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1、河北省張家口市宣化區(qū)宣化第一中學(xué)2021屆高三英語上學(xué)期期初考試WS一、閱讀理禪(本大題共15小題,共30.0分)AViSLting WaShington, D C. is not a WaSte Of your tije and money. There are Inany PLaCeS i Washington, D. C. that you Car) include Ln your journey, WhLCh make your travel to this great City WOrth your tine and IIlOneY Here are SOme notable att

2、ractions that the CLty Can Offer*StnIthsonian InStitUtiOnItiS the LnLafie Of 19th Centuy SandStXlne CalIed the CaStie. ThiS LSan institutio that has got InOre than nine nuseujns k One-Ciay tour is not enough to COVer it all. The best PIaeeS to ViSit are Air and SPaCe MUSeunI and MUSeunI Of NatUra.1

3、HiStOry *Jefferson MenlOrLalThiS PIaCe houses the 19-foot StatUe Of AnIerLCa s third PreSident In addition, there are some WTitin劭 in the WalI Like DeClaratiOn Of Independence and SOme JefferSOn S WrLtLngS.MiCheI RiChaTd CitrOnel IeThiS famous Chef got a r StaUIant at the heart Of WaS hi ng ton, D.

4、C. HG prepares WOnderfUI dishes Iodignitarieswho Trequenthis place. It i 3 not OnIy about attmetive IIIenUJ but the SerViCe i S PrOfeSSiOnaL The multi COUrSe is accompanied With vzne. The restaurant, s Wine CelIar houses thousands Of bottles.Mandarin OrigrrtalThiS is a taste Of ASLa in the district

5、The hotel arenities (i) are VOrLd CLaSS With POOI and spas. The restaurant ShcWS the city S viw On a flat SCreen TV and the rocns have Internet accessThe White HOUSeIt should not be missed It is One Of the nost SignifiCant buildings Ln the city. ItS architecture is grand and SUitS the city, S IandSC

6、aPe TheYe ar guided tours that you Can join in.* TWinS JaZZIf you VZant to enjoy jazz nusic, this is the DLaCe to be. YOU CSn hear grassrtsmusicians PIay Th fd IS also good.1.What Can you ViSit in SnithSOnianInStitution?2.3.A Castles.B. Musuhls.C. StatuesD Rstau,ants.What Can you do in MiCheI Richar

7、d4. TaSte ASian food.C. EnjDy gd fd and service.Cit ronelle?B. COOk CleliCiOUSD. SWiin and enjoyTyhiCh Of the following is your best ChOiCe as a musicdishes.free Wifi.lover?Jeffer3on Memorial.MandaTin OFienINLC. The Whit House.D TWinS Jazz.A 3-year-Old boy WhO was IOSt in the WoOdS for tw days is ne

8、w Safe at home WLth his family. BUt CaSey HathaVay told his rescuers that he WaS not alone in the rainy, freezing COld woods. He SaLd he WaS With a friend - a bmarThe Child Went Ini ssing On JanUary 22 He 舒as PIaying With friends at his grandmother S house in the southern stat Of North Carolina. WhQ

9、il th othr children returned home but CaSeydid not, the family SearChed the area for almost an hour before Calling the POliCe PGliCe foniied a SearCh and rescue tear to IOOk for the young boy in the neaby WOcd3 BUt tw days Went by and StilI - no Casey.Then On JanUary 24, SOInmOne CalIed the POIiCe S

10、aying he heard a ChLId CryLng in th WOodSfc POliCe followed UP On the infonnation and found Casey at about 9 : 30 that nght They PUlIed him OUt Of some briar. HG WaS in gocd health. Casey told th rescuers that he had hung OUt With a black bear for tw days, a bear he CalIed his vfrindzr Sheriff ChiD

11、HUgheS SPOke ith reporters from SeveraI news agencies He Said CaSey did not Say hew he WaS able to SUrZiVe in the TOOdS for thr days in th cold, rainy Weather HOWever, the Sheriff said, He did say he had a friend in the WOOdS that WaS a bear that WaS Vzith him.HUndred3 Of PeOPIe helped in the search

