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1、骨科 ORTHOPEDICS 1、 概論 INTRODUCTION *fracture n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲勞骨折 *open fracture 開放骨折 close fracture 閉合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 壓縮骨折 shock n.休克 *deformity n.畸形 tenderness n.壓痛 swelling n.腫脹 ecchymosis n.瘀斑 obstacle n.功能障礙 *bonefascial compartme

2、nt syndrome 骨筋膜室綜合征 infection n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓損傷 surrounding nerve 周圍神經(jīng) *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore n.褥瘡 arthroclisis n.關(guān)節(jié)僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性壞死 ischemic contraction 缺血性攣縮 *traumatic arthritis 創(chuàng)傷性關(guān)節(jié)炎 hematoma n.血腫 *callus n.骨痂 heal n.愈合 *synovitis n.滑膜炎 *ligament n.韌帶 *tendon n.肌腱 * pyo

3、genic osteomyelitis 化膿性骨髓炎 *reduction n.復(fù)位 *bone traction 骨牽引 *osteoporosis n.骨質(zhì)疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle n.鎖骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *rotation n.旋轉(zhuǎn) supracondyle n.髁上 blister n.水皰 pulsate n.搏動 thrombus n.血栓 *cancellous n.松質(zhì)骨 *epiphysis n.骨骺 *injury n.損傷 *joint n.關(guān)節(jié) stability n.穩(wěn)定 ulna n

4、.尺骨 radius n.橈骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 bone graft 植骨 hemostasis 止血 *periosteum n.骨膜 tension n.張力 adhesion n.粘連 *skin grafting 植皮 *arthrodesis n.關(guān)節(jié)融合 extrusion n.擠壓 gangrene n.壞疽 pallor n.蒼白、灰白 *amputation n.截肢 plaster n.石膏 paralysis n.癱瘓 bandage n.繃帶 2、 手外傷 HAND TRAUMA avulsion n.撕脫 *dislocation n.脫位 st

5、iff adj.僵硬 3、 下肢骨折與關(guān)節(jié)損傷 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur n.股骨 adduction n.內(nèi)收 separate v.分離 cartilage n.軟骨 *synovialis n.滑膜 *spinal column 脊柱 5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column n.椎體 cervical column 頸椎 *lumber vertebra 腰椎 sacrum n.骶椎 sense n.感覺 movement n.

6、運(yùn)動 reflect v.反射 *pelvis n.骨盆 6、關(guān)節(jié)脫位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脫位 pathological dislocation 病理性脫位 *osteoarthritis n.骨關(guān)節(jié)炎 *total hip replacement 全髖置換術(shù) 7、運(yùn)動系統(tǒng)慢性損傷 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain n.勞損 *cystis n.滑囊 *stenosed tenosynovitis 狹窄性腱鞘炎 *ganglion n.腱鞘囊腫 degenerative

7、 adj.退行性變 multiply v.增生 abnormal sense 感覺異常 8、腰腿痛和頸肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINS stenosed column 椎管狹窄 9、骨與關(guān)節(jié)化膿感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTION channel n.竇道 drill hole 鉆孔 *drainage n.引流 10、骨與關(guān)節(jié)結(jié)核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSIS bone tuberculosis 骨結(jié)核 spinal cord compression 脊髓壓迫 11、骨腫瘤BONE TUMOR bone tu

8、mor 骨腫瘤 *osteochondroma n.骨 軟骨瘤 *osteosarcoma n.骨肉瘤 chemotherapy n.化療 *synoviosarcoma n.滑膜肉瘤 醫(yī)學(xué)英語分科常用詞匯 人體解剖學(xué) HUMAN ANATOMY 之運(yùn)動系統(tǒng) LOCOMOTOR SYSTEM 1、 中軸骨 AXIAL BONES *bone n.骨 *vertebrae n.椎骨 *cervical vertebrae 頸椎 *thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 *sacrum n.骶骨 coccyx 尾骨 atlas n.寰椎 axis n.樞

