Chapter 01 Basic safety of Laboratory Safety_第1頁
Chapter 01 Basic safety of Laboratory Safety_第2頁
Chapter 01 Basic safety of Laboratory Safety_第3頁
Chapter 01 Basic safety of Laboratory Safety_第4頁
Chapter 01 Basic safety of Laboratory Safety_第5頁
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1、Chemical Safety EngineeringReviewing Safety “Main Rules in the Factory” Deming CircleChemical Safety EngineeringA risk factor for the chemical industry American Insurance Association (AIA) for the chemical industrys 317 fires, explosions to investigate, analyze the reasons for the major and minor ri

2、sk factors for the chemical industry grouped into the following nine types. Chemical Safety EngineeringA risk factor for the chemical industry1. Factory site2. Plant layout3. Structure 4. On the processing of material, inadequate understanding risk.5. Chemical process6. Material handling7. Misuse8.

3、Equipment defects9. Inadequate disaster plan Chemical Safety Engineering4Chemical Safety Engineering5Chemical Safety Engineering6Chemical Safety EngineeringChunlu Li 李春露李春露Chapter 1 Basic Laboratory SafetyChemical Safety Engineering7Rules1. Conduct yourself in a responsible manner at all times in th

4、e laboratory.2. Follow all written and verbal instructions carefully. If you do not understand a direction or part of a procedure, ASK YOUR TEACHER BEFORE PROCEEDING WITH THE ACTIVITY.3. Never work alone in the laboratory. 4. When first entering a science room, DO NOT touch any equipment, chemicals,

5、 or other materials in the laboratory area until you are instructed to do so.5. Perform only those experiments authorized by your teacher. Carefully follow all instructions, both written and oral. Unauthorized experiments are not allowed. 6. Do not eat food, drink beverages, or chew gum in the labor

6、atory. Do not use laboratory glassware as containers for food or beverages.Chemical Safety Engineering7. Be prepared for your work in the laboratory. Read all procedures thoroughly before entering the laboratory. Never fool around in the laboratory. Horseplay, practical jokes, and pranks are dangero

7、us and prohibited. 8. Always work in a well-ventilated area. 9. Observe good housekeeping practices. Work areas should be kept clean and tidy at all times. 10. Be alert and proceed with caution at all times in the laboratory. Notify the teacher immediately of any unsafe conditions you observe.11. Di

8、spose of all chemical waste properly. Never mix chemicals in sink drains. Sinks are to be used only for water. Check with your teacher for disposal of chemicals and solutions. RulesChemical Safety Engineering12. Labels and equipment instructions must be read carefully before use. Set up and use the

9、equipment as directed by your teacher.13. Keep hands away from face, eyes, mouth, and body while using chemicals or lab equipment. Wash your hands with soap and water after performing all experiments. 14. Experiments must be personally monitored at all times. Do not wander around the room, distract

10、other students, startle other students or interfere with the laboratory experiments of others.15. Know the locations and operating procedures of all safety equipment including: first aid kit(s), and fire extinguisher. Know where the fire alarm and the exits are located.16. Know what to do if there i

11、s a fire drill during a laboratory period; containers must be closed, and any electrical equipment turned off.RulesChemical Safety Engineering17. Any time chemicals, heat, or glassware are used, students will wear safety goggles. NO EXCEPTIONS TO THIS RULE!18. Contact lenses may be not be worn in th

12、e laboratory.19. Dress properly during a laboratory activity. Long hair, dangling jewelry, and loose or baggy clothing are a hazard in the laboratory. Long hair must be tied back, and dangling jewelry and baggy clothing must be secured. Shoes must completely cover the foot. No sandals allowed on lab

13、 days.20. A lab coat or smock should be worn during laboratory experiments.RulesChemical Safety Engineering21. Report any accident (spill, breakage, etc.) or injury (cut, burn, etc.) to the teacher immediately, no matter how trivial it seems. Do not panic. 22. If you or your lab partner is hurt, imm