12、 and rescue efforts, including some 6C0 volunteers, federal poli and members Of the IniI讓ary. Officer Hughos told reporters that at no DOLnt did he think Casey had been kidnapped.HLS 血OtheT Brittany Hathatalked With reporters fu a IOCaI news agcy and thankd everyone Who joined the SearCh for her son

13、- We just Want to tell everybody that w5 r vory thankful that you took th time OUt to SearCh for CaSey and Prayed for him, and he S gd. Said his mother. He is good, he is UP and talking. He S already asked to WatCh Netflix. So, hes goOd 4. When did Casey get lost?Orl JanUary 24.After a 911 call.Befo

14、re his PIayllats returned hemD After he Ieft his grandmother s house.5 What Can We know about th boy?He sun7ived With the help Of a bear.B The rscuors rescued him f:TCfll a beeSDIneOne Offered key InfOmatiOn to find himD He ,las vritualIy found by officer Hughes.6. Why did the ITlother Say that in t

15、he IaSt paragraph?TO report the detailed SitUatLOneTo show her gratitude and reliefsTo LnVit everyo to WatCh her child.D To appreciate SearCherS and the bear.7 Whre LS this text nost likly from?A A news reportB. A guidebook.C A diary.D An advert!sementsCSIOwIy but surLy, w, reInOVing closer and CloS

16、eT to 5G VZOrId FIXnL smart-hone SeCUrity to 3elf-driving cars, all the internet-connected devices in OUr Iife WilI be able to talk to each OthsT at Iightiling-fast spds With reduced delay. ObjeCtiVeIyspoaking, th fas test 4G download speeds in th US top OIlt at an aver ago Of 19. 42Mbps. BUt by CDm

17、ClariSOn 5G DrOnLSeS gigabit 千兆)SPeedS5G LS one Of those he 曰 IdS (使者),along w it h artificial int ellgece, Of this COininS data age, ,r Said Stve KOenigI SeniOr ClLrtor Of Elarket research for the COnSiJnler Technology ASSOCiation. “Th self-driving vehicle is a great GnLbIelrl Of this data age, and

18、 that LS to Sayl it is a SiaI Of time, because WLth One SingIe task, driving, you have massive amounts Of CO)TlinS frau the VehiCIe LtSelf, and a valety Of sensors ar collecting a LOt Of information to InOdeI its environments as it moves It S PUlling in date from Other vehicles about road COnditLOnS

19、 do the lane. It COUId be v/eather infoation, and also connted LnfraStrUCtUre (基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施)COnStrUCtOrS There s IOtS Of data behind that task, VZhiCh is VZhy We need the high SPeedAnd YirtUaI reality glasses and headsets haven t yet broken the Jnainstream, but tech COnIPanieS are joyfully betting thah thes

20、e devices VdlL eventually replace OUr SnartDhOneS With 5G, that COUId actually happen ThiS is notable because CoIWanieg SUCh as APPIe are reportedly develop! ng AR glas SeS to assistOr even re pl aceSIIlartDhone 3 EriCSSOn Stated at FebrUary S MobiIe WorId CongreSS hew Snlart glasses COUId become fa

21、ster and IighteT With a 5G COnneCtion, because instead Of being Weighed do和 With components, the glasses COUId rely On hardre for PrOCeSSing POer.BUt don t get t xctd Thore S StLlL a IOt Of Wark to bo don in the Iiisantinio1 IneIUding VarioUS trialS to make SUre the radios PIay nicely With hard,w3e

22、and infrastructuro COnStrUCtiOn SO 5G isnt Concentratod OnIy in big Citios.8. What iS the first ParagmDh mainly about?A A right SoCUrity Of 5GB. The supor sd Of 5G.C. A Dotential CIream Of 5G.D The DreSent WrId Of 5G.9 WhiCh Of the following Can replace th Undorlinod TOrd emblem in ParagmPh 2?襄.exhi

