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1、Chapter 17: Designing and Managing Integrated Marketing CommunicationsGENERAL CONCEPT QUESTIONSMultiple Choice 1.Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product, pricing it attractively, and making it accessible. Companies must also _ with present and potential stakeholders, and the g

2、eneral public. a. attract b. reach c. relate to d.advertise to municateAnswer: ePage: 535 Level of difficulty: Easy2.Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to _, persuade, and remind consumers about the product and brands that they sell. rmb.reachc. erest e.n

3、one of the above Answer: aPage: 536 Level of difficulty: Easy 3. Marketing communications can contribute to brand equity by establishing the brand in memory and _ a brand image. a.create municate c.create roducing Answer: dPage: 536 Level of difficulty: Medium4.The marketing com

4、munications mix consists of six major modes of communications. Which of the following is NOT one of these modes? a.Personal selling b.Direct marketing c. Sales promotionsd. Packaginge. AdvertisingAnswer: dPage: 536Level of difficulty: Hard5.Every _ delivers an impression that can strengthen or weake

5、n a customers view of the company. a.brand equity b.brand contact c.salesman d.featured ad e. direct mail pieceAnswer: bPage: 537Level of difficulty: Medium6.Brand equity is composed of four elements. Which of the following is NOT one of these elements? a.Brand performance b.Brand awarenessc.Brand i

6、maged.Brand responsese.Brand relationships Answer: aPage 537Level of difficulty: Hard7.The starting point in planning marketing communications is an audit of all the potential _ that customers in the target market may have with the brand and the company. a.consumers eractionsd. usage

7、se.exposuresAnswer: cPage 538Level of difficulty: Hard8. Marketers need to assess which experiences and impressions will have the most influence at each _ of the buying process.a. stageb. levelc.consumer d.step e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 538 Level of difficulty: Medium9.Brand awareness is a

8、function of the number of brand-related exposures and experiences. Anything that causes the consumer to notice and pay attention to the brand can _ brand awareness. a. decreaseb.increase c.effectd.affecte.influence Answer: bPage: 539 Level of difficulty: Easy10.The macromodel of effective communicat

9、ions contains nine elements. Two elements represent the major parties in a communication. These two parties are called _ and _.a.sender/subject b.beginner/receiver c.receiver/starterd. initiator/receiver e.sender/receiver Answer: ePage: 539Level of difficulty: Medium11. According to the macromodel o

10、f communication, the four major communication functions are decoding, response, feedback, and _.a.message b.encodingc.responsed.feedbacke. noiseAnswer: bPage: 539 Level of difficulty: Easy12. In communicating, selective attention, selective distortion, and _ come into play. a.selective listening b.n

11、oisec. selective retentiond.selective hearing e.selective interestAnswer: cPage: 540Level of difficulty: Hard13. In micromodels of marketing communications the four classic response hierarchy models includes all of the following EXCEPT _. a. communications model b.innovation-adoptionc.hierarchy-of-e

12、ffectsd.AIDA e.BAMT Answer: ePage: 540Level of difficulty: Medium14. The eight steps in developing effective communications starts with the basics: identifying the target audience, determining the objectives, designing the communications, _ , and establishing the budget. a. selecting the advertising

13、 copy b. managing the processc.choosing the media mixd.selecting the channels e.measuring resultsAnswer: dPage: 541Level of difficulty: Medium15.A major part of audience analysis is assessing the current image of the company, its product, and its _.a.reputation petitors c.marketsd. userse.management

14、 Answer: bPage: 542Level of difficulty: Easy16._ is the set of beliefs, ideas, and impressions a person hold regarding an object. a. Brand b. Product c. Image d. Concept e. Idea Answer: cPage: 542Level of difficulty: Medium 17.Formulating the communications to achieve the desired response will requi

15、re solving three problems: message strategy, creative strategy, and _. a.market specific advertising b.media sources c.advertising d.transformational appeale.message sourceAnswer: ePage: 544Level of difficulty: Medium18.Creative strategies are how marketers translate their messages into a specific c

