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1、大學英語四級考試新題型翻譯題型新改革后翻譯題型:段落翻譯(漢譯英)測試學生把漢語所承載的信息用英語表達出來的能力。 分值比例:15% 考試時間:30分鐘。 內(nèi)容:中國歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展 長度:140-160個漢字;大學英語四級考試新題型評分標準檔次評 分 標 準13-15分譯文準確表達了原文的意思。用詞貼切,行文流暢,基本上無語言錯誤,僅有個別小錯。10-12分譯文基本上表達了原文的意思。文字通順、連貫,無重大語言錯誤。7-9分譯文勉強表達了原文的意思。用詞欠準確,語言錯誤相當多,其中有些是嚴重語言錯誤。4-6分譯文僅表達了一小部分原文的意思。用詞不準確,有相當多的嚴重語言錯誤。1-3

2、分譯文支離破碎。除個別詞語或句子,絕大部分文字沒有表達原文意思。0分未作答,或只有幾個孤立的詞,或譯文與原文毫不相關(guān)。段落漢譯英。翻譯內(nèi)容涉及中國的歷史、文化、經(jīng)濟、社會發(fā)展等。四級長度為140160個漢字;六級長度為180200個漢字。翻譯題型概述翻譯的標準譯文應該完整地再現(xiàn)原文內(nèi)容譯文應像原文一樣流暢自然。譯文的風格、筆調(diào)應與原文性質(zhì)相同。翻譯三部曲1. 通讀并透徹理解原文漢語句子,確定語法成分和句型。中國剪紙有一千五百多年的歷史,在明朝和清朝時期特別流行。譯文:Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It

3、 was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 漢語段落可以包含一個或一個以上的主題;而英語段落一般只有一個主題,如往往有一個明顯的主題句(主題句多置于句首),其他句子則層層展開,以支持主題句2. 付諸筆墨,保證拼寫無誤。人們常用剪紙美化居家環(huán)境。譯文1:People often make their home beautiful with paper cuttings.譯文2:People often beautify their home with paper cuttings.3. 重新審視,確認句法合理。

4、重點檢查時態(tài)、語態(tài)、單復數(shù)、拼寫、大小寫、標點符號、冠詞和代詞的使用以及主謂一致等問題。翻譯技巧恰當選詞 (避免過于籠統(tǒng),選表達更確切的詞)中英文句式之間的對應和轉(zhuǎn)換。語態(tài)之間的轉(zhuǎn)換e.g. 通常中文中的主語過于寬泛的時候,如“人們”、“別人”、“這”等,可以轉(zhuǎn)化成英文的被動語態(tài),省略原來的主語原文:現(xiàn)在人們必須采取措施來保護環(huán)境。譯文:Measures should be adopted/taken to protect the environment. 詞性的轉(zhuǎn)換1)名詞轉(zhuǎn)換成動詞例如:改革開放政策受到了全國人名的擁護。譯文:The reform and opening-up policy

5、 is supported by the whole Chinese people. 2) 動詞轉(zhuǎn)化成名詞例如:他善于觀察譯文: He is a good observer.3) 形容詞轉(zhuǎn)換成名詞例如: 在這緊張的時刻,他感到非常害怕。譯文:The intensity of the moment filled his mind with fear.樣卷PartIVTranslation(30minutes)Directions:Forthispart,youareallowed30minutestotranslateapassagefromChineseintoEnglish.Youshoul

6、dwriteyour answeronAnswerSheet2.樣題 剪紙(papercutting)是中國最為流行的傳統(tǒng)民間藝術(shù)形式之一。中國剪紙有一千五百多年的歷史,在明朝和清朝時期(theMingandQingDynasties)特別流行。人們常用剪紙美化居家環(huán)境。特別是在春節(jié)和婚慶期間,剪紙被用來裝飾門窗和房間,以增加喜慶的氣氛。剪紙最常用的顏色是紅色,象征健康和興旺。中國剪紙在世界各地很受歡迎,經(jīng)常被用作饋贈外國友人的禮物。 注意:此部分試題請在答題卡2上作答。答案 Paper cutting is one of Chinas most popular traditional fol

7、k arts. Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties. People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings. During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate door

8、s, windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere. The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity. Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.漢譯英解題方法1. 閱讀原文,理解原文,獲得總體印象。2. 處

