已閱讀5頁,還剩6頁未讀 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、通用廠房租賃合同Standard Factory Premises Lease Contract甲方(出租方):上海中全投資有限公司 Party A (lessor): Shanghai Zhongquan Investment Co., Ltd.乙方(承租方):EMPR Australia Pty Ltd.Party B (lessee): EMPR Australia Pty Ltd.甲方(出租方):上海中全投資有限公司 Party A (lessor): Shanghai Zhongquan Investment Co., Ltd.乙方(承租方):EMPR Australia Pty L

2、td.Party B (lessee): EMPR Australia Pty Ltd.根據(jù)中華人民共和國合同法、上海市房屋租賃條例及其他有關規(guī)定,參照國內(nèi)和上海市各開發(fā)區(qū)的通行慣例,經(jīng)甲、乙雙方協(xié)商一致,就甲方向乙方出租通用廠房事宜,簽訂本通用廠房租賃合同。According to the Contract Law of PRC, Shanghai Municipal Housing Rental Ordinance and other relative regulations, refering to the domestic common practice and common prac

3、tice of development zones in Shanghai, after consultation and agreement between Party A and Party B, hereby they sign this Standard Factory Premises Lease Contract on the issue of Party A leasing to Party B the standard factory. 第一條 甲方同意出租、乙方同意承租的通用廠房(以下稱“租賃廠房” )基本情況:Article The basic information of

4、 the standard factory which Party A agrees to lease, and Party B agrees to tenant (hereinafter referred to as the Leased Factory):1、 租賃廠房坐落:上海市浦東新區(qū)建業(yè)路315弄4號 1. The leased factory is located at: No.4, Alley 315, Jianye Road, Pudong New Area, Shanghai2、 租賃廠房權證編號:滬房地(浦)字2010第080051號(房地產(chǎn)權證)2. Property R

5、ight Certificate No. of the leased factory: HFD(Pu) Zi2010No.080051 ( Property Right Certificate)3、 租賃廠房類型: 通用廠房3. Leased factory type: standard factory4、 租賃廠房建筑面積: 1850 平方米 (4號廠房一層A區(qū)及第二層,詳見附錄二)4. Construction area of the leased factory: 1850 square meters ( District A, first floor and second floor

6、of No. 4 factory, see Appendix 2 for the details)5、 租賃廠房基本電量(電力荷載): 25 KVA5. Basic electricity (power load) of the leased factory: 25KVA 第二條 租賃用途 Article Rental Purpose1、乙方向甲方承諾,租賃廠房作為辦公及倉儲展示設施使用,并遵守國家和本市有關租賃廠房使用和物業(yè)管理的規(guī)定。如該等使用用途需要經(jīng)過有關部門審批或核準,甲方應當盡一切努力協(xié)助乙方獲得該等審批或批準。1. Party B promises to Party A that

7、 the leased factory will be used for office work, storage and display of facilities, and will obey the domestic and municipal regulations concerning the use and property management of the leased factory. If such use needs to be approved by relative departments, Party A should make every effort to as

8、sist Party B to gain such approval.2、乙方保證,在租賃期內(nèi)未征得甲方書面同意以及按規(guī)定須經(jīng)有關部門審批而未核準前,不擅自改變上述約定的使用用途。2. Party B promises not to change the above agreed use without Party As written agreement or not yet gained the approval after checking by relative department according to the regulations during the lease term.

9、第三條 交付日期和租賃期限:Article Delivery Date and Lease Term:1、雙方約定,甲方應于合同簽訂且乙方支付首期租金及其他費用后按照本合同的約定向乙方交付租賃廠房。1. Under the agreement of both sides, Party A should deliver to Party B the leased factory after the contract is signed and Party B has paid the down payment and other expenses in accordance with this

10、contract.2、租賃期為四年(含甲方同意乙方續(xù)租的二年),自2011年1月1日(“起租日”)起算。乙方續(xù)租申請時,應至少于屆時當期租期屆滿前的叁個月前向甲方發(fā)出書面通知。續(xù)租期內(nèi),除租金按本合同第四條第1款作出調(diào)整外,本合同其他條款不做變更,雙方應按本合同條款(租金除外)在續(xù)租期內(nèi)繼續(xù)履行本租賃合同。租賃期及續(xù)租期(若適用)最終屆滿時,甲方有權于租賃期最后一日收回租賃廠房,乙方應按期返還租賃廠房。2. The lease term is four years (including Party Bs 2-year extended lease term agreed by Party A)

11、, starting from Jan. 1st 2011 (Lease Inception Date). When Party B applys for extending the lease, Party A should be noticed in written form within three months before the termination date of the present contract. During the extended lease term, except the rent is adjusted according to Item 1 of Art