16、ommunication. Creative strategies can be broadly classified as involving either informational or _ appeals. a.branded entertainment b.point-of-purchasec.advertorials d.transformational e.individualization Answer: dPage: 544Level of difficulty: Medium 19.Communicators use positive emotional appeals t

17、o attract consumer attention and raise their _ with an ad. a.emotions b.exposurec.involvement d.assessment erestAnswer: cPage: 545 Level of difficulty: Medium20.Messages delivered by attractive or popular sources can potentially achieve higher attention and recall. What is important is the spok

18、espersons credibility. Source credibility consists of trustworthiness, likeability, and _.a. celebrity statusb.experience c.expertise d.agee.reputationAnswer: cPage: 546Level of difficulty: Hard 21. Multinational companies wrestle with a number of challenges in developing global communications progr

19、ams. These challenges include all of the following EXCEPT _. a. produce the ad locally or at headquartersb.if the ad style is acceptable c.that the market segment is legal and customaryd.if the product is appropriate e.identifying the proper spokesperson Answer: ePage: 546 Level of difficulty: Hard2

20、2.Personal communications channels derive their effectiveness through _ presentation and feedback. a.effective b.group c.cannedd.individualized e. persuasion Answer: dPage: 548Level of difficulty: Medium23._ channels consist of company salespeople contacting buyers in the target market. a.Individual

21、ized b.Personal c.Expert d.Advocatee.SocialAnswer: dPage: 548Level of difficulty: Easy 24._ channels consists of neighbors, friends, family members, and associates talking to target buyers. a.Socialb. Expertc.Advocated.Professional e.None of the above Answer: aPage: 548Level of difficulty: Easy 25.

22、Personal influence carries especially great weight with consumers in two situations. The first is with products that are expensive, risky, or purchased infrequently. The second is where the product _. a. suggests something about the users ethnic background b. suggests something about the users educa

23、tion c.suggests something about the users family d.suggests something about the users financial wealth e.suggests something about the users status or taste Answer: ePage: 548 Level of difficulty: Hard26.Nonpersonal channels are communications directed to more than one person and include media, sales

24、 promotions, events, and _.a.Internet accessb.coupons c.direct exposured.guerilla tacticse.publicity Answer: ePage: 551 Level of difficulty: Easy 27. Mass communications affect personal attitudes and behavior through a two-step process. Ideas often flow from radio, television, and print to opinion l

25、eaders and from these to the less _-involved population groups. a. mediab.advertising rmedd.involved e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 552Level of difficulty: Hard28.The two-step flow of information challenges the notion that consumption styles are _ influenced by a “trickle-down” or “trickle

26、-up” effect from mass media. a.secondarily b.affected c.starts with d.primarily e.originates Answer: dPage: 552Level of difficulty: Hard29.The four common methods that companies use to decide on a promotion budget includes the affordable method, the percentage-of-sales method, _, and the objective-a

27、nd-task method. a.financial method b.incremental growth methodc.zero-based budgeting petitive-parity methode.last years budget method Answer: dPages: 553554 Level of difficulty: Easy30.Companies must allocate the marketing communications budget over the six major modes of communicationadvertising, s

28、ales promotion, public relations and publicity, events and experiences, sales force, and _.a.incentives b.couponing c. integrated marketing communications d.Internet marketing e.direct marketingAnswer: ePage: 554 Level of difficulty: Easy 31.The _ among communications tools explains why marketing fu

29、nctions need to be coordinated. a.significant costs b.power c.importance d.incremental costse.substitutability Answer: ePage: 555Level of difficulty: Medium32.Advertising can be used to build up long-term image for a product and usually contains the qualities of impersonality, amplified expressivene

30、ss, and _. a. invitation b.motion c.sound and sight d.pervasiveness rusionAnswer: dPage: 555Level of difficulty: Hard 33.Sales promotions tools offer three distinctive benefits to marketers. Among these benefits are communication, invitation, and _. a.credibility b. impersonality c.exclusiond.i