14、ediately (and loudly) yell out the teachers name to get the teachers attention. Do not panic. 23. If a chemical should splash in your eye(s) or on your skin, immediately flush with running water for at least 20 minutes. Immediately (and loudly) yell out the teachers name to get the teachers attentio

15、n. RulesChemical Safety Engineering24. All chemicals in the laboratory are to be considered dangerous. Avoid handling chemicals with fingers. Always use a tweezer. When making an observation, keep at least 1 foot away from the specimen. Do not taste, or smell any chemicals. 25. Check the label on al

16、l chemical bottles twice before removing any of the contents. Take only as much chemical as you need.26. Never return unused chemicals to their original container.27. Never remove chemicals or other materials from the laboratory area.RulesChemical Safety Engineering28. Never handle broken glass with

17、 your bare hands. Use a brush and dustpan to clean up broken glass. Place broken glass in the designated glass disposal container.29. Examine glassware before each use. Never use chipped, cracked, or dirty glassware.30. If you do not understand how to use a piece of equipment, ASK THE TEACHER FOR HE

18、LP!31. Do not immerse hot glassware in cold water. The glassware may shatter.RulesChemical Safety Engineering32. Do not operate a hot plate by yourself. Take care that hair, clothing, and hands are a safe distance from the hot plate at all times. Use of hot plate is only allowed in the presence of t

19、he teacher.33. Heated glassware remain very hot for a long time. They should be set aside in a designated place to cool, and picked up with caution. Use tongs or heat protective gloves if necessary.34. Never look into a container that is being heated.35. Do not place hot apparatus directly on the la

20、boratory desk. Always use an insulated pad. Allow plenty of time for hot apparatus to cool before touching it.RulesChemical Safety Engineering15我國的主要化學(xué)品管理法規(guī)及標準我國的主要化學(xué)品管理法規(guī)及標準Main regulations and standards of chemicals management in Chinaq 中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法中華人民共和國安全生產(chǎn)法 Safe Production Law of the Peoples R

21、epublic of Chinaq 危險化學(xué)品安全管理條例危險化學(xué)品安全管理條例 Regulation on control over DG chemicalsq 工作場所安全使用化學(xué)品規(guī)定(工作場所安全使用化學(xué)品規(guī)定(170公約)公約) Regulation on safely using chemicals in working area(170 pact)q 常用危險化學(xué)品的分類及標志(常用危險化學(xué)品的分類及標志(GB13690-1992) The classification and sign of dangerous chemicals in common useq 危險貨物分類和品

22、名編號(危險貨物分類和品名編號(GB6944-2005) The classification and number of dangerous goods q 危險貨物品名表(危險貨物品名表(GB12268-1990) The name list of dangerous goodsq 化學(xué)品安全標簽編寫規(guī)定(化學(xué)品安全標簽編寫規(guī)定(GB15258-1999) Regulation on safety label q 化學(xué)品安全技術(shù)說明書編寫規(guī)定(化學(xué)品安全技術(shù)說明書編寫規(guī)定(GB16483-2000) Regulation on making MSDSChemical Safety Engi

23、neering16如何得到相關(guān)信息?如何得到相關(guān)信息?Where to get information?Chemical Safety EngineeringThe Globally Harmonized System (GHS) for Hazard Classification and LabellingDevelopment of a Worldwide System for Hazard CommunicationChemical Safety EngineeringWhat is the GHS?A common and coherent approach to defining a

24、nd classifying hazards, and communicating information on labels and safety data sheets.Target audiences include workers, consumers, transport workers, and emergency responders.Provides the underlying infrastructure for establishment of national, comprehensive chemical safety programs.Why is the GHS

25、needed?Chemical Safety EngineeringBenefits of Harmonization Countries, international organizations, chemical producers and users of chemicals all benefit. Enhance protection of humans and environment. Facilitate international trade in chemicals. Reduce need for testing and evaluation. Assist countri

26、es and international organizations to ensure the sound management of chemicals.Chemical Safety EngineeringInternational MandateAn international mandate to harmonize was adopted at the United Nations Conference on the Environment and Development (UNCED) in 1992 in Brazil: A globally-harmonized hazard

