已閱讀5頁,還剩7頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費閱讀




1、譯英練習200句 1 中國是一個發(fā)展中國家,屬于第三世界(the Third World)China is a developing country, belonging to the Third World.2 沒有士兵在操練。(定語) There are no soldiers drilling.3 學走路的孩子常跌腳(定語)A child learning to walk often falls.4 在這里干活的人都來自農(nóng)村。(定語)The men working here are all from the countryside.5 那天向我們講話的那個人到日本去了。(定語)The m

2、an speaking to us has gone to Japan.6 有許多學生在車站等著歡迎外籍教師。(定語) There are a lot of students waiting to welcome the foreign teachers.7 他在大學里學習的那個妹妹是個黨員(定語)。His sister studying at college is a Party member. 8 他妹妹在大學里學習,她是個黨員。(和上句比較) His sister, studying at college, is a Party member.9 我昨天在河邊遇到了麥克,他在釣魚。(定語

3、)Yesterday at the riverside I met Mike , fishing.10 史密斯先生昨天作的報告非常有趣(定語) The lecture given by Mr. Smith was very interesting.10 這些實習生(trainees)制造的機器運轉(zhuǎn)良好。(定語)The machines made by the trainees work very well.11 她給兒子的禮物是本字典。 The present given to his son was a dictionary.12 他們當中一些人,生長在農(nóng)村,從未見過火車。 Some of

4、them, born and brought up in the countryside, have never seen a train.13 正在修建的這座房子將作我們的餐廳。 The building being built will be served as our dining- hall.14 我們在規(guī)定的時間和地點見到了他。 We met him at the time and place given.15 當時所用的儀器(instrument)是新式的。 The instrument used at that time was new.16 這些是舊汽車。 These are

5、used cars.17 我昨天收到了一封用英文寫的信。 Yesterday I received a letter written in English.18 在那棵大樹底下朗讀的那個女孩是誰? Who is the girl reading aloud under the big tree?19 你曾親眼見過那幢建于十八世紀二十年代的樓么? Have you seen the building built in the 1970s?20 歡迎那些對此講座感興趣的人準時參加。 Those interested in the lecture are welcome to attend it i

6、n time.21 這些是歷史遺留(leave over)下來的問題. These are problems left over in history.22 還有三個問題有待解決。(以上各句用分詞作定語表達) There are 3 problems remaining to be solved. There are 3 problems to be solved23 聽到這個消息他們高興(或激動)得跳了起來. Hearing the news, they jumped with joy(excitement).24 由于不知道地址,我們沒法和他取得聯(lián)系。 Not knowing his ad

7、dress, we have no way to get in touch with him.25 他們給我寄來一封信,希望得到我的支持。They sent a letter to me , hoping to get my support.26 他在站在那里等公共汽車。 He stood there waiting for the bus.27 這些學生說說笑笑的走進教室。 The students walked into the classroom, talking and laughing.28 這位外國人站在那里看起來很焦急,顯然是迷路了。 The foreigner stood th

8、ere, looking very worried and obviously getting lost.29 她坐在那里想事哩。 She sat there, thinking.30 我剛才在這里遇到一個女孩,看起來像是護士。 Just now I met a girl here, looking like a nurse.31 我和他共事多年,對該人很是了解。 Having been working with him for many years, I knows him very well.32 回到家里他開始做準備。 Arriving home, he began to prepare

9、.33 她來到我身邊,說“很高興又遇到你”。 She came up to me, saying “ Glad to meet you.”34 羅密歐(Romeo)相信朱麗葉(Juliet)已死,就決定自殺。Believing that Juliet had died ,Romeo decided to kill himself.35 知道自己的錢不夠,又不想向自己的父親借,他決定把表當(pawn)了. Knowing that he hadnt enough money and not wanting to borrow from his father, he decided to pawn

10、 his watch.36 既不懂當?shù)氐恼Z言,在這國家又沒有朋友,她覺得要想找到工作是不可能的。Not understanding the local language and having no friend in the country, he found it impossible to find a job.37 從窗口望去,我看見有幾只小鳥在樹上歌唱。 Looking out of the window, I saw a few birds singing in the tree.38 感到不舒服,我就找醫(yī)生診病。 Not feeling comfortable, I went to

11、 see a doctor.39 這小孩跌了一腳,頭在門上碰破了。(strike ones head against). The child fell over, striking his head against the wall.40 把這些數(shù)字加起來,我們就會得到正確的答案. Adding up the figures, well find the correct answers.41 我們跟著老師進了教室. We entered the classroom, following our teacher.42 我們當時坐在窗戶邊談?wù)撝蛱彀l(fā)生的事。 We sat by the windo