9、椎 *sternum n.胸骨 sternal angle 胸骨角 sternal manubrium 胸骨柄 xiphoid process 劍突 *rib n.肋 *thoracic cage 胸廓 2、顱SKULL *skull n.顱 *frontal bone 額骨 *parietal bone 頂骨 *occipital bone 枕骨 *temporal bone 顳骨 *sphenoid bone 蝶骨 *ethmoid bone 篩骨 *mandible n.下頜骨 hyoid bone 舌骨 vomer n.犁骨 *maxilla n.上頜骨 palatine bone 腭

10、骨 nasal bone 鼻骨 lacrimal bone 淚骨 inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 zygomatic bone 顴骨 *coronal suture冠狀縫 *sagital suture 矢狀縫 *lambdoid suture 人字縫 orbit n.眶 cranial fontanelle 顱囟 2、 附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle n.鎖骨 *scapula n.肩胛骨 *humerus n.肱骨 *radius n.橈骨 *ulna n.尺骨 carpal bone 腕骨 metacarp

11、al bone 掌骨 phalanges n.指骨,趾骨 *hip bone 髖骨 *ilium n.髂骨 *ischium n.坐骨 *pubis n.恥骨 *femur n.股骨 patella n.髕骨 *tibia n.脛骨 *fibula n.腓骨 tarsal bone 跗骨 metatarsal bone 跖骨 4、關(guān)節(jié)學(xué) ARTHROLOGY *articulation n.關(guān)節(jié) *ligament n.韌帶 *flexion n.屈 *extension n.伸 *adduction n.收 *medial rotation 旋內(nèi) *lateral rotation 旋外 p

12、ronation n旋前. supination n.旋后 circumduction n.環(huán)轉(zhuǎn) *vertebral column脊柱 *thoracic cage 胸廓 *intervertebral disc 椎間盤 *temporal-mandibular joint 顳下頜關(guān)節(jié) *shoulder joint 肩關(guān)節(jié) *elbow joint 肘關(guān)節(jié) *radiocarpal joint 橈腕關(guān)節(jié) *pelvis n.骨盆 *hip joint 髖關(guān)節(jié) *knee joint 膝關(guān)節(jié) *ankle joint 踝關(guān)節(jié) 5、肌肉系統(tǒng) MUSCULATURE (1肌學(xué)系統(tǒng)INTRODUC

13、TION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle n.肌肉 muscle belly 肌腹 tendon n.肌腱 aponeurosis n.腱膜 *fascia n.筋膜 *tendinous sheath 腱鞘 (2)軀干肌TRUNK MUSCLES trapezius n.斜方肌 latissimus dorsi 背闊肌 erector spinae 豎脊肌 *sternocleidomastoid adj.胸鎖乳突的 *scalenus n.斜角肌 pectoralis major 胸大肌 intercostales n.肋間肌 *diaphragm n.膈(?。?*ingui

14、nal canal 腹股溝管 *sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘 (3)頭肌 HEAD MUSCLES orbicularis oculi 眼輪匝肌 masseter n.咬肌 *temporalis n.顳肌 *deltoid n.三角肌 *biceps brachii 肱二頭肌 *triceps brachii 肱三頭肌 *axillary fossa 腋窩 (4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌 piriformis n.梨狀肌 *sartorius n.縫匠肌 *quadric

15、eps femoris 股四頭肌 triceps surae 小腿三頭肌 *femoral triangle 股三角 popliteal fossa 腘窩 醫(yī)學(xué)英語分 科常用詞匯 診斷學(xué)骨關(guān)節(jié)系統(tǒng) OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM *Codmanstriangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角 H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎 Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夾心椎體 Scheuermanns disease 紹爾曼病 Schmorls nodule 施莫爾結(jié)節(jié) Shentons line 沈通氏線 apophysis n. 骺狀

