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1、OSS-RCOSS-RC is a solid step toward a completely integrated OSS-RC solution to support the Core Network and Radio Access Network for both the GSM & WCDMA Standards The functionality included in OSS-RC can be divided into four main areas, providing network-wide management capabilities.Click on each f

2、unctionality to see its descriptionOSS-RCSupervisorConfigurationDeployerOptimizerNIOR-PMOFM basicAlarm AgentsFM ExpertAlarm ManagerAdaptationsPresentation functionGNIPFault ManagerSMOOPSCNACNA/ BSC BHWBAMSCTPMJMGSN-CMBCMStadisticsOptimizationNSASMIASGWSDMPSAPMTRNRFASFOXNCSNOXTETMRROSS-RC SupervisorT

3、he network supervision is a basic function in OSS-RC consisting of the following applications: Fault Manager (FM): The Fault Manager provides an integrated view of a network Network Inventory Organizer (NIO) used to perform hardware to software compliance checks during upgrade.Real-Time Performance

4、Monitoring (R-PMO) provides the user with a presentation of 12 quality and traffic monitors. BACKFault Manager (FM)The purpose of FM, from the Operators point of view, is to:Alert the Operator when an abnormal event has occurred Give the Operator access to available information to make a decision as

5、 to which actions are necessary to perform The Fault Manager is divided into a number of different components:Fault Manager basic Logging of alarms and distribution of alarm information to other applicationsPresentation Functions User interfaces to access the alarm information Fault Manager eXpert A

6、utomatic action on alarms. Alarm correlation and filtering Alarm Managers Translate formats between networks and the internal formats for alarm informationAdaptations specific adaptations made for the different Network Element types using one of the available managersAlarm Agents enable connection o

7、f FM to other managing systemsBACKFault Manager Basic FM Basic includes the kernel, with basic functions such as logging of alarms and distribution of alarm information to other applications. The kernel also includes the Information Model Handler (IMH). FM basic also provides a set of system adminis

8、trator tools to administer and customize the Fault Manager to meet the current needs as well as a UNIX Command Line Interface, CLI.BACKPresentation FunctionsIt provides the following functions:Alarm ViewerAlarm Status MatrixThe Alarm Viewer offers powerful user interfaces to access the alarm informa

9、tion held by the Fault Manager. The Alarm Viewers includes :Alarm List Viewer Alarm Log BrowserCommand Line InterfaceBACKFault Management eXpertFMX supports alarm correlation and filtering, as well as automatic action on alarms receives relevant alarms from a managed network via the Fault Manager. p

10、rovides an runtime application that performs advanced real-time alarm reasoning provides a high level graphical rule editor for specification of the rules controlling the alarm analysis. The rules support automatic invoking of actions and further analysis of the response divides the definitions made

11、 (e.g. rules) into different FMX Modules.BACKAlarm ViewerAlarm Status Matrix: The alarm status for a number of user-selected network elements is shown in a space-efficient matrix. The user is notified when any change occurs in the alarm status of a network element.Alarm List Viewer:The current alarm

12、s for one or several supervised network elements are displayed.Alarm Log Browser:The historic alarm information (the alarm log) can be searched for alarms utilizing virtually any alarm parameters as search criteria.Command Line Interface: A Unix Command Line Interface, (CLI), provided by the kernel,

13、 can be used to search in the alarm log.BACKAlarm ManagersThe Fault Manager contains Alarm Managers to translate between the various formats used by equipment in the networks and the internal format for alarm information:Text Alarm Manager. Enables connection of equipment that sends text-based alarm

14、 information to the Fault Manager. SNMP Alarm Manager HP. Enables reception of alarm information in the form of SNMP traps via the NNM from Hewlett-Packard, HP. SNMP Alarm Manager SMT. Enables receiving SNMP traps over SNMP from element managers and/or network elements. AXE Alarm Manager. Enables al