12、w, talking about what had happened the day before.43 這個保安員認為杰克遜先生是個賊,轉(zhuǎn)過身來抓住了他。 Thinking that Mr. Jackson was a thief, the guard turned around and caught him.44 Helen那天向我借了一本字典,并說很快會還給我。 Helen borrowed a dictionary from me, saying that she would return it to me soon.45 我因病待在家里。 Being ill, I had to st

13、ay at home.46 登到了山頂,我們看到了一片壯麗的景色。 Climbing to the top of the mountain, I saw a beautiful scene.47 他出去后隨手把門關(guān)上. He went out, shutting the door from behind.48 那是個憤怒的人指著布告說,”難道你們不會看么?” “ Cant you read?” the man said, angrily pointing to the notice.49 住在偏僻的鄉(xiāng)下,他們對外界發(fā)生的事知之甚少. Living in the lonely countrysi

14、de, they know little about the outside world.50 鈴聲響了,宣布下課了。 The bell rang, announcing the end of class.51 他氣喘吁吁地(breathe heavily)地跑到她跟前。 He ran up to her, breathing heavily.52 他躺在那里撒謊說前天雞子下的蛋已經(jīng)放在籃子里了。He lay there lying that the eggs laid by the hens the day before yesterday had been laid in the bask

15、et.53 他靠墻站著。 He stood there leaning against the wall.54 媽媽給我量了體溫發(fā)現(xiàn)我正發(fā)燒。 Having taken my temperature, my mother found I was having a high fever.55 因為生病了,明天我不能去上學。 Being ill,I cant go to school tomorrow.56 干完活后,我們休息了一下。 Having finished the work, I had a rest. With the work done, I had a rest.57 我們被領(lǐng)著看

16、了實驗室,又被帶著去看了圖書館。 Having been shown around the lab, we were taken to see the library.58 他由于沒做完功課就不出去玩。 Not having finished his lessons, he wont go out to play.59 以前未和他見過面,我不知道她是啥模樣。 Not having met him before, I dont know what she looks like.60 作業(yè)未做完他就回家了。 Not having finished his homework, he went out

17、 to play.61 得知有客人要來之后,他們把房間準備好了。 Knowing ( Having been told) that some guests would come, they had got the rooms ready. 62 已失敗了兩次,她不想再試了。 Having failed twice, she didnt want to have another try.63 過馬路要小心。 Be careful while crossing the road.64 作為一名學生,他自然對博物館感興趣。 As a child, he is interested in museum

18、s.65 意識到保安員誤把Mr. Jackson當作賊了,女經(jīng)理承認了錯誤并走向前去,向Mr. Jackson道歉. Realizing that the guard mistook Mr. Jackson for a thief, the woman manager walked up to apologize to Mr. Jackson。66 很長時間沒有得到你的信,我真是有點想你. Not having heard from you so long, I miss you indeed.67 他跑了進來. He came in running.68 向右拐,你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)一家電影院. Tu

19、rning right, youll find a cinema.69 你一旦見到了她,你就永遠忘不了她. Once seen, she will never be forgotten.70 (以下各句用過去分詞造句)這本書用簡易英語寫成,很容易讀懂 Written in simple English, the book is easy to understand 71 從山上看去,這公園更美。 Seen from the hill, the park will look more beautiful.72 換種方式解釋,這題更易理解。 Explained in anther way, the

20、 problem is easier to understand.73 和那件衣裳相比,這件更適合她。 Compared with that suit, this one suits him better.74 再多給些時間,我就會把那個題演出來。 Given more time, I will work out the problem.75 參觀者進來了,后面跟著一群年輕人。 The visitors walked in, followed by a group of young people.76 生長在農(nóng)村,他對農(nóng)民的生活有著深刻的了解。 Born and brought up in t

21、he countryside, he knows better about the hard life of pleasant.77 近年來在黨的領(lǐng)導下,人們的生活的條件有了大大的改善。 In recent years, led by the Party, people find their living conditions greatly changed. 78 她坐在那里,陷入了沉思。 She sat there, lost in thought.79 (綜合練習)聽說他病了,我馬上去看他。 Hearing that he fell ill, I went to see him righ

22、t away.80 到車站時,我發(fā)現(xiàn)火車已經(jīng)走了。 Arriving at the station, I found the train had already left. I arrived at the station, only to find the train had already left.81 他們送給我一張請?zhí)?,邀請我去參加一個生日聚會。 They sent me an invitation, inviting me to attend a birthday party.82 那位老太太由兩個女兒攙扶著走進了這個房間。 The old lady walked into the

23、 room, supported by her two daughters.83 太激動了,她不知說些啥才好。 Being too exited, she didnt know what to say. She was too excited to say anything.84 老李很是感興趣,同意試一試。 Interested. Lao Li wants to have a try.85 這消息使他們非常振奮(inspire vt.),他們決定馬上出發(fā)。 Inspired by the news, they decided to set out at once.86 老周非常感動地向她反復

