1、y = 0.8627x + 0.3289R2 = 0.99980102030405060020406080元素i 測(cè)定值)元素i理論值標(biāo)準(zhǔn)樣品未知樣品Agilent7500aGeoLas 2019-10-50510R E (% )BeScVCrCoNiCuZnGaRbSrYZrNbCsBaLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuHfTaTlThUAGV-2BCR-2BHVO-2GSR-3-20-100102030405060NaMgSc Ti V CrMnFe Co NiRb Sr Y Zr NbCs Ba La Ce Pr NdSmEu GdTb DyHo Er TmYbLu
2、 Hf Ta Pb Th URE%BCR-2GBHVO-2GBIR-1GLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLu110100Chondrite-Normalized Value0246810La (ppm)01234La/Sm分離結(jié)晶作用平衡部分熔融作用平衡部分熔融作用b=(1-DLa)/(1-DSm)SmLaSmOLaOSmOLaSmLaLSmLLaLD1D1b/CCb1C/DbDb1CCCDSm DLa b 1DSmb -DLa0K01DiL.OiLiFCCBADDBOLAOLBLALFCCCCBADDBOLAOLBLALFCCCCDLa DSm 01FSmLaDD1010
3、0Chondrite-Normalized ValueDMP-10DMP-11DMP-37DMP-49110100Chondrite-Normalized ValueDMP-03DMP-09DMP-28DMP-45DMP-66DMP-68DMP-71DMP-7210100Chondrite-NormalizedValueDMP-08DMP-15DMP-69110100Chondrite-NormalizedValueDMP-06DMP-07DMP-62 DMP-75LaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLu110100Chondrite-Normalized ValueZB-20
4、ZB-211101001000Chondrite-Normalized ValueDMP-01DMP-61DMP-27DMP-70DMP-73DMP-75(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(g)T wo-pyr oxene granuliteLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLu110100Chondrite-Normalized ValueZB-18ZB-19ZB-22PASS(f)PyroxeniteGarnet-bearing mafic granulitePl agioclase-rich mafic granuliteIntermediate granuliteFels
5、ic granuliteGranulit e-faciesmetasediement漢諾壩玄武巖中的麻粒巖包體DMP-07DMP-06DMP-27DMP-61DMP-62DMP-7 0DMP-73DMP-75 DMP-01Mg#20304050607080Ni (ppm)110100TG1011001000Cr (ppm)DMP-07DMP-06DMP-27DMP-61DMP-62DMP-7 0DMP-73DMP- 75 DMP-01ZB-20ZB-21TGDamaping Zhouba Pyroxenite Metapelite Two-pyroxene granulite Felsic g
6、ranulite Ga r net-bearing mafic granulite Plagioclase-rich maf ic granulite Intermediate gr anulite漢諾壩玄武巖中的麻粒巖包體7 0 %90%10%95%1 0 %60%9 0 %95%2 0 %40%10 %40%60%60%70%(b)5%10%20%40%10%40%60%70 %10 %20 %5%60%60%70%50%50%40%70%40%20%10%10%La (ppm)Cr (ppm)0200400600800Ni (ppm)0500100015002000Initial mel
7、t00.511.522.5Yb (ppm)01020304050(a)漢諾壩玄武巖 中的麻粒巖包體SD014SD006 0.01CCSD榴輝巖10000QQLaSmDyLu0246810D 磷灰石/熔體20kbar7.5kbar7.5kbar7.5kbar2468101214D 磷灰石/熔體950C950C1080C1080C1080C磷灰石磷灰石綠輝石綠輝石石榴石石榴石受 增 溫 作 用 影 響 , 直 徑 ( d ) 為0.4mm和1mm的石榴石和磷灰石晶體核部REE組成發(fā)生變化所需要的時(shí)間與溫度之間的關(guān)系. 計(jì)算方法為Dt/r2=0.03 (Crank,1965), 其中t是半徑為r的礦
8、物(設(shè)為球體)核部REE組成發(fā)生變化所需要的最小時(shí)間, D為REE在礦物中的擴(kuò)散系數(shù). 因?yàn)槭袷蠸m和磷灰石中Yb的環(huán)帶特征明顯, 并且具有相應(yīng)的實(shí)驗(yàn)擴(kuò)散系數(shù)資料, 所以選擇石榴石中Sm和磷灰石中Yb進(jìn)行計(jì)算. 石榴石Sm的擴(kuò)散系數(shù)取自Tirone et al.(2019)磷灰石Yb的擴(kuò)散系數(shù)取自Cherniak(2000).100um包裹體金紅石:處于石榴石中,大小50150m粒間金紅石:處于石榴石和綠輝石之間,大小80250mCCSD榴輝巖 ZMK粒間金紅石溫度粒間金紅石溫度是否代表超高壓是否代表超高壓峰期變質(zhì)溫度?峰期變質(zhì)溫度?u粒間金紅石核部溫度較邊粒間金紅石核部溫度較邊部高,且核
9、部溫度隨粒徑部高,且核部溫度隨粒徑增加而升高。增加而升高。u在在660條件下金紅石中條件下金紅石中Zr擴(kuò)散擴(kuò)散1m需要需要12萬年,因萬年,因此粒間金紅石邊部此粒間金紅石邊部Zr含量含量的降低不太可能由正常擴(kuò)的降低不太可能由正常擴(kuò)散作用引起。散作用引起。u粒間金紅石粒間金紅石Zr含量受到了含量受到了后期流體活動(dòng)的改造?!后期流體活動(dòng)的改造?!金紅石中Zr擴(kuò)散速率方程據(jù)Watson)Petrologic and geochemical profile of the CCSD-MH (following Zhang et al. (2019). Circles on the petrologic
