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1、音標課一課題元音音標課型音標課教員陸雪玲教學目標讓學生了解國際音標的組成(可以與漢語的拼音進行對比,增進理解) 并掌握/?d /e/ ; /i:/ /i/ ; /u:/ /u/三組音標的發(fā)音,同時了 解自然拼讀法中與這三組音標相關(guān)的字母組合教學重點主要注重糾正學生的發(fā)音和教簡單的單詞音標拼讀,把音標和漢語拼 音區(qū)分開來,但同時也可以利用漢語拼音來幫助學生理解記憶教學難點主要是長音和短音的區(qū)分,舌頭的位置以及發(fā)音時口型的準確性,其 中/e/容易與拼音中的e相混淆,/?。這個音標學生一開始可能比較難 接受,可以教學生怎么寫,怎么讀,加深學生的記憶課前準備 (教具、 活動準備 等)1 .音標卡2 .

2、郎朗上口的小詩,主要與所學音標有關(guān),簡單而多重復的那種3 .與音標對應的一些簡單詞,有利于進行初步拼讀的教學過程1 .簡單介紹音標的作用,利用拼音與漢字的相對應關(guān)系來解釋音標與單詞之間 的關(guān)系,然后簡單解釋一下國際音標的具體組成(可以告訴學生,學好音標 之后,只要查字典就能知道單詞怎么讀,再也/、需要絞盡腦汁去想土辦法了, 并做一個示范,激起學生的興趣)(5min);2 .進入三組音標的學習,注意糾正學生口型,同時用單詞幫助他們記憶,用小 詩來活躍氣氛,同時幫助他們記憶(30min 每組10min)3 .總結(jié)規(guī)律,復習音標讀法,讓學生做簡單拼讀小練習(10min)具體資料l.meat /mi:

3、t/ key /ki:/ she / ?:/ he / hi:/ me / mi:/ we /wi:/ eat / i:t/ need /ni:d/ see /si:/ meet /mi:t/I see these, he eats meat, she needs keys, we are Chinese, let ' s love each other, please.You see, I ' m a little bee. Flying over the tree. When you eat sweetsewitMon ' t forget me, don '

4、; t forget me.2.six/s伙s/list/ l at/big/ b ?c/kid/k 0/city/s ? miss /mis/Six kids live in big cities, give eleven sisters the best wishes,hope they can go to funny movies.3. ten/ten/ yes/jes/egg/ eg/pen/ pen/ pencil/ pens?l/tell/tel/friend/frend/red/red/bed/bed/Pencil and pen, they are good friends.R

5、ed and egg, sleep in the bed.4. hat/h? t/ bag/ b? g/, cat/k ? t/ , fat/f? t/ dad/d ? d/ bad/b? d/bat/b ? t/I have a happy cat, His dad is very fat, Dad looks like a hat, Happy cat looks like a bat.What' s the matter? -Ann losts her bag. What ' s the mattAren feels bad.What' s the matter?

6、 Daddy lets them stand. Oh, no; oh, no; I ' sorry to hear that5. blue /blu:/ cool/ku:l/ zoo/zu:/ tool/tu:l/ two/tu:/ who/h u:/ ruler/ru:l ?/ school/sku:l/ room/ru:m/ fruit/fru:t/ food/f u:d/Two birds live in the zoo, They looks very cool, Because they ' blue, They want to go to school, Do yo

7、u know they need what tool?6. look/l ?k/ book/b?k/ notebook/ n?tb?k/ bookcase/b? kke?>/ good/g?d/My book looks good. My book looks good. It tells us how to cook. It tells us how to use the hook.規(guī)律:1. i:字母組合:be eabe ei (eoeyi)eat tea meatleaveleadteacher team mean speak clean please10 / 10he she m

8、e2. I 發(fā)音字母uisit picture itis listsixmix fix fit pig big build miss mythmany twentyhappydictionary3. e 字母組合 ea e a(ue,u,be,ai,ei,ay)head bread pleasure elephant electric remember any sell shelllesson better bed desk hotel yes many4. ?發(fā)音字母abag hand and ant happy hat map mad bad black back glad flag sh

9、all man5. u:字母組合oo o ufood moon room gloom broom doom goose tooth shoe do twotrue truth blue full prude6. u字母組合ooou u olook good foot book wood should could put full bull pull push woman wolf音標課二課題兀自首標課型音標課(教學)教員陸雪玲教學目標進一步學習音標,在對上一節(jié)課所學的三組(六個)音標進行復習的 基礎(chǔ)下,再教三組音標,要求學生 掌握/a:/ /?/ ; /?:/ 17 ;/?:/ /?/三組音標

