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1、English Pronunciation ABCInternational Phonetic AlphabetWord stressSentence stress & intonationOther phonetic rules International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)國際音標(biāo)(舊稱萬國音符)是國際語音學(xué)協(xié)會(IPA - International Phonetic Association) 于1888年擬定的一套為各國語言注音的語音符號。我們這里所說的國際音標(biāo)是專門為英語注音的那一部分標(biāo)音符號。目前我國通用的國際音標(biāo)共有48個, 其中, 元音音標(biāo)20個,輔

2、音音標(biāo)28個。Quiz : Read English alphabets correctlyPractice of some difficult sounds1) e bed bad; men, man; pen, pan; lend land2) i: ei real rail; greet, great; mean, main; read raid3) e ai bet bite; red write; said side, head, hide4) au : house horse; loud lord; south sauce; now nor; count corn; cloud c

3、lause5) au shout fond; gown gone; down doneSome sounds for identifying1) v w vet wet; vest west; vine wine; very well2) s sink think; sort thought; miss myth; mass math3) z closing clothing; breeze breathe; bays bathes4) n thin thing; sin sing; ban bang ;win wing; ran rangWord Stress in EnglishWord

4、stress is a magic key to understanding spoken English. Native speakers of English use word stress naturally. Word stress is so natural for them that they dont even know they use it. Non-native speakers who speak English to native speakers without using word stress, encounter two problems:They find i

5、t difficult to understand native speakers, especially those speaking fast.The native speakers may find it difficult to understand them.Understanding Syllables(音節(jié))To understand word stress, it helps to understand syllables.Every word is made from syllables.Each word has one, two, three or more syllab

6、les.Examples:Dog (dog1) green(green1) quite(quite1) Quiet (qui-et 2) orange (or-ange2) table(ta-ble2) expensive (ex-pen-sive3) interesting(in-ter-est-ing4) realistic(re-al-is-tic4) unexceptional(un-ex-cep-tion-al5) Notice that (with a few rare exceptions) every syllable contains at least one vowel (

7、a, e, i, o or u) or vowel sound.What is Word Stress?In English, we do not say each syllable with the same force or strength. In one word, we accentuate ONE syllable. We say one syllable very loudly (big, strong, important) and all the other syllables very quietly.Lets take 3 words as example: photog

8、raph, photographer and photographic. shape totalsyllables stressedsyllable PHO TO GRAPH 3#1PHO TO GRAPH ER 4#2PHO TO GRAPH IC 4#3Two Principles: One word, one stress. (One word cannot have two stresses. So if you hear two stresses, you have heard two words, not one word.)The stress is always on a vo

9、wel.Quiz Read aloud following words properly.1. arise 2. beloved 3. unless 4. magnificent5. immediately 6. exaggeration 7. species 8. specific9. obvious 10. parade Answers:1. arise 2. beloved 3. unless 4. magnificent5. immediately 6. exaggeration 7. species 8. specific9. obvious 10. paradeWhat are t

10、he rules of word stress? 1. Stress on first syllable in (1) Most 2-syllable nouns:PRESent, EXport, CHIna, TAbleMost (2) 2-syllable adjectives:PRESent, SLENder, CLEVer, HAPpy2. Stress on last syllable inMost 2-syllable verbsExamples: to preSENT, to exPORT, to deCIDE, to beGINThere are many two-syllab

11、le words in English whose meaning and class change with a change in stress. The word present, for example is a two-syllable word. If we stress the first syllable, it is a noun (gift) or an adjective (opposite of absent). But if we stress the second syllable, it becomes a verb (to offer). More exampl

12、es: export, import, contract, object, etc. 3. Stress on penultimate syllable (penultimate = second from end)Rule: Words ending in ic Example: GRAPHic, geoGRAPHic, geoLOGicWords ending in -sion and tionteleVIsion, reveLAtionFor a few words, native English speakers dont always agree on where to put th

13、e stress. For example, some people say teleVIsion and others say TELevision. Another example is: CONtroversy and conTROversy.4. Stress on ante-penultimate syllable (ante-penultimate = third from end)Rule:Words ending in -cy, -ty, -phy and gyExample: deMOcracy, dependaBIlity, phoTOgraphy, geOLogyWord

14、s ending in alExample: CRItical, geoLOGicalCompound words (words with two parts)Rule for compound nouns, the stress is on the first partExample:BLACKbird, GREENhouseFor compound adjectives, the stress is on the second partExample: bad-TEMpered, old-FASHionedFor compound verbs, the stress is on the s

15、econd partExample:to underSTAND, to overFLOWSentence stress(句子重音) (Sentence stress):每個詞都有它的詞重音,一般地說, 英語中每一個詞在孤立的情況下, 不論是實詞還是虛詞, 都有詞的重音, 即使是單音節(jié)詞, 雖然本身沒有輕重的對比, 在孤立的情況下, 也是重讀的。但是在連貫言語中并不是每一個詞都保留自己的詞重音。 Sentence stress句重音通常是名詞、形容詞、副詞、實意動詞、數(shù)詞和感嘆詞。助動詞和情態(tài)動詞在句尾有重音,在句首可有可無, 在句子內(nèi)部則沒有。而冠詞、連詞、介詞和人稱代詞一般都不重讀。 為了更

16、好地表情達(dá)意、突出強(qiáng)調(diào)某個詞時應(yīng)有詞重音, 重讀不同的詞可表達(dá)不同的意思。Intonation英語的語調(diào)的三種主要調(diào)型:升調(diào)、降調(diào)和 升降調(diào),其中最主要的是降調(diào)和升調(diào)。Rules: ? ?一般來說,陳述句、特殊疑問句、祈使句、感嘆句讀降調(diào);一般疑問句讀升調(diào);反意疑問句往往讀降升調(diào), 如: You are a student, arent you? 根據(jù)不同語氣也可讀降降調(diào)。選擇疑問句常讀升降調(diào),如:Do you study English or French? 并列句常讀升降調(diào),如:These are mine, and those are yours. Quiz Read following