10、profile mark the sampling depths. Layer* = layers classified by Zhang et al. (2019) based on petrology.Plots of TiO2 vs. Nb and Zr for eclogites from CCSD-MH and ultramafic rocks from ZK703 (a, b) and oceanic gabbros from the Indian Ridge (c, d). Eclogites (literatures) from (Zhang et al., 2019; Zha
11、ng et al., 2000b). Modern continental flood basalts (georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/) are shown for comparison. Oceanic gabbros from (Coogan et al., 2019; Hart et al., 2019).02468TiO2 (wt%)0200400600Zr (ppm)Continental flood basalts200400600Ultramafic rocksEclogites (this work)Eclogites (literatur
12、es)02468TiO2 (wt%)0510152025510152025Nb (ppm)(a)(b)02468TiO2 (wt%)02468Nb (ppm)02468TiO2 (wt%)0100200300400500600Zr (ppm)Hart et al., 1999Coogan et al., 2001(c)(d)Fig. 7 Plots of Eu anomalies vs. Fe2O3total and TiO2 for eclogites and ultramafic rocks. Dark pentacle is the average of modern continent
13、al flood basalts (CFB) with MgO 8 wt% (n = 562, georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/). Gray line shows Fe2O3total range of cumulates of olivine + pyroxene, which is calculated assuming DFeol = 0.51 - 1.55 (Beattie, 1994), DFecpx = 0.57 - 1.04 (Dale and Henderson, 1972). 0123456TiO2 (wt%)
14、2.5510152025Fe2O3total (wt%)*Ultramafic rocksEclogites (this work)Eclogites (literatures)(a)(b)Fig. 8 Plots of MgO-TiO2 and -V and Fe2O3total -MgO and -V. Solid cycles are data of this work, rectangles are data from Zhang et al. (2019; 2000b). 1 = trend of pyroxene olivine cry
15、stallization, 2 = trend of magnetite crystallization, 3 = trend of melt evolution. Pentacle is the average of continental flood basalts with MgO8 wt% (georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/).0510152025Fe2O3total (wt%)05101520MgO (wt%)05101520MgO (wt%)02468TiO2 (wt%)05101520MgO (wt%)02004006008001000V (pp
16、m)0510152025Fe2O3total (wt%)02004006008001000V (ppm)123123123123(a)(b)(c)(d)Fig. 9 Plot of Ni vs. MgO. Gray diamond represents mantle composite xenoliths formed by melt-peridotite interaction (Liu et al., 2019). DM: depleted mantle (Salters and Stracke, 2019). Solid line shows fractional crystalliza
17、tion (F=4%) of 080%ol + 8010%cpx + 1020%opx with 2% trapped melt from basaltic magma (Table 6). Crosses on the line indicate variations of olivine proportions (0-80%). KD(Fe/Mg) (=(Fe/Mg)crystal/(Fe/Mg)melt) were assumed to be 0.29, 0.26 and 0.25 for ol, cpx and opx, respectively (Baker and Eggler,
18、1987). Partition coefficients of Ni between basaltic melt and ol, cpx and opx are listed in Table 6. 01020304050MgO (wt%)05001000150020002500Ni (ppm)Eclogite (this work)Eclogite (literatures)Ultramafic rock (ZK703)Ultramafic rock (Xugou)DMmelt-peridotite interactionF=4%, TM=2%CFB50%ol+30%cpx+20%opxF
19、ig. 10 TiO2-Nb, -Zr variations during fractional crystallization of cpx + pl + opx + mt with 15% trapped melt following 5% fractional crystallization of ultramafic rocks (70%ol + 20%cpx + 10%opx) from a basaltic magma. mt10 and mt20 are cumulates of 40%cpx + 35%pl + 15%opx + 10%mt and 30%cpx + 35%pl
