1、V_ Internal DiscussionApril 04, 20142022-6-1Page 2presentation templates The presentation templates available help to create a successful presentation typical of quickly and effortlessly. In addition, the consistent use of presentation templates also offers additional advantages: Slides from other p
2、resentations with completely different contents can be inserted easily. The slides legibility is guaranteed. The uniform layout of the presentation contributes towards the consistent use of corporate design and leaves the audience with a clear overall impression of the Brand.2022-6-1Page 31. Creatin
3、g a new presentation!It is very easy to create a new presentation using the presentation templates which are available for downloading: Numerous text slides, picture slides and slides for various diagrams and charts, organisation charts and tables are available as sample slides for individual conten
4、ts to be inserted into them. Additional slides are created by duplicating the corresponding sample slide. Several start slides (“Welcome”), an agenda and a final slide (“Thank you for your attention”) are available to give the presentation a structure and can be used if required. Sample slides that
5、are not required are deleted from the presentation.Changes may not be made to the slide master and title master.2022-6-1Page 42. Types of presentation templates TitleContentsBasic template (Presentation_Basic_Template_en.pot)Start slide and final slideGrid and coloursAgendaText and picture slidesInf
6、ormation charts and tablesSecurity informationSupplementary slides(Presentation_Complementary_Charts_en.pot)Further content slidesSupplementary chartsWorld maps and elements(Presentation_Elements_Maps_en.pot)Optional illustrations (ovals, circles, arrows, people, maps etc.)2022-6-1Page 53. gridThe b
7、asic grid helps to position all design elements. It can be copied onto every slide and helps to position images, graphics, charts and texts exactly. The grid is deleted after use.2022-6-1Page 64. coloursA range of colours which is different to the general colour spectrum has been developed for use i
8、n PowerPoint; these colours are especially suited to the particular requirements of computer slideshows. The systematic use of these colours makes your presentations more clearly recognisable and help to prevent a garish overall impression being made.2022-6-1Page 74. colour scale The first six colou
9、rs should be given preferential use for texts and illustrations. They are contained in the PowerPoint colour scheme and can be directly assigned. The remaining colours can be defined as specified via the “Other colours” option in RGB mode. They are used in charts, for example, if it is necessary to
10、depict numerous values on the axes.226/103/0187/198/074/111/138146/10/106230/49/16249/167/00/93/9155/105/112250/206/00/156/14119/0/2959/122/17851/51/510/35/90137/148/160187/194/197174/212/24898/197/2262022-6-1Page 85. Leaf signatureA leaf signature containing information on the document is included
11、on all slides of the presentation. This contains e. g. the following details: the slide number, the date and the name of the author and his department or cost centre.The details in the leaf signature are preset and can be changed independently in the menu “View” under the option “Header and Footer”.
12、 When doing so, the option “Dont show on title slide” must be ticked.!2022-6-1Page 96. PicturesPictures can be used on all title slides and content slides. If several pictures are used on one slide these are separated from each other by a 3 pt wide white margin. To ensure a high-quality presentation
13、, pictures should appear in the picture format JPEG (.jpg) with a resolution of 192 dpi; the pictures may be neither compressed nor distorted.2022-6-1Page 107. Graphics and chartsGraphics and charts are best understood when they are clearly and simply designed. All elements should always appear in t
14、he designated colours. 3D effects may not be used.!2022-6-1Page 118. Illustrations Illustrations may be useful when complex contents are to be communicated clearly.All elements should always appear in the designated colours. 3D effects may not be used.!2022-6-1Page 129. AnimationsThe use of animatio
15、ns can enhance the status of the presentation and draw attention. Nonetheless, animations should be used economically and sensibly so as not to detract from the contents. The following animation effects can be used: The “Appearing” of texts and graphics “Wipe from left” or “Wipe from below” for grap
16、hics and chartsEffects such as “Swivel” or “Spiral” come across as being unprofessional and may not be used.!Welcome.Sub-headline Headline-Book 28 ptWelcome.Sub-headline Headline-Book 28 ptHeadline Headline-Black 28 pt, LS 34 pt Two-line headlineSub-headline Headline-Book 28 ptThank you for your att
17、ention Sub-headline Headline-Book 28 pt2022-6-1Page 17Agenda1 Agenda Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.2 Sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy3 Tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna4 Accusam et justo duo dolores5 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea6 Sanctus est Lorem ips
18、um dolor sit amet7 Ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur 2022-6-1Page 18Agenda1 Highlighted agenda Headline-Black 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.2 Sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy3 Tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna4 Accusam et justo duo dolores5 Stet clita kasd gubergren, no
19、sea6 Sanctus est Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet7 Ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur 2022-6-1Page 19Headline Headline-Black 28 pt, LS 34 pt Two-line headlineCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Sadipscing elitr, sede diam onumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore
20、 es magna selsa aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptua. At vero eos et acus cusam etosa justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labo
21、re et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptuas. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem. 2022-6-1Page 20Copytext with accentuation Copytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Accentuati
22、on Headline-Black 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing Accentuation Headline-Black 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines. selsa aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptua. At vero after 0.5 lines. selsa aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptua. At vero eos et acus cusam etosa justo duo dolores et ea rebu