24、致謝。 Moved,Lao Zhou thanked her again and again.87 (以下用分詞的獨立結(jié)構(gòu))河太寬了,我們游不過去。 The river being too wide, we cant swim across. 88 太陽落山了,我們不得不停留在該村過夜。 The sun set, we had to stay at the village for the night.89 因為是星期六,我們沒有課。 It being Saturday, we have no lessons.90 電話壞了(out of order),我們不能和他們?nèi)〉寐?lián)系。 With the

25、 telephone out of order, we cant get in touch with him.91 天氣這么好,有人建議在戶外(in the open air)開個聚會。 It being such a fine day, someone suggested holding a party.92 她頭靠著墻,站在那里一動不動。 She stood there still, leaning against the wall.93 她一聲不響地坐在那里,眼淚從雙頰滾落下來。 She sat there, silent, tears running down from her che

26、eks.94 他躺在那里,沒有人照料他。 He lay there, with nobody caring for him.95 因為沒有公共汽車,我們只好步行回家。 There being no bus, we had no choice but to walk home.96 用下面所給的詞造句。(過去分詞定語) Make a sentences with the words given below.97 這些孩子需要照料嗎?(動名詞) Do the children need looking after?98 (以下用不定式)上尉下達了馬上渡河的命令(give orders)。 The

27、captain gave an order to cross the river at once.99 你有問題要問么? Do you have any questions to ask?100 他們希望有機會訪問中國。 They hope to have a chance to visit China.101 還有兩個房間有待打掃。 There are still 2 rooms to be cleaned.102 小明是干這活合適的人。 Xiao Ming is the right person to do the job.103 這是提高產(chǎn)量(raise production)的重要途徑

28、。 This is an important way to raise production.104 他是第一個提出這個問題的學生。 He was the first student to raise the question.105 她不是個只考慮自己的人。 She isnt a person only to think of herself.106 還早著呢,沒有必要這么匆忙。 Its early. There is no need to hurry. 107 我們歡迎他們訪問中國的決定。 We welcome their decision to visit China.108 我們走之前

29、還有幾件重要的事情要做。 We have a few things to do before leaving.109 他們到那里是幫助收割莊稼的。 We went there to help get in the crops.110 我來這里是向你們告別的。 I came here to say goodbye to you.111 我們將盡力幫助你們。 Well try our best to help you.112 對不起讓你們久等了。 Sorry to have kept you waiting so long.113 聽到這些,我們都感到很激動。 Hearing this, we w

30、ere very excited. We were very excited to hear this.114 發(fā)現(xiàn)你們都在這里我當時很驚訝。 I was very surprised to find all of you here. Finding all of you were here, I was very surprised.115 她總是樂意幫助別人。 She is always ready to help others.116 我們熱切期待著你們的到來。(be eager for) We are eager for you to come here. We are eager f

31、or your arrival.117 大家都急于知道考試結(jié)果。 Everyone is too anxious to know the examination results.118 我想他們會樂意和我們一起工作的。 I think they will be willing to work with us.119 他決心獻身于教育事業(yè)。(the cause of education) He is determined to devote himself to the cause of education. He is determined to be devoted o the cause

32、of education.120 這句子難于翻譯。 The sentence is difficult to translate.121 她的問題相當難回答。 Her question is rather difficult to answer.122 這個房間住著不太舒服。 The room is uncomfortable to live in.123 他太激動了而說不出話來。 He is too excited to say a word.124 她歲數(shù)太大了,而不能干這活。 She is too old to do this kind of work.125 我們當時太疲憊了而不能繼續(xù)

33、向前走。 They were too tired to walk on.126 我們當時乘公共汽車到那里,為了省時間.。 We went there by bus in order to save time.127 我們匆匆忙忙的,為的是不錯過那趟火車。 We were in a hurry so as not to miss the train.128 我們隱瞞這個消息為了不讓他泄氣。 We kept the news as a secret so as not to make him discouraged.129 你樂意就如何學好語向我們提些建議嗎?(so kind as to) Wou

34、ld you be so kind as to give us some advice on how to learn English.130 據(jù)說他比以前身體好多了。 He is said to be in better health than before.131 據(jù)說這本書已經(jīng)翻譯成好幾國文字了。 The book is said to have been translated into several languages.132 有人認為這消息是不真實的。 The news is believed to be untrue.133 有許多問題有待于在這次會議上討論。 There are

35、 a lot of subjects to be discussed at the meeting.134 被問及這一問題時,他迷惑不解。 Asked of the question, he was puzzled.135 要求你們出席將于明天下午五點在演講廳舉行的英語晚會。 Youre asked to attend the lecture to be held at 5 p.m. tomorrow in the lecture hall.136 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這問題很難回答。 I find the question hard to answer.137 這孩子夠大了,能夠上學了。 The chil