20、 + 15%opx + 20%mt, respectively. pl80 and pl30 are magnetite-free cumulates of 80%pl + 15%opx + 5%cpx and 55%cpx + 30%pl + 15%opx, respectively. Compositions of basaltic magma and partition coefficients used in modeling are listed in Table 6.0123456TiO2 (wt%)0510152025Nb (ppm)0123456TiO2 (wt%)010020
21、0300400500600Zr (ppm)Ultramafic rocksEclogites (this work)Eclogites (literatures)pl30pl80mt20mt10mt10mt20pl30pl80?Chondrite values used in normalizing REE (ppm)ReferenceNotesLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuTaylor and McLennan (1985)Avg.CI 0.367 0.957 0.137 0.711 0.231 0.087 0.306 0.058 0.381 0.085 0.249
22、 0.036 0.248 0.038 McDonough et al. (1991)Primitive mantle0.708 1.833 0.278 1.366 0.444 0.168 0.595 0.108 0.737 0.163 0.479 0.074 0.480 0.074 Wakita et al. (1971)Composite (12)0.340 0.910 0.121 0.640 0.195 0.073 0.260 0.047 0.300 0.078 0.200 0.032 0.220 0.034 Haskin et al., (1968)Composite (9)0.330
23、0.880 0.112 0.600 0.181 0.069 0.249 0.047 0.070 0.200 0.030 0.200 0.034 Masuda (1973)Leedey0.378 0.976 0.716 0.230 0.087 0.311 0.390 0.255 0.249 0.039 Nakamura (1974)Composite0.329 0.865 0.630 0.203 0.077 0.276 0.343 0.225 0.220 0.034 Evensen et al. (1978)Avg.CI0.245 0.638 0.096 0.474 0.154 0.058 0.
24、204 0.037 0.254 0.057 0.166 0.026 0.165 0.025 Boynton (1984)Avg.CI0.310 0.808 0.122 0.600 0.195 0.074 0.259 0.047 0.322 0.072 0.210 0.032 0.209 0.032 Standard sedimentray compositions used in normalizing REE (ppm) in sedimentary rocksGromet et al., 1984NASC31.167.030.4005.981.255.500.855.543.283.110
25、.46Haskin and Frey, 1966NASC39.076.010.3037.0007. and Haskin, 1966NASC32.070.07.9031.0005.701.245.210.851.043.400.503.100.48Haskin et al., 1968NASC32.073.07.9033.0005.701.245.200.851.043.400.503.100.48Gromet et al., 1984NASC31.166.727.4005.591.180.853.060.46Ha
26、skin and Haskin, 1966ES41.181.310.4040.1007.301.526., 1989PAAS38.279.68.8333.9005.551.084.660.774.680.992.850.412.820.43Taylor and McLennan, 1981Upper crust30.064.07.1026.0004.500.883.800.643.500.802.300.332.200.32Elderfield and Greaves, 1982Typical seawater20.89.64
27、21.1004.320.825.205.614.944.66Hoyle et al., 1984River water42560136580.420.783.597.964.651.7SampleLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuCI0.367 0.957 0.137 0.711 0.231 0.087 0.306 0.058 0.381 0.085 0.249 0.036 0.248 0.038 SFX0293.0 181 25.2 93.8 15.1 4.11 11.7 1.22 5.23 0.84 2.14 0.28 1.57 0.23 SFX1386.9 171
28、23.6 88.8 14.3 3.98 11.2 1.13 4.99 0.80 2.04 0.26 1.54 0.23 SFX1986.7 168 23.6 88.5 14.3 3.89 11.1 1.15 4.96 0.82 2.04 0.28 1.50 0.24 SFX2787.3 170 23.7 88.7 14.1 3.91 11.0 1.16 5.05 0.84 2.07 0.27 1.56 0.23 CI-normalizedSFX02253.3 189.5 183.6 132.0 65.5 47.2 38.3 21.0 13.7 9.9 8.6 7.7 6.3 6.1 SFX13
29、236.8 179.1 172.3 124.9 61.9 45.7 36.5 19.5 13.1 9.4 8.2 7.4 6.2 5.9 SFX19236.2 175.5 172.1 124.5 61.8 44.7 36.2 19.8 13.0 9.6 8.2 7.8 6.0 6.2 SFX27237.9 177.8 173.1 124.7 61.1 44.9 36.0 20.0 13.3 9.8 8.3 7.7 6.3 6.0 Table 9-1. Partition Coefficients for some commonly used trace elements in basaltic
30、 and andesitic rocksBulk D calculationOlivineOpxCpxGarnetPlagAmphRb0.0060.020.040.0010.10.3Sr0.