16、突 *arthrography n.關(guān)節(jié)造影 basilar impression,basilarinvagination 顱底凹陷 block vertebra 融合椎 bone island 骨島 bursography n.淚囊造影 compacta n.骨密度 cortical porosity 皮質(zhì)骨疏松癥 craniolacunia,luckenschadel n.顱骨陷窩 *empty sella 空蝶鞍 endosteal proliferation 骨內(nèi)膜增生 *epiphysis n.骨骺 Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁內(nèi)吸收 ivory ve

17、rtebra 象牙椎 marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病 massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解 melopheostosis n.蠟油骨癥 ossification n.骨化 osteopathia striata 紋骨癥 *osteopenia n.骨質(zhì)減少 osteopetrosis n.石骨癥 osteopoikilosis n.斑骨癥 pars interarticularis 椎弓峽部 periosteal reaction 骨膜反應(yīng) physis n.骨生長端 *pseudofracture, Looser zone n.假骨折 spina ve

18、ntosa 骨氣鼓 spongiosa 骨疏松 woven bone 編織骨 *zone of provisional calcification 臨時鈣化帶 常用骨科醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)英語詞匯 ? 骨科 ORTHOPEDICS 1、?概論 INTRODUCTION *fracture? n.骨折 pathological fracture 病理骨折 fatigue fracture 疲勞骨折 *open fracture 開放骨折 close fracture 閉合骨折 *comminuted fracture粉碎性骨折 compressed fracture 壓縮骨折 shock? n.休克 *de

19、formity? n.畸形 tenderness? n.壓痛 swelling? n.腫脹 ecchymosis? n.瘀斑 obstacle? n.功能障礙 *bonefascial compartment syndrome 骨筋膜室綜合征 infection? n.感染 spinal cord injury 脊髓損傷 surrounding nerve 周圍神經(jīng) *fat embolism 脂肪栓塞 bedsore? n.褥瘡 arthroclisis? n.關(guān)節(jié)僵硬 ischemic necrosis 缺血性壞死 ischemic contraction 缺血性攣縮 *traumatic

20、 arthritis 創(chuàng)傷性關(guān)節(jié)炎 hematoma? n.血腫 *callus? n.骨痂 heal? n.愈合 *synovitis? n.滑膜炎 *ligament? n.韌帶 *tendon? n.肌腱 * pyogenic osteomyelitis 化膿性骨髓炎 *reduction? n.復(fù)位 *bone traction 骨牽引 *osteoporosis? n.骨質(zhì)疏松 2、上肢骨折FRACTURE OF UPPER EXTREMITIES clavicle? n.鎖骨 *humerus? n.肱骨 *rotation? n.旋轉(zhuǎn) supracondyle? n.髁上 bli

21、ster? n.水皰 pulsate? n.搏動 thrombus? n.血栓 *cancellous? n.松質(zhì)骨 *epiphysis? n.骨骺 *injury? n.損傷 *joint? n.關(guān)節(jié) stability? n.穩(wěn)定 ulna? n.尺骨 radius? n.橈骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 bone graft 植骨 hemostasis 止血 *periosteum? n.骨膜 tension? n.張力 adhesion? n.粘連 *skin grafting 植皮 *arthrodesis? n.關(guān)節(jié)融合 extrusion? n.擠壓 gangrene

22、? n.壞疽 pallor? n.蒼白、灰白 *amputation? n.截肢 plaster? n.石膏 paralysis? n.癱瘓 bandage? n.繃帶 2、?手外傷 HAND TRAUMA avulsion? n.撕脫 *dislocation? n.脫位 stiff? adj.僵硬 3、?下肢骨折與關(guān)節(jié)損傷 FRACTURE OF LOWER EXTREMITIES AND ARTICULAR INJURY femur? n.股骨 adduction? n.內(nèi)收 separate? v.分離 cartilage? n.軟骨 *synovialis? n.滑膜 *spinal

