1、 外貿(mào)函電范文匯總 外貿(mào)函電是一種商務(wù)信件。寫外貿(mào)函電是外貿(mào)業(yè)務(wù)員的日常工作之一。為了有助于大家寫好外貿(mào)函電,本PPT總結(jié)了幾個經(jīng)典外貿(mào)函電范文,供參考。外貿(mào)函電:就是有著國際貿(mào)易關(guān)系的雙方由于彼此的業(yè)務(wù)往來而產(chǎn)生的信件。但在信息化高度發(fā)達的今天,該信件并不局限于紙質(zhì)信件,也可以是電子郵件、傳真或MSN。外貿(mào)函電最常用的內(nèi)容:建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系、詢盤、發(fā)盤、回復(fù)、銷售合同、包裝、保險、賠償、仲裁等。外貿(mào)函電基本要求:主題明確,內(nèi)容簡潔,語言精煉,表述完整。外貿(mào)函電的格式:有固定的語言、習(xí)慣用法和常用句型。外貿(mào)函電的語氣:開發(fā)信、詢盤回復(fù)一般要客氣,表達感謝;平常業(yè)務(wù)聯(lián)系要細(xì)心、信任;催促付款要緊急而
2、經(jīng)典外貿(mào)函電范文匯總不失禮貌;客戶索賠要理解、給予足夠的解釋和說明。(一)商務(wù)書信寫作的基礎(chǔ)知識(一)商務(wù)書信寫作的基礎(chǔ)知識v1. 掌握商務(wù)書信的書寫格式(齊頭式、掌握商務(wù)書信的書寫格式(齊頭式、 、縮進式、改良式或混合式)和構(gòu)成(信頭、縮進式、改良式或混合式)和構(gòu)成(信頭、編號和日期、封內(nèi)地址、注意事項、稱呼、編號和日期、封內(nèi)地址、注意事項、稱呼、事由、信文、結(jié)尾敬語、簽署、附件、抄送、事由、信文、結(jié)尾敬語、簽署、附件、抄送、附言)。附言)。 v2. 了解商務(wù)書信的寫作原則(禮貌、周到了解商務(wù)書信的寫作原則(禮貌、周到(體諒)、清楚、簡潔、具體、正確、完(體諒)、清楚、簡潔、具體、正確、完整
3、)。整)。(二)(二) 建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系 v1. 了解建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系的常用書信。了解建立貿(mào)易關(guān)系的常用書信。 v(進口商給出口商的信、出口商的自我介紹、(進口商給出口商的信、出口商的自我介紹、出口商給進口商的信、生產(chǎn)廠家的自我介紹、出口商給進口商的信、生產(chǎn)廠家的自我介紹、廠家給進口商的信等)。廠家給進口商的信等)。 v2. 理解信中應(yīng)包括的內(nèi)容。理解信中應(yīng)包括的內(nèi)容。v3. 掌握有關(guān)建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的常用語句,能書掌握有關(guān)建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的常用語句,能書寫一般性的建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的信件。寫一般性的建立業(yè)務(wù)關(guān)系的信件。(三)詢盤及報盤答復(fù)(三)詢盤及報盤答復(fù) v1. 了解詢盤的種類了解詢盤的種類 (一
4、般詢盤和具體詢盤)。(一般詢盤和具體詢盤)。v2. 理解一般詢盤和具體詢盤的內(nèi)容與區(qū)別。理解一般詢盤和具體詢盤的內(nèi)容與區(qū)別。v v3. 掌握常用有關(guān)詢盤及報盤的語句、掌握常用有關(guān)詢盤及報盤的語句、 詢盤及詢盤及報盤的信函書寫要求和方法。報盤的信函書寫要求和方法。 能寫出簡短、能寫出簡短、清楚、切題的詢盤和報盤信函。清楚、切題的詢盤和報盤信函。(四)報價、推銷、發(fā)盤及還盤(四)報價、推銷、發(fā)盤及還盤 v1. 了解報價(報價及回復(fù)、寄送報價、買方了解報價(報價及回復(fù)、寄送報價、買方要求報價及賣方回復(fù))、推銷信函(一般性要求報價及賣方回復(fù))、推銷信函(一般性推銷、試圖憑樣推銷)的種類。推銷、試圖憑樣
5、推銷)的種類。v v2. 掌握報價、推銷信函、發(fā)盤、還盤信函的掌握報價、推銷信函、發(fā)盤、還盤信函的書寫形式和要求,掌握發(fā)盤及還盤的常用語書寫形式和要求,掌握發(fā)盤及還盤的常用語句句 ,正確書寫其信函。,正確書寫其信函。(五)(五) 定單、合同、支付定單、合同、支付 v1. 了解定單(定單、接受定單、拒絕定單)、了解定單(定單、接受定單、拒絕定單)、合同(售貨確認(rèn)書和購物合同)、支付的形合同(售貨確認(rèn)書和購物合同)、支付的形式和信用證的種類(不可撤消信用證;保兌式和信用證的種類(不可撤消信用證;保兌的、不可撤消的信用證;備用信用證;循環(huán)的、不可撤消的信用證;備用信用證;循環(huán)信用證)。信用證)。 v
6、2. 理解定單、合同中包含的內(nèi)容和各類信用理解定單、合同中包含的內(nèi)容和各類信用證中的條款。證中的條款。 v3. 掌握定單、合同信函書寫形式和要求。掌掌握定單、合同信函書寫形式和要求。掌握有關(guān)定單、支付的常用語句,掌握不可撤握有關(guān)定單、支付的常用語句,掌握不可撤消信用證和修改信用證的書寫要求和方法消信用證和修改信用證的書寫要求和方法 。(七)申訴及索賠(七)申訴及索賠v1. 了解本章所介紹的申訴(對錯發(fā)貨物、遲了解本章所介紹的申訴(對錯發(fā)貨物、遲交貨物、質(zhì)量低劣的申訴)和索賠的范圍交貨物、質(zhì)量低劣的申訴)和索賠的范圍(對質(zhì)量低劣、不良包裝、短重引起的索(對質(zhì)量低劣、不良包裝、短重引起的索賠)。賠
7、)。v 2. 掌握一般申訴和索賠書信的要求和表達掌握一般申訴和索賠書信的要求和表達法。法。How to learn this course First, you need to have a good command of English. Then, pay attention to the special terms in this course. (常用語:詞匯,短語,句型以及習(xí)慣表達法) The best way to learn it is to read more and write more. In this way you will have a better understa
