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1、 / 10九年級英語階段性檢測題一、單項選擇從每小題所給的 ABCD4 個選項中選出能夠完成或回答這一小題的正確答案。- HoW does your best friend improve his IiStening skills?By listen to English tapesB. By listening to English tapes.C. By listening English tapesD. By listens to English tapesThe linger she stayed With the old lady, she became.the most patie

2、ntC. less patientI don t knoW next.hoW to doB. What to doGo A. passthe bank, and turn left onto Zhongshan Road.B. passedC. passing- Could you tell me?-Yes. He to Australia.A. Where is he; has goneC. Where he is; has beenJack s father didn t tell usA. Where does he Workmore patientD. the more patient

3、What to do it D. Which to do itpastWhere he is; has goneD. Where is he; has been_in 2019.Where he WorksWhere did he WorkD. Where he Worked-Weather it is ! We cant go boating on the XuanWu Lake.-Dont Worry. Lets go to the Science Museum instead.A. What goodB. hoW goodC. hoW badD. What badWrite and tr

4、y not to make any mistakes.A. as careful as possibleB. as carefully as you canmost careful D. more careful- SteVen, could you help meWhen the PIane Will take Off On the internet?-I m sorry, my computer doesn t work.A. inVentB. find outC. look forD. discoVerThe best Way improVe your English is an Eng

5、lish club.A. to; to joinB. of; to joinC. to; joinsD. to; joinWhen you re learning English, use it, youll lose it.A. butB. andC. thenD. orHoW can I improVe my reading?I think the most important is to a good habit of reading.A. deVelopB. shoWC. makeD. take- How Iong may Iyour bike?-For a Week. But you

6、 mustn t it to others.A. borroW; lendB. keep; lendC. lend; borroW D. keep; borroWI loVe the races on the Dragon Boat FestiVal. I think fun to Watch.A. it s B. they re C. it WasD. they Were Why don t you PraCtiCe ConVerSatiOnS With your Partner?-Sorry. I don t haVe a partner .A. to PraCtiCe EngliSh W

7、ithB. PraCtiCing EngliSh WithC. PraCtiCeS EngliSh WithD. to PraCtiCe EngliShHe gaVe all hiS money aWay to Charity after he .A. iS dyingB. deathC. diedD. deadHe inVited Some ClaSSmateS to Come to hiS Party but Came.A. a littleB. littleC. a feWD. feW2 / 10 / 10- Are you afraidquestions?-Yes. And I m a

8、fraid in front of the class as well.to ask; to speakingB. of asking; of speakC. to ask; of speakingD. of ask; to speakingThe earthquake which happened in Japan March 11 th, 2019 was a big disaster.atB. onC. inD. onIt will us several years to learn a foreign language well.costB. takeC. spendD. use- S

9、am, do you know if Aliceto my Party next week?-I think she will come if she free .A. come ; isB. comes; will beC. will come ; isD. will come ; will beI used to spend time in the river.A. swimB. swamC. swimmingD. to swimI went to visit him, but , he left a minute ago.A. in my surpriseB. to my surpris

10、ed C. I was surprised D. to my surpriseWhen you go to sleep, dont keep your bedroom light .A. openB. closedC. onD. offI a lot during the past few years.A. has changedB. have changedC. is changedD. changedYour little sister used to be quiet, ?A. wasn t sheB. isn t sheC. didn t she D. did sheYour moth

11、er hardly has time for concerts with you now,?A. has sheB. hasn t sheC. doesn t she D. does sheMr. Black is poor, so he canA. buyB. buyst afford a car.C. buyingD. to buy / 10Gran dma is afraid Of.aloneB. l On elyC. being aloneD. be aloneMy daughter USed tolate. BUt now She is USed toearly.A. sleep;

12、get UPB. sleep; getti ng UPC. sleep ing; get UPD. sleep ing; gett ing UP31.1 remember hebasketball On the PIaygrO Und yesterday.A. playsB. play ingC. has PIayedD. PIayed1 have greatin finishing the work by myself. Could you help me?No problem.A. funB. SUCCeSSC. adviceD. difficultyTo tell the truth,

13、not only you but also She _ give n away all the POCket money to PrOjeCt Hope.A. haveB. hasC. areD. isIt S not right toOn Old people.A. play a trickB. play gamesC. tell jokesD. treat ni celyPaul made a nice Cagethe little SiCk bird till it could fly.A. keepB. keptC. keep ingD. to keep二、閱讀理解閱讀下列短文,從每小

14、題所給的選項中選車最佳答案或做出正誤判斷。A篇為判斷正誤,BC篇為選擇題。ASiX years ago, MiChaeI Britton, a high school StUdent from OttaWa, told his Parents he Wanted to learn Chinese in his free time. They Were SUrPriSed and said, Itwill be difficult for you because all the other StUde nts who StUdy Chin ese have Pare nts who SPeak

