1、自修課一:如何破解閱讀障礙高考題型完形、閱讀學通法自修課二:如何全取完形填空自修課三:如何完勝閱讀理解自修課二:如何全取完形填空完形填空6大解題技巧1完形填空首句一般不設空,而首句往往是了解全文的窗口,依據首句所給的信息常常能夠看出文章的體裁和背景,從而有利于快速把握文章的主旨大意。文章首句往往是完形填空做題的切入點,開始幾個空往往與首句有密切關系。完形填空3大著眼點3語篇層次類題目是指無法在句內或句組確定答案,需要結合整個語篇才能找到準確答案的題目。完形填空3大著眼點02【示例2】(2014安徽高考)Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiri
2、ng, but I _38_managed_ to catch a taxi to my _39_accommodation_ and settle in.Next morning, I took another _40_ to the shopping centre to buy a few souvenirs.40A. colleague Bpassenger CsuitcaseDtaxi分析:選D 本題為句組層次題。從空格所在的句子無法確定答案,但我們能夠通過前面的句子尋找答案。由前面句子的“catch a taxi”可知,這里表示我又乘坐一輛出租車(taxi)。完形填空6大解題技巧5在
3、高考完形填空文章中,我們一定要在快速閱讀文章的過程中,細心找出能夠反映作者態(tài)度和感情色彩的重要詞匯,它們往往是名詞、形容詞、副詞、動詞等。這些詞匯經常是我們做題時重要的參照線索,能夠協助我們快速圈定某些題目的準確答案。完形填空3大著眼點01【示例2】(2014福建高考)My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldnt _43_ lessons.43A. miss Bafford Cselect Dunderstand分析:選B 本題為句內層次題。由本句中的“his fa
4、mily was poor”可推知,不能負擔起(afford)鋼琴課的費用。完形填空3大著眼點01【示例2】(2014福建高考)My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldnt _43_ lessons.43A. miss Bafford Cselect Dunderstand分析:選B 本題為句內層次題。由本句中的“his family was poor”可推知,不能負擔起(afford)鋼琴課的費用。完形填空3大著眼點1句組層次類題目是指通過閱讀空格所處的那一句話不
5、能找出準確答案,需要結合題目所在句子以外的句子(句組)才可找出答案的題目。完形填空3大著眼點01【示例1】(2014湖南高考) It didnt make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball, and it wasnt a _40_ operation like iceskating.40A. direct Bsingle Csmooth Dstrange分析:選C 本題為句內層次題。由空格后面的“ice-skating(滑冰)”就能夠得知40空應選smooth(平滑的)。完形填空3大著眼點1句組層次類題目是指通過閱讀空格所處的那一句
6、話不能找出準確答案,需要結合題目所在句子以外的句子(句組)才可找出答案的題目。完形填空6大解題技巧032句間邏輯關系【示例】(2013湖北高考)The house came 45_alive the next few days.Zigfried 46_enjoyed every single hour of them. _47_, the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 48_satisfied smile at the door of his home, he heard the 49_discus
7、sion of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas.47A. However BInstead CMoreover DTherefore分析:選A 本題可利用句間邏輯關系解題。從47空前后文的關系來看,此處表示轉折關系,故用however。自修課二:如何全取完形填空題目怎么命一選文章Step 1第一步 選文章從題材來看,高考完形填空題的選材新穎、時尚,注重知識、文化、教育與品位有機結合,符合中學生的閱讀興趣。題材廣泛,涉及人物故事、教育、社會經濟、文化發(fā)展等。選材01第一步 選文章體裁02從體裁來
8、看,高考完形填空題通常以記敘文或夾敘夾議的文章為主,偶爾會出現議論文或說明文。以2014年高考為例,除了廣東卷考的是議論文、重慶卷第二篇考的是說明文之外,其他省份考的都是記敘文或夾敘夾議的文章。挖空格Step 2第二步 挖空格文章首句一般不設空01首句一般暗示了文章的主題、背景、時間、地點、人物以及事件的起因等,這些元素實際上給我們理解原文和選擇準確答案限定了范圍,指明了方向。第二步 挖空格文章首句一般不設空01【示例】(2014安徽高考) In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invit
9、ation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida.時間人物事件地點第二步 挖空格依照詞匯的再現和重復挖空02(1)挖空的詞大多是未挖空詞的再現和重復示例 (2014山東高考) So in 1887, she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to_38_a licence to her but they, too, refused. Charlotte_39_continued_ to practise without a licence until 1912. She died four years l
10、ater at the age of 73. In 1993, 77 years after her_40_death_, a medical licence was issued to Charlotte.38A. sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow第二步 挖空格依照詞匯的再現和重復挖空02(2)未設空的文字一定是重要線索示例 (2014重慶高考) Also be cautious about expressing _34_.Getting angry in Southeast Asia just makes you look silly.34A. emotions Bcon