23、 column 脊柱 5、脊柱及骨盆骨折 FRACTURE OF VERTEBRAL COLUMN AND PELVIS column? n.椎體 cervical column 頸椎 *lumber vertebra 腰椎 sacrum? n.骶椎 sense? n.感覺 movement? n.運(yùn)動 reflect? v.反射 *pelvis? n.骨盆 6、關(guān)節(jié)脫位 ARTICULAR DISLOCATION congenital dislocation 先天性脫位 pathological dislocation 病理性脫位 *osteoarthritis? n.骨關(guān)節(jié)炎 *total

24、 hip replacement 全髖置換術(shù) 7、運(yùn)動系統(tǒng)慢性損傷 CHRONIC STRAIN OF MOVEMENT SYSTEM strain? n.勞損 *cystis? n.滑囊 *stenosed tenosynovitis 狹窄性腱鞘炎 *ganglion? n.腱鞘囊腫 degenerative? adj.退行性變 multiply? v.增生 abnormal sense 感覺異常 8、腰腿痛和頸肩痛LUMBAGO AND SHOULDER PAINS stenosed column 椎管狹窄 9、骨與關(guān)節(jié)化膿感染OSTEOARTICULAR PURULENT LNFECTI

25、ON channel? n.竇道 drill hole 鉆孔 *drainage? n.引流 10、骨與關(guān)節(jié)結(jié)核 OSTEOARTICULAR TUBERCULOSIS bone tuberculosis 骨結(jié)核 spinal cord compression 脊髓壓迫 11、骨腫瘤BONE TUMOR bone tumor 骨腫瘤 *osteochondroma? n.骨軟骨瘤 *osteosarcoma? n.骨肉瘤 chemotherapy? n.化療 *synoviosarcoma? n.滑膜肉瘤 ? ? 醫(yī)學(xué)英語分科常用詞匯 人體解剖學(xué) HUMAN ANATOMY 之運(yùn)動系統(tǒng) LOC

26、OMOTOR SYSTEM 1、?中軸骨 AXIAL BONES *bone? n.骨 *vertebrae? n.椎骨 *cervical vertebrae 頸椎 *thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 *sacrum? n.骶骨 coccyx? 尾骨 atlas? n.寰椎 axis? n.樞椎 *sternum? n.胸骨 sternal angle 胸骨角 sternal manubrium 胸骨柄 xiphoid process 劍突 *rib? n.肋 *thoracic cage 胸廓 2、顱SKULL *skull? n.顱 *f

27、rontal bone 額骨 *parietal bone 頂骨 *occipital bone 枕骨 *temporal bone 顳骨 *sphenoid bone 蝶骨 *ethmoid bone 篩骨 *mandible? n.下頜骨 hyoid bone 舌骨 vomer? n.犁骨 *maxilla? n.上頜骨 palatine bone 腭骨 nasal bone 鼻骨 lacrimal bone 淚骨 inferior nasal concha 下鼻甲 zygomatic bone 顴骨 *coronal suture冠狀縫 *sagital suture 矢狀縫 *lamb

28、doid suture 人字縫 orbit? n.眶 cranial fontanelle 顱囟 2、?附肢骨TARSAL BONES AND EXTREMITAL BONES *clavicle? n.鎖骨 *scapula? n.肩胛骨 *humerus? n.肱骨 *radius? n.橈骨 *ulna? n.尺骨 carpal bone 腕骨 metacarpal bone 掌骨 phalanges? n.指骨,趾骨 *hip bone 髖骨 *ilium n.髂骨 *ischium? n.坐骨 *pubis? n.恥骨 *femur? n.股骨 patella? n.髕骨 *tibi

29、a? n.脛骨 *fibula? n.腓骨 tarsal bone 跗骨 metatarsal bone 跖骨 4、關(guān)節(jié)學(xué) ARTHROLOGY *articulation? n.關(guān)節(jié) *ligament? n.韌帶 *flexion? n.屈 *extension? n.伸 *adduction? n.收 *medial rotation 旋內(nèi) *lateral rotation 旋外 pronation? n 旋前. supination? n.旋后 circumduction? n.環(huán)轉(zhuǎn) *vertebral column脊柱 *thoracic cage 胸廓 *interverteb

