1、Chapter 5 Translation of Long Sentences of English1 英語長句之所以很長, 一般是由三個原因造成的: 一是修飾語多;二是聯(lián)合成分多;三是結(jié)構(gòu)復雜、層次疊出。英語長句在公文文體、論說文體和科技等文體中用的尤其多, 這主要是因為長句可以嚴密細致地表達多重而又密切相關(guān)的概念。這種復雜組合的概念在口語體中經(jīng)常是以分切、并列、遞進或重復等方式化整為零地表達出來的。 2 我們在翻譯英語長句時應(yīng)體會到長句的表意特點和交際功能, 盡量做到既能從英漢差異出發(fā)處理好長句翻譯在結(jié)構(gòu)形式上的問題, 又要盡力做到不忽視原文的文體特征,保留英語長句所表達的多重的致密思維特
2、色;不要使議句產(chǎn)生松散和脫節(jié)感, 妥善處理議句的內(nèi)在連接問題。3 翻譯包括理解和表達兩個大的階段。理解包括四個具體步驟: 緊縮主干(SV; SVO)、辨析詞義、區(qū)分主從(識別修飾語與被修飾語; 判斷各成分之間的內(nèi)在聯(lián)系)、捋清層次(推斷句子思維邏輯發(fā)展形式及重心); 表達包括兩個步驟: 調(diào)整搭配(按漢語習慣形成主謂賓配列; 調(diào)整各層次語序)、潤飾詞語。4 英語長句翻譯可視情況采取以下方法: 包孕、切斷、倒置、拆離、插入、重組。5包孕(embedding): 漢譯時將英語后置成分(各種詞組或從句)放在中心詞(被修飾成分)之前。6 The General Assembly may call the
3、 attention of the Security Council to situations which are likely to endanger international peace and security. 7 聯(lián)合國大會對可能危機國際和平與安全之形勢,須提請安理會注意。 8 包孕式可以使行文文體具有明顯的節(jié)奏感, 有時雖然包孕部分相當長, 這種節(jié)奏感仍然保證了思維邏輯的連貫性, 因而不必切斷原句。9 This is no class war, but a war in which the whole British Empire and Commonwealth of Nat
4、ions is engaged, without distinction of race, creed, or party.10 這不是一場階級之間的戰(zhàn)爭, 而是一場不分種族, 不分信仰, 不分黨派, 整個大英帝國及英聯(lián)邦全體成員國無不參加的戰(zhàn)爭。11 The Court shall be composed of a body of independent judges, elected regardless of their nationality from among persons of high moral character, who possess the qualificatio
5、ns required in their respective countries for appointment to the highest judicial offices, or are jurisconsults(法理學專家/法官=jurist) of recognized competence in international law. 12 該法院須由/以獨立法官若干人組成之。此項法官應(yīng)不論國籍, 從/就那些品格高尚并在其各自國家具有最高司法職位之(被)任命資格的法官或公認的國際法學專家中選舉之。13切斷/分切(cutting): 英語公文文體和科技文體由于修飾/限定成分或名詞詞
6、組太多, 每每要表達多重復雜的概念, 所以不得不使用長句。在漢譯時我們可以視情況盡力將長句切斷, 使議句層次一目了然, 不要象英語那樣環(huán)扣相連、盤根錯節(jié)。14 Decisions of the Security Council on procedural matters shall be made by an affirmative(贊成的/肯定的) vote of nine members.15 安理會關(guān)于程序事項之決議, 應(yīng)/須以九成員國之可決票表決之。(在主謂連接處切斷)16 Jointly or separately Council Committees and subsidiary
7、commissions study the problems and submit recommendations to the Council in due time. 17 安理會各委員會及輔助委員會可單獨亦可共同研究此類問題, 并適時向安理會提出建議。 (在并列連接處切斷)18Exercises: Translate the following two sentences into English1) The general Assembly may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the perfor
8、mance of its functions.2) Each usually has a political head-political in the sense that the appointment is by the President and subject to Senate confirmation.19 1) 聯(lián)合國大會得/須設(shè)立其認為于/對其行使職務(wù)所必需之輔助機關(guān)。 2) 每一單位通常都有一位政治首腦.這里所謂政治首腦,是因為他是由總統(tǒng)任命, 并須經(jīng)過參議院批準的。 (在同位語從句前切斷)20倒置(Reversing): 長句翻譯中的倒置主要是指句子的前后調(diào)換問題。一般是
9、將長復雜句包孕、切斷成短句后或進行局部調(diào)整,或進行總體調(diào)整,原則是使?jié)h語譯句安排符合習慣表達法, 即符合現(xiàn)代漢語論理敘事的一般邏輯順序, 結(jié)果譯句恰恰是將原句的意思倒著說。根據(jù)漢語的習慣表達法, 我們在翻譯時, 可以視情況按 “意群”, 進行全部倒置或部分倒置。21 全部倒置: 22 No longer are “separate but equal” schools regarded as being permitted under the “equal protection of the laws” provision of the 14th Amendment to the Consti
10、tution.23 根據(jù)第14條(美國)憲法修正案關(guān)于“法律上受公平保護”的條款, 所謂“分隔而平等”的學校,已不再被視為合法。24 With a view to successfully maintaining a balanced system implemented by a basically even distribution of Federal resources, Federal financial aid is given only if a state has acceptable standards of administration.25 各州要先制定符合規(guī)章的管理標準
11、, 聯(lián)邦政府才會撥給財政援助; 這是為了使聯(lián)邦政府的財源基本上得到平均的分配, 以確保實施一種平衡的財政制度。26 A great number of graduate students were driven into the intellectual slum when in the United States the intellectual poor became the classic poor, the poor under the rather romantic guise of the Beat Generation, a real phenomenon in the late