11、cern Cinterest Dviews分析:選A 命題人之所以挖此空格,是因為34空后的句子“Getting angry in Southeast Asia just makes you look silly”為本空的解題提供重要的線索,即getting angry是一種情感(emotion)。示例1 (2014天津高考) It was then _25_ I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on _26_balancing_ family and work.25A.when Bwhere Cwhich Dth
12、at第二步 挖空格利用語法和固定搭配挖空03分析:選D 25空考查的是強調句型,故用that。示例2 (2014山東高考)While _21_nursing_ her ill elder sister throughout the years, Charlotte discovered she had a(n) _22_ in medicine.22A.habit BinterestCopinion Dvoice第二步 挖空格利用語法和固定搭配挖空03分析:選B 22空考查固定搭配have an interest in“對感興趣”,其他三項后面一般都跟介詞of;若和in搭配,in應在名詞之前。
13、擬選項Step 3第三步 擬選項正確選項是唯一的01這條看似顯然的規(guī)律也能對解題有所協助。例如在四個選項中其中兩個選項是一對同義詞或近義詞,那么這兩個選項就能夠同時被排除了。這條規(guī)律我們稱之為“同義必同錯”。示例 (2014山東高考)But Charlotte had been practising without a licence. She had_34_applied_for_a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was_35_.35A. punished Brefused Cblamed Dfired第三步 擬選項正確
14、選項是唯一的01分析:選B 從詞義來看A、C兩項屬于近義詞,都有“懲罰,責備”之意,這兩個選項為同義選項,故能夠利用“同義必同錯”規(guī)律把這兩項都排除掉。示例 (2014浙江高考)25A. Because of BIn spite of CApart from DAs for26A. loved Benvied Cpleased Dcriticized27A. gradually Bconstantly Crecently Dobviously28A. self-respect Bself-doubt Cself-pity Dself-defence29A. imagining Bobservi
15、ng Cwondering Dregretting第三步 擬選項各選項的語法形式是一致的02第三步 擬選項三個干擾選項之間的干擾程度各不相同03 盡量不要直接把選項一一帶入閱讀。比如,有時候一對反義詞或表示相反概念的詞同時出現在四個選項中,準確答案很可能就在其中,這就是所謂的“反義多一對”。示例 (2014福建高考)So it was with really great_40_that I stood in church one recent Sunday, video camera in hand, and _41_watched_my 68yearold father sweating i
16、n his shirt_42_before_rising to play the piano in his very first recital.40A.trouble BsatisfactionCstrength Ddisappointment第三步 擬選項三個干擾選項之間的干擾程度各不相同03分析:選B 選項B satisfaction (滿意)和選項D disappointment (失望)為一對反義詞,本題能夠利用“反義多一對”規(guī)律排除A、C兩項。文章怎么讀二看似“殘缺不全”實則“信息暗含”重視首句把握開篇Step 1第一步 重視首句,把握開篇文章首句一般不設空01【示例】(2014山
17、東高考) Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843, and moved to Montreal, Canada at the age of five with her family.時間地點人物事件預測信息:下文很可能介紹夏洛特一家在蒙特利爾發(fā)生的故事。記敘文第一步 重視首句,把握開篇文章首句一般不設空01【示例】(2014湖南高考) The summer before I went off to college, Mom stood me in her usual spot behind the ironing board (燙衣板)
18、and said, “Pay attention: Im going to teach you to iron.”預測信息:后文中媽媽很可能會通過熨衣服來教我如何處理生活中可能會出現的一些棘手問題。夾敘夾議文時間人物時間第一步 重視首句,把握開篇利用首句可抓住文章的核心及中心話題02【示例1】(2014廣東高考) Parents feel that it is difficult to live with teenagers.首句“父母感到很難與十幾歲的孩子相處”直接點明文章的中心話題。下文很可能會就父母與孩子的關系問題展開討論。直接信息:預測信息:第一步 重視首句,把握開篇利用首句可抓住文章
19、的核心及中心話題02【示例2】(2014重慶高考) Cultural differences occur wherever you go.首句“無論你到哪里,總會有文化的沖突現象”說明要入鄉(xiāng)隨俗。下文很可能要告訴我們身處異國他鄉(xiāng)時如何處理文化沖突。直接信息:預測信息:快速瀏覽掌握大意Step 2第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意 快速瀏覽也叫“帶空瀏覽”,要一氣呵成,即使有空格、生詞或不明白的地方,仍要快速讀下去。讀時要注意找出關鍵詞、中心詞,如時間、地點、人物詞,顯示故事發(fā)展的連詞、過渡詞,表示人物情感的形容詞、副詞,代表故事情節(jié)的關鍵詞等,邊讀邊將這些詞圈劃下來,以便于形成思路。切忌在未掌握大意的
