1、劍橋少兒英語二級教案劍橋少兒英語二級上Unit1 Where are you going ?教學目的和要求:1 )使學生掌握本單元的重點句型2)使學生初步學會并掌握有關地點的名稱3)使學生能用所學的句型、所學的地點名稱做替換練習交際句型:- - - - - Where are you going?- - - I m going to school 。交際詞匯:post office , market , zoo , park , bus station, cafe , supermarket, hospital, cinema , bank , library , shop復習內(nèi)容:物主代詞m
2、y, your , his, her , their , our, its具體教學方式:上課時 , 首先讓大家看自己手中的圖片,并對大家說:Hi, everyone , Ive got many pictures. They are places。 Do you know whatthey are? Now , look at this one 。 ( 拿出一個大家比較熟悉的地點- 醫(yī)院) This is a hospital. Do you this one? Very good。It s a school 。 Its a school. We are now in the school.按
3、照此種方法,可以把單詞一一介紹給大家。介紹時要注意與學生在情感上的交流。如:This is a supermarket. Have you ever been to a supermarket? What can you buy in thesupermarket? Is it far from your home?等。語言要盡量簡練,否則學生會有很多的聽覺障礙。學生把所有的地點學說幾遍之后, 教師說 :Now I put these pictures in different places。 And I m going to ask you a question 。Where are you
4、 going? You tell me , Im going to the bank. ” Then you go and stand near the bank 。 Lets see which placehas more people 。 Do you understand ?Who wants to try first ? OK, come here please 。 Everybody , listen !” Where are you going. Lin Feng ?” Im going tothe zoo 。 Very good. Now you can go to the zo
5、o and stand here。 Do you understand us now?教師帶領學生做幾個示范之后,可以讓某個學生到前面來做同樣的練習。待大家都理解了意思之后, 教師應給學生一些時間做小組練習,然后再進行抽查。教師可以對學生說:Now I want you to work in pairs 。 One of you may ask questions and the other answer questionswith these words 。 Lets see who can answer more questions.這樣通過大量的練習,學生就能進一步掌握該課的句型和單詞.
6、 最后教師可以讓學生兩人一組迅速到前面來表演一下.教學活動1 Find your way !教師將各種地點用透明膠帶貼在黑板上,然后叫全班學生站起來跟著自己做動作。教師給學生發(fā)出指令,Turn left, turn right, go straightmake a left/right turn.等學生對這些指令比較熟悉之后,教師找一個學生問:Where are you going ?另一個學生回答:I m going to the hospital. 這時 , 教師讓學生到黑板前來,并讓學生用英語告訴大家應該怎么去。教師可以這樣說:Ok, XXX , please come here. Te
7、ll us how you can get to the hospital.學生可以:You go straight, turn rightand then go straight, turn left and go straight again。 The hospital is there. 第一個學生做完之后,可以根據(jù)時間再叫幾個學生來說。教學活動2 Flip pictures and answer questions 。教師將所有的圖片打亂順序翻過來放在黑板上,然后按小組進行競賽。第一組的學生上來一個人隨意翻一張,教師就可以問問他( 她 ) 問題 . 如: Have you been t
8、o the post office ? Do you often write letters? What can you buy in the post office?等。如果學生能回答上來這些問題,就可以給該組記上10 分,然后再請第二組的學生到前面來繼續(xù)進行. 這樣依次類推,最后看總分,決定勝負。類似的問題有:Zoo。 Do you often go to the zoo ? Do you like animals? What s your favourite animal ?School. Do you go to school every day ? When do you usual
9、ly go to school? Do you like your school?Library. Do you often read in the library? Do you often go to the library ? Do you often borrow books?Park 。 Do you often go to parks on Sundays? Which is your favourite park? Is the park near your homeShop. Do you go to shops? Are they near your home? What c
10、an you buy in the shops?Bus station. Do you often take a bus ? Is the bus very crowded? Is it very expensive?Cinema. Do you like to go to movies ? Is the cinema near your home? Whom do you often go with?Supermarket 。 Do you like to go to the supermarket? Is it big or small? Are there many things in
