, importance, or of small amounte.g. marginal effect2) (of land) poor3) (of life, existence) led by people who have only just enough to eatand so to continue living 最低限度的24. consist in: e.g. 1) True freedom consists in the absence of laws.2) The beauty of Xian consists in the s
20、tyle of its ancient buildingsconsist of: to be made up ofe.g. The UK consist of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.3.4 Interaction ActivitiesThe Way I Do My ReadingSuggestions:1. Before starting to read:1) read the Contents page of the book,2) have a quick look at the chapter headings,3) have a glan
21、ce at the Index which is helpful for specific information.2. Skimming and scanning:1) Skimming is a reading skill you use when you want to get the main idea of a book一(1) read the introduction, usually the opening paragraph of a chapter,(2) read the conclusion, usually the final paragraph of a chapt
22、er,(3) read very quickly, skip or leave out small portions of the material in order to get the main ideas.2) Scanning is a reading skill you use when you want to check quickly whether a text you are reading contains information you need一(1) think of some key words connected with the information you
23、need一look quickly down the page to see if you can spot any of them; if you do, read the sentences around them to check if you information is what you need;(2) look for chapter headings / paragraph headings; words in bold type / words underlined 一 they give you a lot of quick information about the co
24、ntents of the reading matter,(3) if the information you need is in a book, look at the list of contents and the indexes.3. Note-taking:(1) Write down important points, the points relevant to your needs, sometimes useful expressions tohelp improve your language,(2) Underline, use symbols or write bet
25、ween the lines, in the margins, or the end papers, or on a scratch pad or in a notebook,(3) sort out the main points, which will help to focus on the reading as well as to provide a summary.4. 1) Textbooks: slow speed, less than 100 wpm (words per minute) for intensive reading, study andremember.2)
26、Fiction: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for entertainment.3) Non-fiction: average speed, 150-200 wpm, reading for special purposes.4) Newspapers: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information.5) Magazines: fast speed, 200-250 wpm, reading for information or entertainment.3.5. HomeworkIntroduce
27、some strategies of writing between the lines”.Unit 4(6 hours)1. Teaching objectivesa. Have a understanding of the writing of biography.b. Understand the writers logic of writing: How Berners-Lees life and work help him to create www.c. appreciate the authors accurate diction and skillful organizatio
28、nd. Learn language pointse. Oral speaking Practice2. Teaching focusa. Vocabulary: zip off; unencumbered; nifty; noodle around; lingua franca ; debut, cobble together; cash in onb. Understand the organization of the text.c. Understand journalistic style3. Teaching stepsTEXT I Network Designer-Tim Ber
29、ners-Lee3.1. Pre-reading QuestionsThe students may be asked a number of questions such as the following before they make their guesses.1. What nationality is Tim Berners-Lee?2. Is he a university graduate?3. When did he begin to take an interest in the computer?4. Did he work in a research institute
30、 specializing in computer science?5. Was he given the assignment of designing the World Wide Web or did he hit upon the idea just by accident?6. What was it that made WWW a reality?3.2. The Main IdeasMain ideas: A vivid picture of the brilliant network designer Tim Berners-LeeLines 1-13: Access to t
31、he Internet which gives people information of all kinds seems a matter of course.Lines 14-26: World Wide Web, which began as a little computer program nearly 20 years ago, was the work of Tim Berners-Lee alone.Lines 27-50: Having designed a kind of “hypertext notebook which linked various kinds of i
32、nformation on his own computer, Berners-Lee wanted to open it up to everyone who would like to link their stuff to his.Lines 51-63: Berners-Lee devised HTML, URL and HTTP, all of which finally brought the World Wide Web to fruition in 1991.Lines 64-77: Brought up as a quintessential child of the com
33、puter age, Berners-Lee created a most significant global system.Lines 78-90: In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW, Berners-Lee chose the non-profit road, both for himself and for his creation.3.3. Language point1. It turns out you can “enquire about nearly anythingIt happens that you can
34、 ask about almostanything*turn out: happen to be; be found to beturn out to be + adj.turn out + thateg.Much to his disappointment, his experiment turned out to be a failure.It turned out that the unexpected visitor was one of my mothers former students.2. four-poster beds for dogs: large beds with p
35、osts at the four corners to support a frame for curtains to be used by dogs3. access to the Internet一the opportunity to use the Internetaccess: n. the means or opportunity or right to use or see somethingaccess +toegIn a university library, we have access to large numbers of academic books.In our co
36、untry, every child has access to education.4. a lowly software consultant: a software engineer of a low rank5. Thomas Edison got credit for the light bulb一Thomas Edison received recognition for the light bulb credit: n. the recognition or respect or praise given to someone because of something they
37、have doneor achievedgive sb. credit fortake/get/claim/deserve etc (the) creditto sbs creditbe a credit to sb/sth; do sb/sth crediteg.You could at least give him some credit for all the effort hes put in.Sam never once accepted all the credit for himself.It is much to her credit that Joy persevered i
38、n spite of all the difficulties.Shes a credit to the team.Your children really do you credit.6. William Shockley may have fathered transistor: William Shockley may have been responsible for the invention of transistor.7. He loosed it on the world.一 He presented it to the world.8. And he more than an