20、基礎上,邊閱讀,邊做題,這樣速度慢、準確率低。第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意It was already half past seven and I was running late again for the dinner appointment with my wife, Eleanor. We had 41 to meet at the restaurant at seven oclock. I felt a little uneasy, but to my 42 , I had a good excuse: A business meeting had 43 and Id wasted n
21、o time getting to the dinner. 時間:晚上7點半人物一:“我”情感詞:不安的【示例】(2014遼寧高考)事件:晚餐遲到人物二:“我”的妻子第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意When I arrived at the 44 , I apologized and told Eleanor I didnt mean to be late. She screamed, “You never mean to.” Well, I 45 tell she was angry. “Im sorry but was not 46 ,” I said. Then I told her abou
22、t the business meeting. 47 , my explanation seemed to make things worse, which started to drive 48 mad as well. 故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:吼叫,表示妻子對“我”遲到不滿情感詞:生氣的【示例】(2014遼寧高考)第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意Several weeks later, when I 49 the situation to my friend Ken Hardy, he smiled, “You 50 a classic mistake. Youre stuck 51 your own
23、way of thinking. You didnt 52 to be late. But thats not the point. What is 53 in your communication is how your lateness affected Eleanor.” He pointed out that I focused on the intention 54 Eleanor focused on the result. Thus, 55 of us felt misunderstood and crazy. 時間:幾周以后人物三:“我”的朋友故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:結果,“我”強調“
24、意圖”,而妻子注重“結果”【示例】(2014遼寧高考)轉折連詞:表示朋友對此事態(tài)度的轉變故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:意圖,目的故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:“我”和妻子之間存有“誤解”第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意Thinking more about Kens words, I 56 recognized the root cause of such disagreement. Its the result of theaction that really 57 . I should have started the conversation by expressing 58 my actions affected El
25、eanor and 59 the discussions about my intention for later, much later and even never. 故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:我們二人有“分歧”【示例】(2014遼寧高考)自修課二:如何全取完形填空第二步 快速瀏覽,掌握大意Later on, after talking to Eleanor and really 60 her experience of the results of my lateness, Ive managed to be on time a lot more frequently. 時間:后來故事情節(jié)關鍵詞:
26、通過此事,“我”變得“守時”了【示例】(2014遼寧高考)自修課二:如何全取完形填空題目怎么做三倡導“先句后篇”注意“前后多聯”大著眼點3完形填空完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題1句組層次題2語篇層次題3完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題1句內層次類題目是指通過閱讀空格所處的那一句話即可找出答案的題目。完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題01【示例1】(2014湖南高考) It didnt make use of long muscles we used to throw a baseball, and it wasnt a _40_ operation like iceskating.40A. direct
27、Bsingle Csmooth Dstrange分析:選C 本題為句內層次題。由空格后面的“ice-skating(滑冰)”就能夠得知40空應選smooth(平滑的)。完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題01【示例2】(2014福建高考)My father had longed to play music since childhood, but his family was poor and couldnt _43_ lessons.43A. miss Bafford Cselect Dunderstand分析:選B 本題為句內層次題。由本句中的“his family was poor”可推知,不能