11、the supermarketHospital. Do you often go to the hospital? Do you like to go to the hospital? Is it far very far from your home?Cafe 。 Do you like to drink coffee ? Is there a cafe near your home ? Are there many people in it?Exercise 21 Tom: Where are you going , Fred ?Fred : Im going to school. Are
12、 you going to school, TomTom: No, Im not going to school 。 Im going to the hospital.2 Daisy : I like reading books. Lets go to the library, JaneJane: But Im going to the libraryIm going to the zooI like watching animals. Let s go to the zoo, Daisy. Youcan read books there and I can watch animalsDais
13、y : Good. Let s go3 John : Jim is going to the post office and Sam is going to the cinema, and where are you going, BenBen: I m going to the supermarket 。 Where are you going , John?John: I m going to the library 。4 Daisy: Where is Jill going, Mary?Mary: She is going to the bus station。Shes going to
14、 meet her brother there.Daisy : But her brother is at school now。 Let s go and tell Jill now.Mary: OK。 Let s go。Exercise 3.Yes o No。No。Yes。No。No. Yes。Yes。Exercise 4C B B CHomework:Find out :How long will it take to go to your home by bike?Which is the shortest way to go home ?Which is the quickest w
15、ay to go home ?2 Everybody prepares some cards. Write a word of a place on each card and bring them to the class next time3。 Look at the example and make sentence sExample: This is Mary sbag。This is her bagThis is Harry s dog.This is Pat and Nancys school.This is Jack and my class.That is Jenny and
16、your room.4. Read and choose the best answ er劍橋少兒英語二級上Unit2 What s the weather like today教學目的和要求:*要求學生通過學習本單元掌握詢問天氣的基本問句大要求學生熟讀和掌握有關天氣的詞匯*看懂有關天氣的小短文大練習和掌握字母組合ai的讀音交際句型: Whats the weather like today?Its cloudy and windy 。It s going to rain.How is the weather on Monday?交際詞匯:weather, cloudy , rainy, su
17、nny, snowy, rainbow, wet , cold , hot, sky, away, always, laugh , sing, shout , cry, heavy, light 具體教學方式:上課時,首先拿一張適合當?shù)靥鞖獾膱D,如刮風、下雨或晴天等,然后問學生: Whats the weather like today ? Whats the weather liketoday ? 邊說邊指著外面的天氣,然后再指著自己手里的晴天圖說:It s sunny.Its sunny 。 Now answer my question all together cWhaf s the w
18、eather like today?教師講的時候要注意用手勢引發(fā)學生回答問題。學生熟悉幾遍以后,教師讓學生看另外一張圖并對學生說:Look, its windy.說話的同時做出刮風的姿勢。然后教師將圖片貼在黑板上,并在旁邊寫上“上海”,在問學生,What s theweather like in Shanghai ?教師邊說邊啟發(fā)大家用剛才學過的巨性,Its winday.用這樣的方法還可以把其他的單詞一一介紹出來.然后看第二部分。第一部分。 Oh, we have nice pictures here。Look at the first part。There is a boy playing
19、 on the sand near the sea, right ?Whaf s the weather like here ?問完之后 ,教師期待著學生回答Its sunny.教師應用快慢結合的問句來問學生.接著,可結合當日的上課的天氣,指著窗戶問:What s the weather like outside today ?然后再指圖片:Whats the weather like here ? What is theboy doing ? Good. Who is in the clouds ?(It s an angel。) Do you know angel? What is she
20、 doing ? What is she doing?Yes, she is playing the harp 。 Whaf s the weather like?(Its cloudy ) Can you see a big cloud? Oh , look here 。Whats this? It s a snowman. And what are these ? Do you know?停頓一下說: Listen , they are snowflakes。Whaf s the weather like here ? Itssnowy.用類似的方法讓學生學習winday和rainy。在與