15、arm surveillance of Network Elements of the AXE type. BNSI Alarm Manager. Enables connection to the Fault Manager of equipment that sends alarm information according to the BNSI protocol. CORBA Alarm IRP Manager. The CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) Alarm IRP Manager is a generic al

16、arm manager conforming to the Alarm and Notification IRP, providing mediation functionality for FM.BACKAlarm AgentsAlarm Agents enable connection of FM to other managing systems, for instance a using the interfaces provided.The following Alarm Agents are available:BNSI Alarm Agent providing services

17、 to Network Management Systems connected via BNSI CORBA Alarm IRP Agent providing services to Network Management Systems connected via CORBA BACKAdaptations to Alarm ManagersAdaptations are the specific adaptations made for the different Network Element types using one of the available managers. AXE

18、 Adaptation. The Adaptations towards AXE type network elements contains a translate map and AXE symbols. This is all needed to connect any AXE type network element in use for the time being Generic SNMP Adaptation. The Generic SNMP Adaptation provides the possibilities to receive SNMP traps from any

19、 type of SNMP based equipments, without any further adaptation. This is the minimum functionality needed to supervise a network element. IPMS Adaptation. The IPMS (IP based Messaging System) Adaptation provides possibilities to fully support MoIP (Message over IP) Network Elements without further ad

20、aptations. BACKNetwork Inventory OrganizerThe NIO functionality (hardware inventory) is available from the SMO GUI. This functionality may be used to perform hardware to software compliance checks during upgrade.NIO provides the following functions for the operator:Collection of hardware data from t

21、he network. Export of hardware data to external inventory management systems. BACKReal-Time Performance Monitoring R-PMO provides the user with a presentation of 12 quality and traffic monitors. These are presented in real-time with down to minute resolution.R-PMO presents real-time performance indi

22、cators that give the user:A visualized network Instant feedback of network changes gives a better understanding of the current radio network behavior, and enables accurate planning. Fast reaction to problems and trouble-shooting. Instant indications of quality problems or congestion, makes it possib

23、le to solve the problems quickly. R-PMO also helps while trouble-shooting, thanks to high time resolution and easily correlated data. BACKNETWORK CONFIGURATION This functional area consists of a set of applications for configuration of specific nodes and parts of the network (cell configuration, GSN

24、 node configuration-) as well as general configuration support as scripting and command handling. The OSS-RC functionality area Configurator consists of the following applications: Software Managment Organizer (SMO) application for remote software handling activities Operations Procedure Support (OP

25、S) Provides support for development of MML command filesCellular Network Administration (CNA) manages cell and cell related data in a GSM RANCellular Network Administration Interface (CNAI) It is for exchange cellular data between an external system and CNACNA/Move BSC moves a BSC from one MSC to an

26、other MSC within the OSS-RCBACKNEXTNETWORK CONFIGURATIONBTS Hardware Management (BHW) Based on BCM. Provides navigation capabilities for hardware components BTS Alarm Management (BAM) Provides the user with a functionality to restrict the amount of alarms Self Configuring Transcoder Pools Manager (S

27、CTPM) Offers automatic reconfiguration of BSC transcoder HW Job Manager is used to configure and run jobs on the Network Elements in the Core Network.AXE Number Analysis Manager (NAM) is used for maintaining and troubleshooting number analysis tables Interactive Messaging Manager (IMM) Provides the

28、Operator with an easy way of managing the Interactive Messaging GPRS Management Enables the possibility to manage the APN resources after they are installed and configuredGSN Configuration Manager (GSN-CM) is based on Discovery actions, by which GSN-CM establishes a view of the network configuration

29、 into a databaseBTS Configuration, Managment and planning wizard. (BCM)BACKSoftware Managment Organizer SMO is a common application for remote software handling activities towards different types of network elements. It provides a process oriented working environment for the operator, and uniform so

30、ftware handling for different network element types SMO provides the following functions for the operator:Software inventory, including compare between network elements. Software distribution from OSS to network elements. Remote software upgrade. Monitor upgrade jobs towards multiple network element

