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1、歡迎使用城市軌道交通專業(yè)英語課件 作者 李建民 Unit 1 knowledge of Speciality EnglishLesson 1 Feature of speciality English vocabulary 專業(yè)英語的基本特點一、語言簡練,結構嚴謹,表達明確,不重虛文潤飾;二、復雜長句多;三、邏輯推理性強, 原理概念清楚,段落章節(jié)分明;四、語法上的特色;五、專業(yè)英語詞匯的特點。 Lesson 2 how to translate literature of Speciality English 專業(yè)文獻翻譯的基本方法一、翻譯的基本步驟二、直譯三、轉換四、省略五、增補六、詞的翻譯

2、七、句子的翻譯八、專業(yè)術語的翻譯九、有關數量的翻譯 專業(yè)英語的翻譯步驟:(1)閱讀理解。先大致瀏覽一遍全文,了解專業(yè)背景,理解大意。這里所說的理解不同于一般的閱讀理解,而是要為翻譯作準備,任何一點都不能似是而非。(2)翻譯準備。查字典掌握生詞的含意,對于專業(yè)詞匯最好是查專業(yè)詞典。(3)漢語表達。用漢語將原作表達出來,力求忠實于原作、通順流暢。在原作與漢語的表達方式上存在較大詫異時,可對原作適當進行一些增刪或延伸。 (4)檢查校對。在翻譯初稿完成之后,要仔細校對原文,尤其要注意一些與漢語表達方式不一致的數據和圖表等,以免造成謬誤。翻譯的核心工作就是漢語的表達,在這其中,要綜合運用各種方法和技巧。

3、以下是一些可以借鑒的具體方法。返回 縮寫詞和符號的翻譯 縮寫詞大多是首字母,可按意義直譯,而對于大家都很熟悉的公司、機構或專業(yè)術語的縮寫詞也可不譯,照抄原文。至于單位則按意義直譯或不譯直接引用。【例1】 IBM 國際商用機器公司(International Business Machines) ATC 列車自動控制系統(Automatic Train Control) ATP 列車自動保護系統(Automatic Train Protection) FAS 防災報警系統(Fire Alarm System)【例2】 rpm 轉/分( round per minute ) km/h 千米/小時(

4、 kilometer per hour ) dpi 點/英寸( dot per inch ) bps 位/秒( bit per second ) 返回 Unit 2 knowledge of traffic Lesson 1 Rules Service 一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五、相互學習 1.valid vld adj.正當的, 有充分根據的, 符合邏輯的。 Do you have valid reasons for your absence? 你的缺席有正當理由嗎?2.alter :lt(r) vt. & vi.改變, 更改 As times alter, mens

5、 affections change時過境遷。3.One way ticket: 單程票4.integral:adj 完整的,整體的,整數的; n 整數 integral number 整數.5.queue up.排隊等候 queue up at the box office.在售票處排隊6.forbidden:adj. 不允許的,被禁止的;禁用的7.purchase p:ts: n,v. 購買cash purchase現購, 現金購買;live on ones purchase自謀生計,自找活路purchase and sale買賣; He gave his sonsome money fo

6、r the purchase of his school books他給他兒子一些錢買課本。The new couple spent some money for the purchase of the furniture necessary for their new house這對新婚夫婦花費了一些錢購買新房子里必需的家具.返回It is forbidden to take excessively long object(longer than 1.8 meters),cumbersome objects(bike, washing machine, TV set, monitor of

7、desktop computer, refrigerator, compound acoustic equipment, etc), animals or objects by the trainthat do harm to the cleanness at public places, the moving in the train or the safety of the passengers(like glass product or fragile glass product)嚴禁攜帶超長(1.8米以上)、易碎(如玻璃及易碎玻璃制品等)、笨重(如自行車、洗衣機、電視機、臺式電腦顯示器

8、、電冰箱等)、妨礙公共衛(wèi)生、車內通行和容易污損地鐵設備和站、車環(huán)境的物品及動物進站乘車。 返回1.a child shorter than 1.2 meters 2.For the object which occupies 0.12 mm2 area3.RMB 1,000 yuan. 4.One way ticket: Price RMB 3 yuan for Line 1, Line2,and Line 5.5. Sorry for the inconvenience brought to you.6. Thank you for your cooperation. 7. Dear pas

9、sengers, welcome to take Nanjing metro train,Please,queue up. 返回Lesson 2 how to take train 一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五、相互學習 1 guideline aidlain:n指導方針, 準則We laid out the economic guidelines and followed it.我們制定了經濟方針并且遵循它。2 shared d: 共享的,共用的A trouble shared is a trouble halved. 兩人分擔,困難減半。3 absolutely bs

10、lju:tliadv.完全地,絕對地Lucy is absolutely devoted to her cats.露西全身心地愛著她的貓。Were absolutely obedient to the superior.我們絕對服從上級。4 provide prvaidvt. & vi.提供; 供給; 供應.vt.規(guī)定The law provides that valuable ancient buildings should be preserved by the government.法律規(guī)定有價值的古代建筑必須由政府來保管。5 principal prinspladj.最重要的; 主要.