8、nding of what you have learned and be able to use them. It is a good idea to recite some letters. It will help you a lot when you write business letters yourself. Chapter One Business letter writing 外貿(mào)函電外貿(mào)函電/商務(wù)書信商務(wù)書信vTo master Layout and format of Business English letters 布局與格式vTo have a basic under
9、standing of the principles of Business English letters 函電寫作原則1. Styles of the business letter 商務(wù)書信的書寫格式商務(wù)書信的書寫格式vBlocked style 齊頭式齊頭式 vIndented form 斜排式(縮行式)斜排式(縮行式) vModified form 改良式(混排式)改良式(混排式) 齊頭式齊頭式(Block style)v商業(yè)英文書信,一般都要求用打字機或電腦商業(yè)英文書信,一般都要求用打字機或電腦整齊地打印,左邊各行開頭垂直的,稱為垂整齊地打印,左邊各行開頭垂直的,稱為垂直式或齊頭式
10、,美國常用這種格式;直式或齊頭式,美國常用這種格式; v這種排列的要領(lǐng)在于每個要素都從左邊開始這種排列的要領(lǐng)在于每個要素都從左邊開始排列,每一行都不向右縮入,因而整封信的排列,每一行都不向右縮入,因而整封信的左邊成一垂直線,右邊參差不齊。這種形式左邊成一垂直線,右邊參差不齊。這種形式雖然打字時方便省事,不需考慮左邊縮入,雖然打字時方便省事,不需考慮左邊縮入,但不勻稱美觀但不勻稱美觀 縮行式(縮行式(Indented Form)v這種排列的要領(lǐng)在于信頭、結(jié)束語、簽名和發(fā)信人姓名都靠右或偏右靠右或偏右,而封內(nèi)地址和稱呼則在左邊,如果以上任一要素要分行排列時,后行要比前行縮入兩個(或三個)英文兩個(
11、或三個)英文字母;字母;正文每段開始要縮入五個英文字母,段與段之間要空一行。這種形式講究勻稱美觀,是傳統(tǒng)的排列范式,目前只有少數(shù)英國人喜歡用。改良式(改良式(Modified Form)v這種排列集上述兩種形式之所長,信頭、結(jié)信頭、結(jié)束語、簽名和發(fā)信人姓名排在右邊束語、簽名和發(fā)信人姓名排在右邊,封內(nèi)地址和稱呼排在左邊,但每個要素分行時每行都不向右縮入;正文每段開始縮入五個英文縮入五個英文字母字母,而段與段之間可不空行。這種形式兼顧及方便省事與勻稱美觀,因此,它是目前極為流行的英文書信范式。2. Layout of the business letter 商務(wù)書信的商務(wù)書信的 ) 3)信內(nèi)商行名
12、和地址)信內(nèi)商行名和地址(Inside Name and Address)Formal: Dear SirDear MadamDear SirsGentlemen Informal: Dear Mr Green Dear Mrs GreenDear Miss GreenDear Ms GreenvIf you do not know whether a man or a woman will read your letter, you may write Dear Madam or Sir/Dear Sir or Madam: vDear Madam or SirvDear Sir or Ma
13、dam 2. Principles of business letter writing函電書寫基本原則函電書寫基本原則 v1)The first principle is clearness 清楚清楚: In order to achieve that you should not convey more than one idea in a sentence. You should not introduce more than one topic in a paragraph. You should not deal with more than one matter in a lett
14、er. v2)The second principle is conciseness 簡簡要要: Try to make your message brief and to the point. Avoid using long words and sentences. Use daily expressions to replace jargons. Express yourself in an orderly and logical way. A good business letter should be natural, human and easy to read. Here are
15、 some examples:Instead of saying: We should be obliged if you could contact Mr Smith at an early date.You say: Please contact Mr Smith soon. Instead of saying: With reference to your Order 319, the goods were dispatched on the 13 of this month.You say: We sent your Order 319 on 13 April.v3) The thir
16、d principle is correctness 正確正確: vno grammatical mistakes. vAppropriate tone, a help to achieve the purpose. (even as a answer to a complaint letter)vFactual information, accurate figures and exact terms in particular vNot to understate nor overstate. (less confidence or awkward position)vYou should
17、 also make sure that there are no typing mistakes. vPay special attention to numbers, such as quantity, price and so on.v4)The fourth principle is courtesy禮貌: This is more than politeness. A good business letter should be positive, friendly and sincere. Instead of saying: I am in receipt of your ord
