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1、Unit 3 Looking good, feel good 同步練習(xí)(二)作業(yè)1把I部分換成:I.熱身題:(共25分)What are the boys and girls doing?What exercises do you do at school?Why should you have physical educati on at school?Can you n ame all the fruit?Do you like eating fruit? Why?Have you bee n to a gym like this?Do you like it? Why?Do you th

2、i nk the two pers ons are strong?What makes them take exercise every day?作業(yè)2分值有變動。P64 VI 作為 創(chuàng)新作業(yè)”題,并把 閱讀理解”內(nèi)容換成:VI.閱讀短文,并完成后面題目:(共17分)BHealth fears for obese childre nAround half a million children in Europe are suffering the health problems of middle-aged people because they are too fat,accord ing

3、to new studies.The levels of obesity ( 肥胖)among Europe's children have been rising for the last 15 years. Experts are now start ing to see many health problems appeari ng.In Britain, one in five children is overweight or obese ( 肥胖的).1 n Spain the figure is 30% of children, and in Italy it reach

4、es 36%. According to the US government,30% ofAmerica n childre n are overweight or obese.In the new study prese nted at the start of this year's Europea n Con gress on Obesity inAthens, experts reported that high blood pressure, raised cholesterol (膽固醇),damaged blood sugar regulation (血糖調(diào)節(jié)能力 )an

5、d other dangerous problems often called the metabolic syndrome (新陳代謝綜合癥 )were increasingly being found along with the rising levels of childhood obesity in Europe.“ The figures suggest that childre n in the EU could soon be the same as kids in the US.There the number of kids with the metabolic syndr

6、ome doubled from 910, 000 to two million inless than 10 years," said the analysis by the International Obesity Task Force, a group of famous obesity scie ntists and policy experts.The group estimated (估計)that between 2,000 and 10,000 European children already had the type of diabetes (糖尿?。﹗sual

7、ly found among middle-aged people.A stateme nt was made at the conference by Markos Kypria nou , EU Commissi oner forHealth and Con sumer Protectio n.He made plans for Europe-wide rules to control the selling of unhealthy food to children and other plans for agriculture , education, and transport to

8、 deal with the obesity problem.The Europea n Union would publish new ideas on diet and exercise before the end ofthe year and have the document checked with the food industry , anti-obesity activists , and others to make a final plan by the end of 2006 , Mr. Kyprianou said.The move follows the big s

9、teps taken last year by the World Health Organization , which launched (發(fā)起)a global programme on diet and physical activity after health ministers from around the world approved the pla n.Fill in the bla nks using the in formatio n from the passage.1. Aboutchildren in Europe' s suffering health

10、problems which to appear only inmiddle-aged people.2. The levels of obesity among Europe ' children have been over the last 15years. For example, in Britai nperce nt of childre n are overweight. In Spa in , percent are overweight, and in Italy it is nowpercent.3. Betwee nandEuropea n childre n a

11、lready have the type ofusuallyfound among middle-aged people.P66作業(yè)3分值和題號均有變動。最后增加創(chuàng)新作業(yè)”題:IV .翻譯下面短語:(每題2分,共1. 保持健康 3. 對感到羞愧5. 渴望;極想7.為 作了充分的準備 28分)2. 鍛煉4. 如下6. 按重量_8.受歡迎9.此刻:暫時:正當(dāng)那時10.跟恰好相配的人或物11.從中恢復(fù)12.對感到不好意思13.節(jié)食14.在中起重要作用作業(yè)4把“II完成下面對話”換成:II 單項選擇:(每題2分,共18分)1. It is raining hard., I am sure he wil

12、l come on time.A. ButB. HoweverC. AndD. So2. The three books, which are written in English , arewith stude nts of En glish inour college.A. welcomeB. acceptedC. pleasedD. popular3. Whe n his mother isdinner,he ishis less on.A. preparing ;preparing forB. preparing for ;prepari ngC. preparing for ; pr

13、eparing forD. prepared for ;prepared for4. Luckily, the accident did n't doto either of the cars.A. much damages B. many damages C. much damageD. many damage5. Could you give me somehow to surf the Internet ?A. suggesti onB. adviceC. pla nD. idea6. How valuable the photographs are !I camethem in

14、 a drawer.A. roundB. aboutC. upD. across7. The boyat the meeti ng has really set a good example to all the stude nts.A. refer toB. referred to C. referri ng toD. to refer to8. Will you wait ? I ' ll be OK in.A. a little moment, a short momentB. for the moment, momentC. some mome nts, little mome