27、 classification and compatible labelling system, including material safety data sheets and easily understandable symbols, should be available, if feasible, by the year 2000.Chemical Safety EngineeringMajor Existing Systems UN Transport Recommendations European Union (EU) Directives on Substances and

28、 Preparations Canadian Requirements for Workplace, Consumers and Pesticides US Requirements for Workplace, Consumers and PesticidesChemical Safety EngineeringPrinciples Of Harmonization Protections will not be reduced; comprehensibility will be key. All types of chemicals will be covered; will be ba

29、sed on intrinsic properties (hazards) of chemicals. All systems will have to be changed.Chemical Safety EngineeringProcess of Harmonization Under the umbrella of the Interorganization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals (IOMC). Coordinating Group for Harmonization of Chemical Classificat

30、ion Systems (CG/HCCS) managed the process. Technical work divided among international focal points.Chemical Safety EngineeringThe GHS ElementsClassification Criteria Health and Environmental Hazards Physical Hazards MixturesHazard Communication Labels Safety Data SheetsChemical Safety EngineeringHea

31、lth & Environmental HazardsAcute ToxicitySkin Corrosion/IrritationSerious Eye Damage/Eye IrritationRespiratory or Skin SensitizationGerm Cell MutagenicityCarcinogenicityReproductive ToxicityTarget Organ Systemic Toxicity Single and Repeated DoseHazardous to the Aquatic EnvironmentChemical Safety

32、 EngineeringLabelsThe Working Group identified about 35 different types of information that are currently required on labels by different systems.To harmonize, key information elements needed to be identified.Additional harmonization may occur on other elements in time, in particular for precautiona

33、ry statements.Chemical Safety Engineering Key Label Elements Product identifierSupplier identifierChemical identityHazard pictograms*Signal words*Hazard statements*Precautionary information*StandardizedChemical Safety EngineeringPictogram Shape and ColourFor transport, pictograms will have the backg

34、round and symbol colours currently used.For other sectors, pictograms will have a black symbol on a white background with a red diamond frame. A black frame may be used for shipments within one country.Where a transport pictogram appears, the GHS pictogram for the same hazard should not appear.Chemi

35、cal Safety Engineering!Chemical Safety EngineeringChemical Safety Engineering Signal Words “Danger” or “Warning”Used to emphasize hazard and discriminate between levels of hazard.Chemical Safety EngineeringHazard Statements A single harmonized hazard statement for each level of hazard within each ha

36、zard class Example: Flammable liquids Category 1: Extremely flammable liquid and vapour Category 2: Highly flammable liquid and vapour Category 3: Flammable liquid and vapour Category 4: Combustible liquidChemical Safety EngineeringNFPA 704(National Fire Protection Association, America )NFPA 704: St

37、andard System for the Identification of the Hazards of Materials for Emergency Responseis a standard maintained by the U.S.-based National Fire Protection Association. First tentatively adopted as a guide in 1960,and revised several times since then, it defines the colloquial fire diamond used by em

38、ergency personnel to quickly and easily identify the risks posed by hazardous materials. This helps determine what, if any, special equipment should be used, procedures followed, or precautions taken during the initial stages of an emergency response.33Chemical Safety EngineeringThe four divisions a

39、re typically color-coded with red indicating flammability, blue indicating level of health hazard, yellow for chemical reactivity, and white containing codes for special hazards. Each of health, flammability and reactivity is rated on a scale from 0 (no hazard) to 4 (severe risk). See the latest ver

40、sion of NFPA 704 sections 5, 6, 7 and 8 for the specifications of each classification.34Chemical Safety EngineeringFlammability (red)0Materials that will not burn under typical fire conditions (e.g. carbon dioxide), including intrinsically noncombustible materials such as concrete, stone and sand (M

41、aterials that will not burn in air when exposed to a temperature of 820 C (1,500 F) for a period of 5 minutes)1Materials that require considerable preheating, under all ambient temperature conditions, before ignition and combustion can occur (e.g. mineral oil). Includes some finely divided suspended