9、理原文句子,正確斷句,合句,找準主語。理解原文中的語言現(xiàn)象和邏輯關(guān)系,注意漢英兩種語言的不同表達習慣,綜合翻譯技巧進行翻譯。3.修改,對譯文修正、加工、潤飾。第一步:對照原文一句一句修改,看原文內(nèi)容、思想是否準確表達出來;有無漏譯、錯譯、曲解的地方;譯文語言是否通順。 第二步:脫離原文, 反復閱讀后進行修改??瓷舷挛挠袩o不連接的地方,前后有無矛盾、重復的地方,有無邏輯不通的地方。漢語 VS 英語 不同表達習慣一、英語重結(jié)構(gòu),漢語重語義 二、英語多長句,漢語多短句 三、英語多從句,漢語多分句 四、主語,賓語等名詞成分“英語多代詞,漢語多名詞” 五、英語多被動,漢語多主動 六、英語多變化,漢語多重

10、復 七、英語多抽象,漢語多具體 八、英語多引申,漢語多推理 英漢結(jié)構(gòu)差異連接方式:漢語隱形,即連接詞很少出現(xiàn)或不出現(xiàn),這體現(xiàn)為意合(parataxis);英語顯性,即連接詞出現(xiàn),體現(xiàn)為形合(hypotaxis)組句方式:漢語:動詞多,短句多,常按時間順序或前因后果的邏輯關(guān)系排列,呈鏈狀;英語:常按句內(nèi)主次從屬關(guān)系排列,在句子主體上添加修飾語以及限定語,形成嚴謹?shù)臉錉罱Y(jié)構(gòu)。1. 正確判斷句子之間的關(guān)系,補充連接手段,實現(xiàn)顯性連接。e.g. 在這一年半中,她抄寫、背寫英語單詞的紙,累起來可達桌子高。思路:SVO=紙+達到+桌子高。問題:累起來怎么處理?In that year and a half

11、, the paper on which she had copied English words or written them down from memory, if stacked up, could reach the table from the floor. 結(jié)構(gòu)差異帶來的啟示2. 掌握內(nèi)在聯(lián)系正確斷句我們的班主任姓王,五十開外,方臉,一臉的胡子。Mr. Wang, the head teacher responsible for our class, was over fifty. He had a square-shaped face with a full beard. 結(jié)

12、構(gòu)差異帶來的啟示3. 正確安排句子基本框架,主次清楚,符合原意。原文:大家都記得1979年秋天,當這個總共只念過八年書、連英文字母也認不全,而且已有三個孩子的女工,竟然報名上電大英語班時,招來了多少驚訝的目光。They remember how many astonished looks were cast at her in the autumn of 1979, when this woman worker with only 8 years schooling, little acquaintance with the English alphabet and three childre

13、n to look after, actually enrolled in the English class offered by the local TV university. 結(jié)構(gòu)差異帶來的啟示漢譯英的基本技巧一、翻譯的基本方法:直譯意譯直譯:保持原文內(nèi)容、又保持原文形式,基本保留原有句子結(jié)構(gòu),不是死譯。意譯:只保持原文內(nèi)容、不保持原文形式,更多考慮英語的特點。如: 我們的朋友遍天下。Our friends are all over the world. (直譯)We have friends all over the world.(意譯)直譯與意譯相互關(guān)聯(lián),互為補充,兩種譯法可以并用

14、二、 漢譯英的基本技巧1. 增詞為了充分傳達原文含義,必須增補詞語,以求達意.北京是中國的政治、文化中心。這里你可以游覽萬里長城、故宮、頤和園等。 Beijing is a political and cultural center that offers some scenic attractions: the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Summer Palace etc. 1. 我不覺得用英語與外國人交談有什么困難。 I dont think it difficult to speak to a foreigner in English.2.

15、虛心使人進步,驕傲使人落后。 Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes on lag behind.增加形式主語 it增連詞Practice Please.2. 減詞:漢語喜歡重復,英語崇尚簡潔。漢語的重復作為一種修辭手段有兩種作用。一是為了強調(diào),重復表達一個意思,或增添修飾語,加強語氣。二是為了便于詞語搭配,或平衡節(jié)奏,增加可讀性。這些在漢語里習以為常的重復詞語或句式,到了英語里要么不合邏輯,要么累贅冗長。所以翻譯時都要有所刪減省略。這是革命的春天,這是人民的春天,這是科學的春天!讓我們張開雙臂,熱烈擁抱這個春天吧!Let