12、icle in this contract, other articles of this contract remain as the same, both parties should obey the articles of this lease contract ( except the rent). When the lease term and the extended lease term (if applicable) finally end, Party A has the right to repossess the leased factory at the last d

13、ate of the lease term, Party B should return the leased factory in time.3、如乙方未在上述期限內(nèi)書面提前續(xù)租要求的,乙方應當允許并配合甲方或甲方代理人陪同有承租意向的第三方進入和參觀租賃廠房,但甲方應注意盡量減少對乙方正常生產(chǎn)經(jīng)營的影響,經(jīng)乙方確認該第三方非競爭對手后,按照乙方確定的時間安排第三方進入和參觀。3. If Party B did not demand for extending the lease term in advance in the above term, Party B should allow

14、and assist Party A or Party As agent to accompany the third party who is willing to take rent to enter and visit the leased factory, but Party A should reduce as much as possible the infuence to Party Bs normal production and operation. After confirmed by Party B that the third party is not a compet

15、itor, the third party can be arranged to enter and visit the leased factory according to the time determined by Party B.第四條 租金Article the Leasing Rent1、租賃期(含續(xù)租期)內(nèi)前二年租賃廠房的租金為每日每平方米建筑面積人民幣 1.70 元,合計每月租金為人民幣玖萬肆仟叁佰伍拾元整(小寫:¥ 94,350.00元);第三年的日租金標準由甲方根據(jù)屆時的市場價格適當上調(diào),但上調(diào)的幅度最多不得超過前一年的日租金標準的10%,從第三年開始以后每二年按照前一年

16、的租金標準上調(diào),但上調(diào)的幅度最多不得超過前一年租金標準的10%。1. The leasing rent for the first two years of the lease term(including the extended lease term) of the leased factory is RMB 1.70 yuan per square meter of the construction area per day, total monthly rent is RMB NINETY FOUR THOUSAND THREE HUNDRED FIFTY YUAN (lower ca

17、se: 94,350.00 yuan); the daily rent for the third year will be adjusted appropriately by Party A according to the present market, but the increased extent does not exceed 10% of the daily rent standard for the last year, the daily rent will be adjusted according to the rent for the former year every

18、 two years since the third year, but the increased extent does not exceed 10% of the daily rent standard for the former year.2、乙方應每叁個月向甲方支付一次租金,如租金起算日不是該月首日的,租金起算日所在月之租金應按該月內(nèi)實際租賃天數(shù)計算,并應連同此后叁個月的租金一并同時支付。2. Party B should pay the leasing rent to Party A every three months, if the starting date for ren

19、t is not the first day of that month, the rent of the first month since the starting date for rent should be counted according to the practical lease days, and paid together with the rent of the following three months.3、租金支付為先付后用,乙方應于每叁個月屆滿前10個工作日向甲方支付下叁個月的租金(首期租金除外)。甲方應在屆滿前20日向乙方開具應付租金金額之正式發(fā)票。3. Th

20、e rent payment method is use after payment, Party B should pay to Party A the rent for the following three months within 10 working days before the present three-month term ends (except the down payment). Party A should offer to Party B the formal invoice for the payable rent amount within 20 days b

21、efore the present three-month term ends.4、租賃期內(nèi)的首期租金(即從2011年1月1日起到 2011年 3月 31日止的租金,共計人民幣貳拾捌萬叁仟零伍拾元整(小寫:283050.00元),乙方應于本合同簽訂之日起并收到甲方開具的正式發(fā)票后10個工作日內(nèi)向甲方支付。4. The down payment for the lease term ( the rent since Jan. 1st 2011 to Mar. 31st 2011, is in total RMB TWO HUNDRED EIGHTY THREE THOUSAND FIFTY YU

22、AN ( lower case: 283050.00 yuan, which should be paid by Party B after receiving the formal invoice from Party B within 10 working days after the signing of this contract.第五條 租賃保證金Article V. Lease Deposit1、乙方應當向甲方支付租賃保證金,作為乙方履行本合同中各項約定的保證金。租賃保證金的金額相當于租賃廠房叁個月租金金額的款項,即人民幣貳拾捌萬叁仟零伍拾元整(小寫:283050.00元)。1.

23、Party B shall provide Party A with a certain amount of money as the deposit for the performance of the Contract of Party B. The amount of the lease deposit is equal to three months leasing rent (lower case: RMB 283,050.00 yuan).2、乙方應于向甲方支付首期租金的同時一并支付租賃保證金,甲方于收到足額租賃保證金之日起10個工作日內(nèi)就該筆租賃保證金向乙方開具正式的收據(jù)。2.