18、er for 1,000 tons of Black Tea. You say: Thank you for your order for 1,000 tons of Black Tea. 5)The fifth principle is Consideration周到周到:vConsideration is in consistency with “you attitude” or “you approach”.vKeep in mind the receiver you are writing to and take his or her problems into considerati
19、on in a positive way. Pay attention to the next two points:v Adopt “you approach” when you convey a good news. Instead of saying: We shall be able to offer you free customer service for your newly purchased refrigerator for 3 years. You say: You will be pleased to hear that you will soon be able to
20、have a free customer service for your newly purchased refrigerator for 3 yearsvAvoid using “you approach” when conveying bad news. In this situation, you have to handle it tactfully. Instead of saying: Your letter is not clear at all. I cannot understand it. You say: If I understand your letter corr
21、ectly. 6)the sixth and seventh principles are concreteness and completenessvTo give specific figures and facts and use vivid and exact words! (not short, long or good. Specific time with data, month, year or even hour etc.)vTo conclude all the information in your business letter. (what are the facts
22、 supporting the reasons, whether you have answered all the questions asked or not and what the reader is expected to do)ADVO INDONESIA LTDJl Lambuk 23JakartaIndonesiaTel: (62) 373611/ Fax: (62) 21 37556127 March 2005 Mr James BrownSales DirectorElectra plc5 North WayUnited Industrial EstateMancheste
23、rMA2 3BAUK Dear Mr Brown: Yours sincerely (signature) James Watt Sales Manager vThis is Full-blocked style.vUse single space within the paragraph. Use double spaces between paragraphs. vThis style is widely used today because it is easy to type and therefore efficient.ADVO INDONESIA LTDJl Lambuk 23J
24、akartaIndonesiaTel: (62) 373611/ Fax: (62) 21 375561 25 April 2005 Ms Mary GreenHead DesignerElite Fashions Ltd65B Cloth LaneNottinghamNG5 4GSUK Dear Ms Green:Yours sincerely (Signature) Patricia Rose Assistant Manager This is Block style.This is similar to the Full-blocked layout style but the date
25、 is placed on the right. The Subject is centered. The complimentary close and the signature start from the middle. ADVO INDONESIA LTDJl Lambuk 23JakartaIndonesiaTel: (62) 373611/ Fax: (62) 21 375561 April 25, 2005 Ms Mary GreenHead DesignerElite Fashions Ltd65B Cloth LaneNottinghamNG5 4GSUK Dear Ms
26、GreenYours sincerely(Signature) Patricia Rose Assistant Manager vThis is semi-blocked stylevThis is the same as the blocked layout style except that each paragraph is indented five or ten spaces.How to write envelops: Mr. Johnson Green Public Commerce Information Service Bldg.14, Part 3Fangxingyuan,
27、 Fangzhuang, Beijing, China (sender)Mr. Bill White B. Wallace &. Co. Registered 236 St. Louis Street New York 10202, N.Y. (receiver) USA stampvConfidential機密信vRegistered掛號信vPrivate 私人信vExpress 快遞郵件vSample Post 樣品郵件vParcel Post 包裹郵件vSometimes you may see an envelope with c/o, which means care of.