11、n.負責人, 校長.He is the principal of this school.他是該學校的校長。返回1.Mind the gap between train and platform when passenger get on the train.2.Try to stand in the middle of vehicle after get on the train, try not to occupy the position near the door.1.上車時應注意車身和站臺之間的縫隙。2.上車后盡量站在列車中間,盡量不要站在車門位置。返回1.The higher th

12、e figure, the greater regard the market has for the company. 這個數字越大,市場就越看好該公司。2.The bigger the share, the greater the profits and risks the partner will have. 份額越大,有關合伙人的利潤也就越大。返回Lesson 4 Platform service一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五、相互學習 1.get ready 準備好2.first train 首班車3.last train 末班車4.interchange nt:

13、tend n. 交換、互換5.terminus t:mnsn. 終點、終點站6.belongings bi:liz n. 財物、隨身物品7.departs dip:t vi. 離開、出發(fā)、開出8.upcoming pkm adj. 即將到來的、即將出現的9.announcement :nansmntn. 通告、預告10.guidebook aidbuk n. 旅行指南11.calculate klkjuleit vt. 計算、估計I calculated that the trip would take two days.我估計這段路程要走兩天時間。12.instruction instrkn

14、n. 命令、指示 返回1. The last train for station departs at number:number hours. The train to station has departed. The train arriving at the platform towards station will not carry passengers.句中for station,to station,towards station 功能相同,均譯為開往【車站】的列車。2. When you get out from the platform, you can see the s

15、ign of Exit instruction overhead at either end of the platform and choose one exit according to the information concerning the exit and its surrounding buildings as shown on the sign.句中get out 意思是“出來、出去”。 at either end of the platform 站臺的任一端,即站臺各端。concerning the exit and its surrounding buildings as

16、 shown on the sign 做定語修飾the information,its代替the exit。返回1.Please board immediately!2.Have a nice day.3.Welcome to take this line on your next trip 4.Your attention please! 5.Please wait the next train.返回 Unit 3 operration and Automatic Control SystemLesson 1 Train Operation 一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五

17、、相互學習 1.full-time fltam adj. 全部時間的、專任的2.console knsul n. 操縱臺、控制臺、控制面板3.Human Machine Information(HMI)人機操作界面4.malfunction mlfkn n. 故障、障礙Results have been delayed owing to a malfunction in the computer.由于電腦發(fā)生故障, 計算結果推遲了。5.Train Operation Display(TOD)6.display displei vt. 陳列、展覽、顯示7.Pressure gauge 壓力表8.

18、cylinder silind n. 汽缸、泵體9.brake cylinder. 制動缸10.Vehicle station 車載電臺11.broadcast br:dk:st n. 廣播、播音12.High Speed Circuit Breaker(HSCB)高速斷路器13.button btn n. 按鈕返回1.HMI can provide the information of train equipment and malfunctions of vehicles.2.TOD display some parameters of train operation.3.Pressure

19、 gauge displays the pressure value between brake air cylinder and brake cylinder.返回1.HMI(人機操作界面)可以提供車載設備及列車的故障信息。2.TOD顯示列車運行的一些參數。3.壓力表顯示制動氣缸與制動缸之間的壓力值。1.Can driverless metro be achieved? (Yes, of course.)2.What should a TO pay attention to before work?(Sure the train is a good operating system, dri

20、ver physical condition is healthy.)返回 Unit 4 Power System and Electricity EquipmentLesson 1 London Underground Traction Power System 一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五、相互學習 1 lbs.(=pounds)磅。a pound of carrots 一磅胡蘿卜。These cost ten pence a pound. /這些東西10便士一磅。It weighs nearly 27 kilos,about 65 pounds. 它重近27千克,約

21、65磅。2.concerted:kEn5s:tId adj共同的;一致的;商定的。a concerted effort/共同努力。to take concerted action /采取一致行動。Concerted action leads to victory. /步調一致才能得勝利。We have now learned to make a concerted effort. /我們已經學會要同心協力。3.current:5kQrEnt adj.流行的,通用的;現代的, 此刻的,當前的。公認的; 流傳中的。overcome current difficulties/克服當前的困難。curr