15、 ntD. a mome nt, a few mome nts9. Twoand threeatte nded the meeti ng.A. Englishmans ;GermenB. Englishman ; GermenC. En glishme n ; Germa nsD. En glishma ns ; Germa nsP73作業(yè)5II .第2句中有一錯誤,hear應(yīng)為 heard最后大題書面表達”換成定語從句專練”,并作為 創(chuàng)新作業(yè)”題:V .定語從句專練:(2005年各地模擬試題匯編)(每題2分,共20分)1. After all , with the help of my co

16、mputer brainnever forgets anything , IQ isI'm all about.A. that; whatB. what; whatC. what; thatD. that; where2. It was the third ni ghtwe were stay ing in our seaside butthe tsun ami(海嘯)struck the whole village.A. when ; whenB. when ; whatC. what; thatD. that; that3. I usually enjoy these dinner

17、s , uni ess I have to make speech , incase I worrythrough the meal.A. thatB. thisC. whichD. any4. The small mou nta in villagewe spe nt our holiday last mon th lies inis nowpart of Hubei.A. which ; where B. where ; whatC. that ; whichD. when ; which5. The preside nt stood by a window in side the roo

18、m , , look ing over the square.A. where I en teredB. i nto which I en teredC. which I en teredD. that I en tered6. Mary went to the States a couple of years ago , bytime she had learned to dance andact in comedies.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. whose7. The girleverybody had thought would win a gold medal

19、failed at last.A. whoB. whomC. whatD. /8. Society is a buildi ng ,to the con struct ion ofevery one brings a brick.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. where9. The newcomer is from Tibet ,I can tell from his appearanee.A. whichB. whatC. whereD. who10. Mr. Gree n will come to the party on Sun day , he promised t

20、o every one of us.A. whe nB. thatC. whereD. whichP 78作業(yè)7 分值有變動?!?I翻譯下列句子”換成:1 根據(jù)下表,完成后面的題目:(共16分)AEmu Airli nesCity College Union Inc.SecretarySecretary / TypistEmu Airli nesis now offeri ngaThe union is a stude nt-run orga ni zati on withperma nent,part-timea perma nentsecretarial positi on.staff o

21、f 20. Typing speed of at least 60 wpm.The position offers a minimum of 20The ability to take shorthand dictation and ahours a week,worki ngwith a view to full-time work in thekno wledgeof filli ng procedures arefuture.essential requirements. The basic salary for thePho ne 8993264 for an 即 poi ntme n

22、tposition is $1, 500.Send en quiries to R. Barbar,3875075.Word Processor Operator (full-time)Sewing Mach inist Wan ted Jea nsApplicati ons are in vited for an operatorIn dustryto work inWe are an expanding clothing companyan office associated with the buildinglocated southin dustry. Onlyof the city.

23、 Our denim range includes jeans ,experie need operators should apply.skirts,Starting salary: $1, 400.jackets and shorts. We are looking forApply in writi ng to:sew ing mach ineThe Pers onnel Officeroperators. The factory works a 38-hourHill Morgan Pry Ltd.week over four38 Gree nhill Rd. Ken si ngton

24、 2033and a half days. Wages are in line with the curre nt in dustrial award. If you are in terested, call in and pickup an application form from Ripper Jean3 , 23 NorthAve, Beaudesert.Positi onPayCon tactphonenu mberEmu Airlines secretaryUnknown1.City College Un io n Inc.Secretary / typist2.3.4.The

25、starting salary is $1,400.UnknownSewi ng mach in ist5.UnknownP82作業(yè)8分值有變動。最后增加創(chuàng)新作業(yè)”題:V.翻譯下列句子(每題4分,共20分)1.不要對我失望??傆幸惶?,我會成為一名合格的教師。(give up on)2.我教他做好接受那壞消息的心理準備。(prepare for)3.試著讓這小孩吃飯確實是很頭疼的事。(a headache)4.他和他的兩個朋友一起踏上旅途。(along with)5.其實,我昨天就完成了這工作。(as a matter of fact)作業(yè)9P86P91“III完形填空”和“IV閱讀理解”內(nèi)容全

26、部換掉。改為:III 完形填空:(每題1.5題,共30分)Marie and her elder sister, Bronya, dreamed of study ing in France. But their father did not have eno ugh money to 1them there. The n Marie thought of a 2: she would teach athome and send her money to Bron ya. 3her sister fini shed study ing in Paris , she could get4_ an