12、 fifties.27 五十年代后期美國出現(xiàn)了一個任何人都不可能視而不見的現(xiàn)象,窮知識分子以“垮掉的一代”這種頗為浪漫的姿態(tài)出現(xiàn)而成為美國典型的窮人.正是這個時候大批大學畢業(yè)生被趕進了知識分子貧民窟28 So it was that the farm poor were caught in their own past, the double victims of technology; exiled from their home by advances in agricultural machinery; unfitted for life in the city because of t
13、he consequences of industrial mechanization.29 農(nóng)民由于機器的日益用于農(nóng)業(yè)生產(chǎn)而被趕出自己的家園; 而由于工業(yè)機械化(的結(jié)果)他們在城里又無以為生.農(nóng)村中的窮人就這樣變成了技術(shù)發(fā)展的雙重犧牲品, 又陷入了往昔遭受的困境。30 部分倒置:31 We have already seen the effect of this in Congress, where party plays a relatively minor role in the majority of issues and where, almost without exception
14、, a large percent of each party is found on each side of issues on which there are differences of opinion.32 在大多數(shù)問題上,政黨所起的只是次要的作用;遇到意見有分歧的問題,每個政黨內(nèi)幾乎無不例外地有大批人士分屬爭論雙方.我們已在國會中見到這種情形. (我們在國會中已見到如下情形:)33 Such is human nature in the West that a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay f
15、or the privilege of becoming white-collar workers.34 許多人常常寧愿犧牲比較高的工資待遇以換取成為白領(lǐng)工人的社會地位 /特權(quán);這在西方倒是人之常情.35拆離(splitting): 拆離就是將英語長句的某些成分(句子,詞組或詞)從句子主干中拆開,另行處理,以利于句子的總體安排.常見的情況是英語長句中有某些成分很難切斷或順翻譯,也很難將它們包孕在句中;切實可行的辦法是將它們拆開, 放到句子主干之首或句尾,以免造成行文上的阻塞.36 拆離單詞:37 An outsiders success could even curiously help th
16、e two parties to get the agreement they want.38 說來奇怪,一個局外人取得的成功竟然能促使雙方達成一項他們希望取得的協(xié)議.39 In recent years, it has ominously outfitted(裝備) its divisions along its western border for a lightning lunge(猛沖) westward.40 近年來,這個國家裝備了沿西部邊境部署的陸軍師,以便向西發(fā)動閃電戰(zhàn). 這是個不詳之兆.41 The number of the young people in the Unite
17、d States who cannot read is incredible-about one in ten.42 大約有四分之一的美國人沒有閱讀能力. 這簡直令人難以置信.Your salary will be incredibly high.43 拆離詞組:44 At the opening banquet, Nixon seemed to have paraphrased his hosts position by saying: “There are of course some who believe that the mere act of saying a statement
18、of principles or a diplomatic conference will bring lasting peace. This is nave.”45 尼克松在歡迎宴會上說: “當然, 有些人認為只要發(fā)表一項原則聲明或舉行一次外交會議就能帶來持久和平.這種想法很天真.” 尼克松這段話似乎是在 闡述東道國的立場.46 拆離從句:47 This land, which once barred the way of weary travelers, now has become a land for winter and summer vacation, a land of magi
19、c and wonder. The total expenditures of the US government for the so-called Fiscal Year 1970, that is the period from July 1, 1969 to June 10, 1970, were about 195 billion dollars, of which about 80 billion was for national defense.48 這個地方現(xiàn)在已成了/為冬夏兩季的休閑勝地,風光景物蔚為奇觀; 而從前精疲力竭的旅游者只能到此止步. 美國政府1970年財政年度的總
20、支出為1,950億美元,其中800億左右為國防開支; 所謂1970年財政年度系指1969年7月1日至1970年6月10日這段時間/這一期間.49插入式(Inserting): 古漢語沒有破折號,也沒有使用括號的句子.使用破折號或括號插入成分是借鑒外語發(fā)展起來的新句式.使用插入式是一種不得已的手段,在段落翻譯中不宜多用.50 The snow falls on every wood and field, and no crevice is forgotten; by the river and the pond, on the hill and in the valley.51 雪,在四處飄落著
21、. 雪花撒在樹上,撒在田野里;撒在河邊,湖畔,山上,谷底-沒有一條巖縫墻隙里不飄滿雪花. 52 雪花撒落在樹上,撒落在田野里,撒落在河邊,湖畔,撒落在山巒和山谷中/山坡和峽谷.大雪紛飛,連小小的巖隙中都飄進了雪花.53 雪花飄落在樹上,飄落在田地里;飄落在河邊,池旁,飄落在山坡和低谷.雪花飄飄,飛進每一道裂縫.54 In 1582 Richard Mulcaster, one of the earliest English grammarians who paid attention to this problem, wrote “the English tongue is of small reach, stretching no further than this island of ours(England), nay, not there over all”.55 1582年,理查德.邁爾卡斯特-一位最早注意到這個問題的英語語法學家之一-寫到: “英語的流行范圍很小/窄,充其量只用在我們這個英格蘭島, 甚至還沒有遍及全島.”56重組(Recasting): 重組就是將長句結(jié)構(gòu)完全理清,將英語原意完全弄懂以后按漢語敘事論
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