31、0.9 0.1/1.5*1.01Tb0.010.0515.60.031.4Er0.0130.311180.080.48Yb0.0140.340.2300.070.97Lu0.0160.110.82350.080.89data from Henderson (1982)* Eu3+/Eu2+Italics are estimatedRare Earth ElementsLaCePrNd Sm Eu Gd TbDy HoEr Tm Yb Lu0.1110100CumulateHigh-Mg andesiteMORBAdakiteTrace elements in CPXCsCsRbRbTlTlBi
32、BiPbPbBaBaThThK KAsAsB BU ULaLaSbSbCeCePrPrBeBeF FW WNdNdTaTaNbNbZrZrHfHfSrSrMoMoSmSmSnSnClClLiLiGdGdP PTbTbEuEuNaNaDyDyHoHoAgAgErErLuLuTmTmYbYbGaGaY YAlAlCdCdSeSeV VZnZnSiSiCaCaCuCuAuAuScScGeGeS SMnMnHgHgFeFePdPdTiTiPtPtCoCoMgMgCrCrNiNi0. 11010100100Primitive mantle normalizationPrimit
33、ive mantle normalizationTotal continental crustTotal continental crustMORBMORBIncreasing compatibilityIncreasing compatibilityCsRbBaThUNbTaLaCePbPrSrBeNdSmEuTiGdTbDyLiYHoErYbLuScCr0102030405060708090活動(dòng)性(%)CsRbBaThUNbTaLaCePbPrSrBeNdSmEuTiGdTbDyLiYHoErYbLuScCrRbSrCsBaLaCePrNdSmEuGdTbDyHoErTmYbLuYZrHf
34、NbTaPbThU0.11101001000退變質(zhì)部分/新鮮部分富石英條帶角閃巖角閃巖化榴輝巖Table 9-1. Partition Coefficients (CS/CL) for Some Commonly Used Trace Elements in Basaltic and Andesitic RocksOlivineOpxCpxGarnetPlagAmphMagnetiteRb0.0100.0220.0310.0420.0710.29 Sr0.0140.0400.0600.0121.8300.46 Ba0.0100.0130.0260.0230.230.42 Ni14570.955
35、0.016.829Cr0.7010341.3450.012.007.4La0.0070.030.0560.0010.1480.5442Ce0.0060.020.0920.0070.0820.8432Nd0.0060.030.2300.0260.0551.3402Sm0.0070.050.4450.1020.0391.8041Eu0.0070.050.4740.243 0.1/1.5*1.5571Dy0.0130.150.5821.9400.0232.0241Er0.0260.230.5834.7000.0201.7401.5Yb0.0490.340.5426.1670.0231.6421.4L
36、u0.0450.420.5066.9500.0191.563Data from Rollinson (1993).Rare Earth Elements0246810Sm (ppm)01234La (ppm)01020304050010203040506070Archean TTG & Slab melts(La/Yb)NPost-Archean granites & modern arcsHigh (La/Yb)N = garnet in source: lower crust or upper mantle? Y (ppm)Xinglonggou hi Mg lavasPl
37、ots of TiO2 vs. Nb and Zr for eclogites from CCSD-MH and ultramafic rocks from ZK703 (a, b) and oceanic gabbros from the Indian Ridge (c, d). Eclogites (literatures) from (Zhang et al., 2019; Zhang et al., 2000b). Modern continental flood basalts (georoc.mpch-mainz.gwdg.de/georoc/) are shown for com
38、parison. Oceanic gabbros from (Coogan et al., 2019; Hart et al., 2019).02468TiO2 (wt%)0200400600Zr (ppm)Continental flood basalts200400600Ultramafic rocksEclogites (this work)Eclogites (literatures)02468TiO2 (wt%)0510152025510152025Nb (ppm)(a)(b)02468TiO2 (wt%)02468Nb (ppm)02468TiO2 (wt%)0100200300400500600Zr (ppm)Hart et al., 1999Coogan et al., 2001(c)(d)Fig. 8 Plots of MgO-TiO2 and -V and Fe2O3total -MgO and -V. Solid cycles are data of this work, rectangles are data from Zhang et al. (2019; 2000b). 1 = trend of pyroxene olivine crystalliza
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