21、學生交流中,教師可以問: How do you know that it s windy? ( Ican see the boys holding their hats tightly。 I can see the wind blowing hard 。)涉及至I雨的時候,可以問:Is the boy happy ?(Yes, he is ) How do you know that? ( He is jumping in the water.) Yes, he is wet all over the body。 Oh, there si a beautifulrainbow 。 Have y
22、ou fond it? Yeshere 。 Do you like rainbows? Good, I like rainbows too.第一部分完成之后,教師可以對學生說:Nowlets play a game. Word touching game. Three pupils are in one group 。 One personsays” Cloudy , the other pupils touch the word quickly. Lets see who is the firsst and how many times each person wins.OK, let s
23、start.學生做完之后,可詢問一下結果:Who wins eight times ? Seven times? Six times ?依次類推,并給予一定的獎勵。第四部分??上茸寣W生自己讀該部分的內(nèi)容, 并把生詞劃出來.Its a story about the sun, the clouds , the wind and the rain. Pleaseread it by yourselves 。 If you have some new words , underline them first. OK, start。然后教師把幾個詞寫到黑板上問大家:Who can read this
24、word ? 比如: laugh, shout , cry, stop, always, away , feel , sky, above 等。如果某個學生讀得很好, 就讓 TOC o 1-5 h z 該生帶領大家一起讀這些單詞。Good。 You read it one by one. Everybody reads after him/her please。第六部分可以讓學生自己學習,然后做對話表演,因為本部分是進一步復習前面的內(nèi)容.在做練習一和練習四的時候,一定要讓學生到前面,將答案寫在黑板上。教師要進行核對, 一保證學生寫的每個詞是正確的.練習一。rainy, hot , snowy,
25、 sunny, cold , windy , wet, cloudy練習四 .jacket , umbrella, sunglasses , T shirt , rain rainy, snow snowy , rainbow rain, wind windy特別是 rain, rainy, snow, snowy 。 一般來說盡量不要去解釋,必要的時候只說:There is rain on rainy days. (在多魚的天氣里常常有雨 ) ,強調(diào)重讀rain 和 rainy, 不必說明哪個是名詞,哪個是形容詞。練習五1 - Look, there is a big sun 。 Yes,
26、draw a small red sun and a big yellow sun。-What ?A red sun and a yellow sun ?- Yes, draw a small red sun and a big yellow sun.2 - Look it s very hot outside 。-Draw some rain ? Yes, Draw some rain. Look , there is a boy in the rain。 Yes, Draw a big umbrella for him。 Ok. Draw a big umbrella for him.3
27、-Look at the snow 。 Its white and clean 。-Yes 。Draw a snowman in front of the house 。 Ok。 Draw a snowman in front of the house.- Please draw a red nose and two black eyes.-Ok 。Draw a red nose and two black eyes 。4 -Oh, it s a rainbow. There si a rainbow over there. Good! Lets draw a rainbow 。 -I lik
28、e rainbows. Its beautiful。 Let s draw a rainbow 。教學活動Lets play ” the sun and the wind 。如果教室的場地比較大,教師可以讓學生到教室的后面來玩這個游戲。教師先找出幾個人,分別拿著rain, sun, wind, hot, cold , snow,wet 的單詞卡,讓這些學生站到一邊,其余學生都站到另一邊,另外再找一個學生給指令. 如果他說rain ,拿 rain 這個單詞卡的人馬上 要跑出來。與此同時,未拿卡的學生都要做出擋雨、防雨的動作。拿卡的人要在很短的時間內(nèi)抓住一個沒有防雨、擋雨的人。如果抓住得一分,被抓
29、的學生出場。這幾個單詞的動作分別是:rain ,擋雨、防雨,要用手或東西遮住頭部sun,用說遮住太陽wind ,彎腰,同時用手捂住衣服和帽子hot,流汗、榛汗的樣子cold ,緊裹著衣服,全身哆嗦snow,堆雪人的樣子wet,單腿跳,避免站到水里的樣子家庭作業(yè):1、Read the text on your own three times.2、如果上課白時間是 5月份,就可以給舞月份生日的學生過生日 .可以先了解誰是 5月的生日。Nowlisten , who were born in May?Please raise your hands. Good, we have four childr
30、en born in this month. Next time we are going to have a birthday party for them.Now here is your homework. Go home and prepare a very small present for these four pupils。Rememberyoudori t need tobuy anything 。 You can make it by yourselves.3。Look at the words and find the odd one.Ao butBo busCo shut