28、 由由轉(zhuǎn)交轉(zhuǎn)交vMr. Charles Woodvc/o The Sales Manager vPercy Astins & Co Ltdv12 Kings AvenuevRICHMONDvSurrey TW6 ISJvBritainvWrite a business letter in English: v來信收悉,在收到你公司信件之后,我們立來信收悉,在收到你公司信件之后,我們立即與制造廠取得聯(lián)系,催促他們趕快交貨。即與制造廠取得聯(lián)系,催促他們趕快交貨。因為他們遲尺不復(fù),裝船期不能肯定,我們因為他們遲尺不復(fù),裝船期不能肯定,我們在上個月沒有答復(fù)你方的信件,深為抱歉。在上個月沒有答復(fù)
29、你方的信件,深為抱歉。經(jīng)過再三努力,已商定裝經(jīng)過再三努力,已商定裝“東風(fēng)東風(fēng)”輪,預(yù)計輪,預(yù)計本月二十四日左右開航。裝貨完畢,當(dāng)即電本月二十四日左右開航。裝貨完畢,當(dāng)即電告裝運通知。告裝運通知。 Dear Sirs,We contacted the manufacturer upon receipt of your letter, urging them to expedite delivery. We are very sorry we were unable to answer your letter last month, as we did not know the exact tim
30、e of shipment owing to their delay in reply. After repeated efforts we have decided to ship the goods by S.S East Wind, which is estimated to sail around 24th of this month. We shall cable you shipping advice once the loading is completed.Yours faithfully 一、如何表達在漲價前訂貨一、如何表達在漲價前訂貨Thank you for your l
31、etter of October 10 for business copiers. We are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can supply at once from stock.We want to notice you that prices of copier parts and components have gone up steadily since the second half of the year. Tho
32、ugh we have tried hard to keep our quotations down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not long. Therefore, we suggest that you will let us have your order before further rises in costs, which will lead to a raise in prices very soon unavoidably.v感謝貴方10月10日關(guān)于商用復(fù)印機的詢函?,F(xiàn)隨函奉送本
33、公司正在生產(chǎn)的、并有現(xiàn)貨供應(yīng)的最新型號的產(chǎn)品清單和價目表。v我方想告訴貴方,自下半年以來,復(fù)印機的零、部件價格一直不斷增長。盡管我方盡量壓低報價,但恐怕有此余地的時間不會太久。因此,建議貴方在零、部件再次漲價,并不可避免地引起成品漲價之前便向我方訂貨。二、要求及時供貨二、要求及時供貨vWe understand that you are the agent for the White Tiger ties. We enclose our order for 1000 dozens of the White Tiger ties. Please note that we need these g
34、oods rather urgently as Christmas is drawing near. If you could supply goods timely for seasons, we would make repeated orders, provided prices are reasonable. Payment for the enclosed order will be made on a draft at sight under our letter of credit opened in your favor on receipt of your confirmat
35、ion that the goods are sent out, and can be delivered before 1, December, 2000.v獲悉貴公司為“白虎牌領(lǐng)帶”的代理商。茲附上1000打白虎牌領(lǐng)帶訂單一份。v請注意,由于圣誕節(jié)在即,本公司急需這批貨物。如果貴公司能夠及時供應(yīng)時令貨品,而且價格公道,我方將繼續(xù)訂貨。v此票訂單之貨款,待確認(rèn)貴方已于2000年12月1日前發(fā)貨之后,本公司即向貴公司開出見票即付的信用證。三、回復(fù)詢盤告知無貨三、回復(fù)詢盤告知無貨v Referring to your letter of 5 June, we very much regret t
36、hat we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you demand. The reason is that the product you need has been out of stock. Whats more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.vWe shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got
37、 supplies.v我方收到貴公司6月5日來函,但非常遺憾,我方無法對貴方所需產(chǎn)品報盤。其原因是,此貨品在我處已經(jīng)脫銷。而且,由于原料短缺,生產(chǎn)廠家已經(jīng)拒絕了我方訂單。v我方已將貴方詢函備案,一經(jīng)有貨,我方將以電報報盤。四、如何追問買方意見四、如何追問買方意見vIn reply to your inquiry we sent you on May 25 a copy of illustrated catalog of our electric products. As we have not heard from you since, we would like to ask whether