10、的發(fā)音,同時了解自然拼讀法中與這三組音標相關(guān)的字 母組合。教學重點主要注重糾正學生的發(fā)音和教簡單的單詞音標拼讀,把音標和漢語拼 音區(qū)分開來,但同時也可以利用漢語拼音來幫助學生理解記憶。教學難點主要是長音和短音的區(qū)分,舌頭的位置以及發(fā)音時口型的準確性,其 中/?/這個音標比較難認,要重點教學,/?/ /?/這組音標也是比較難 記憶的,可以多次重復帶讀以加深學生印象,/?:/ /?/這組音標和/e/ 這個音標還肩拼音中的e容易混淆,可以寫出來做一個對比,加深印 象??傊@節(jié)課的內(nèi)容都比較難把握,要讓學生多開口,邊寫邊記 加深印象。課前準備1.(教具、2.活動準備3.音標卡;郎朗上口的小詩,主要與

11、所學音標有關(guān),簡單而多重復的那種; 與音標對應的一些簡單詞,有利于進行初步拼讀的。教學過程1 .復習上一節(jié)課的三組音標,先帶大家讀一遍小詩,然后把上節(jié)課的音標寫在 黑板上叫學生認讀,有錯誤的就進行糾正,然后再帶學生把音標讀一遍,如 果學生不活躍的話可以先進行帶讀,增強他們的信心后再提問學生( 5min);2 .進入新的三組音標的學習,注意糾正學生口型,同時用單詞幫助他們記憶, 用小詩來活躍氣氛,同時幫助他們記憶(30min每組10min);3 .總結(jié)規(guī)律,復習這節(jié)課三組音標的讀法,讓學生做簡單拼讀小練習(10min)。 具體資料1 ./ a/ art/ at/ are/ a/ car/k a/

12、 far/f a/ hard/h ad/ father/f a e?/ star/st u/party/p at? guitar /gi: 't a/ ask/ask/Father is a star, He lives very far, And he works very hard, Mom starts a car, I ask for my guitar, Be together, how happy we are!2 . /?/ but/b ?t/ one/w ?n/ brother/' br ?e?/ son /s?n/color/ 'k ?l?/ come

13、/ k?m/bus/b ?s/ love/ l ?v/Uncle has a brother, who is my father, Uncle has a son, who loves to run, It ' s tim for lunch, but cousin goes to catch the bus, He finds some color brush3 ./?/ call/k?:l/ tall/t ?:l/ fall/f ?l/ all/ ?:l/ ball/b?l /baseball/'be?sb?l/for/f ?/ four/f ?:/ your/ j ?:/

14、more/m ?:/ orange/' ?:r?id?/strawberry/small/sm ?l/Autumn, autumn, it is fall, Morning, morning, give me a call Orange, orange, I want more, Strawberry, strawberry, it is small, Baseball, baseball, on the floor.4 .dog/d ?g/job/d ?b/hobby/'h ?b? comedy/'k ?m?d?clock/kl ?k/rock/r ?k/ Lots

15、of clocks on the wall, watch, watch, don .' t let it fallI have a job, feed the dog, I have a hobby, like the comedy.5 .first/ f ?st/shirt/ ?t/ skirt/sk?t/birth/'b ?: 0 /girl/g/homework/ 'h ?mw?:k/Skirt, skirt, girls like skirts Shirt, shirt, boys like T-shirts, First, first, everyone wa

16、nts to be first.6 .teacher/'ti:t ?7other/'?e?/ sweater/ swet?/ dollar/d?l?/ color/ 'k?l?/banana/ b?'n an?/dinner/'d ?/Money is dollar, apple has color, banana can be dinner, and teacher gives me ruler.規(guī)律(選講):1. a:字母組合ar acar farm card arm garden fast class last glass plant aunt2.

17、 ?發(fā)音字母 u o ouooup supper lunch fun gun huntcup bus come motherdosebrother love above troublerough flourish blood flood3. ?:字母組合 al or au our arsmall wall talk tall hall ball callwalk short more lord horse forforty sport door floor store4. ? (?)發(fā)音字母o a ouhot lost lot fox box mop hop loss collar not w

18、ant wash watch5. ?:字母組合 irur ear er orgirl shirt skirt thirty thirteen third bird turn burn murder nurse turtle Thursday burgerlearnearn earth heard termher6. e 字母組合 er or ouar o a e uteacher leader remember player speaker farmer banana Canadachina音標課三課題兀自首標課型音標課(教學+復習)教員陸雪玲教學目標進一步學習音標,在對之前所學的六組單元音進

19、行復習的基礎(chǔ)下, 再 教三個雙元音,要求學生掌握/i?/ /u?/ /e?/三個音標的發(fā)音,同時 了解自然拼讀法中與這三個音標相關(guān)的字母組合。教學重點復習鞏固12個單元音,然后在單元音的基礎(chǔ)上引導學生自己把雙元 音讀出來,之后再糾正學生的發(fā)音,帶讀三個雙元音 和教簡單的單詞 音標拼讀。教學難點主要是復習12個單元音,重點要求鞏固把握單元音,之后讓學生嘗 試自己拼讀雙元音,注意/e?/和/?d的區(qū)別。課前準備 (教具、 活動準備 等)4 .音標卡;5 .郎朗上口的小詩,主要與所學音標有關(guān),簡單而多重復的那種;6 .與音標對應的一些簡單詞,有利于進行初步拼讀的。教學過程4 .復習學過的12個單元音