30、ral disc 椎間盤 *temporal-mandibular joint 顳下頜關(guān)節(jié) *shoulder joint 肩關(guān)節(jié) *elbow joint 肘關(guān)節(jié) *radiocarpal joint 橈腕關(guān)節(jié) *pelvis? n.骨盆 *hip joint 髖關(guān)節(jié) *knee joint 膝關(guān)節(jié) *ankle joint 踝關(guān)節(jié) 5、肌肉系統(tǒng) MUSCULATURE (1肌學(xué)系統(tǒng)INTRODUCTION OF MUSCULATURE *muscle? n.肌肉 muscle belly 肌腹 tendon? n.肌腱 aponeurosis? n.腱膜 *fascia? n.筋膜 *te

31、ndinous sheath 腱鞘 (2)軀干肌TRUNK MUSCLES trapezius? n.斜方肌 latissimus dorsi 背闊肌 erector spinae 豎脊肌 *sternocleidomastoid? adj.胸鎖乳突的 *scalenus? n.斜角肌 pectoralis major 胸大肌 intercostales? n.肋間肌 *diaphragm? n.膈(?。?*inguinal canal 腹股溝管 *sheath of rectus abdominis 腹直肌鞘 (3)頭肌 HEAD MUSCLES orbicularis oculi 眼輪匝肌

32、 masseter? n.咬肌 *temporalis? n.顳肌 *deltoid? n.三角肌 *biceps brachii 肱二頭肌 *triceps brachii 肱三頭肌 *axillary fossa 腋窩 (4)附肢肌 MUSCLES ATTACHED TO EXTREMITTES *gluteus maximus 臀大肌 piriformis? n.梨狀肌 *sartorius? n.縫匠肌 *quadriceps femoris 股四頭肌 triceps surae 小腿三頭肌 *femoral triangle 股三角 popliteal fossa 腘窩 ? 醫(yī)學(xué)英語

33、分科常用詞匯 診斷學(xué)骨關(guān)節(jié)系統(tǒng) OSTEOARTICULAR SYSTEM *Codmanstriangle 骨膜三角,科德曼三角 H-shaped vertebra,butterfly vertebra 蝴蝶椎 Rugger-Jersay vertebra 夾心椎體 Scheuermanns disease 紹爾曼病 Schmorls nodule 施莫爾結(jié)節(jié) Shentons line 沈通氏線 apophysis? n. 骺狀突 *arthrography? n.關(guān)節(jié)造影 basilar impression,basilarinvagination 顱底凹陷 block vertebra

34、 融合椎 bone island 骨島 bursography? n.淚囊造影 compacta? n.骨密度 cortical porosity 皮質(zhì)骨疏松癥 craniolacunia,luckenschadel? n.顱骨陷窩 *empty sella 空蝶鞍 endosteal proliferation 骨內(nèi)膜增生 *epiphysis? n.骨骺 Intratrabecular resorption 骨小梁內(nèi)吸收 ivory vertebra 象牙椎 marrow-packing disease 骨髓充填疾病 massive osteolysis 大片骨溶解 melopheosto

35、sis? n.蠟油骨癥 ossification? n.骨化 osteopathia striata 紋骨癥 *osteopenia? n.骨質(zhì)減少 osteopetrosis? n.石骨癥 osteopoikilosis? n.斑骨癥 pars interarticularis 椎弓峽部 periosteal reaction 骨膜反應(yīng) physis? n.骨生長端 *pseudofracture, Looser zone? n.假骨折 spina ventosa 骨氣鼓 spongiosa 骨疏松 woven bone 編織骨 *zone of provisional calcificat

