



1、 2022西班牙留學申請書標準格式 2022西班牙留學申請書 Dear _, As the advisor to Ms. Li Yan during her college years, I, the undersigned, know Ms. Li very well for we knew each other from 1999 and have kept very close contact ever since. Not only is she a top student during the undergraduate program, she has also proved to

2、 be excellent in many aspects such as speech presentation and other social activities. She is one of the few most talented students of her grade that I have ever met. With sound learning skills, Ms. Li has already grasped very good basic knowledge of economics and management. I have personally taugh

3、t her two curriculums: productivity economics and micro-economics, for which she has made a score record of as high as 92. While teaching these two subjects, I came to realize that she is extremely logical-minded and quickest in understanding the programs. As she seems to have been born with eloquen

4、t speech skills, she turned out to be very active and progressive in workshop-discussions in the class. She used to give very impressive presentations of her personal viewpoints on quite many topics of the discussions, and some were so unique and different from what was said in the books. I have bee

5、n deeply impressed with her for the enterprising and critical learning styles and personal qualities that accommodate traditional as well as fashionable points of view. Besides, Ms. Li is one of the most creative and independent students of my class. I know of these qualities of her very well from o

6、ur daily communication and her presentation of the graduation thesis. For instance, most of the scholars would emphasize the advantages and benefits to the country that are attributable to the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, and would conclude that it is a very good policy for Chi

7、na. However, in her thesis, Ms. Li would pay more attention to the pros and cons of a commercialized society, and believe that opening up of China to the outside world at any cost should not be encouraged in the least, for losses would finally outweigh gains from the long run. This is indeed a brand

8、 new and quite commendable idea that is worthy of further deliberation. Open-minded, Ms. Li keeps very good terms with her fellow students and shows reliable leadership skills. She is not only an active participant but also an excellent organizer of quite many social activities. For each and every p

9、roject and workshop she has been engaged to lead, she would produce very good results together with her fellows. In addition, she is also quite famous in the faculty for her sound skills of making speeches. As our undergraduate program attaches great significance to theoretical knowledge as well as

10、to practical capabilities, I firmly believe that Ms. Li is one of the excellent students trained with our programs. She has made a right decision to choose the MBA program for further schooling, because she has acquired all the requisite qualifications and personal capabilities necessary for studyin

11、g the advanced program. She is obviously more gifted and has more potentials in management science than in any other subjects. With such an intelligent mind and excellent personal qualities, Ms. Li will surely make great deeds again in studying the postgraduate program. I would therefore highly appr

12、eciate your favorable consideration of her application for I firmly believe that admitting this ambitious young lady by your distinguished school would guarantee more promising prospects for her in the future. Yours sincerely, 留學西班牙有哪些公立大學 一、馬德里自治大學 馬德里自治大學排名西班牙第一。 據(jù)西班牙高校統(tǒng)計,該校中國留學生畢業(yè)率不高。如果個人愿意刻苦勤奮鉆研

13、學術,又喜歡學術氛圍濃厚且嚴謹,建議考慮該校。 二、康普斯頓大學 康普斯頓的諾貝爾獎得主有七位,可見其在西班牙文科領域地位。但也因此使很多中國家長槍?,F(xiàn)今旅游、 貿(mào)易、經(jīng)濟專業(yè)里中國學生占了70%。導致留學生的日常生活圈華人眾多影響學習。除了想要選擇該校世界頂尖的傳媒類專業(yè)外,建議盡量考慮其它大學。 三、巴塞羅那大學 該校在最新排名榜上,為西班牙第一綜合大學。該校世界前50的單科專業(yè)分別是心理學、考古學、教育學,此外醫(yī)藥學也位列世界百強。值得一提的是專業(yè)授課,用泰羅尼亞語授課占了百分之八十以上,因此對大部分的中國留學生來說,具有一定的難度。如果個人語言天賦不強,建議慎重選擇專業(yè)。 四、巴塞羅那

14、自治大學 該校在泰晤士世界大學榜排在西班牙第二。該校世界一流單科專業(yè)是心理學領域。但據(jù)該校統(tǒng)計,說要專業(yè)里的酒店管理的中國留學生最多。 巴塞羅那自治大學較大的優(yōu)勢是,每年都有和英、美、法等世界免費交換的名額,而且名額數(shù)量多。如果個人想體驗世界不同學習氛圍、轉(zhuǎn)變思維。擴寬人脈,而且畢業(yè)后想從事旅游酒店業(yè)和翻譯行業(yè),推薦選擇該校。 五、龐培法布拉大學 龐培法布拉的歷史僅僅二十多年,但該校憑借著強大的資金供給以及重視學術,短期之內(nèi)發(fā)展驚人,現(xiàn)今是西班牙前六。 該校一流學科有政治學。除此之外,經(jīng)濟金融學也排世界百強,而且口碑逐年上升。 該校和巴塞羅那自治大學一樣,優(yōu)勢在與多個進行留學生交換,每年都有去

15、世界免費交換的名額。如果個人對經(jīng)濟學科感興趣,而且想有機會體驗國際平臺,建議選擇該校。 選擇西班牙留學常識須知 一、西語使用 在大家心中,西語是一門比較小眾的語言,會認為去西班牙讀書,還需要額外學習西語,是一件很浪費時間的事情,不如多花點時間晉升自己的英語能力,還更有優(yōu)勢一些。 而等到了西班牙以后,大家才會知道,在這里基本上所有人都是說西語的,英語基本上沒有發(fā)揮的余地,并且西語還是一門在全球使用范疇很廣的語言,大家多學一門語言未來更有競爭力。 二、留學費用 相信大家會認為,出國留學的開銷,是特別高的,而實際上去往大部分的國家學習,的確會產(chǎn)生比較高的支出,但是前往西班牙,卻不用擔心家庭負不負擔得起的問題,成本沒大家想象得那么高。 就讀于公立大學的話,可以享受政府高額的補貼,并且學制也比國內(nèi)要短,大家的生活開銷也不會很高,一般來說一年5萬元左右也就足夠了,大家可以享受比較舒適的生活。 三、特色美食 大部分人對西餐的印象,還停留在漢堡、炸雞、薯條上,事實上不同的西方國家,也是會有自己的特色美食的,例如在西班牙,就有不少


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