27、d send Marie the money to study there.5tears in their eyes , the girls said goodbye to each other , and Marie worked very hard for six years to pay _6_ her sister's studies. At last it was Marie's turn, but _7 she got to Fran ce, her sister was 8 and could not give her much help.Aga in Marie

28、 worked. She studied in a small room without heat or light. She lived _9 bread and tea most of the time, but all she 10 of was her scie nee. This was her 11, andshe liked her experime nts most.In Paris she met and married Pierre Curie , a young and famous 12. Togetherthey made their 13 in an old hou

29、se without heat. They knew that 14 eleme nts in the world give 15 a strange power. The power could go through other 16 . They found more of this power in some eleme nt 17 in others. It made them 18 that it must be a new eleme nt itself.For four years they tried experiments to 19 this powerful new el

30、ement from theothers. Then they found someth ing they20 radium. Its power was very much greater tha nthe power of other eleme nts.1. A. put2. A. pla n3. A. Before4. A. work5. A. InB.sendB. desig nB. Un tilB. jobB. WithC. keepC. ideaC. Si neeC. moneyC. WithoutD. carryD. trickD. AfterD. helpD. Of6. A.

31、 1backB.upC. forD. off7. A. for the first timeB. by the time C. by the nD. at the time8. A. lostB.marriedC. firedD. graduated9. A. withB. onC. byD. i n10. A. thoughtB.lovedC. likedD. enjoyed11. A.habitB.loveC. willD. decisi on12. A.scie ntistB.officerC. sin gerD. bus in essma n13. A.lifeB. livi ngC.

32、 pla nD. experime nts14. A.noB.someC. anyD. all15. A.offB.upC. inD. back16. A. peopleB.eleme ntsC. objectsD. thin gs17. A.tha nB.asC. likeD. before18. A.dreamB.believeC. trustD. doubt19. A.findB.discoverC. inventD. separate20. A.callB. calli ngC. calledD. callsIV .閱讀理解.(每題2分,共40分)(A)Mou nt St. Hele

33、ns erupts after 18 yearsMount St. Helens in the US has erupted for the first time in 18 years. Small earthquakes bega n with in hours of the explosi on , suggesti ng pressure in side the mountain was rebuildi ng. Scien tists say there could be more steam erupti ons soon.Scie ntists had bee n predict

34、 ing just such an erupti on for days because of thousa nds of earthquakes and sig ns that the rock in side the crater ( 火山口 ) was expa nding rapidly. Few people live near the mountain , about 100 miles south of Seattle. The closest building is the Johnston Ridge Observatory (天文臺), about five miles f

35、rom the explosion.Bob Norris , the expert, said magma (巖漿)could be moving underground and hewould not be surprised to see more explosi ons in the n ext days or weeks.1. What happened first during the explosion ?A. Earthquakes appeared.C. Mou nt St. Hele ns stood up.2. Mou nt St. Hele ns is located i

36、n the.A. north of Seattle B. south of Seattle3. The appeara nee of small earthquakes meantA. magma could be moving un dergro undformi ngC. the crater was expa nding4. What may happen after small earthquakes ?A. Fire will go out.C. Magma will spray out.B. More steam came out.D. A mou nta in was built

37、.C. east of Seattle D. west of SeattleB. pressure in side the mountain wasD. a mountain was rebuildi ngB. The rock will come out.D. A mountain will appear.(B)More tha n 40 paper mills and goldm ines in China have bee n shut dow n for givi ng too much pollution , the State Environmental Protection Ad

38、ministration (SEPA) announced in Beijing Thursday .In a stateme nt, SEPA said the paper mills and goldm ines severely polluted rivers and damaged the surrounding environment, causing a lot of complaints from local people.In Ton glia ng County of southwester n Chongqing , the lice nses of three paper

39、 mills were canceled (吊銷)and all other paper mills that failed environmental standards were ordered to put off product ion , said SEPA. The gover nment of Lia nhua County in easter n Jia ngxi Prov ince also closed down a local paper mill , and pers ons resp on sible for the polluti on were warned ,

40、accord ing to SEPA. Thirty-seve n illegal goldm ines in Guan gyua n City of southwester n Sichua n Provinee were closed down , with some equipments pulled down , said SEPA, adding that a number of local government officials , including director of a local environmental protection bureau (環(huán)保局), were

41、give n adm ini strative puni shme nt for derelict ion of duty (玩忽職守). SEPA had also advised the city government of Changsha, capital of central-south HunanProvince , to properly handle the 422,000 tons of wastes left behind by a local plant shut down in 2003. Changsha made sure to completely solve t