16、us stretch out our arms to embrace the spring, which is one of the revolution, of the people, and of science.見到自己的故鄉(xiāng),他想起了童年的情景。The sight of his native place called back his childhood. 他連續(xù)講了兩小時的法語,沒有出現(xiàn)任何錯誤。He has been speaking in French for two hours without any mistakes. 長嗟短嘆 sighing deeply 發(fā)號施令 iss

17、ue orders 土崩瓦解 fall apart 兩面三刀 two-faced tacticsPractice Please.情景沒有出現(xiàn)省名詞(省動詞)3. 詞類轉(zhuǎn)換詞類變形和轉(zhuǎn)換,是英語語言的一個很重要的特點,尤其是名詞、動詞、形容詞這三種最主要的詞類。eg. 他的演講給我們的印象很深。His speech impressed us deeply.(名詞變動詞)eg. 你說他傻不傻?Dont you think he is an idiot? (形容詞變名詞)4. 語態(tài)轉(zhuǎn)換在英漢兩種語言當中都有主動和被動兩種語態(tài)。在英語中被動語態(tài)的使用頻率要遠遠高于漢語。如果一味按照漢語原句的語態(tài)來翻譯

18、,會使譯文顯得十分別扭。這個小男孩在放學回家的路上受了傷 。The little boy was hurt on his way home from school.門鎖好了。The door has been locked up.新教材在印刷中。New textbooks are being printed.5. 分譯 & 合譯(按內(nèi)容層次分譯)分譯: 需要分譯的句子多數(shù)是長句,或者是結(jié)構(gòu)復雜的復句。這種句子如果譯成一個長句,就會使譯文冗長、累贅、意思表達不清楚,也不符合英文習慣。如果采用分譯,則會使譯文簡潔、易懂、層次分明。少年是一去不復返的,等到精力衰竭時,要做學問也來不及了。Youth

19、will soon be gone, never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.她隔窗望去,突然發(fā)現(xiàn)有只小船停泊在河邊,船里有位船夫睡得正香。Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.(按內(nèi)容層次分譯)(從主語變換處分譯)合譯:相較于漢語而言,英語長句多

20、,因此在翻譯中,要把漢語的兩個或多個句子合譯為英語的一句,使譯文緊湊、簡練。對我來說,我的水族箱就像我自己的一個小王國。我就是里面的國王。To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.第二天,我又接到一個電報。這個電報有34個字,比前一個電報說得更詳細。The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details.從主語變換處合譯按內(nèi)容連貫合譯6. 正、反表達翻譯I.漢語從反面表達,譯文從正面

21、表達他提出的論據(jù)相當不充實。The argument he put forward is pretty thin. 他七十歲了,可是并不顯老。He was 70, but he carried his years lightly.II.漢語從正面表達,譯文從反面表達她來得正是時候。She couldnt have come at a better time.對于漢譯英,你越細心越好。You can never be too careful about Chinese-English translation.7.變序 從譯文的行文上考慮,有時需要對原文的詞序作一番調(diào)整,以適應英文的修辭習慣,或者

22、為了避免因結(jié)構(gòu)而產(chǎn)生的歧義。例:到西安你可以買兵馬俑、唐三彩。Unique local creations are available in Xian, such as the three colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty and terra-cotta figures.(“兵馬俑”和“唐三彩”在譯文中變換了位置,是為了避免”of the Tang Dynasty”在結(jié)構(gòu)上產(chǎn)生歧義。)Practice makes perfect!練習 1端午節(jié),又叫龍舟節(jié),是為了紀念愛國詩人屈原。屈原是一位忠誠和受人敬仰的大臣(minister),他給國家?guī)?/p>

23、來了和平和繁榮。但最后因為受到誹謗(vilify)而最終投河自盡。人們撐船到他自盡的地方,拋下粽子,希望魚兒吃粽子,不要吃屈原的身軀。幾千年來,端午節(jié)的特色在于吃粽子(glutinous dumplings)和賽龍舟,尤其是在一些河湖密布的南方省份。Key 1The Duanwu Festival, also called the Dragon Boat Festival, is to commemorate the patriotic poet Qu Yuan. Qu Yuan was a loyal and highly esteemed minister, who brought pea

24、ce and prosperity to the state but ended up drowning himself in a river as a result of being vilified. People got to the spot by boat and cast glutinous dumplings into the water, hoping that the fishes ate the dumplings instead of Qu Yuans body. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked b