23、bitionB. expl anation C. SPonSOrD. SylIlbOl10. Tyhat do SOnIetch companies expect Clf VirtUaI reality glasses?A.They Willbe heavier than DreSent ones.B.TheyWillPTCICBSS POWr On their OwnC.They WillSerVe DeODIe instead Of SnartDhones.D.TheyWiIIbixins a big fortu to teach companies.IL What VdlI the aj

24、thor tell IJS in the next Daragimh?HeW to fully expand 5G coverageHcW to effectively reduce 5G trials.HcW to nicely OPerate 5G haxdvareD HCW to Widely COnStrUCt 5G big Citdes.DA robot Created by WaShingtOn State UnLVerSity (WSU) SCientiStS could help elderly PeoPle With denntia and Clther Iilrlitati

25、OnS 1lv in dependently in their OW homesThe RObot ACtiVLty SUPDOrt System, Or RASl uses sensors Of專感希)equipped in a WSU SllIaTt horn to determine where LtS rsidnts ar, What they ar doing and when they need assistance With daily SCtiVities It navigates 定彳立)through rooms and around obstacles to find p

26、ople On its Ow, provides video instructions On how to do simple task3 and Can even Iead its OWnerS to ObjeCts Iike their InediCatiOn Or a snack in th kitchenRAS COnlbines the COnVenienee Of a mobile robot Vdth the EICtiVity detection technology Of a WSU smart hctn to provide assistance in the nomnt,

27、 as the nd for help is detectedSaid Bryan Minor, a DOStdOCtOral researcher in the WSU SChOOl Of E 2ctTiCaI EngLnring and Conputor SCienCeCUrrentIyl aboUt 50 Per Cent adults OVer the age Of 85 need assistance With evryday activities SUCh as preparing meals and taking nodi cation and th annual COS t f

28、or this assistance in the US is nearly $2 tri LlLOn With the number Of adults OVer 85 expected to triple by 2050, researchers hop that technologies lik RAS and th WSU Smart heme Vzill relieve SOlne Of the financial pressure On the healthcare syste by Iilaking Lt easier for oLdor adults to IiVe alone

29、.RAS 13 the first, robot researchers have tried to apply to their Stllart home environment. They recently PUblLShed a StUdy in th journal Cognitive Systems Rosearch that ShOWS hew RAS COUId make Iife easier for Older adults StrUggILng to IiVe independent! y.While We are StiLl Ln an early Stage Of de

30、velopment, OUr initial results With RAS haze been promising, MinOr SaidThe next SteP in the research Will b to tst RAS, PerfOmlanee With a group Of Older adults to get a better idea Of What VieIeO reminders and OthE preferences they have regarding the robot12 What PIayS a key role in RAS serving the

31、 elderly?A. SenSOrSB. VLdeOSC. Signal IightSD Head size.IWhat Can We learn about RAS?A ItiS the first :TObOt USed Ln daily ILfeB ItS function remains to be tested匚 It CCm IOCcLte DeOPLe and do any taskD It Can COOk for ovzs On its OMiWhat, 3 MinOr s SttitUcIe tOVOTd the futUre Of RAS?A DOUbtfULB. Ne

32、gatLiueC. OPtiIilLStiCD UrICqTtain.What WOUld be a SuitabIe title for the text?ElderIy People LGaVG the NUrSing HOlneSInart Hare TeStS FirSt EIder Care RObOtRAS5 th FirSt RObOt to JIakG HOne Snart.D OId莎 AdUItS HaVe Benefited fron RAS a Lot.二、閱讀七選五(本大題共5小題,共10. O分)In AneriCan history, Benjanin Frank

33、lLn WaS famous for his Droverbs. Franklin IiVed in th ITOOSfc He WaS a loader Of the American Rvolution against English TUI9 H was also a SCientiS t, in ven tor and writer.FOr many years, FTankIin published a book called5 POOr Richard S AInanaJCyfc He included many PrOVerb3 that he had heard Or Crea