15、Chin ese.MiChaeI WaSn t worried. He liked challenge and SPent the next SiX years learning Mandarin,the OffiCiaI Ianguage of China. He Went to Ianguage CIaSSeS every SatUrday morning. In the after noon, he Iear ned about Chin ese CUItUre by making CraftS (工藝品) ,draw ing Chin ese Paintings, playing ta

16、ble tennis, and PraCtiCing KUng -fu.MiChael Said the most difficult Part WaS Iear ning to write. EaCh word has its OWn symbol (符 號) and One has to remember every one. He knows 2,000 Chinese CharaCterS (漢字)and can Write 1,000.MiChaeI graduated With an average (平均) Of 75%. He Wanted a higher mark but

17、he doesn thave Chinese Parents to PraCtiCe With like other StUdents. MiChaeI S teaChers made him tapes ahe USed his English-Chinese dietionary to Iearn neW Words. He WaS the first non -Chinese-speaking StUde nt to graduate from the SChool.Chinese is not MiChaeI S Only hobby. He also StUdieS French,

18、SPeakS a little German, plays thereCorder, CoIleCtS StamPS and coins, and is in terested in SCie nce, too.( )36. MiChaeI S Parents didn t Want him to Iearn Chinese because they didn t like Chinese.( )37. MiChaeI Went to the Ianguage CIaSSeS OnCe a Week.()38. MiChaeI Iearned not only Ianguage but als

19、o Chinese CUItUre and SPorts.()39. All of his Ianguage CIaSSmateS Can SPeak Chinese With someOne at home While MiChaeICan t.()40. MiChaeI StUdieS Chinese besides FrenChand German.BMost PeoPle think APril Fool S Day is OneVpriy year. On this day, Strange things mayhappe n. OUr friends Will Play jokes

20、 On US and try to fool us.BUt people don t knoW the origi起源 ) of April Fool S Day clearly. Some Say April Fool SDay began many years ago in France. Long ago in France, the old NeW Year festival WaS CeIebrated from MarCh 25th to April 1st and ended With exchange (交換)of PreSents. Later the King Change

21、d the NeW Year S day to JanUary 1st. Some people still CeIebrated the NeW year in April. They Were called April Fool and Were give n PreSe nts as a joke,and so the traditi On WaSborn. Today in France, April Fool S Day fal On April 1In many countries, April Fool S Day is not CeIebrated On April 1st b

22、ut On Other days. In Mexico,April Fool S Day is on the 28th of DeCember. In anCient Rom古羅馬),the day WaS on the 25th of March. In India, the day is on the 31st of March. In AmeriCa, the day is mostly decided by young people Who Want to make fun Of Other people. BUt it is importa nt to remember that y

23、our friends and you Will be both happy if OneCan remember the differe nce betWee n a good joke and a bad one.41. When is April Fool S Day in FranCe noW?A. April 1 StB. MarCh 25 thC. DeCember 28th D. MarCh 31st42. What do people do on April Fools Day? / 10A. Give presents to friends. B. Play jokes on

24、 friends.C. exchange presents. D. Do nothing special.April Fool s Day is on the t-wfieftnhtyDay in March .A. in ancient Rome B. in Mexico C. in America D. in IndiaWhich sentence is right according to the passage?A. April Fool s Day is on the same day all over the world.B In America , young people ca

25、n t decide the day when they want to play a joke.C New Year s Day is from March 25th to April 1st now.D Please remember to play a good joke on April Fool s Day.The passage is mainly about .A. how to play jokesB. April Fool s DayC. the New YearD. what is a good jokeCThe most common illness in the wor

26、ld is the cold. It often starts with a sore throat. You sneeze and your nose runs. You usually have a headache, too. Often you have a cough afterwards. Its not a serious illness, but you can feel quite bad.There isnt a cure for a cold, but you can take medicine to make you feel better. For example,y

27、ou Can take aspirin (阿司匹林)to get rid Of your headache. It is good to rest, and to drink a Iot Of water, too. A doctor once told me.“If you take the right medicine, a cold will last for seven days,With no medicine, a coId wiII go on for a whoIe week!”Where does our medicine come from? A Iong time ago

28、, peopIe understood that some pIants made them feeI better. They ate the Ieaves, the roots, the fruits , or the seeds of pIants. For exampIe, the juice of Iemons makes a sore throat feeI better.In modern times, scientists have studied these pIants, and found out what kinds of chemicaIs are in them.