42、 solids that do not require heating before ignition can occur. Flash point at or above 93 C (200 F).2Must be moderately heated or exposed to relatively high ambient temperature before ignition can occur (e.g. diesel fuel) and some finely divided suspended solids that do not require heating before ig

43、nition can occur. Flash point between 38 and 93 C (100 and 200 F).3Liquids and solids (including finely divided suspended solids) that can be ignited under almost all ambient temperature conditions (e.g. gasoline). Liquids having a flash point below 23 C (73 F) and having a boiling point at or above

44、 38 C (100 F) or having a flash point between 23 and 38 C (73 and 100 F).4Will rapidly or completely vaporize at normal atmospheric pressure and temperature, or is readily dispersed in air and will burn readily (e.g. acetylene, diethylzinc). Includes pyrophoric substances.Flash point below 23 C (73

45、F).Chemical Safety EngineeringHealth (blue)0Poses no health hazard, no precautions necessary and would offer no hazard beyond that of ordinary combustible materials (e.g. wood)1 Exposure would cause irritation with only minor residual injury (e.g. acetone)2Intense or continued but not chronic exposu

46、re could cause temporary incapacitation or possible residual injury (e.g. diethyl ether)3Short exposure could cause serious temporary or moderate residual injury (e.g. chlorine)4Very short exposure could cause death or major residual injury (e.g. hydrogen cyanide, phosphine, carbon monoxide, sarin,

47、hydrofluoric acid)Chemical Safety EngineeringInstability/Reactivity (yellow)0Normally stable, even under fire exposure conditions, and is not reactive with water (e.g. helium)1Normally stable, but can become unstable at elevated temperatures and pressures (e.g. propene)2Undergoes violent chemical ch

48、ange at elevated temperatures and pressures, reacts violently with water, or may form explosive mixtures with water (e.g. white phosphorus, potassium, sodium)3Capable of detonation or explosive decomposition but requires a strong initiating source, must be heated under confinement before initiation,

49、 reacts explosively with water, or will detonate if severely shocked (e.g. ammonium nitrate, chlorine trifluoride)4Readily capable of detonation or explosive decomposition at normal temperatures and pressures (e.g. nitroglycerin, chlorine azide, chlorine dioxide)Chemical Safety EngineeringOX Oxidize

50、r, allows chemicals to burn without an air supply (e.g. potassium perchlorate, ammonium nitrate, hydrogen peroxide). W Reacts with water in an unusual or dangerous manner (e.g. cesium, sodium, sulfuric acid). SA Simple asphyxiant gas. Specifically limited to the following gases: nitrogen, helium, ne

51、on, argon, krypton and xenon.Chemical Safety EngineeringNFPA 704Chemical Safety EngineeringChemical Safety Engineering41Chemical Safety Engineering42Chemical Safety EngineeringChemical Safety Engineering44Dimethyl mecury Chemical Safety Engineering45化學(xué)品安全標簽編寫規(guī)定 (GB15258-1999) “The regulation of maki

52、ng chemicals safety label” (GB15258-1999)化學(xué)品安全標簽包括物質(zhì)名稱、危險性標志、編號、警示詞、危險性概述、安全措施、滅火方法、生產(chǎn)廠家、地址、電話、應(yīng)急咨詢電話、提示參閱 MSDS 等內(nèi)容 The chemicals safety label contains: the name of substance, hazard sign, number, alarm words, hazard identification, safety measures, fire-fighting method, product company information

53、(address, phone number, emergency consultation number), reminding of seeing MSDS運輸標簽運輸標簽 Transport labelChemical Safety Engineering46 揚子巴斯夫化工有限責任公司揚子巴斯夫化工有限責任公司BASF - YPC Company Limited 純度純度/ pure: 凈重凈重/ weight: 批號批號/ batch No.:N-butanol正丁醇正丁醇C4H10O注注 意意Notice易燃、有毒、具刺激性易燃、有毒、具刺激性Flammable, Harmful,