20、,先帶讀,然后用互動小游戲活躍氣氛,同時幫助 學生記憶(20min);5 .進入新的三個雙元音的學習,讓學生自己嘗試著拼讀,再從旁引導,帶讀音 標。用單詞協(xié)助他們記憶,用小詩來增加學習的趣味性,同時也有利于他們 記憶。注意糾正不對的口型。(15min 每個5min);6 .總結(jié)規(guī)律,復習12個單元音音標讀法,同時穿插雙元音的帶讀,讓學生做 簡單拼讀小練習(10min)。具體資料小游戲:i:i:he eats meatiisixbig citieseeten red pens? ?happy catu:u: go to school u u look at book a:a:car goes f

21、ar?Iloves bus?:?: one more call?dog likes clock?:?:girls like skirtS?I like banana單詞和小詩:1 ./?dear/d? hear/h? near/n? cheer/t? ear/?I hear some cheers, near my ears. Dear, dear, dear, do you hear?2 ./e?/ where/we ?/ chair/ t?s?/ pear/pe ?/ hair/he?/ there/ee?/ Where is the pear? Where is the pear? Th

22、ere is a pear. Under the chair.I like pear, but you don't care. You give it to the bear, and I got air.It s unfair. It s unfair!3 ./?/ tour/t ?/ poor/p ?/ sure/s?/He is poor, he is poor. He likes tour. He likes tour. Can he tours? I am not sure.規(guī)律(選講):1. i?字母組合eer earbeer deer ear near here fier

23、ce idea2. ? (e7)字母組合 ear air erepear bear chair air fair there where care3. u? au?字母組合 our owerhour tour flower shower音標課四課題兀自首標課型音標課(教學)教員陸雪玲教學目標復習之前學過的所有者標,尤其注意單元音的復習,然后引導學生進 行雙元音的拼讀,要求學生掌握/ei/ /ai/ /?u/ /au/ /?i/五個音標 的發(fā)音,同時了解自然拼讀法中與這五個音標相關(guān)的字母組合。教學重點復習鞏固12個單元音,然后在單元音的基礎(chǔ)上引導學生自己把雙元 音讀出來,之后再糾正學生的發(fā)音,帶

24、讀五個雙元音 和教簡單的單詞 音標拼讀。教學難點主要是加強12個單元音的復習,重點要求鞏固把握單元音,之后讓 學生嘗試自己拼讀雙元音,其中/?/對于學生來說可能比較難認讀, 要重點把握??梢院推匆糁须p韻母的拼讀相類比,協(xié)助記憶,但要注 意區(qū)分開來。課前準備(教具、活動準備7 .音標卡;8 .郎朗上口的小詩,主要與所學音標有關(guān),簡單而多重復的那種;9 .與音標對應的一些簡單詞,有利于進行初步拼讀的。教學過程7 .復習學過的12個單元音,把班里的學生分成兩個小組,進行上節(jié)課的小游 戲環(huán)節(jié),不同的是讓他們自己互動,教師充當調(diào)節(jié)引導作用,必要時進行糾 正(10min);8 .進入新的五個雙元音的學習,

25、讓學生自己嘗試著拼讀,再從旁引導,帶讀音 標。用單詞協(xié)助他們記憶,用小詩來增加學習的趣味性,同時也有利于他們 記憶。注意糾正不對的口型。(25min 每個5min);9 .總結(jié)規(guī)律,復習所有音標讀法,讓學生做簡單拼讀小練習,鼓勵學生積極發(fā) 言,玩你指我讀的游戲,讀對的學生可以選一個同學進行游戲,并且可以自 己指出音標讓同學讀,讀錯的同學最后合唱一首歌作為懲罰,老師會和他們 一起接受懲罰(10min)。具體資料小游戲:i: i: he eats meat e e ten red pens u: u: go to school a: a: car goes far ?: ?: one more c

26、all ?: ?: girls like skirts 單詞和小詩:ii six big cities? ? happy catu u look at book? ? I loves bus? ? dog likes clock? ? I like bananaI like ice, She likes rice, We ride a bike, to find what we like, its Friday ni,but1 ./a? bike/ba?/ like /la?/ ice/a?s/ nice/naR/ rice/raR/time/ta ?m/ night/na?/we still need time.2 ./e?take/te 窠/ cake/ke?/ name/ne?m/ game /ge?m/ date/de? /eight/e 2/ Kate is eight, she and I have a date, today we go to the lake, what should I take? We will play a game, First tell me your name, let ' s go to the lakeand I


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