36、ion 臨時鈣化帶 Carpal tunnel syntrome腕管綜合征 Osteoperia:骨質(zhì)疏松 Hallus vaglus:拇外翻 常用解剖術(shù)語anatomic terms ?n?t?mik 1、總論Introduction ?superior上 sju?pi?ri? ?inferior下 in?fi?ri? ?Cranial頭側(cè) ?Caudal尾側(cè) ?k?:dl ?anterior前 ?n?t?ri:? ?posterior后 p?st?ri:? ?ventral腹側(cè) ventr?l ?dorsal背側(cè) ?d?:s? l ?medial內(nèi)側(cè) ?mi:dj?l ?lateral外側(cè)

37、 l?t?r?l ?internal內(nèi) in?t?:n?l ?external外 eks?t?:nl ?superficial淺 ?sju:p?fi?l ?profundal深 pr?f?nd?l ?proximal近側(cè) pr?ksim?l ?distal遠(yuǎn)側(cè) dist?l ?ulnar尺側(cè) ?radial橈側(cè) ?re?di:?l ?tibial脛側(cè) ?fibular腓側(cè) 運(yùn)動系統(tǒng)locomotor (kinetic system ?vertebrae椎骨 cervical vertebrae頸椎 ?cervical vevtebrae頸椎 ?thoracic vertebrae胸椎 ?(:?

38、r?sik ?lumbar vertebrae腰椎 l?mb? ?sacrum骶骨 seikr?m ?sternum胸骨 ?st?:n?m ?clavicle鎖骨 kl?vikl ?scapula (shoulder blade肩胛骨 sk?pjul? ?humerus肱骨 ?hju:m?r?s ?radius橈骨 reidj?s ?ulna尺骨 ?ln? ?carpal bone腕骨 ?k:p?l ?metacarpal bone 掌骨 ?met?k:pl ?phalanges指(趾骨 f?l?nd?i:z Sequestrectomy ?si:kwes?trekt?mi死骨切除(術(shù)) Se

39、questrectomy of humeral head to surgical neck肱骨頭至外科頸死骨切除術(shù) Sequestrectomy of phalanges of foot 足趾骨死骨切除術(shù) ?hip bone髖骨 ?ilium髂骨 ili?m ?ischium 坐骨 iski?m ?pubis恥骨 ?femur 股骨 ?fi:m? ?patella髕骨 p?tel? ?tibia脛骨 ?t?bi:? ?fibula 腓骨 fibjul? ?articulation關(guān)節(jié) :?tikju?lei?n ?ligament韌帶 l?g?m?nt ?flexion屈 Full exten

40、sion and full flexion should be assessed actively, along with pronation and supination. 應(yīng)該評估主動的完全伸直和完全彎曲,以及手臂內(nèi)旋和外轉(zhuǎn) ?extension伸 iks?ten?n ?adduction收 ?d?k?n ?abduction展 ?b?d?k?n ?medial rotation旋內(nèi) r?te?n The seasons follow each other in rotation. 四季循環(huán)交替。 ?lateral rotation旋外 ?pronation旋前 pr?u?nei?n ?s

41、upination旋后 sju:pi?nei?n ?circumductoin環(huán)轉(zhuǎn) ?vertebral column脊柱 ?intervertebral disc椎間盤 ?shoulder joint肩關(guān)節(jié) ?elbow joint肘關(guān)節(jié) ?radiocarpal joint肩關(guān)節(jié) ?radiocarpal joint橈腕關(guān)節(jié) ?pelvis骨盆 pelv?s ?hip joint髖關(guān)節(jié) ?knee joint膝關(guān)節(jié) ?ankle joint踝關(guān)節(jié) ?kl ?muscle 肌肉 ?tendon肌腱 tend?n ?fascia筋膜 ?tendinous sheath腱鞘 ?deltoid三角