31、D. putA. book B. school Co good Do tookAo catB. capC. cakeD. manRead and fill in the blanks.There are 1)seasons in a ye ar They are spring,summer, fall andwinter. 2)is the first season of the year. It is very 3? Manyflowers are here and there. And leaves are )4 again.Ao twoB. threeCo fourAo SpringBo
32、 SummerCo FallA. coldBohotC. nice4) Ao yellowBo green劍橋少兒英語二級上 Unit3 Is that dog yours 教學目的和要求:使學生通過學習進一步掌握名詞性物主代詞的用法幫助學生進一步鞏固日常的生活詞匯使學生能用英語表演一些簡單的小對話交際句型:Is that dog yours?Whose new car is thisIs it Peters ?交際詞7匚:his, yours, ours, mine, hers, its, theirs, pet, video, comic, scarf, flat, village, pr
33、esent, each best, parrot,CD,toothbrush sweater, towel 具體教學方式:上課時對學生說: Do you want to play games today? OK, Ive got two bags here. Iwant each one of you to take one thing and put the thing in the bag Remember,dont let anybody see it. These three groups, you may put the things in this bag and these th
34、ree groups, you may put the things in this bag. All right let s do it quickly. Dont let anyone see it. Good Now listen, let s divide our class into two groups. Thepupils in this group will come here one by one and take a thing from this bag and asksomeone in this groupIs this ruler/key yours?” You c
35、an ask three times. The otherperson can only say Yes or No” . If your guess is right, you get one point for yourgroup. Do you understand? Now, let s begin.第三部分。讓全班學生站起來,每人受里拿著自己的書說: This is my book. It s mine。然后大家指著面對著的人說:That is your pencil。It s yours同樣的方法可以說: That is his bag。 That is her ruler. Th
36、is is our classroom That is theirhouse等。大家說得熟練后,拿出相應的圖片教新單詞 ,如pet, video, comics, scarf,flat, village 等 .數(shù)遍之后,再將句型套用到里面。第四部分,可以讓學生集體朗讀。學生停到某個生詞之處時,教師再教學生該單詞的讀音等.這樣一來,學生學習上就有積極性。由于該段文章是以對話的形式出現(xiàn)的,所以,教師可以讓三個學生一起來表演該段內(nèi)容.本單元的第七部分也是如此。有些學生可以做這段對話,也有些學生可以做其他對話。第五部分是個教學游戲。Now let s play another game But thi
37、s game is a bitdifferent. We have got many presents here You want to give these presents to your best friends, but you don t know what s inside. First you have to write your friends names down。 And later on you can find out what s in the box. Let s see whether yhave given the right presents to the r
38、ight perso。 n Once youve decided, you can t change it at all。本單元的語音練習應重在模仿朗讀上。如果學生知道單詞的意思當然最好,但不知道也沒有關系,關鍵在于每個學生都能看見該單詞就能讀出來。練習一mine, hers, hers,his, yours,ours, theirs, his練習二 C,B,A,A練習三This is a lovely house!Yes. But it looks better if we colour them right now.What are we going to colour the bedro
39、om upstai? rColour it green?You mean the double bed or the single bed?Colour the double bed green.What about the single bed? Colour it yellow please. What colour should be the table in the kicthen?I like it brown 。 Please colour it brown.What about the cupboard?Colour it pink!OK。I like pink too. Wha
40、t about the stairs next to the kitchen? Should I colour thembrown too?No. Please colour them grey.What about the sofa in the living room? Colour it purple. I like purple sofas。What about the bathtub in the bathroom?Colour it black。I see。 Colour the bathtub black.Oh, dont forget to colour the tree ou
