1、TheithTheScreamerWritten by: Scott Silveri & Shana Goldberg-Meehan Transcribed by: Eric B Aasen322 尖叫的想把大伙參加送修,但保修期已經(jīng)過(guò)了,所以她一直不肯掛新戲的開幕式。和看來(lái)很棒的(就是我為狂那個(gè)男主角)但似乎很喜歡對(duì)人吼叫;的表演惡評(píng)如潮,并且導(dǎo)演和是唯一的證人,但他無(wú)法說(shuō)服別人相信。分手;和長(zhǎng)談,并最終墜入愛河。得到洛城的工作機(jī)會(huì),在愛情和事業(yè)之間,她選擇了后者3.22 Theith The ScreamerPhoebe waits on hold so expires.The gang
2、goes to Joeys Rachel dates Tommy, who people;she can have hhone repaired before thewarrantyplay on opening night.seems pretty nice. except when he startsscreamingathowever, only Ross witnesses this behavior and cantconvince anyone else. to break up with Kate; love.Joeys play gets bad reviews, Joey a
3、nd Kate spend the night Kate gets a job offer in L.A.prompting the director talking and falling in and decides to leave.Scene: Monica and Monica are sitting Rachel enters fromRachels, Phoebe is on thephone,Chandler andhe living room, and Ross is her bedroom.hekitchen asRachel: Oh, Phoebe, are you st
4、ill on hold? I wap Dad back like two hours ago.on hold adv.打edto call myPhoebe: Oh, yeah, he clippe a chance, hes at Flimbys., he said call him assoonas you getclip on v.插播Rachel: Whats Flimbys?Phoebe: Oh, yeah,ts the word I use when I cant remember thereal thing.Rachel:Okay. Hang up!ts it! Come on!
5、Phoebe: expires crappy,No! Rachel, tomorrow, if broken phonets what they want me to do. My warranty t get through, theyre not gonna fix myIfor free! We cannot let them win! Its usversus them!warranty n.保保單 保修單/expire n.期滿 到期/get through v.打通/crappy adj.蹩腳的Chandler: Ye-e-es!Joey: (entering) Hey.All:
6、Hey.Joey: Uh, listen I gotta double check for tickets tonight. Who-who got what?double check n.仔細(xì)的檢查/double check: to check sgain sot you arecompley suret it is safe, ready, correct etcChandler,Phoebe, and Rachel: I hae.Monica: Iboyfriendneed two. Im bringing Pete.now!My boyfriend. I have aJoey: Two
7、it is. Ross, how about you?Ross: Uh,yeah, I ah, I also need two.Monica: Really? Whos number two?Chandler: Whos number two? One of theworkers play.more difficult games sewersewer n.下水道Ross: Uh, no, its-its just this.Phoebe: Like a date type (looks at Rachel)?Ross: Yeah, kinda. Its this woman from wor
8、k. I hopet wont betoo weird. Willit,Rach?Rachel: No. No, someone myself,no so?all, noall. I actually was gonna bringJoey: But you saie.Rachel: I meant, meplus one!Joey: one?Okay. (to Phoebeand Chandler) Did ah, you guysmean youplusRoss:, Illsee you tonight.Joey:Okay.Rachel: Okay, bye-bye!Chandler: B
9、ye!Monica: Bye-bye!(Ross exits)Rachel: Okay, I neete! (runs to herbedroom)date n.對(duì)象Joey: Oh,hey, you guysare finally gonnaget to meetKate!All: Oh!Joey: (to she likesChandler) And it.I ah,borrowed some of your cologne. IhopeMonica: Joey, what are seeing somebody.young?! Its never gonna happen, shesCh
10、andler: Yeah, and Ive any cologne.Joey: The green bottlenextto the shaving cream.shaving creamn.刮胡膏剃須膏Chandler: Oh!Worm medicine for the duck.worm medicinen.除蟲藥(In horror, Joey wipes his next and smells it.)OPENING CREDITSScene: Monica and Rachels, Monica is getting ready to go to Joeyse and Phoebe
11、is still on hold.e n.初次的演出 首映式/e: aperformance or exhibitionMonica: (to Phoebe) Here you go. You can wear this. (hands her a sweater)Phoebe:nks!Monica:Uh-huh.Phoebe:Okay. (on phone) Ooh, Im setting the phone down. (does so)But Im still here! Just to put on the sweater) Im right here. (She hast t- pu
12、lledgo anywhere Im still here. (startst the o theswitch or anything, cause Im,sweaterc. O sweaterover her head, but herhead is stuck in a sleeve.) Justc! O on, ascond! (Sheis now frally trying to getMonica returnsfrom the bathroom.) Wait! Ocond! Just?sleeve n.袖子Monica:Phoebe?Phoebe:What?! Monica, Im