29、Many of our medicines today are made from those chemicaIs (化學(xué)品) . There are some disease(疾病)that We cant CUre (治愈)yet. Andnobody has found a CUre for aging. BUt because of modern medicines, on average person now Iives Ionger than their grandparents. / 10From the first paragraph, We know that.the Col

30、d is a terribly bad diseasethe cold may make you feel Very badthe cold may CaUSe toothacheyou must cough Whe n you have a coldWe Can take aspiri ns to.A. CUre the coldB. make our nose stop runningC. make US stop cough ingD. CUre our headacheThe SentenCe If you take the right medici ne, a cold will l

31、ast for SeVe n days, With no medic ine,a cold will go On for a whole week!” PrObabIy means.if you take the right medic in e, it will help you CUre the cold more quickly.taking medicine will make you feel worsea cold will go On for at least a week, With or WithOUt tak ing medici ne.if you take the me

32、dicine, it will help you CUre the cold -more slowly.At early time. People With a cold ate someto make them feel better.A. pla ntsB. medici neC. fruitD. ChemiCaISWhiCh of the following Statements is NoT true?Doctors still Cannot CUre some diseases no Wadays.SCien tists have found a kind of medici ne

33、to CUre agi ng.People live Ion ger because of moder n medici nes.SCien tists make some medici nes from some pla nts.III、綜合填空A、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空,每項限用一次。(每題 2分)PUni sh, SPread , warn,in crease, StealThe number of touristsgreatly in the last few years in the city.Look! The thiefthe Women S mobile phone.The

34、boyby his father just now because he made a big mistake.My mother oftenme nOt to go SWimming in the river by myself.The bad newsall over the small village soon.prepare, lay, suggest, lie, CreateThe StUdentsa new robot in two weeks.The hentwo eggs yesterday.Her teacher alwaystaking notes in class.The

35、 StUdentswell for the Coming test, so there is nothing to worry about.Where is Tom? Heon the beach.B、根據(jù)所給漢語和句意提示完成句子,每空一詞。(10分)When you Iearn English, it S important to improve your (Taking a taxi in the City is Very( 方便的)I think doing a lot of exercise is One of most important( 秘密)when you study.Th

36、e teacher is always(有耐心的)With her StUdents.The DragOn Boat FeStiVaI is a(傳統(tǒng)的)festival in China.Now he treats everyOne With kindness and(溫暖).EVery year, thousands ofViSitOr come to Qufu, Shangdong.When I am in trouble, I like to ask my( 親戚)and friends for help.Could you give me an(介紹)about the machin

37、e?I think it S Very不禮貌)for people to keep OtherS Waiting.C、 短文填空,選擇恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~填空。每詞限用1次,有兩個選項多余。(10分)worried, taking, used, live, travelling, calm, by, quietly, luckily, back, on, goingI USed to travel 1air a lot When I WaS a boy. My Parents USed to2 in SouthAmeriCa and I 3to fly there from EUrOPe in the

38、holidays. An air hostess would takeCharge of me and I n ever had an Un PIeaSa nt experie nce. I am USed to4by air and Only8 / 10 / 10Onone OCCaSi On have I ever felt frighte ned. After5off, We Were flying IoW OVer theCity and slowly gaining height, Whe n the pla ne SUdde nly tur ned round and flew6t

39、o theairport. While We Were Wait ing to land, an air hostess told US to keep7and to get offthe pla ne8as Soon as it had touched dow n. EVerybOdy On board WaS9and WeWere CUriOUS to find out What happened. Later We learned that there WaS a Very important PerSon On board. The police had been told that

40、a bomb had been planted On the plane. After We had Ian ded, the pla ne WaS SearChed thoroughly., nothing WaS found and five hours later WeWere able to take off aga in. .6. 0.IV.閱讀表達(dá)閱讀下面的短文,按要求完成任務(wù)。IS it hard for you to get UP early and get ready for classes? Some StUde nts at Win ter P

41、ark High School just quickly get UP and go to class in their OWn bedrooms. Of course, their teachers and CIaSSmateS do not See them because all their class work is On the COmPUter.The Florida High School, the states onIy on-Iine school, has 250 StUdents who are taking CIaSSeS at home by COmPUter.Im

42、a lot more comfortable at home, SayS LUke Levesque, a 16-year-oId who is taking a COmPUter class on line. He thinks(A) the schools COmPUter lab is so noisy that he cant StUdy well. Home is much better, he says.StUdents in this first On-Iine PrOgram take CIaSSeS in math, AmeriCan government, ChemiStr

43、y, COmPUter, and Webdesign. They also have to go to regular( 正規(guī)的)school to attend other CIaSSes.When a StUde nt is ready to begi n in class, he or She (B)the COmPUter reads the teachersinStrUCtions, and begins working On the lessOn for the day. What happens if a StUdent has a questio n for the teach

44、er? Or the teacher WantS to Say SOmeth ing about the work a StUde nt is doing? The StUdent and the teacher talk to each other every day through e-mail or by telephone.IS it easy for StUdents to (C)Cheat on tests When theyre working at home? (D) The teachers have already though about this. They make StUdents take their final exams in PerSOn in the CIaSSroom . 在空白處填上適當(dāng)?shù)脑~成為A句的同義句。the school S COmPUter lab isnoisy forto StUdy well在(B)的空白處填入一個適當(dāng)?shù)脑~語或詞組 將畫線部分(C)譯成漢語A.參加考試B.考試作弊C.誠信考試將畫線部分(D)譯成漢語 在正文中找出能夠說明主題的短


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