41、tside green 教學活動 1 Whose (pen ) is it?教師可以背對學生,然后讓每個組的一個學生到前面的講臺桌上放一個東西。然 后,教師轉(zhuǎn)過身,拿著其中的一樣東西問學生:Is this yours?亥學生回答Yes, 或者是No。教師詢問幾個問題之后,就可以換學生來做,并開始給每個小組記分,最后看總、分。 Now, let s play a gameThis time I will guess things。 I will turn around. One pupil from each group can come to the front and put a thing
42、 on my desk When you are done Ill ask you the question。Is this yours? If I am correct, Illget an apple. I can only ask three times. If I m not right, then I ll ask a pupilmy place。 We ll keep scores for every group Are you clear now? Good, letsbegin。教學活動2 Who is lucky ?事先準備數(shù)量多體積小的東西或食品,課上讓兩個學生到前面來分這
43、些東西,最 后的東西給誰,就表示誰幸運.但在分的時候一定要用英語說句子,其中一人邊把東西分給對方和自己邊說:“This isyours This is mine.然宿,另一個學生也用同 樣的方法說,This is yours。This is mine.直到最后說:This is yours。This is mine。如果這時東西正好分到某人手里,那么他/她就是幸運之星.第二組進行的人可以 再分別的東西,但這一次要三個人參加,其中一男一女在一邊,中間人是男生或女 生都無關緊要。這一次由中間人邊分東西邊說:This is his. This is hers直到最后一個,看東西最后落入誰的手里。如教
44、師想練習yours, ours,就應找出6個學 生,一個三個.每組其中的一個人說:This is yours。This is ours。對方的代表也 同樣這樣說。所分的東西不必太多,通常有1520個左右。課后作業(yè):1、Read unit4 on your own and see whats inside the unit2、Everybody learns two phrases from the next unit and say them in class next time .3. Look at the example and write the sentence sExample:
45、This is my bag。This bag is mine。1)That is his pet.2)This is our flat。3)Those are their sweater s劍橋少兒英語二級上 Unit4 Do you often play football ?教學目的和要求:*通過學習本單元使學生掌握一般疑問句的提問方式*使學生能對日常的生活活動提出各種問題*使學生復習和掌握一些固定的動詞短語*使學生能掌握字母組合sh的發(fā)音交際句型:Do you often play football?交際詞7匚:wake up at six, have breakfast, go to
46、bed sing songs, read English, draw pictures, take pictures, wash clothes climb mountains, cook supper clean thefloor, take a shower具體教學方式:教師拿著一個足球?qū)Υ蠹艺f:Look, Ive got a football. Do you often play football?Who likes to play football today? Ok, you come here。 You kick the small ball slowly. When it sto
47、ps, you may ask the person who is near the ba, ll Do you oftenplay football? The answer is,” Yes, I do. or No, I dont. Do you ?understandOK, do it now。這個學生問了一些學生后,教師說: All right。 Let s stop here for a while. Now lets look at some of the pictures. Whats this?教師拿出一張照相的圖片)Yes, taking pictures. What abo
48、ut this picture冷出洗衣服的圖片,再問: Whats the boy doing?等。大家都熟悉了這些短語之后,教師讓學生兩個人一組 用第二部分的內(nèi)容進行對話練習.在學生做對話練習的同時,教師將動詞短語貼在足球上,然后再找一個學生輕輕地踢這個足球,踢到某個學生之處,就拿起足球遞給該學生。該學生從足球上拿下一個動詞短語,并用該動詞短語問踢足球的人一個問題,然后依次類推。教師可以用英語組織:Now everybody, look here. Onthis ball there are many phrase, s such as ” wake up a,t sixdraw pictu
49、res。 ” I want one pupil to come here and kick the ball slowly。When the ball stops,the personpicks up the ball and gives the ball to another pupil That pupil picks out a phraseand asks the player a question. For example Do you wake up at six every body? The football player says, Yes, I do. ” And then
50、, he/she may go on kicking the ball. Do you understand? Lets do it. Who wants to come her?e Good, XXX come here please.如果某個學生踢的勁太大,教師就說:No, no。 You failed。 We asked you to kickit slowly. Try it again. If you cant do it , well have another pupil come and do it.朗讀第三部分。Ok, everyone, do you understand t