31、s in parallel. Backup administration, including transfer of backups to OSS. Automatic Correction Deployment from Ericsson. Uniform handling of different network element types. The NIO functionality (hardware inventory) is also available from the SMO GUI. This functionality may be used to perform har

32、dware to software compliance checks during upgrade.NIO provides the following functions for the operator:Collection of hardware data from the network. Export of hardware data to external inventory management systems, for example an asset manager at NMS level. BACKOperations Procedure Support Provide

33、s support for development and run-time control of MML command files In OPS the following functions are available:Command File Developer is an editor and debugger for OPS scripts OPS Script Language is a programming language that allows creat command files.OPS Script Progress monitoring can request i

34、nformation about whether the script is running or not and about how large part of the task that has been plished. BACKCellular Network Administration CNA manages cell and cell related data in a GSM RAN. This includes functions that support addition of cells, modification of data in existing cells an

35、d deletion of cells. CNA comprises the following functions:Information Retrieval. It is used to examine the cellular network structure and data as stored in the Valid Area.Adjustment. It is used to compare the Valid Area with the cellular network and to adjust the Valid Area model. Fallback Area Han

36、dling. It provides the means of restoring the data in the Network to the contents it had.Planning. It is used to create, modify, and delete MOs in a Planned Area. A Planned Area is a model of the Valid Area where changes can be tested before they are applied to the Network.Consistency Checking. Perf

37、orm Consistency Checks on the MOs in the Valid Area and the Planned Areas.CNA Management. Provides the means to Application Administrator to manage the application. BACKCellular Network Administration Interface The CNA Interface is a facility for exchange of cellular data between an external system

38、and CNA. CNAI allows the users to perform the following actions:import/export cell data to/from CNA import/export Foreign Cell data import/export WCDMA RAN Cell data to/from CNA import/export data between different OMCs export cell data from CNA and transfer it to Mobile Positioning Center, MPC, nod

39、es BACKCNA/Move BSC It is designed to facilitate the cell configuration part of the operation. The Move BSC moves a BSC from one MSC to another MSC within the OSS-RC, and also, in combination with the Update function in the CNA application, provides a way of configuring the MSCs after the move opera

40、tion.The Move BSC provides the following benefits:Shorter system downtime during the Move BSC operation. Less work for the operators of the OSS-RC and the Network.The Move BSC application provides the following basic functions:Moving a BSC from a source MSC to a target MSC in the Valid Area of CNA.

41、Moving the same BSC in the ONRM. Creating a Planned Area in CNA that will contain all necessary changes to the Inner Cells and the Outer Cells in the affected MSCs. BACKBTS Hardware Management It is an optional application within BSM (Base Station Management). It is based on the mandatory applicatio

42、n BCM (Base Station Configuration Management) and extends the BCM with BHW-specific functions. All BSM applications BCM, BAM, and BHW share the same base window and the same database. BHW provides navigation capabilities for hardware components of base stations with a graphical browser BACKBTS Alarm

43、 Management Provides the user with a functionality to restrict the amount of alarms and to define which kind of alarms to be presented. This feature enables the user to filter alarms according to certain criteria There are 4 diferent functions:Error logAdjustmentUpdating via DTLogging MMLs BACKSelf

44、Configuring Transcoder Pools Manager Offers automatic reconfiguration of BSC transcoder HW and transcoder pools based on transcoder pool usage statistics. This implies more efficient usage of transcoder resources.The BSC identifies which HW and which pools that shall be reconfigured. The SCTPM in OS

45、S-RC is then triggered to perform the reconfiguration of the HW and the transcoder pools BACKJob Manager The Job Manager is used to configure and run jobs on the Network Elements in the Core Network and to support configuration management of Network Elements in the Core Network. The Job Manager enab

46、les a OSS-RC user to monitor the progress of Jobs initiated in OSS-RC.The Job Manager application consists of:Job Supervisor. Monitoring, Scheduling and termination deletionJob Editor. This component is used to define or modify new jobs and activities and to assign a task to each activity Task Edito