42、he problem by the end of 2008 while taking immediate measures, such as building walls around the waste dumping ground , to prevent the powders of the waste from being carried by the wind , according to SEPA.5. How many provinces are mentioned in the passage ?A. 4.B. 3.C. 5.D. 2.6. What does the word

43、 “ complaints ” in the first paragraph meanA. 投訴B.疾病C.痛苦根源 D.委屈7. Measures are take n in the passage EXCEPT.A. can celi ng mills ' lice nsesB. putt ing off product ionC. closi ng dow n local millsD. praisi ng some officials8. Which of the follow ing is NOT men ti oned in the last paragraph ?A. T

44、o handle the 422 , 000 tons of wastes left behind by a local plant shut down in 2003.B. To take immediate measures, such as buildi ng walls around the waste dump ing gro und.C. To preve nt the powders of the waste from being carried by the wi ndD. SEPA had also advised the city government of Changsh

45、a to move out of Hunan Provi nee.(C)You' re sitt ing in class and you are very hun gry. Fin ally, the bell rings an d it ' s time for lunch woo-hoo ! After several hours in class , you should have a chance to go to the dining room and sit down , relax , and enjoy the happy time together with

46、 your friends over a lunchtime meal. But wait a minute what exactly are you eating ?Compared with other meals , kids have more choices of what they eat for lunch at school. A kid can choose to eat gree n vegetables or throw them away. A kid can also choose to eat an apple in stead of an ice cream sa

47、n dwich.When choos ing what to eat for lunch , mak ing a healthy choice is really importa nt. Here's why: Eat ing differe nt healthy foods helps you grow the way you should , and can eve n keep you from gett ing sick.What does a healthy lunch look like ? We will give you some right an swers to t

48、hatquestio n.Most kids have the choice of pack ing lunch or buying one at school. The good n ews is that a kid can get a healthy lunch by doing either one because some meals and foods sold in the school ' s dining room are very healthy for you.The typical schoo I lunch is still higher in fat tha

49、 n it should be , accord ing to a study.That doesn ' t mean you shouldn' t buy your lunch. It just means you might want to give the menu acloser look. Read the menu the ni ght before. Knowing what's for lunch beforeha nd (事先)will letyou know whether you want to eat it !A packed lunch isn

50、 ' atways healthier than the one you buy at school. If you pack chocolate cakes and potato chips, that's not a healthy meal! But a packed lunch , if done in the right way , does have a clear advantage. When you pack your lunch , be sure it includes your favorite healthy foods. It ' a mea

51、l just for you. If your favorite san dwich is pea nut butter and bananas, just make it and pack it then you can eat it for lunch. Go and pack them !If you want to pack your lunch , you'll need some help from your parents. Talk to them about what you like to eat for lunch so that they can prepare

52、 those foods for you. This is nice of them. But you may want to watch how they do it and ask if you can start making your lun ches yourself. It ' s a way to show that you' re growing up.9. A In the following foods , which one is healthy according to the passage ?A. Chocolate cakes.B. Potato

53、chips. C. Peanut butter and banan as.D. Icecream.10. The reas on why you should choose what to eat for lunch is that.A. healthy foods can make you healthy and away from ill nessB. healthy foods are all deliciousC. lunch is very importa nt to youD. you can enjoy the happy time together with your frie

54、nds over the lunchtime11. According to the author , a packed lunch.A. is always healthyB. is not healthy at allC. has a clear advantage if done in the right way D. is always expensive12. According to the passage, which one of the following statements is TRUE ?A. When choosing what to eat for lunch ,

55、 making a healthy choice is unimportant.B. Some meals and foods sold in the school' s dining room are not healthy for you.C. The typical schoo I lunch is still higher in fat tha n it should be , accord ing to stude nts need.D. If you can pack your lunch by yourself , you are growing up.(D)By tra

56、de (n.職業(yè),行業(yè))Hugh Troy (1906 - 1964) was an illustrator (插圖畫家).By nature he was a practical joker, a true master of the art. Numerous (眾多的,許多的 )different pranks (惡作?。゛nd practical jokes are attributed (歸結(jié)于)to him.One win ter in the 1920s , while he was a stude nt at Corn ell Uni versity in Ithaca ,New York , Troy got hold of a very old and ugly wastebasket with a real rhinoceros ( 犀牛)foot as its base. He filled it with metal weights and tied 30 feet of clothes-line to either side.


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