39、yone else has fought to keep it open, non-proprietary and free.一 Of all people, he is the person who has tried hard to give everyone access to the World Wide Web, without claiming ownership and without charging anything.9. It started, of all places, in the Swiss Alps.Of all places: used to suggest t
40、hat a particular place seems suiprisingly or unlikely when there are many places where something might happenc.f.of all thingsof all peopleegOf all places, they went vacationing in an unknown village.Of all things, she bought an ordinary bowl as a souvenir.I cant understand why she, of all people, s
41、hould speak to us about how to use the computer.10. Berners-Lee was noodling around with a way to organize his far-flung notes.Berners-Lee was keeping himself occupied/was playing about/was buying himself with a way in which he could organize his notes which spread over/extend over a wide area.11. -
42、that dealt with information in a “brain-like waythat handled information in the way as the brain does.deal with: (used in different situations with different meanings)eg.Mark is very smart. He can deal with all kinds of difficult situations, (handle)Recently I read an article which dealt with the la
43、test development in computer science, (concerned/was concerned with)Be cautious about what kind of business firms you deal with, (do business with) Its OK. Tm dealing with it so far. (succeed in controlling an emotional problem) These ideas are dealt with more fully in the next chapter, (be about a
44、particular subject)12. keep track all the random associationskeep track of: keep oneself informed about something; pay attention to sth so that one knows what is happeningegWe read newspapers every day to keep track of currents events.c.f. lose track ofe.g. Weve lost track of him since he left Shang
45、hai for home.random: adj. unplanned, unintentional, aimless, purposes, etc.ega random sample; random drug testing of athletesA few random shots are fired.While everyone was discussing the questions seriously, John made a few random remarks now and then.He was whiling away his time by putting down so
46、me random thoughts on paper.cf.at random: in a way that happens without any definite plan, aim, or patternThe killer appears to have selected his victims at random.He put the books on the shelves at random.She chose a number of books at random to lend to her neighbour.13. What if he wanted to add st
47、uff that resided in someone elses computer?What would he do if wanted to add information which was found on someone elses computer?14. He could limit access to his colleagues at CERN.He could give only his colleagues at CERN to the information on his computer.CERN一Consul European Pour la Recherche N
48、ucleaire (European Organization for Nuclear Research) 歐洲原子核研究組織15. Let it span the network!一Let it extend over other networks and link them all up!16. open-ended and infinite: with no fixed limits and inexhaustible17. Its hard to overstate the impact of the global system.一The influence of the global
49、 system was so great and important that it is difficult to exaggerate the fact.i. e. The World Wide Web is such a great creation that there is no need to overstate the fact.18. rather than hold one another back with proprietary technology: rather than preventing one another from further development
50、with the kind of technology they claim to have control over19. The rest of the world may be trying to cash in on the Webs phenomenal growthOther people maybe trying to take advantage of or make a profit form the unusually fast development of the Web cash in on: take advantage of or make a profit fro
51、m a situation in a way that is unfairegHes just cashing in on the fact that his father is a big movie director.The only shop in that out-of-the-way village cashed in on the shortage of everyday necessities by putting up prices.3.4. Interaction ActivitiesThe relationship between Parents and Child3.5
52、HomeworkIntroduce Bill Gates.Unit 5(6 hours)1. Teaching objectivesa. Have a basic understanding of Antarctic facts.b. Understand the writers logic of writing: appearance of Antarctic, Features of Antarctic; differences between Antarctic and Arctic.c. Appreciate the wiring style: expository piece of
53、writingd. Learn language pointse. Oral speaking practice2. Teaching focusa. Vocabulary: precipitation; habitation; obscure; tempestuous: haul; gust; tenureb. Sentences: Seen from space . the most distinctive feature of our planet is the ice sheet of Antarctica .c. Understand main idea of the text3.
54、Teaching steps:text i: Antarctica3.1 Pre-reading QuestionLet the students air their views freely:For further reference, consult relevant issues of Beijing Review China Today, China Daily, etc.3.2The Main IdeasAnswers for reference:1. great isolation from other land2. not inhabited by humans3. hardly
55、 any plant or animal life4. no human child ever born there5. very little rain6. intense cold7. howling wind8. the most tempestuous seas around it3.3 Language points1. Seen from space :When our planet is seen from space -ed participle can he used as an adverbial to denote time, cause, condition or at
56、tending circumstances, eg. Placed in a freezer, water quickly becomes ice.Confined to bed, Peter was not allowed to go downstairs.Given better attention and care, these small animals would not have fallen prey to the carnivores.2. average: v. adj. n.eg. During their walking trip round the province,
57、they averaged twenty kilometers a day. (v.)What is the average annual rainfall in the Arctic? (adj.)The average of the students marks for the mid-term examination is 76. (n,)The ice sheet is more than 7,000feet thick on average, (n.)3. in thickness / depth / length / width4. set eyes on: lay eyes on, see (usually used in ccmjimction with a negative or out-of-the-ordinary idea)eg. It was the most extraordinary thing I had ever set eyes on. J had never set eyes on a book with such magnificent binding.5. let alone: certainly not, not to mentioneg. He can
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