22、ent English/現代通行英語, 日常英語。current events/時事。current fashions/現代服裝式樣。current money/通用的貨幣。下一頁5. expose: iks5pEuz vt.使暴露, 受到, 使曝光。v.揭露。He exposed the plan to the newspapers/他向幾家報紙透露了這個計劃。This film has been exposed/這片子已經感光。6 Gap:Ap n.裂縫口; 縫隙;【軍】突破口;【航空】雙翼機的翼 隔。隘口, (山峽間的)狹路。間中斷; 空白; 間隙;【數】區(qū)間;【機】火花隙。本文中,翻譯

23、成“斷口”。7 incident: 5insidEnt n. (政治性)事故; 事變。偶發(fā)事件, 小事件。8 illuminate:i5lju:mineit vt.照亮, 照明。使光輝燦爛; 使顯赫。9 indicator:5indikeitE n.指示者; 指示物。【機】指示器; 指針; 示高計, 指壓器, 示功器, 顯示器;【電】目視儀。10 porcelain:5pC:slin, -lein adj.瓷(制)的。精美的。脆的; 易碎的。a porcelain insulator/【電】陶瓷絕緣子。11.point: pCInt鐵路道岔12. positive:5pCzEtiv adj.正

24、極性,陽極。a positive angle/正角。positive charge/正電荷。positive pole/正極, 陽極。返回1. Here, in this deep level tube station, the current rails are of lighter section than the running rails, which have been upgraded to flat bottom rail. in this deep level tube station, 狀語修飾整個句子,which have been upgraded to flat bot

25、tom rail是定語從句,修飾the running rails。2. The only two ways out of the problem is either to push the train onto the nearest current rails or to make use of long cables which can be used to connect a socket on the train to shoes at the other ends of the leads which are then placed on the rails.The only tw

26、o ways 是主語,out of the problem介詞短語作定語,修飾主語。Either or是特殊句式,which can be used to connect a socket on the train to shoes at the other ends of the leads which are then placed on the rails是定語從句修飾cables,which are then placed on the rails也是定語從句修飾the leads。返回Either or是特殊句式1.When the girl is happy,she either

27、sings or dances. 那個女孩高興時,不是唱就是跳.2.Either you or I am going there tomorrow. 明天要么你去那里,要么我去那里. 3.Are either you or I going there tomorrow? 明天是你還是我去那里? 4.Either you or he has to stay at home. 不是你就是他要呆在家里。返回Lesson 2 DC 3-Rail Traction System 一、單詞學習二、課文講解三、特殊句式四、自我閱讀五、相互學習 1. betide:bi:taid vi.(事故等)發(fā)生, (禍

28、)起。vt.多用于詛咒語(災難等)降臨于;預示, 預兆。Whatever may betide, maintain your courage.無論發(fā)生什么事, 都不要驚慌失措。Woe betide you if you betray us.如果你背叛我們, 你會得到報應。2. come in:流行;時髦;上市 。到達;抵達。到達;抵達。到達;抵達。When did the short skirt first come in?/短裙是什么時候開始流行的?進入(比賽)/(在比賽中)獲得名次。come in third/得第三名。Has the train come in yet? /火車到站了嗎?

29、 3. description: dis5kripFEn n.敘述; 描寫; 說明。貨名; 品名說明書。作圖; 繪圖。種類。a vivid description/生動的描寫。a person of that description/那類人。He gave a description of what he had seen/他描述了他所見到的一切。He is not very good at description/他不善于描寫。下一頁4. provide: provaid vt.供給, 提供。裝備。準備。規(guī)定。provide liberally for ones family/為家庭提供充足

30、的生活費用。Sheep provide us with wool/羊供給我們羊毛。They are ill provided with food/他們的食品不足。The agreement provides that three months notice shall be given on either side/協議規(guī)定任何一方應在三個月前發(fā)出通知。5.slipper: sliper n.常用復室內穿的軟幫鞋, 拖鞋; (女式)跳舞鞋; 便鞋?!緳C】滑動部分; 滑屐; 滑塊; 游標; 制動塊。n.睡眠者。寢車; 有(臥)鋪(設備的)飛機; 美(鐵路)臥鋪, 臥車, 英枕木; 軌鋼枕。concrete sleeper/混凝土軌枕。6. spring:springn.春季, 春天。青春, 初期。跳躍, 跳起, 彈。彈性力, 活力。彈簧, 發(fā)條。7.the dead section:無電區(qū)。8. whatever:pron.,無論什么, 任何事物;口(用在疑問句中表示強調)究竟(什么);諸如此類。Do whatever you like/做任何你喜歡做的事;W-you do, do it well/不論你做什么事, 都要好好地做。Keep calm, whatever happens/無論發(fā)生什么事都要保持冷靜。W-do


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