34、ted Like this one: BarIyto bed and early to ris naks a Hlan healthy, WaIthy and wise.Franklin is also retnetnbered for Other DrOVerbS like, A Penny SaVed is a Denny earned ZZ (2)Here are Other exairiples Of proverbs that AmerLCanS USefc Some DeODIe say, All is fair In lov and Warfc They nan that any

35、thing you do in a relationship Or in battle is acceptable.(4) I n other Words, when you are in lov With SOneOn, you nay rofus to s anything bad about that Person.SOlrle PeOPIe are OnIy interested in having a relationship With someone VzhO is very good-looking YOU might tell them that ZrBeaUty is OnI

36、y Skin deer, Your girlfriend jray be IOVeIy to IOOk at7 but Shemay also have som bad qualities(5) YOUr boyfidend is a VZOnderfUI person, but not good-looking. SO What a PRrSOn IOOkS Iike is not really importantAnOther DrOVerb is true in IOVe and War Or Other situations; ACtiOnS SDeak IOUder t han wo

37、rds It means that WIIat you do is irior importan t t han What you Say A. Or th opposite may be tXWB The first OneS are aboUt IoVeC Son Of them are StilI IlSed todayD AnOther PrOVerb 3ay3 LOVe is blindE A proverb is a ShOrtP WGIl known SayingF This means that money ShOUId not be IWaSteekG Another PrW

38、rb about IW is, ArAbSnee makes th IWart grow fonder.16.A.AB.BC.CDDEEF.FG.G17.A.AB.BC.CDDE.EF.FGG18.A.AB.BC.CD.DEEF.FG.G19.A.AB.BC.CDDE.EF.FGG20.A.AB.BC.CDDB.EF.FGG三.完形填空(本大題共20小題,共30.0分)Frey is On her Way to the POttery(陶器)WOrkShOP in Shanghai. She WilIingly(21)the taii courses Of the WOrkShUP every

39、 Tusday, sponding three Or fourhours (22) there Aftor five WekS Of (23) ? She is IOOkinS forward to taking hone the first bowl sh makes With her own hands as a (2) SOUVenirfc Ive enjoyed every ninute at the WOrkShOP ItL nables Ille to Irlake friends and learn how to make pottery With th dirtions and

40、 (25) frent Othem Frey says.Also, she fls very COmfOrtabl Ln the WrkShO, WhiCh croats a (26) atmosphor Iike CIaSSrm in WhiCh PeODIe fr di fferent backgrounds gather (27) to Create their WOrkS AS a foreigner, Frey has adopted pottery making to (28) her Own ideas and thoughts The WhOIe DrCCeSS Of maki

41、ng a POttery DieCe may IOOk rather(29) to a beginner but I StilI keep on, and30) I will leaze With a WhoIe case Of my WOrkS by the end Of OUr stay, Frey says.Sharing the Same nthusias, Magi Guo, a fomer clothes (31)and now a housewife is trying to COmDIete her DOttery dtean 1C32) to StUdy DOttery Vz

42、hen I applied to LmiVQTSity many years aso ? but I eventually gt engaged inclothos design, WhiCh beccune ITly(SGUO SaySfcNoVG aftr years Ln that fild? She StiLI (34) Iearaing POtter She attends th WOrkShOP to finally realize the (35) she had DUt On the SheIf for so in any year 3. a always SIlrPriSed

43、 and(36) to s th final WOrkS Of my Ow, and it(37)ne to Iearn the real IiIeaJ)Ing Of being an(9) They both think more people ShOULd (39) iOto the WOrId Of POttery making to experience the (Z) Of CreatiVity With SitPPIe materials.21.A.passesB.kpsC.givesD.attends22.A.PraCti CingB.ShCWingC.actingD.DIayi