17、 sentences with proper tones.1. He gave me a thank-you note the other day.2. When are you coming to see us?3. Did you do it on the computer?4. This is a beautiful painting, isnt it?5. Who are to do presentations next time, Jane, Bob, Mary or Anyone else?6. Come and have dinner with us. Answer:1. He

18、gave me a thank-you note the other day.2. When are you coming to see us?3. Did you do it on the computer?4. This is a beautiful painting, isnt it?5. Who are to do presentations next time, Jane, Bob, Mary or Anyone else?6. Come and have dinner with us.(polite) 7. Come and have dinner with us. (order)

19、意群和停頓、連讀與不完全爆破: Sense-group, Pause, Incomplete plosion 這三者與語調(diào)有密切關(guān)系。意群 (Sense-group) 和停頓 (Pause):一個句子可以是一個語調(diào)組,但語調(diào)組并不等于一個句子。小于句子的語音單位是意群。意群是句子內(nèi)部有相對完整意義的一組詞。Pause 停頓: 在一個較長的句子中, 如果按意群來讀、意群之間梢加停頓, 就可以讓聽者聽清我們語流中的意群和句子, 也可以喘一口氣, 接著再說, 而且能體現(xiàn)出英語所特有的節(jié)奏和韻律, 但是在一個意群中不可停頓。有人曾對停頓時間的長短提出過一個大致的比例:意群之間如沒有標(biāo)點符號,停半拍;有

20、逗號處停一拍;有分號處停兩拍;有句號處停三拍;當(dāng)然不一定這么機(jī)械,但大致上還應(yīng)有一個適當(dāng)?shù)耐nD時間比例,例如:They live in that large house / on the other side / of the bridge. /In the morning / the boy goes to school early. / Sometimes / he was late, / because his mother was in poor health. /It is very important for us / to take part in manual labour /

21、 from time to time. /Examples:連讀 (Liaison):在連貫的語流中,前一個詞的尾輔音和后面緊跟的詞的詞首是元音時,就自然地拼在一起讀,這稱之為連讀.如:a lot of, one o f us, most o f us, all o f us, look a t it, a map of China, an exercise-book, half a n hour Can you speak English or French?在以字母r(或re)結(jié)尾的詞中,r(或re)一般是不發(fā)音的。但如果后面的詞的詞首是元音時, r(或re)就發(fā)/r/ 音,并與后面詞的詞

22、首元音連讀,如:a pair of shoes, for a long time Where(r)is he? There (r)i s a book on the desk.連讀是連貫的、較快的語流中一種自然產(chǎn)生的現(xiàn)象, 不要故意為連讀而連讀。有時連句子本身都還讀得不太流利卻故意連讀, 反而影響了語流的流暢, 甚至混淆了意思或讓人家根本聽不懂你說的是什么。例如:Try it over and over again.不完全爆破 (Incomplete plosion)在英語中,/ p /, / b /, / t /, / d /, / k /, / 是爆破音。爆破音在某些情況下不發(fā)生爆破,而僅

23、是在口腔中形成阻礙。在有不完全爆破音的句子或詞中乍聽起來好像爆破音都吃掉了, 而實際上在發(fā)不完全爆破音時,口腔部位完全和發(fā)爆破音時相同,只是不送氣而停頓一下。在以下幾種情況下發(fā)生不完全爆破:兩個爆破音相鄰時, 前面一個發(fā)不完全爆破音,如: a(c)tor, ne(ck)tie, bla(ck)board Si(t) down. I can(t) come. I don(t) believe he is a ba(d) boy. 等。 爆破音/ p /, / b /, / t /, / d /, / k /, / 在 / t /, / d /, / m /, / n /, /, / / 的前面時

24、發(fā)不完全爆破音,如:pi ( c ) ture, o ( b ) ject, kin(d)ness He is a goo(d) child. Try on this bla(ck) jacket. Goo(d) morning. Goo(d) night. I don(t) know. You may kee(p) the book if you need it. 等。/ t /, / d / 在 / l /, / s / 前,發(fā)不完全爆破音,如:mos(t)ly, frien(d)ly, sa(d)ly, ou(t)side, mi(d)summer等。詞尾是清音時,加后綴-s 和ed 后

25、就要根據(jù) “清-清, 濁-濁” 的原則只加上一個 s 或 d 音就可以了。尾音是清音時加 -s讀作 s, 如:lamps, maps, desks, asks, ducks, laughs, jokes, looks. 尾音是濁音時加 -s 讀作與它相對應(yīng)的濁音z 如:dogs, eggs, legs, doors, leaves, fans, games, hotels, rings, saves, seasons, shoes, borrows, bowls, loves, pencils, bowls, conditions, corners, continues, cows, ears

26、 ; 尾音是清音時加 ed讀作 t 如: talked, walked, washed, touched, jumped, reached, faced, pushed, finished. 尾音是濁音時加-ed 或 -d只讀作 d , 如:called, tired, rained, raised, received, removed, refused。但是在詞尾是 t 或 d 時, 后面加 ed 的讀音則有變化, 原來 ed 中不發(fā)音的 e 此時發(fā) i 音而成為 -tid -did , 如:wanted, invented, started, posted, repeated, reported, tasted, united, mended, decided, wounded。當(dāng)詞尾是 s 、 z 、 t 或 d 加 s 或 es 時讀成 -siz ,


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