51、he humour? If you d,o please tothe same question and answers in pairs. Then Ill ask you the same questions la。 ter You practise first.Exercise 2.1 Daisy likes to take pictures。But where is her camera?Look, its behind the big dog。Now draw a line between Daisy and the camera.OK。 Draw a line between Da
52、isy and the camera2 Look, what is John doing? He is going to colour the picture。 But he hasn t got the paintbrush.No,where is his paintbrush?Oh, its on the table。Now draw a line between John and the paintbrush Ok. Draw a line between John and the paintbrush.What are the booys doing?Theyre playing fo
53、otball。Can you see the bal? lNo,where?Its in the tree。Oh, I can see it now.Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the dog.Ok. Draw a line between the football and the boy who is next to the do gLook at Peter!Where is he?He is in the rain!But where is his umbrella?I don t knowLoo
54、k, the dog has got his umbrella. Quick, draw a line between Peter and the umbrellaAll right draw a line between Peter and the umbrella。教學活動Who is the big winner?每個組的學生可以自由選擇專題,然后由別的組的另一個學生來問后面的問題。如果問問題的學生能問出每一個問題,也按同樣的加分計算。如該專題做完,則從黑板上摘下。每做完一組,同時換兩個人.FAMILY 1) How many people are there in your famil
55、y?Who is the oldest in your family?Who does the cooking in the family?Who is the last one to come her?eWho is the first one to leave home? LIKES 1) Do you like to watch TV?Do you like a big TV or a small TV?What s your mother s favour?ite foodWho likes to play football in your class?Does your Englis
56、h teacher like singsing?SPORTS 1) What s your favourite game?2) Do you often play table tennis?3)Who often plays with you?Do you play table tennis in the morning or in the afternoon? 5)Where do you play ping pong?NUMBERS 1) What is five plus five?2) Do you like to work with numbers?3)Can you count f
57、rom Number1 to Number 30?4)Can you say the following numbers? 57, 39,40,12.Who is the best pupil in your maths class?PEOPLE 1) Do you have many friends?2)Does your grandpa live with you?3)Are there many people in your family?4)Who is the tallest one in your family?Who is the shortest one in your fam
58、ily?SCHOOL 1) Do you like to go school?What is the name of your school?Is your school far from your home?Is you school very big or small?How many classes are there in your garde? WEATHER 1) What s the weather like yesterday?2)Do you like rainy days?3) What do you do when the weather is very ho? t4)C
59、an you play football in the rain?5)Do you like to make a snowman on a snow da?y ANIMALS 1) Do you like snakes?2) Whats your favourite animal?3)What s monkey s favourite food?4)Have you got a cat at home?Do you like to go to the zoo on Sundays?MATHS 1)Who is your maths teache?rDo you like to learn ma
60、ths?3)Who is the best pupil with maths in your class?How may is 28 and 43?Can you say the numbers from 10 to ?1FOOD 1)Do you like to eat pizza?2)What s your favourite food?3)Do you often eat ice cream?4)Do you like fish or eggs?5)Who buys the food in your family?FRIENDS 1)Who is your best friend?2)H
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