23、m.eos et acus cusam etosa justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptuas. At
24、 vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem. 2022-6-1Page 21Two-column copytext with listingCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed
25、Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.Copytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit,
26、sed Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.2022-6-1Page 22Copytext with listing levelsCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines. First list
27、ing level with leading dash Second listing level with leading dash Third listing level with bullet point Fourth listing level with bullet point2022-6-1Page 23Copytext with pictureCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametaras, conset etur sad
28、ipscing elitr, hel sede diam: Stet clita kasd gubergren, nore sean takimata sanctus estelar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametolas, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam numy eirmod temporare aliquyam erat, sed diam lu ptua 2022-6-1Page 24Copytext with pictureCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 p
29、t, spacing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Duis autem vel eum iriure dolor in hendrerit in verde blandit praesent lu ptatum zril delenite augue duis dolore te feugait.2022
30、-6-1Page 25Several pictures2022-6-1Page 26Full-area picture2022-6-1Page 27Copytext on coloured areaCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sede diam onumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore es magnalam
31、 mos aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptua. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea accentuation sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptuas. At vero eos et
32、accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren. 2022-6-1Page 28Copytext and picture on coloured areaCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines. Accentuation Headline-Black 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines. Stet clita kasd gubergre
33、n, no rasesean takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Dolor siter amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam numy eirmod invidunt ut labore et dolore magna. 2022-6-1Page 29Accentuated statementsHeadline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Headline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Source/Author Headline-Book 16
34、ptHeadline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Headline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Source/Author Headline-Book 16 ptHeadline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Headline-Black 32 pt, LS 34 pt.“Source/Author Headline-Book 16 pt2022-6-1Page 30Copytext with column chart on right Copytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spa
35、cing after 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametaras, conset etur sadipscing elitr, hel sede diam: Stet clita kasd gubergren, nore sean takimata sanctus estelar. Lorem ipsum dolor sit ametolas, consetetur sadip scing elitr, sed diam numy eirmod temporare aliquyam erat, sed diam lu ptuas. 2022-6-1Page
36、 31Line chart2022-6-1Page 32Column chart2022-6-1Page 33Pie chart2022-6-1Page 34Organisation chartDepartment / SectorNameTitleAssistantNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameT
37、itleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTitleSector / GroupNameTi
38、tle2022-6-1Page 35TableTitleTitleTitleTitleTextTextTextText2022-6-1Page 36Table (variation)TitleTitleTitleTitleIpsum+12 %-3 %+5 % Dolor sit amet+3 % +15 %-6 %Consetetur+1 %-2 %+7 %Sadipscing elitr+3 % +15 %-6 %Sed diam numy+1 %-2 %+7 %Eirmod+1 %-2 %+7 %Tempor+12 %-3 %+5 % Magnum+3 % +15 %-6 %Consete
39、turs+1 %-2 %+7 %Invidunt ut labore+3 % +15 %-6 %Lorem+26 %+12 %+3%2022-6-1Page 37Horizontal tableTitleTextTitleTextTitleText2022-6-1Page 38Table elementsTitleTextTitleTitleTextText2022-6-1Page 39Inter-monthly scheduleJulyAugustSeptemberOctober1234123412341234SectorItem 1Item 2Item 3Item 4SectorItem
40、5Item 6Item 7Item 82022-6-1Page 40Project scheduleActivityVolumeCostsJanuaryFebruaryMarchCalendar week 1234567891011122022-6-1Page 41Influencing factorsTextTextTextTextTextTextText2022-6-1Page 42Process tableTextTitleTextTitleTextTitle2022-6-1Page 43Flow/process chartText Text Text 2022-6-1Page 44Fl
41、ow/process chart (variation)Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.TextTextText2022-6-1Page 45Flow/process chart (var
42、iation)TextTextTextTextTextTextCopytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.TextTextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2022-6-1Pag
43、e 46FlowTextTextTextText2022-6-1Page 47Core segmentsTextPart APart CPart B2022-6-1Page 48Core segments (variation)Part APart BPart CPart DText2022-6-1Page 49Core segments (variation)TitleTitleTextTextTitleTitleTextTextText2022-6-1Page 50Circle segmentsTextTextCopytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spaci
44、ng 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Copytext Headline-Book 17 pt, line spacing 22 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.TextTextTextTextTextTextTextText2022-6-1Page 51Core chartCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing aft
45、er 0.5 lines.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit, sed Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat.ABCD2022-6-1Page 52PyramidABCText 1Text 2Text 32022-6-1Page 53Intersection chartTextTextTextTextTextTextText2022-6-
46、1Page 54Intersection chart (variation) TextTextTextTextText2022-6-1Page 55Team: LoremName: IpsumTask/subjectBrief descriptionInterfacesTime required as % of working timeProject statusResources adequate?Particular challenges/remarks= Workload 120 % of regular working time= Workload 90-120 % of regula
47、r working time= Workload up to 90 % of regular working timeSecurity information:2022-6-1Page 57Security information: categories1. ConfidentialProtection requiredMarked: Confidential/Recipient2.2. SecretSecretIncreased protection requiredMarked: Secret/Recipient3.3. Personal documentsPersonal documen
48、tsAlways to be treated with strict confidentiality, if not marked secretMarked: Personal document/Recipient2022-6-1Page 58Headline Headline-Black 28 ptCopytext Headline-Book 21 pt, line spacing 26 pt, spacing after 0.5 lines.Sadipscing elitr, sede diam onumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore es magna selsa aliquyam erat, sed diam volu ptua. At vero eos et acus cusam etosa justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata sanctus est lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing e
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