24、Party B shall provide Party A with the deposit together with the down payment. Party A shall provide Party B with formal receipt within 10 working days after receiving the due amount of deposit.3、如租賃期內(nèi)租金標準增加的,租賃保證金金額相應增加,乙方應于收到甲方書面通知后10個工作日內(nèi)向甲方補足租賃保證金的增加額。3. If the rent standard is increased during

25、the lease term, the amount of the deposit shall be increased accordingly. Party B shall provide Party A with the difference between the increased deposit and the previous deposit within 10 working days after being noticed in written by Party A.4、乙方不得將租賃保證金轉讓或抵押,也不得要求以租賃保證金抵償租金、物業(yè)管理費、水電費等乙方應付而未付的費用或應

26、付而未付給甲方或其他人的賠償金(以下統(tǒng)稱為“應付款項” ),但是,甲方有權使用全部或部分租賃保證金來抵償任何乙方的應付款項。甲方使用租賃保證金抵償前應當書面通知乙方,乙方如無正當理由應當在接到甲方通知后10個工作日內(nèi)將租賃保證金補足。4. Party B shall not assign or mortgage the deposit, or request to use the deposit to compensate the payable yet unpaid fees or damages (Payables hereafter) such as rents, property ma

27、nagement fees and utility fees. However, Party A has the right to use all or a part of the deposit for any payables by Party B. Party A shall notice Party B in written form before using the leasing deposit for any compensation. Party B shall provide Party A with the deducted amount of the deposit wi

28、thin 10 working days after receiving the notice unless there are reasonable excuses.5、租賃期滿后或本合同提前終止后,在乙方全部履行本合同各項條款、支付完畢本合同約定應由乙方承擔支付的所有費用、辦理完畢工商、能源、通訊等的轉戶或注銷手續(xù)(如需要),且在乙方按本合同的規(guī)定返還租賃廠房后10個工作日內(nèi),或乙方因其違反本合同相應條款而向甲方清償所有“應付款項”后10個工作日內(nèi)(以較后者為準),甲方將剩余的租賃保證金無息歸還給乙方。5. Upon the expiry of tenancy or the early t

29、ermination of the contract, on the condition that Party B has preformed its obligations according to the terms and condition of the contract, paid all of the due fees specified in the contract, and finished the cancel or transfer procedure for industry and commerce, energy and communication accounts

30、 (if needed), Party A shall repay Party B with the remainder of the deposit without interests within 10 working days after Party B has returned.第六條 其他費用 Article Six Other Expenses 1、租賃期間,乙方使用租賃廠房所發(fā)生的水、電(含基本電價)、燃氣、通訊等公用事業(yè)費用和物業(yè)管理費,將根據(jù)有關公用事業(yè)單位或物業(yè)管理公司規(guī)定的收費標準和支付方式計收,由乙方承擔。乙方應當及時向甲方、物業(yè)管理公司或相關單位支付上述費用,否則由乙

31、方承擔因逾期支付上述費用而產(chǎn)生的滯納金、違約金等。其中,水費現(xiàn)由甲方統(tǒng)一支付給自來水公司、電費現(xiàn)由甲方統(tǒng)一支付給電力公司。乙方每月所用的水費和電費由物業(yè)管理公司或甲方統(tǒng)計,按月結算給甲方或甲方指定的單位。乙方應在收到甲方或物業(yè)管理公司的書面付款通知后10個工作日內(nèi)付款。物業(yè)管理費可由乙方按時直接支付給物業(yè)管理公司,或者在收到甲方或物業(yè)管理公司書面付款通知后10個工作日內(nèi)付款。1. During the lease term, Party B will bear utilities cost such as water, electricity (including basic price),

32、gas and communication as well as property management fee of using the leased factory according to the charging standard and payment method regulated by utility units or property management company. Party B shall pay above expenses to Party A, property management company or concerned units in time, o

33、therwise Party B shall bear overdue fine and breach penalty due to overdue payment of above expenses. Water charge will be uniformly paid to the water supply company by Party A and electricity charge will be uniformly paid to electric power company by Party A. The water charge and electricity charge

34、 used by Party B each month shall be collected by property management company or Party A and be settled to Party A or units indicted by Party A. Party B shall pay the expenses within 10 working days after receiving written payment order from Party A or the property management company. Property manag

35、ement fee can be paid by Party B directly to the property management company in time or within 10 working days after receiving written payment order from Party A or the property management company.2、根據(jù)物業(yè)管理公司目前的統(tǒng)計方法,水費按每家企業(yè)總水表計算用水量,用水為2元/立方米,排水按用水量的90%計算,按照1.8元/立方米收取,公共部位水費按各業(yè)戶所占建筑面積分攤。如供水單位變更供水和排水價格