31、nclusione.incentiveAnswer: ePage: 555Level of difficulty: Medium34.Personal selling is the most effective tool at later stages of the buying process, particularly in building up buyer preference, conviction, and action. Personal selling has three distinctive qualities. These are personal interaction

32、, response, and _.a. customized b.dramatization c.involving d.relevancee.cultivationAnswer: ePage: 556 Level of difficulty: Medium 35. Companies must consider several factors in developing their communications mix: type of product market, consumer readiness to make a purchase, and the stage in the _

33、. a. product life cycleb.marketing mixc. advertising mixd.buying process e.none of the aboveAnswer: aPage: 556 Level of difficulty: Medium36. An effectively trained company sales force can make four important contributions. These are increased stock position, missionary selling, key account manageme

34、nt, and _.a.customer contacts b.relationship selling c.direct sales contacts d.enthusiasm building e.account management Answer: dPage: 557 Level of difficulty: Medium 37.Senior managers want to know the outcomes and revenues resulting from their communications investments. Too often, however, their

35、communications directors supply only _ and expenses. a.inputsb.outputsc.measures d.ads e.none of the aboveAnswer: bPage: 557Level of difficulty: Medium 38.In measuring the effectiveness of a firms communications investment, ultimately _ measures capture the real payoff. a.behavior-change b. purchase

36、sc. actiond. inaction e. none of the above Answer: aPage: 557Level of difficulty: Hard39.Integrated marketing communications is a concept of marketing communications planning that recognizes the added value of a _ plan. egrated b.coherent pleted. comprehensive e.none of the above Answer: dPage:

37、 558Level of difficulty: Easy 40.Many companies still rely on one or two communication tools. This practice persists in spite of the fragmenting of mass markets into a multitude of mini markets, each requiring its own approach; the proliferation of new types of media; and the growing _ of consumers.

38、 erests b.splintering c.randomness d.time povertye.sophistication Answer: ePage: 558Level of difficulty: Hard41.Media coordination can occur across and within media types. A multiple media campaign deployed within a tightly defined time frame can increase message _ and impact. a.delivery b.awar

39、eness c.reach d. impact e. content Answer: cPages: 558559Level of difficulty: Hard42.To build brand equity, communication effects created by advertising must be linked to the brand. Often, such links are difficult to create because of _.a.consumer involvement b.capital budgetsc.management structured

40、.marketing/departmental infighting e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 560Level of difficulty: Medium43. The advantages of integrated marketing communications to the firm are many. Which of the following is NOT one of the advantages of having an integrated marketing communications program? a.It force

41、s management to think about how the company communicates. b.It forces management to think about every way the customer comes in contact with the company.c.It produces greater sales impact.d.It increases consumer involvement. e.It produces stronger message consistency. Answer: dPage: 561Level of diff

42、iculty: Hard44.In assessing the collective impact of an IMC program, the overriding goal is to create the most effective and efficient communications program possible. Six criteria can be used to help determine whether communications are truly integrated. Which of the following is NOT one of these s

43、ix criteria? a. Clutterb.Coveragec.Contributiond. Commonalitye. ComplementarilyAnswer: aPage: 562Level of difficulty: Medium 45.A one-time mailing offering a cookware item to a consumer is an example of a _. a. single-vehicle, single-stage campaign b.direct campaign c.single-vehicle, multiple-stage

44、campaignd.multiple-vehicle, multiple-stage campaigne. none of the above Answer: aPage: 559Level of difficulty: Medium46. Communication tools vary in cost-effectiveness at different stages of buyer readiness. _ and publicity play the most important role in the awareness-building stage. a.direct marke

45、ting b.sales promotion c.advertising d.publicity e.“buzz”Answer: cPage: 557Level of difficulty: Easy 47.Events and experiences provide many advantages to marketers. Among these advantages are relevancy, “soft sell,” and _.a.dramatic b.exciting c.involving or engaging d.personally involving imat