42、肌 ?biceps brachii肱二頭肌 ?triceps brachii肱三頭肌 ?gluteus maximus臀大肌 ?quadriceps femoris股四頭肌 ?triceps surae小腿三頭肌 醫(yī)學(xué)英語常用前后綴 ?ab-分離 abduct 外展 abscision切除 ?acro-肢端 acromegaly肢端肥大癥 -ad側(cè) ventrad向腹側(cè) cephalad向頭側(cè) ?-algesia痛覺? hypoalgesia痛覺減退 ?haip?u?l?d?i:si? ?-algia痛? ? ? arthralgia關(guān)節(jié)痛 :?r?ld?i? cephalgia頭痛 neur

43、algia神經(jīng)痛 nju?r?ld? ?angio-血管? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? angiography血管造影術(shù) angioedema血管性水腫 angeitis脈管炎 angiofibroma血管纖維瘤 ?ante-前? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? antenatal出生前的 anteflexion前屈 ?antero-前? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? anterolatera l前側(cè)壁 anteroventral前腹側(cè) ?anti-抗,反? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? antibiotics抗生素 anticoagulant抗凝劑 ?arterio-動脈? ?

44、? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? arteriospasm動脈痙攣 arteriosclerosis動脈硬化 ? arthro-關(guān)節(jié)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? arthrocentesis關(guān)節(jié)穿刺 arthrotomy關(guān)節(jié)切開術(shù) arthritis關(guān)節(jié)炎 :?ra?t?s ?-asthenia無力? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? myasthenia肌無力 neurasthenia神經(jīng)衰弱 bactericide殺菌劑 ? bi-雙 bilateral兩側(cè)的 ?bio-生命? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? biology生物學(xué) biopsy

45、活檢 ?-blast母細(xì)胞? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? melanoblast成黑色素細(xì)胞 osteoblast成骨細(xì)胞 ?brachy-短? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? brachydactylia短指畸形 ?calci-鈣? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? calcification鈣化 calcicosilicosis鈣沉著癥 ? carbo-碳? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? carbohydrate碳水化合物 carbohaemia碳酸血癥 carcino-癌? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

46、 ? carcinogen致癌物 ?-centesis穿刺? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? arthrocentesis關(guān)節(jié)穿刺術(shù) abdominocentesis腹穿 cephalo-頭? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? cephaloxia斜頸 ?chondro-軟骨? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?chondrosarcoma軟骨肉瘤 chondrification骨軟化 dis-分離? ? ? ? discission分離術(shù) disinfection消毒法 ?-dynia痛 acrodynia肢體痛 ?kr?dinj? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

47、? ? ? ? ?dys-異常 dysfunction功能不良 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?-ectomy切除術(shù) lipectomy脂肪切除術(shù) ?inter-間? ? ? ? intervertebral椎間的 ?intra-內(nèi)? ? ? ? intravenous靜脈內(nèi)的 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?lumbo-腰 lumbosacral腰骶部的 lumbago腰背痛 lumbodynia腰痛 ?-lysis(lytic松解,分解了? ? ? ? aythrolysis關(guān)節(jié)松解術(shù) ?

48、? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?myelo-髓? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? myelocele脊髓膨出 myelocyte髓細(xì)胞 ?myo-肌? ? ? ? myocarditis心肌炎 myofibroma肌纖維瘤 ?neo-新? ? ? ? neoplasm瘤 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?neuro-神經(jīng) neuroma神經(jīng)瘤 ? -oma腫瘤 osteoma骨瘤 onco-腫瘤? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

49、? ? ? ? oncology腫瘤學(xué)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? oncogene癌基因 osteo-骨? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? osteomalacia骨軟化 osteoarthritis骨關(guān)節(jié)炎 ?-plasty成形術(shù) angioplasty血管成形術(shù) ?-plegia癱? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? paraplegia截癱 ?p?r?pli:d?i? hemiplegia偏癱 pyo-膿 pyorrhea溢膿 pyosis化膿 radio-放射 radiotherapy放療 r