36、的,則上述水費計算標準將作相應變更。2. According to statistical method of the property management company, water fee will be charged by consumption on general water meter of each enterprise. The water fee is 2 Yuan/m, and drainage is calculated as 90% of consumption and charged as 1.8 Yuan/m. The water fee for public

37、 area shall be shared according to building area of each enterprise. Calculation basis of above water charge shall be changed correspondingly if water supply units change the prices of water supply and water draining. 3、電費包括基本電價、自用電費和公共部位電費。根據(jù)物業(yè)管理公司目前的統(tǒng)計方法,基本電價按甲方向租賃廠房提供的基本電量和供電部門基本電價標準收取,目前為每千瓦39元。

38、自用電費按電表抄見的用電量乘以分攤單價計算,分攤單價按園區(qū)總用電金額減去總基本電價金額后除以園區(qū)總用電量計算,不分峰、谷、平時段,即為峰、谷、平的平均數(shù)。公共部位的電費按各業(yè)戶所占建筑面積分攤。裝修期間的電費單位為1.50元/度,在裝修期間基本電費不收取。如供電部門變更供電價格的,則上述電費計算標準將作相應變更。3. Electricity fee includes basic price, self-use fee and electricity fee for the public area. According to current statistical method of the p

39、roperty management company, basic price of electricity shall be charged as a current price of 39 Yuan/KW in accordance with basic electric quantity provided by Party A to leased factory and basic price standard of power supply department. Self-use electricity fee is calculated by power consumption o

40、n power meter shared unit price while shared unit price is calculated by (total consumption amount of Park basic price amount)/ total power consumption of Park, which is irrespective of peak, trough and common period and is average of peak, trough and common period. The electricity fee for public ar

41、ea shall be shared according to building area of each enterprise. The unit price of electricity during decorating is 1.50 Yuan/ kilowatt-hour and the basic price will not be charged. Calculation basis of above electricity charge shall be changed correspondingly if power supply units change the price

42、s of power supply. 4、物業(yè)管理費標準按照租賃廠房所在的物業(yè)管理區(qū)域現(xiàn)行標準3元/月/平方米執(zhí)行。在租賃期內(nèi),如果物業(yè)管理收費標準調(diào)整的,則按調(diào)整后的物業(yè)管理收費標準執(zhí)行。4. The standard of property management fee shall be implemented as 3 Yuan/Month/according to current standard of property management region the leased factory locates in. During the lease term, it shall be

43、 subject to adjusted charging standard if property management charging standard is adjusted. 5、甲方承諾給予乙方一個免費的地下固定停車位。其他固定停車位按RMB150/月收取。其他費用根據(jù)物業(yè)管理公司的規(guī)定辦理,如有,由乙方自行承擔。5. Party A promises to offer Party B a free fixed underground parking space. Other fixed parking spaces are charged as RMB 500 Yuan/Mont

44、h. Other expenses shall be charged according to the regulations of the property management company. Party B will bear above expense if has. 6、甲方交付租賃廠房時,應同時提供租賃廠房的主要的水表、電表。乙方在事先獲得甲方書面同意(如有必要,還應獲得政府部門的批準)后,應自費用安裝所有水、電等能源所需的副表,因使用和維護以上副表所發(fā)生的所有費用應由乙方自行承擔。本文選自和,聯(lián)合提供各類東莞廠房出租,東莞常平廠房出租信息。轉載請注明出處。6. When Par

45、ty A delivers leased factory, it shall provide the main water meter and power meter to Party B at the same time. Party B shall pay for installment of all sub-meters required by resources of water and power after receiving written agreement (and approval of government departments if necessary) in adv

46、ance. Party B shall bear all expenses of using and maintaining above sub-meters. 7、甲方對于水、電等能源提供方為租賃廠房提供的能源的持續(xù)性或質(zhì)量不承擔任何責任。如有涉及前述情況,甲方仍有義務協(xié)助乙方向相關部門進行溝通和交涉,以保證乙方正常使用租賃廠房。7. Party A has no responsibility for persistence or quality of power sources provided by water and power supply units to leased facto

47、ry. When referring to above circumstances, Party A has obligation to assist Party B to communicate and negotiate with concerned departments so as to ensure Party B can use leased factory normally. 8、乙方要求就租賃廠房已有的供水、電力、排水設備擴容、或乙方要求就租賃廠房水、電等能源的原供應量進行擴容、另外增加以及/或安裝能源的,應事先獲得甲方的書面同意。甲方書面同意的,如有必要乙方還應獲得能源提供方或政府有關部門的批準,乙方應按能源提供方或政府相關部門的規(guī)定向其支付相應的增容費,并自付費用負責此類額外的能源的安裝、連接和維護。如乙方向甲方申請在園


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