25、y glutinous dumplings and dragon boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes.練習 2農(nóng)歷五月五日的端午節(jié)是為了紀念被昏庸君主貶官放逐而投江自盡的古代詩人和忠臣屈原。最初人們將竹葉包扎好的糯米棕子投入屈原自盡的那條江,以祭祀亡靈。今天,人們在端午節(jié)舉行龍舟賽,而粽子則由活生生的人來享用。Key 2The Dragon Boat Festival on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month is cele

26、brated in memory of Qu Yuan, an ancient poet and loyal monister who drowned himself while in exile from a corrupt court. Zongzi, a kind of glutinous rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, was originally prepared as sacrificial offerings for Qu Yuans departed soul and dropped into the river where he

27、 drowned himself. Today, however, dragon boat races are held during the festival and the zongzi is consumed by the living.練習 3筷子是中餐桌上最具特色的用餐工具。我們中國人使用筷子的方法很有藝術(shù)性,各人有各人的方法,就好像簽名一樣,不盡一致。中國人一般都能隨心所欲地使用筷子夾起米飯,一粒豌豆,一只滑溜溜的蘑菇或海參。有人些人還能夾起一整塊易碎的豆腐。Key 3Chopsticks are the most distinctive eating tool on the Ch

28、inese dining table. The way we Chinese use our chopsticks is quite artistic and varies from person to person like ones signature. An average Chinese person can very easily pick up pea, or a slippery button mushroom or sea cucumber with a pair of chopsticks. Some are even able to pick up a piece of b

29、ean curd that crumbles easily. 練習 4獅舞(Lion Dance)是中國最廣為流傳的民間舞蹈之一。獅為百獸之首,在中國傳統(tǒng)中,獅子被視為是能帶來好運的吉祥物(mascot)。古人將獅子視作是勇敢和力量的化身,能驅(qū)趕邪惡、保護人類。據(jù)記載,獅舞已擁有了2,000多年的歷史。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),獅舞就已經(jīng)被引入了皇室。因此,舞獅成為元宵節(jié)(the Lantern Festival)和其他節(jié)日的習俗,人們以此來祈禱好運、平安和幸福。Key 4The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk da

30、nces in China. The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. Ancient people regarded the lion as a symbol of braveness and strength, which could drive away evil and protect humans. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,0

31、00 years. During the Tang Dynasty, the Lion Dance was already introduced into the royal family of the dynasty. Therefore, performing the lion dance at the Lantern Festival and other festive occasions became a custom where people could pray for good luck, safety and happiness.練習 5中國將進一步發(fā)展經(jīng)濟、擴大開放,這對海外

32、企業(yè)(enterprises)意味著更多的商機。改革開放以來, 中國企業(yè)與海外企業(yè)一直積極開展經(jīng)濟技術(shù)合作,并取得了巨大成就。海外企業(yè)不僅幫助了中國企業(yè)的成長,而且也在合作中獲得了收益。中國政府將繼續(xù)提供有利的政策和條件,推動中國企業(yè)與國外企業(yè)進一步開展合作。key 5China will develop its economy further and open itself wider to the outside world, which offers more business opportunities to overseas enterprises. Since Chinas ref

33、orm and opening up, Chinese enterprises have been cooperating with overseas enterprises in terms of economy and technology, and have scored great achievement. Overseas enterprises have not only helped Chinese enterprises with their growth, but also benefited from the cooperation. Chinese government

34、will continue to offer favorable policies and conditions to promote the further cooperation between Chinese and overseas enterprises.練習 6假日經(jīng)濟的現(xiàn)象表明:中國消費者的消費觀正在發(fā)生巨大變化。根據(jù)統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù),中國消費者的消費需求正在從基本生活必需品轉(zhuǎn)向?qū)π蓍e、舒適和個人發(fā)展的需求。同時,中國人的消費觀在蓬勃發(fā)展的假日經(jīng)濟中正變得成熟。因此產(chǎn)品結(jié)構(gòu)應做相應調(diào)整,來適應社會的發(fā)展。另一方面,服務質(zhì)量要改善,以滿足人們提高生活質(zhì)量的要求。Key 6The pheno

35、menon of holiday economy shows that Chinese peoples consumption concept is undertaking great changes. According to statistics, the demands of Chinese consumers are shifting from the basic necessities of life to leisure, comfort and personal development. Therefore, the structure of products should be