54、 Irritating 安全措施安全措施/Safety Measures 防止與堿類及堿化物料接近/Protect against alkalies and alkalizing substances.防止靜電 遠離火源 - 近處應(yīng)準備滅火器/Prevent electrostatic charge - sources of ignition should be kept well clear fire extinguishers shouldbe kept handy.密閉包裝,并存于陰涼及干燥處/Keep container tightly closed in a cool,dry.自燃濕

55、度300/Autoignition temperature 300. 滅火滅火/ /Fire Fighting Measure 水噴霧,干滅火介質(zhì),耐醇性泡沫,二氧化碳/water spray, dry extinguishing media, alcohol-resistant foam, carbon dioxide請向生產(chǎn)銷售企業(yè)索取安全技術(shù)說明書請向生產(chǎn)銷售企業(yè)索取安全技術(shù)說明書Please ask for MSDS from manufacture or distributors揚子巴斯夫化工有限責任公司CC出品 Product by CC PLANT, BYC Co. Ltd 郵編

56、Zip-code:210048南京市六合區(qū)大廠鎮(zhèn) / DaChang, LuHe, Nanjing municipal 電話Tel :025UN No.1120CN No.33552應(yīng)急電話:Emergency callChemical Safety EngineeringSafety Color & Sign in ChinaChemical Safety Engineering2011.11.1 Dynamite truck explosion, 7 dead, 264 injured.Chemical Safety Engineering2011.5.31 Nitro ortho

57、 xylene硝基鄰二甲苯硝基鄰二甲苯 truck got fire, no one dead.Chemical Safety Engineering50Chemical Safety Engineering51Chemical Safety Engineering52安全標志“safety sign”(GB2894-1996)安全標志使用導(dǎo)則“the usage guideline of safety signs” (GB16179-1996) BYC Portal: 01-010-00-0-0-00-021 Safety signs 安全標志在哪里?Where are safety sig

58、ns?公司/裝置的入口處 the entrance of company/plant工作區(qū)域 working area裝有化學(xué)品的管道、容器上 the pipeline and container with chemicals安全標志安全標志 Safety signChemical Safety Engineering53生物影響生物影響B(tài)IOHAZARDOUS對環(huán)境造成危險對環(huán)境造成危險DANGEROUS FOR THE ENVIRONMENT有有 害害HARMFUL刺激性刺激性IRRITANT腐蝕性腐蝕性CORROSIVE毒毒 性性TOXIC毒性很強毒性很強VERY TOXIC放射性放射性

59、RADIOACHIC高度易燃性高度易燃性HIGHLYFLAMMABLE極其易燃性極其易燃性EXTREMELYFLAMMABLE氧化性氧化性O(shè)XIDIZING爆炸爆炸性EXPLOSIVES危險化學(xué)品標志危險化學(xué)品標志 Dangerous chemicals signChemical Safety Engineering54舉例舉例ExampleChemical Safety EngineeringAPWA Uniform Color CodeChemical Safety EngineeringChemical Safety EngineeringChemical Safety Engineer

60、ingChemical Safety Engineering59充裝氣體名稱充裝氣體名稱化學(xué)式化學(xué)式瓶色瓶色字樣字樣字色字色乙炔乙炔CHCH白白乙炔不可近火乙炔不可近火大紅大紅氫氫H2淡綠淡綠氫氫大紅大紅氧氧O2淡(酞)蘭淡(酞)蘭氧氧黑黑氮氮N2黑黑氮氮淡黃淡黃空氣空氣 黑黑空氣空氣白白二氧化碳二氧化碳CO2鋁白鋁白液化二氧化碳液化二氧化碳黑黑氨氨NH3淡黃淡黃液化氨液化氨黑黑氯氯Cl2深綠深綠液化氯液化氯白白氟氟F2白白氟氟黑黑甲烷甲烷CH4棕棕甲烷甲烷白白乙烷乙烷CH3CH3棕棕液化乙烷液化乙烷白白丙烷丙烷CH3CH2CH3棕棕液化丙烷液化丙烷白白丁烷丁烷CH3CH2CH2CH3棕棕液化丁烷液化丁烷白白


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