28、負擔起(afford)鋼琴課的費用。完形填空3大著眼點句組層次題1句組層次類題目是指通過閱讀空格所處的那一句話不能找出準確答案,需要結合題目所在句子以外的句子(句組)才可找出答案的題目。完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題02【示例1】(2014江蘇高考)He withdrew from many school activities _40_because_ he didnt have the time or the _41_.He had only one good suit.41A. permits Binterest Ctalent Dclothes分析:選D 本題為句組層次題。41題所需的信息
29、在空格之后的一句話中。通過He had only one good suit“他只有一件好衣服”可知,他之所以退出很多學?;顒邮且驗樗麤]有時間或衣服(clothes)。完形填空3大著眼點句內層次題02【示例2】(2014安徽高考)Arriving in the Sunshine State was rather tiring, but I _38_managed_ to catch a taxi to my _39_accommodation_ and settle in.Next morning, I took another _40_ to the shopping centre to b
30、uy a few souvenirs.40A. colleague Bpassenger CsuitcaseDtaxi分析:選D 本題為句組層次題。從空格所在的句子無法確定答案,但我們能夠通過前面的句子尋找答案。由前面句子的“catch a taxi”可知,這里表示我又乘坐一輛出租車(taxi)。完形填空3大著眼點語篇層次題3語篇層次類題目是指無法在句內或句組確定答案,需要結合整個語篇才能找到準確答案的題目。完形填空3大著眼點語篇層次題03【示例1】(2014福建高考)So it was with really great _40_satisfaction_ that I stood in c
31、hurch one recent Sunday, video camera in hand, and _41_watched_ my 68yearold father sweating in his shirt _42_ rising to play the piano in his very first recital.For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard, he _47_simply_ stared down at his fingers.42A. through Bfrom Cagainst Dbefore分析:選D
32、本題為語篇層次題。根據47題前面的“For a moment after my father sat down at the keyboard”可知,作者的父親其實還沒有開始演奏,所以他 sweating in his shirt應是在rising to play the piano之前的動作,故選D。 完形填空3大著眼點語篇層次題03【示例2】(2014北京高考)She was really small for her age of 12. The boys in my class often _36_joked_ about her and laughed their heads off.
33、 She would open a book, pretending to read, with tears dropping on the open page.I looked down at this _38_ girl and promised myself that somehow I would help her.38A. rich Bproud Ctiny Dpopular分析:選C 本題為語篇層次題。根據36空前面的句子“She was really small for her age of 12”可知,這個女孩很嬌小,故選tiny。大解題技巧6完形填空完形填空6大解題技巧利用文
34、章首句解題1完形填空首句一般不設空,而首句往往是了解全文的窗口,依據首句所給的信息常常能夠看出文章的體裁和背景,從而有利于快速把握文章的主旨大意。文章首句往往是完形填空做題的切入點,開始幾個空往往與首句有密切關系。完形填空6大解題技巧利用文章首句解題01【示例】(2014安徽高考)In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded me that a(n
35、) _36_ might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I _37_.36A. holiday Bceremony Coperation Dexperiment37A. kept Bwent Cdropped Dknocked【示例】(2014安徽高考)In 2012, I had just recovered from a serious illness when I received an invitation to a writers conference in Orlando, Florida. My family persuaded
36、me that a(n) _36_ might be just what the doctor ordered, so off I _37_.36A. holiday Bceremony Coperation Dexperiment37A. kept Bwent Cdropped Dknocked分析:36題選A,37題選B。36、37題可利用文章首句解題。通過首句可知,本文為記敘文,作者講述了自己2012年到佛羅里達州的奧蘭多參加作家研討會的故事。首句提到作者剛剛大病初愈就接到了會議邀請。根據首句可知,36題應為holiday,即醫(yī)生指示剛剛康復的病人“度假”。37題前面有so,前后為因果關
37、系,當然是went off(離開)。完形填空6大解題技巧利用上下文語境解題2上下文是形成語境的基礎,做題時要學會瞻前顧后,要做到詞不離句、句不離段、段不離文。因為,有時如果單獨看空格,看似幾個選項填入空格都沒有錯,句子也通順,但結合全文內容來理解,就只有一個最佳答案。完形填空6大解題技巧利用上下文語境解題02【示例】(2014山東高考)But Charlotte had been practising without a licence. She had _34_ a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg, but was 35_refus