44、TIg23.A.activitiesB.CIaSSeSC.findingsD.SkilIS24.A.fomalB.traditionalC.SDeCiaID.random25.A.expectationsB.COIILnlentSC.suggs ticnsD.assessments26.A.funnyB.tenseC.dullD.PleaSant27.A.regularlyB.nervouslyC.secretlyD.pefctly28.A.fol IwB.intrcduceC.expressD.get29.A.safB.COmPIeXC.IOgiCalD.artificial30.A.nat

45、urallyB.SUrPri SingIyC.CaSUalIyD.hopefully31.A.designerB.SaIeSwananC.COl1ctorD.advei SQr32.A.refused.meantC.PretendedD.CDntinUed33.A.judgmtB.carrC.burdenD.motivatLon34.A.ends UD WithBCatCheS UP WLthC.IOOkS fordtoDIOOkS UP to35.A.VaIUeB.ViCtOryC.descr iptionD.dream36.A.disappointedB.scaredC.CalnID.ha

46、ppy37.A.forcesB.remindsC.allowsD.expects38.A.architestB.artistC.ambassadorD.accountant39.A.stepB.InOVeC.breakD.turn40.A.InagiCB.habitC.DrincioleD.impress ion四、語法填空(本大題共1小題,共15.0分)41.A IlGW exhibit at a CalLfOrnia trusprovides ViSitOrS(1) a modem version Ofthe ancient ChineSe art Style9 shan ShUi hu八

47、 funny有趣的7 B. tense緊張的,Cfc dull乏味的,Dfc pleasant 高興的7根據(jù)空前sh feels VQry COlrIfOrtabl in the WrkShOP可知她在車間里感覺很 舒服,說明他們制作陶器時(shí)的氣氛非常令人高興(DleasBnt),故選D.7 A.副詞辨析.A. regularly有規(guī)律的,B nervously 緊張的,Cfc secretly 密的,D perftly 完美的,根據(jù)上文 the training COUrSeS Of the WrkShOP every TUeSday 可知每周二的講習(xí)班培訓(xùn)課程,說明他們是有規(guī)律的聚集在一起創(chuàng)

48、造自己的作品,枚選飮 8. C.動(dòng)詞辨析.根據(jù)空后her own ideas and thoughts可知她自己的想法,說明作者利 用陶器制作來衣達(dá)(express)自己的想法,故選C.9 B、形容詞辨析 A. 3afe全的,B. complex復(fù)雜的,C. IOgiCaI符合邏輯的,D. artificial人造的,虛假的,根據(jù)常識(shí)我們可知The WhOIe PrCCeSS Of making a POttery DieCe制陶的全過程對(duì)于初學(xué)者來說是非常復(fù)雜 的(COttIPIeX) 7 故選 B10. D創(chuàng)詞辨析.根據(jù)空后I WilI IBaVe With a WhOIe CaSe Of

49、 Iny VZOrkS by th nd Of OUr Stay? 可知在我們JI留結(jié)束之前,我將帶著一整箱我的作品離開,說明這是作者表達(dá)的自己的愿望(hopefully) 7 故選 Dfc1L A名詞辨析根據(jù)下文 but 1 eventualIy get engaged in CIOtheS design 可知但我 最終從事服裝設(shè)計(jì),說明她是一位設(shè)計(jì)師(designer),枚選A.12 Bfc動(dòng)詞辨析本句I (12)to StUdy Potty When I applied to univrsity many years ago,句意是我多年前申請(qǐng)大學(xué)時(shí)就打算(nean to do)學(xué)習(xí)陶器

50、,故選B.B.名詞辨析.根據(jù)上句 but I eventually gt engaged Ln CIOtheS design 7知但我 最終從事服裝設(shè)計(jì),說明服裝設(shè)計(jì)成為她的職業(yè)(Career),故選B.C.動(dòng)詞辨析.A. nds UP With 最終,B. CatCheSUPWith 趕上C. IoClkSfOrward to期盼,D. IODkS UP to 尊敬,本句 NOw, after years in that field, She StilI14) Iearning pottery.句意是現(xiàn)在,在那個(gè)領(lǐng)域工作多年之后,她仍然期待學(xué)習(xí)制作 陶器.故選GD.名詞辨析.根據(jù)上文I (1