36、 adjusted accordingly to adapt to social development. On the other hand, services should be improved to satisfy peoples demand for an improved quality of life.練習 72013年6月20日在中國各地,劇估計60萬兒童和他們的老師觀看了有宇航員(astronaut)王亞平在距離地球300公里的上空所講授的科學課。王亞平與兩個同事乘坐天宮一號實驗艙(the Tiangong-1 laboratory module) 執(zhí)行為期兩周的任務。她在課

37、上進行了一系列太空的物理演示。在有些演示中還對比了在地球上重力(one-gravity)環(huán)境下同樣的實驗。這堂物理課不僅讓孩子們享受了一堂知識與樂趣兼具的物理課,也顯示了我國通信科技的前進。Key 7On June 20, 2013, an estimated 600 thousand school children and their teachers across China watched a science lesson taught from 300km above the Earth by astronaut Wang Yaping. Wang is aboard the Tian

38、gong-1 laboratory module with two crewmates, for a two-week mission. Her lessons were a series of physics demonstrations in the space. In some demonstrations, she compared with the same experiment under the one-gravity environment on Earth. The lesson has not only offered children a physics lesson w

39、ith knowledge and interest, but also shows the advance in communication technology of China.中國龍對龍圖騰的崇拜在中國大約已綿延了八千多年。中國龍是古人將魚,蛇,馬,牛等動物與云霧,雷電等自然天象集合而成的一種神物。中國龍的形成與中華民族的多元融合過程同步。在中國人的心目中,龍具有開拓變化的寓意和團結(jié)凝聚的精神。Chinese DragonDragon totem worship in China has been around for the last 8,000 years. The ancient

40、s in China considered the dragon (or Loong) a fetish that combines animals including the fish, snake, horse and ox with cloud, thunder, lightning and other natural celestial 天上的,天空的 phenomena. The Chinese dragon was formed in accordance with the multicultural fusion process of the Chinese nation. To

41、 the Chinese, the dragon signifies innovation and cohesion.餃子餃子是深受中國人民喜愛的傳統(tǒng)特色食品。相傳為古代醫(yī)圣張仲景發(fā)明。餃子的制作是包括:1)搟皮、2)備餡、3)包餡水煮三個步驟。其特點是皮薄餡嫩,味道鮮美,形狀獨特,百食不厭。民間有“好吃不過餃子”的俗語。中國人接親待友,逢年過節(jié)都有包餃子吃的習俗,寓意吉利。對崇尚親情的中國人來說,“更歲交子”吃餃子,更是歡度除夕、辭舊迎新必不可少的內(nèi)容。DumplingsDumplings are one of the Chinese peoples favorite traditional

42、 dishes. According to an ancient Chinese legend, dumplings were first made by the medical saintZhang Zhongjing. There are three steps involved in making dumplings: 1) make dumpling wrappers out of dumpling flour; 2) prepare the dumpling stuffing; 3) make dumplings and boil them. With thin and elasti

43、c有彈性的dough skin, fresh and tender stuffing, delicious taste, and unique shapes, dumplings are worth eating hundreds of times. Theres an old saying that claims, “Nothing could be more delicious than dumplings.” During the Spring Festival and other holidays or when treating relatives and friends, Chin

44、ese people like to follow the auspicious吉兆的 custom of eating dumplings. To Chinese people who show high reverence敬畏;尊for family love, having dumplings at the moment the old year is replaced by the new is an essential part of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the New Year. 針灸針灸是中醫(yī)學的重要組成部分。按

45、照中醫(yī)的經(jīng)絡理論,針灸療法主要是通過疏通經(jīng)絡、調(diào)和氣血,來達到陰陽歸于平衡,使臟腑趨于調(diào)和之目的。其特點是“內(nèi)病外治”。主要療法是用針刺入病人身體的一定穴位,或用艾火的溫熱刺激燒灼病人的穴位。以達到刺激經(jīng)絡,治療病痛的目的。針灸以其獨特的優(yōu)勢,流傳至今病傳播到了世界,與中餐、功夫、中藥一起被海外贊譽為中國的“新四大國粹”。AcupunctureAcupuncture is an important part of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). In accordance with the “main and collateral側(cè)面的,旁邊的chann

46、els” theory in TCM, the purpose of acupuncture is to dredge the channel and regulate qi and blood, so as to keep the bodys yin and yang balanced and achieve reconciliation和解;調(diào)和 between the internal organs. It features in traditional Chinese medicine that “internal diseases are to be treated with external therapy”.The main therapy of acupuncture involves using needles to pierce certain acupoints穴位 of the patients body, or adopting moxibustion to stimulate the


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