38、ed.34A. put away Btaken over Cturned in Dapplied for分析:選D 本題可利用上下文語境解題。由上文中“But Charlotte had been practising without a licence.”可知,Charlotte一直是在無證行醫(yī),她曾申請行醫(yī)執(zhí)照,但是被拒絕。完形填空6大解題技巧利用邏輯關系解題3邏輯關系隱藏在句子中、句與句之間以及段落的銜接中。利用邏輯關系,我們能夠通過確切、具體的線索,把答案的邏輯意義推測出來,從而確定準確選項。完形填空6大解題技巧利用邏輯關系解題031句中邏輯關系【示例】(2013新課標全國卷I)I t
39、ried to find a 47_comfortable position and thought it might be restful,_48_ kind of nice, to be 49_pushed around for a while.48A. yet Bjust Cstill Deven分析:選D 本題可利用句中邏輯關系解題。由上文“我盡力找到一個舒適的坐姿,認為這樣能夠放松一些?!笨芍颂帒獮楸硎具f進關系的even。表示“我想,要是被人推著四處走一會兒那就太好了。”完形填空6大解題技巧利用邏輯關系解題032句間邏輯關系【示例】(2013湖北高考)The house came
40、45_alive the next few days.Zigfried 46_enjoyed every single hour of them. _47_, the day before Christmas when he was drinking hot chocolate with a 48_satisfied smile at the door of his home, he heard the 49_discussion of the children of the family about what they might get for Christmas.47A. However
41、 BInstead CMoreover DTherefore分析:選A 本題可利用句間邏輯關系解題。從47空前后文的關系來看,此處表示轉折關系,故用however。完形填空6大解題技巧利用邏輯關系解題033. 段間邏輯關系【示例】(2013天津高考) Such is Dad whatever problem he 25_meets_with,_he never gives up._26_, the disastrous effects of the drought were felt all over our country .26A. Thankfully BHopefully CUnfor
42、tunatelyDStrangely分析:選C 本題可利用段間邏輯關系解題。上文提到父親無論遇到什么困難都不放棄,下文提到整個國家發(fā)生了旱災,所以,此處選C項。完形填空6大解題技巧利用語義復現解題4復現是一種語境銜接手段,它通過原詞、同義詞或近義詞、反義詞、上義詞、下義詞、同源詞或同根詞等形式,重復出現來表達某一概念,使整篇文章上下連貫,有機地銜接在一起。所以,考生可根據文章的具體情況,理解文章的結構和語境,利用文章中的復現現象來選擇準確的答案。完形填空6大解題技巧利用語義復現解題041. 原詞復現【示例】(2014天津高考)I had said “yes” but for the first
43、 time, I realized the _20_ decisions adults had to make . It was then 25_that I started to appreciate the tough choices she had to make on 26_balancing family and work.20A. poor Btimely Cfinal Dtough分析:選D 本題可利用原詞復現解題。句意:我已經說了yes,但是平生第一次我意識到了大人們必須要做的_決定。第25空后的“I started to appreciate the tough choice
44、s she had to make”中的tough為本空答案的原詞復現。完形填空6大解題技巧利用語義復現解題042. 同義或近義詞復現【示例】(2013湖南高考)“Wait a minute,” Mom said. “I want your _39_clothes_ back. You didnt wear anything when you arrived.” This really angered me. I tore my clothes off shoes, socks, underwear and all and _40_, “Can I go now?” “Yes,” Mom an
45、swered, “but once you close that door, dont expect to come back.”40A. explained Bsuggested Ccontinued Dshouted分析:選D 本題可利用同義或近義詞復現解題。由“This really angered me.”可知,當媽媽向作者要衣服的時候他已經非常生氣了,這時候脫下衣服的他更是控制不住憤怒。與anger相對應的詞應為“shout”。完形填空6大解題技巧利用語義復現解題043. 反義詞復現【示例】(2014浙江高考)Jeanne spoke _33_, and to encourage h
46、er to raise her voice, I had said, “Speak up. Simons the expert on this. He is the 34_only one you have to convince, and he cant hear you in the 35_back of the room.”33A. quietly Brepeatedly Cquickly Dfirmly分析:選A 本題可利用反義詞復現解題。由下文的“raise her voice”和“Speak up”可知,應選quietly?!皊peak quietly”對應“raise .voice”和“speak up”。
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