51、2)to 3tujy Pottery When I applied to UTliVerSity IIlany years ago , 可知我名年前申請(qǐng) 大學(xué)時(shí)就打養(yǎng)學(xué)習(xí)陶器,說明她現(xiàn)在學(xué)習(xí)制作陶器的目的是實(shí)現(xiàn)自己的夢(mèng)想(血遜),故 選D.D.形容詞辨析.根據(jù)常識(shí)可知See the final WrkS Of Iny OWlI看自己的最終作品時(shí) 肯定非常高興(happy),故選D,B.動(dòng)詞辨析.本句 it (17) Jne to larn th ieal meaning Of being an (18). 句意是它使我想起(remind )成為藝術(shù)家的真正意文,故選B.B.名詞辨析.A. ar

52、chitect建筑師,B. artist 藝術(shù)家,C. ambassador大使,D. accountant 會(huì)計(jì),根據(jù)上句 but I eventually get engaged in CIOtheS design 可知但我 最終從事服裝設(shè)計(jì),說明自己的一位服裝設(shè)計(jì)師,是藝術(shù)家(artist),枚選B.A.動(dòng)詞辨析.本句 They both think InOre DeOPIe should C19)into the Woild Of Pottery making to experience the (20)Of CreatiVity With SimDIe materials.句意是他們

53、倆都認(rèn)為,更多的人應(yīng)該踏入(step into)陶藝世界,以筒單的材料體驗(yàn)創(chuàng)造的魔力.枚選飮Al名詞辨析.根據(jù)空后的simple naterials可知簡(jiǎn)單的材料也可以創(chuàng)造出有魔力 (IrlaeiC)的藝術(shù)品,故選A.本文主旻講述Frey在上海的陶誥工廠學(xué)習(xí)制作陶器來宼達(dá)自己的思想,告訴更多的人應(yīng)該 踏入陶藝世界,以簡(jiǎn)單的材料體驗(yàn)創(chuàng)造的魔力.完型塡空題解題步驟:通讀全文,理解大意.重視首句信息,跳過空格,瀏覽全文,從整體上感知全文,理解 文章大意,這是解題的基礎(chǔ).瞻前顧后,避難就易.在理解文章大意的情況下,結(jié)合各選項(xiàng)的意義和用法,遵循先易 后難的原則,先解決那些自己有把握的問題,對(duì)少數(shù)難題,暫

54、時(shí)跳過,或許在上文中難以判 斷的題在下文中就有暗示或者明顯的提示,或許一個(gè)在前面不能解答的題在填岀了另一空后 會(huì)令你豁然開朗.復(fù)讀全文,解忘殘敵.借助己經(jīng)補(bǔ)全的空格,對(duì)全文有了更清楚的理解,可以集中解決 所遺留的少數(shù)疑難問題.再次復(fù)讀,彌補(bǔ)疏漏,全部做好后,務(wù)必要結(jié)合自己選擇的答秦重新閱讀短文內(nèi)容,確 保全文文意連貫.【答案】【小題1 With【小題 21 Jneaning【小題3】found【小題 4 tFaditional【小題5 to SIOW【小題6】goals【小題7 WhO【小題8】ACtUalIy【小題 9 ciatd【小題101 a【解析】答案及解析with.考査介詞.句意:加

55、利福尼亞博物館的一個(gè)新展品為參觀者提供了中國(guó)古代藝 術(shù)鳳格的現(xiàn)代版本山水畫蔦英文意為山水畫J Prgide sb. WLth sth.為某入提供某 物,固定結(jié)構(gòu).故填WitmIlIean.考査非謂語動(dòng)詞.本句provide作謂語動(dòng)詞,此處相當(dāng)于非限制性定語從 句,修飾前面名詞shan ShUi hua且和被修飾詞之間為主謂關(guān)系,用現(xiàn)在分詞.故填 Irleaning.found.考査動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài).句意:幾年前,藝術(shù)家NiCk DO屈和Chi Tsung WU找到了將新 的數(shù)宇一代與傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)聯(lián)系起來的方法.根據(jù)本句時(shí)間狀語svml years ago,可知,i胃 語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用一般過去時(shí),find的過去