46、e Answer: cPage: 556 Level of difficulty: Medium48. The appeal of public relations and publicity is based on three distinctive qualities. These include, _, the ability to catch buyers off guard, and dramatization. a.invitation b.“free” c.high credibility d.exposuree. low costAnswer: cPages: 555556Le

47、vel of difficulty: Medium49. Many companies set promotion expenditures at a specified percentage of sales (either current or anticipated) or of the sales price. This method of budgeting is called _. a.objective-and-task method b.percentage-of-sales method c.affordable petitive parity methode.none of

48、 the above Answer: bPage: 553Level of difficulty: Easy 50. Any discussion about the effectiveness of mass communication has to take into account the dramatic changes that have _ the effectiveness of the mass media. a.erodedb. increasedc.expanded d. supplemented e.all of the above Answer: aPage: 552

49、Level of difficulty: Hard 51. Marketers must be careful in reaching out to consumers. Consumers also can resent personal communications if unsolicited. A 2003 survey found that roughly _ percent of the sample of consumers were very annoyed by pop-up ads, spam, and telemarketing. a.80 b.40c.90d. 60e.

50、100Answer: aPage: 551 Level of difficulty: Easy52. Internet marketers are using _ as a form of word of mouth, or word of mouse, to draw attention to their sites. a.event marketing b.subliminal marketing c.viral marketing d.place marketing e.public relations Answer: cPage: 550 Level of difficulty: Me

51、dium 53. Communication researchers are moving toward a social-structure view of interpersonal communication. They see society as consisting of _, small groups whose members interact frequently. a.targets munities c.liaisons d.clubs e.cliques Answer: ePage: 549 Level of difficulty: Hard54. A well-cho

52、sen celebrity can draw attention to a product or brand. The choice of the celebrity is critical. The celebrity should have high recognition, high positive affect, and high _ to the product. erest b.attachmentc.relevancy d.appropriatenesse.“fit” Answer: dPage: 547Level of difficulty: Medium55. C

53、ommunicators use _ appeals such as fear, guilt, and shame to get people to things or stop doing things. a. destructive b.scary c.attractive d.emotional e.negative Answer: ePage: 545Level of difficulty: Easy56. John Maloney saw buyers as expecting one of four types of reward from a product. These inc

54、lude rational, social, ego satisfying, and _. a.exciting b.functional c.low costsd.sensorye.safety Answer: dPage: 544Level of difficulty: Medium 57. The two scales that when combined can develop insight into the nature of the communication challenge facing marketers includes the familiarity scale an

55、d the _ scale. a.usage b.favorability c.targeted d.selectivity e.image Answer: bPage: 542Level of difficulty: Medium58. The hierarchy-of-effects model contains awareness, knowledge, liking, _, conviction, and purchase. a.cognitive responseb.preference erestd. attitudee.none of the above Answer:

56、 bPage: 540Level of difficulty: Medium59.Senders know that to effectively communicate they must encode their messages so that the target audience can decode them; the must transmit the message through the media that reach the target audience and develop _ channels to monitor the responses. a.feedbac

57、k erest c.responsed. decoding e.none of the above Answer: aPage: 539 Level of difficulty: Hard60. One implication of the concept of brand equity is that the manner in which brand associations are formed does not matter. In other words, if a consumer has an equally strong, favorable, and unique

58、brand association the impact in terms of brand equity should be _. minent b.identical c.different d.measurable e.actionable Answer: bPages: 537538Level of difficulty: Hard True/False 61. One implication of the concept of brand equity is that the manner in which brand associations are formed doe

59、s not matter. In other words, if a consumer has an equally strong, favorable, and unique brand association the impact in terms of brand equity should be identical. Answer: True Pages: 537538 Level of difficulty: Medium62. Marketing communications are the means by which firms attempt to inform, persu

60、ade, and remind consumers about the products and brands that they sell. Answer: TruePage: 536Level of difficulty: Easy 63. Every brand contact delivers an impression that can strengthen or weaken a customers view of the company. Answer: TruePage: 537 Level of difficulty: Medium64. The starting point


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