47、r. Task browser, Task editor and 3GPP text editorBACKAXE Number Analysis Manager The Number Analysis Manager NAM is used for maintaining and troubleshooting number analysis tables in the exchanges in the network, such as the B-number Analysis table. BACKInteractive Messaging Manager Provides the Ope

48、rator with an easy way of managing the Interactive Messaging (IM) function in network elements (NE). These NEs can either be AXEs or CPP Media Gateways (MGW).BACKGPRS Management Enables an operator providing General Packet Radio Services (GPRS) in a WCDMA or GSM network with the possibility to manag

49、e the APN resources after they are installed and configured. An Access Point Name (APN) is a logical entity that represents an access point to a corporate or an Internet Service Provider (ISP) network.APN Configuration. Used to configure the following nodes: UNIX DNS, UNIX Funk Steelbelted Radius 4.

50、0, AXE HLR R10.APN Discovery: Provides functionality to discover the APNs conected to GGSN. And displays the information of the following nodes: J20 GGSN, UNIX Funk Steelbelted Radius 4.0, AXE HLR, UNIX DNS (IPWorks 4.1), WPP CGSN R3.0.APN Performance: The following APN performance reports can be vi

51、ewed: GPRS Session Management per APN, Packet processing performance per APN, PDP Statistics per APN, QoS negotiation per APN.GPRS Network Test and Performance.BACKGSN Configuration Manager The application is based on Discovery actions, by which GSN-CM establishes a view of the network configuration

52、 into a database. Provides the user with an extensive set of Consistency Rules, to avoid improper configuration of the GSNs It support the configuration of both WPP- and J20- based GSNs Nodes. BACKBTS Configuration Management Planning WizardIt is an application within the BSM (Base Station Managemen

53、t). It consists of 2 parts, a mandatory part (BSMCM) that contains the BSM basic functions such as adjustment function and an optional part that includes the Base Station Planning WizardBACKNetwork PlanningThe network planning covers:Prediction of traffic trends Allocation of sites for equipment Pla

54、nning of the installation of new equipment Adaptation of the frequency plan Adaptation of existing cell parameters GNIP is a common geographical and logical presentation tool.BACKGeographical and Logical Network Information Presentation GNIP is a common geographical and logical presentation. It prov

55、ides the possibility to show network information from several applications in one user interface simultaneously. GNIP (together with ASV, GCC, FAS, NCS, MRR) provides a clear and accurate view of the managed network. BACKNETWORK PERFORMANCE The network operator needs detailed information about the n

56、etwork performance in order to run and optimize it properly. The major concepts thus related to the network performance are the next:Network Statistics Network Optimization BACKNetwork StatisticsThe network statistics functionality is implemented in the following OSS-RC applications:Network Statisti

57、cs Analyzer (NSA) Statistical Measurement Initiator and Administration (SMIA) Statistical Gateway (SGW) Statistical Data Mart (SDM) Performance Alarms (PSA) Performance Monitoring Tool (PMT) BACKNetwork Statistics AnalyzerProvides coverage for a large number of Statistical and Traffic Measurement Su

58、bsystem (STS) and Operation and Maintenance Subsystem (OMS) object types. NWS-A. Provides a number of pre-defined reports that support the operator in analyzing the behavior and the performance of the GSM RAN network.NWS-AG. Provides a number of pre-defined reports that support the operator in analy

59、zing the behavior and the performance of the GPRS bearer services and nodes in the mobile core network.NWS-AC. Provides a number of pre-defined reports that support the operator in analyzing the behavior and the performance of voice and other circuit based services and related nodes in the mobile co

60、re network.BACKGSM RAN Reports_Core Network(SGSN,GGSN,APN, IP)_Core Network( MSC, CPP)Statistical Measurement Initiator and Administration The SMIA application is used to administer, create, modify and delete statistical measurements in different AXE-10 type network elements supported by the OSS-RC.


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