56、式是found,故填found.traditional.考査形容詞.空格處作定語修飾名詞kind,用形容詞.tradition是名 詞,其形容詞形式為traditionaL故填traditional.5) to SICWI考査非謂語動(dòng)詞.句意,展覽迫使觀眾放慢腳步,體驗(yàn)不同的世界.forcsb. to do sth.迫使/促使/強(qiáng)迫某人干某事,31資可作動(dòng)詞使用,宼示”減慢、放慢故 填 to S low.goals.考査名詞的數(shù).句意:這也是很久以前山水畫藝術(shù)家的六大目標(biāo)之一.One Of the +復(fù)數(shù)名詞,表示之一:枚填goals.who.考杳定語從句的引導(dǎo)詞.所填單詞引導(dǎo)定語從句修飾前面

57、名詞Dong,結(jié)合引導(dǎo)詞 在從句中作主語可知,應(yīng)用黃系代詞M0,故填眥0.Actually.考杳副詞、根據(jù)空格后加逗號(hào)可知,此處應(yīng)該用副詞修飾后面整個(gè)句子.形容詞actual的副詞形 actually.因置于句首首字母需大寫.故填A(yù)CtUalIy.create.考杳非謂語動(dòng)詞.句意;這件作品由吳創(chuàng)造,被稱為水晶城.所填單詞作定 語修怖名詞Th PieC9且與被修飾詞之間表達(dá)動(dòng)賓關(guān)系,用過去分詞.故填created.乩考查冠詞.WDrld前有形容詞來修飾,前面加不定冠詞弘表達(dá)一個(gè)怎樣的世界 ,a new World 個(gè)新的世界.故填a,本文為說明艾.介紹了加利福尼亞博物館的一個(gè)新屣品為參觀者提供

58、了中田古代藝術(shù)風(fēng)格的 觀代版本山水畫篤是藝術(shù)家NiCk DOrJg Chi TSUnS WU將新的數(shù)字一代與傳統(tǒng)藝術(shù)聯(lián)系起 來的一種新的方法.本題考査語法填空.耍求熟練掌握重要詞類的功能用法,熟悉相關(guān)詞類之間的轉(zhuǎn)換規(guī)則,注 意語法知識(shí)點(diǎn)考杳和固定詞語撈配以及習(xí)慣用語等情況.【答案】答案,L(QSt summer, I SDend two week3 at a SUJroer camp in England. SUnuner CaJnPS aretigh POPUIar and a IOt Of teenafierUSUaIIy go CanlPing every year. It was my

59、 first time,and I thought it WaS amazing. I stayed Ln a little WOoden ho us Vdth fouranother kids. We took Part in lots Ofinterestd OUtdoor and SOCiaI activities. I took IlLy COInPUter and CaJneTa to me, and Sent DhDtOS back to Iny Parent3. At the CamP I SDOke BngliSh all time and I also PraCtid rea

60、d signs. SO Iily English is quite good now. I WaS Sad toleaving the CaIW because Of it 碗3 a really SPeCiaI holiday.解析ISPeHdfSDSlI匕考查動(dòng)詞時(shí)態(tài).根據(jù)本句時(shí)間狀語Last suer可知,謂語動(dòng)詞應(yīng)該用 一般過去時(shí).故將spend改為spent.high highly.考杳副詞,high與highly都可以作創(chuàng)詞,higl表示具體的髙,通常 用來修飾動(dòng)詞(jump,CIimb等)J highly袤示抽象的”高篤通常理解為高度地、非常地,除修飾動(dòng)詞(speak、PraiS


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