36、d is old enough to go to school.138 我覺得有必要把英語學好 I find it necessary to learn English well.139 我們要做的第一件事就是要做周密的計劃。 The first thing for us to do is to make a careful plan.140 他不想讓人過分贊揚他。 He doesnt want to be praised too much. 141 你已決定到那里度假了嗎? Have you decided to spend your holidays there?142 我當時正納悶著是否

37、在這里再呆一個星期。 I was wondering whether to stay here for anther week.143 他當時答應(yīng)出席這次會議了嗎? Did he promise to attend the meeting?144 對不起,我忘了在這封信中提這件事了。 Sorry, I forgot to refer to the matter in the letter.145 請給我們說說如何使用這臺機器。 Please show me how to operate the machine.146 醫(yī)生將建議你吃那些藥。 The doctor will advise you

38、 which medicines to take.147 每天做早操太有必要了。 Its necessary to do morning exercises.148 在這么短的時間內(nèi)完成這樣艱巨的任務(wù)相當難。 Its hard to finish such a task within such a short time.149 不把這工作進行下去是錯誤的。 Its wrong not to carry on with the work.150 干出這樣的傻事真可羞! Its a shame to have done such a thing!151 和你交談?wù)媸且患肥隆?Its a plea

39、sure to talk with you.152 有機會在這里演講是一種榮幸。 Its an honor to speak here.153 向他提醒一下這件事是我們的義務(wù)。 Its our duty to remind him of the thing,154 這人真難于相處。 The person is hard to deal with.155 乘公共汽車到那里我們花費了將近一個鐘頭。 It took us almost an hour to get there by bus.156 他主動提出要幫助我學英語。 He offered to help us to learn Englis

40、h.157 當個好老師需要耐心。 To be a teacher, you need patience.158 他的愿望是當個工程師。 His wish is to become an engineer.159 目前我們的任務(wù)就是提高我們的考試成績。 At present our job is to improve our examination results. 160 我們的想法就是讓瑪麗照料這個小孩。 My thought (idea) is to let Mary look after the child.161 我們現(xiàn)在應(yīng)做的是改善我們的生活條件(水平)。 What we shoul

41、d do is( to) improve our living conditions.(raise our living standard)162 你別的還有什么要說? Do you have anything to say?163 現(xiàn)在我們沒有什么可擔心的。 We have nothing to be worried about now.164 他是最后一個離開這個村子的人。 He was the last man to leave the village.165 該出發(fā)了,約翰。 John, its time to start out.166 那沒啥感到羞恥的。 There is noth

42、ing to be ashamed of.167 醫(yī)生給了我一些藥,要求我一天飯前吃三次。 The doctor gave me some medicine to be taken 3 times a day.168 正在那時他聽說他聽見有人在隔壁唱歌。 Just at that time he heard someone singing in the next room.169 我發(fā)現(xiàn)這些孩子被照料得很好 I find the children well looked after.170 你想在這里照張像么(我給你照)? Would you like to have a picture ta

43、ken here?171 這張相片是我在1990年拍的(不是我自己拍的)。 I had the picture taken in1990.172 一下飛機他就發(fā)現(xiàn)被一群記者(reporter)圍住(surround vt.). On getting down the plane, he found himself surrounded by the reporters.173 我英語太差了簡直不能讓人聽懂。 I am so poor that I cant make myself understood.174 說大聲點讓人聽見! Speak louder to make yourself he

44、ard.175 有這么多書要讀,我不能打牌消磨時間。(kill the time, play cards)。(用with的復合結(jié)構(gòu))。 With so many books to read, I cant kill the time by playing cards.176 他躺在那里只露著臉(或:一絲不掛地)。(用with的復合結(jié)構(gòu)) He lay there , only with his face exposed.(with nothing on). 177 繼續(xù)向前走你就會發(fā)現(xiàn)一條街兩邊都有樹。(用with的復合結(jié)構(gòu))Walk on and you will find a street

45、 lined with trees.或:Walking on, youll find a street lined with trees.那個人死在一家旅館里,沒有人知道他是哪里人(用without復合結(jié)構(gòu))。 That man died in a hotel, with no one knowing where he came from.178 窗戶朝南的的那個房間需要打掃。(用with的復合結(jié)構(gòu)). The room with its window facing south needs cleaning.179 (下面是綜合練習)很久沒有收到父母的來信了,艾利斯期待著收到他們的信。Not

46、having heard from his parents for a long time, Alice looks forward to receiving their letter.180 想提高英語口語多練習是需要的。 To improve your English, you should practise your spoken English more.181 他疲憊不堪的到達火車站,結(jié)果卻發(fā)現(xiàn)(或得知,被告知)火車已經(jīng)走了。 He reached the station tired, only to find(only to be told) the train had already left.182 意識到將要發(fā)生什么事,他匆忙就走開了。 Realizing that something might happen, he left in a hurry


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