38、 you have had received our reply and what opinion you have on our products. We are always ready to serve you and should be grateful for your reply.v在5月25日我方對貴方詢函的回函中,已寄去本公司電器產(chǎn)品的附圖目錄。因迄今尚未接到貴方的消息,特致函詢問,貴方是否已收到我方回函,并征求貴方對本公司產(chǎn)品的意見。我方隨時愿意效勞,若承蒙貴方惠賜回函,當(dāng)不勝感激。五、如何詢問參展條件五、如何詢問參展條件vFrom yesterdays Morning Pa
39、per we have learned that you are now taking applications from exhibitors for the 2000 Canton Fair. We hope you would send us a copy of detailed conditions for application, such as size of each booth, fees for rent, and time schedule for moving in, etc., as well as the time limit for application.v從昨天
40、晨報上獲悉,貴單位正在征集“2000年廣交會”的參展申請。希望貴方能將展位大孝租用展位價格、進場時間、最遲申請日期等詳細(xì)情況通知我方。六、如何索要產(chǎn)品目錄六、如何索要產(chǎn)品目錄vWe get your name and address from your local Chamber of Commerce. We are an importer of plastic products and we would appreciate it if you would send us your catalogue in the new year.v我方從貴公司的商會獲知你們的名稱與地址。v本公司經(jīng)營塑
41、料制品的進口業(yè)務(wù),希望能夠得到貴公司明年的產(chǎn)品目錄。七、按樣品詢價七、按樣品詢價vWe have a large demand for the supply of 50,000 meters brown serge, whose sample is enclosed to show you the shade and quality we require. Please send your samples corresponding to our samples with the most reasonable price C.I.F. Singapore if you can supply
42、within three months from now.v本公司需要5萬公尺棕色斜紋布的大量供貨?,F(xiàn)隨函附送我方所需貨物的樣品,以示其色調(diào)及品質(zhì)。v若貴公司能在3個月內(nèi)供貨,請送供貨樣品,并提供新加坡港C.I.F.最合理的報價。邀請與答復(fù)邀請與答復(fù) Invitation and Reply vDear Mr. / Ms, vWe should like to invite your Corporation to attend the 2000 International Fair which will be held from August 29 to September 4 at the
43、above address. Full details on the Fair will be sent in a week. vWe look forward to hearing from you soon, and hope that you will be able to attend. v vYours faithfully v尊敬的先生/小姐, v在上述地址,我們想請貴公司參加于八月二十九日到九月四日舉辦的2000國際商品交易會,關(guān)于交易會的詳情我們一周內(nèi)將寄給你。希望不久能收到你的來信,并能來參加。 v v您誠摯的 肯定答復(fù)肯定答復(fù) vDear Mr. / Ms, v vThan
44、k you for your letter of June 28 inviting our corporation to participate in the 2000 International Fair. We are very pleased to accept and will plan to display our electrical appliances as we did in previous years. vMr. Li will be in your city from July 2 to 7 to make specific arrangements and would
45、 very much appreciate your assistance. v vYours faithfully v v尊敬的先生/小姐, v v感謝六月二十八日來信邀請我們公司參加2000國際商品交易會。我們樂于參加并計劃展示我們前幾年生產(chǎn)的電子設(shè)備。李先生將于七月二日至七日去你市做具體安排,非常感謝你的協(xié)助。 v v你誠摯的 否定的答復(fù)否定的答復(fù) vDear Mr. / Ms, v vThank you very much for your invitation to attend the 2000 International Fair. As we are going to open
46、 a repair shop in your city at that time, we are sorry that we shall not be able to come. v vWe hope to see you on some future occasion. v vYours faithfully v尊敬的先生/小姐, v v非常感謝您邀請我們參加2000國際商品交易會。由于我們將于同一時間到你市新開一家維修店,非常抱歉我們不能前去。v希望以后在某些場合見到您。 v v您誠摯的 v 祝賀信祝賀信Congratulation letter 1vDear Mr. / Ms, v vOn the occasion of the 35th anniversary of your National Day, please accept our heartiest congratulations. May the trade connections between our countries continue to develop with each passing day! v vYours faithfully v尊敬的先
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