50、adiology放射學(xué) rrhagia出血 hemorrhage出血 rrhaphy縫合術(shù) neurorrhaphy神 經(jīng)縫合術(shù) spondylo-脊椎 spondylopathy脊椎病 spondylitis脊椎炎 vaso-血管 vasomotion血管舒縮 anatomy 解剖學(xué) bone 骨 bone marrow 骨髓 brachial a. 肱動脈 brachial plexus 臂叢breiki?l pleks?s capillary? ?毛細(xì)血管 carpal bones 腕骨 carpus? ?腕骨 cartilage? ?軟骨 cartilage 軟骨 cervical p

51、lexus 頸叢 cervical vertebrae 頸椎 clavicle 鎖骨 coccyx 尾骨 common carotid a.頸總動脈 common iliac a. 髂總動脈 common peroneal n. 腓總神經(jīng) costal bone 肋骨 deltoid m. 三角肌 dorsal artery of foot 足背動脈 dura mater? ?硬膜 elbow joint 肘關(guān)節(jié) external ear? ?外耳 external iliac a. 髂外動脈 facial n.? ?面神經(jīng) fascia 筋膜 fasciculus 纖維束 femur 股骨

52、femoral a. 股動脈 ? ?fibula 腓骨 gluteus maximus m. 臀大肌 gray matter 灰質(zhì) great saphenous v. 大隱靜脈 greater sciatic foramen坐骨大孔 hip bone? ?髖骨 hip joint 髖關(guān)節(jié) humerus 肱骨 ilium 髂骨 internal carotid a. 頸內(nèi)動脈 internal jugular v. 頸內(nèi)靜脈 intervertebral disc 椎間盤 ischium 坐骨 joint, articulation 關(guān)節(jié) knee joint 膝關(guān)節(jié) lumbar vert

53、ebra? ?腰椎 lumbar vertebrae腰椎 lung? ?肺 metacarpal bones 掌骨 metatarsal bones 跖骨 osteology 骨學(xué) patella 髕骨 pelvis? ?骨盆 peroneal a. 腓動脈 phalanges 指骨/趾骨 popliteal a. 腘動脈 pubic symphysis 恥骨聯(lián)合 pubis 恥骨 radial a. 橈動脈 radiocarpal joint/wrist joint橈腕關(guān)節(jié) radius 橈骨 rib 肋 sacral plexus? ?骶叢 sacrum 骶骨 scapula 肩胛骨 sc

54、iatic n. 坐骨神經(jīng) synosteosis 骨性結(jié)合 tarsal bones 跗骨 tendon 肌腱 thoracic vertebra? ?胸椎 thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 tibia 脛骨 tibial n.? ?脛神經(jīng) ulna 尺骨 ulnar a. 尺動脈 vertebra 椎骨 vertebral column 脊柱 Colles Fracture 橈骨下端骨折 Dislocation 脫臼 Infectious Arthritis 感染性關(guān)節(jié)炎 Osteoporosis 骨質(zhì)疏松癥 Asteofascial compartment syndrome?

55、骨筋膜室綜合癥 Abduction splint? 外展石膏 Acetabulum?髖臼 Amputation?截肢 Capitula fibula? ?腓骨小頭 Clavicle fracture ?鎖骨骨折 Closed suction drains?閉式引流 Comminuted fracture of left* ?左*粉碎性骨折 Comminuted open fracture of talus ?距骨的開放粉碎骨折 Common peroneal nerve? ?腓總神經(jīng) Conscious ?mind?神志清楚 Debridement?清創(chuàng) Deformity?畸形 Decomp

56、ression ?減壓 Decompression of spinal canal? 椎管減壓 Dislocation?脫位 Dorsal artery of foot? ?足背動脈 External f ixture?外固定 Emergency case? 急診病例 Femoral neck?股骨頸 Figure of 8 bandage ?8字繃帶 Flexion?屈曲 Forklike deformity?餐叉樣畸形 Fracture of alner bone?尺骨骨折 Fracture of calcaneus ?跟骨骨折 Fracture of distal phalange? 遠(yuǎn)端趾骨骨折 Fracture of distal radius 橈骨遠(yuǎn)端骨折 Fracture of femoral neck?股骨頸骨折 Fract


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