13、scared!Monica:. Honey,ts-ts a sleeve.Okay?Phoebe:Yeah.Monica: phone.)And! We also have speakhone. (She turnson the speakerHold Voice: Please, stay on the line. Your call is important to us.Monica: Okay, wait, you gotta hang up cause were gonna be late.(Phoebe starts to hang up the phone, but?Hold Vo
14、ice:nk you for your patience, youre the next caller.Phoebe: Yes! Yes! Im the next caller! You were gonna have me hang up.Chandler: (entering, carrying the chick and duck) Hey! Can you take duck and a chick to the theatre?aMonica: Of coursenot.Phoebe: No.Chandler: Okay. Ijustwanted them to hear it fr
15、om somebody else.Scene: JoeysTommy, as Ross and hise, Rachel is already there with her date,date, Cailin, arrive.Ross: Hey, hey Rach!Rachel: Oh, hi!Ross: Hi!Rachel: How are you? because of the dates(She goes to kiss him on the cheek, but stopsand pats him on theshoulder.)Ross: Good.Rachel: Hey.Ross:
16、 So its lookslike weretheones here.Rachel: Yeah, lookst way.oneshere! Wooo!Ross: Yay!(An awkward silence follows.)Rachel: Oh! Tommy, this is Ross.Ross, Tommy.Tommy: Hey.Ross: Hey. Oh, Im sorry, this is Cailin.(They all try and shake hands at once. They end up criss-crossingtheyre arms to shake each
17、others hand, and Ross says) criss-cross v.n.形Ross: And! Break!(Awkward laughter follows.)Rachel: Okay, uhh, I think Im going to run to the ladies room.Tommy: Okay.Cailin: Ill join you.Tommy: Ill get our seats.Ross: Okay. (The girls leave.) (to Tommy) So uh, well, this-this uh, this is awkward.isTomm
18、y: Yeah?Ross: Well yknow cause Rachel andI used to go out.Tommy: Oh, I didnt, I didnt knowt.Ross: Oh! Well then this is awkward.Sowhat do you uh?Tommy: I think were here.Ross: Oh! Yeah.Tommy: Yeah.Ross: Okay. (sees two people sittingme, Im sorry, I-I think you may beheir seats.) Uh, huh. Excuse our
19、seats.inMan: Umm, no, It think so.Tommy: Can-can wetake a look at your ticket?Man: Sure. (Handshim theticket.)Ross: (looking atticket)Yep! Yeah, seethis says D-13, and uh?Man: Oh, well I thoughtt ah?Tommy: Oh, you thought, too well for you did ithuh? Yeah, well you idiot! Whattaredidnt really work o
20、ut you?! A moron! Huh?! Itsays D-13! Okay?! Look youre surrounded bygive you some clue?!even numbers! Didtmoron n. 醫(yī)癡愚者(指智商在 50-70 之間的成年人)/even numer n.偶數(shù)/odd numer n.奇數(shù)/clue n.線索Man: Uh, the usher told us to come?Tommy: Oh! Oh! The usher must be right! What, willt training they go through! Get out!
21、 (They start to leave.) Here! (He throws him back his ticket.) (to Ross, calmly) Hey man, you want the aisle?aisle n.走道Ross: No, Im good. (He sits down, stunned.)stunned adj.受驚嚇的Scene: The Theatre, at thet-e party. The gang is alreadythere, except Phoebe. Joey runs in.t-e party n.慶功宴Chandler: (seein
22、g Joey) There he is!Monica: Theres our star!Joey: So, so, whatd ya think?Chandler: Almost as good as see-saw.t play with the two naked girls on theseesaw n.蹺蹺板/see-saw:time in which two childrenroups of childrenride on opite ends of a plbalancedhe middle sot one end goes upasthe other goes downJoey:
23、 I-I wasnthat.Chandler: I know.Joey: (sees Kate) Oh-oh, hey-hey, Kate! Listen I want you to meet everybody. Everybody, this is Kate.Monica: Hi!The Director: (stepin) Excuse me. Excuse me. (to Kate)Stheart! (Kisses her.) Come! (They leave.)Chandler: Sots the girl you like.Joey: Yeah.Ross: (drags Chan
24、dler over to buffet table) Imling you, thisguy Rachel is with is crazy! Okay? He viscously screamed at total strangers! I think hes baaad news!buffet n.餐具柜 小賣部 自助餐打擊/viscously adv. 粘性地 to 狂暴地/bad news n.壞消息 添麻煩的人 倒楣的事/viscous is marked by ill temper;when you say someone is a bad news,you mean he is
25、a troublesomebuffet tableChandler: Wait a minute, wait a minute, yout like the guyRachels dating? Well,ts odd.cut to Joey, Rachel, and Tommy.Joey: Oh, hey, Lauren. Uh, you guys this is, this is Katesunderstudy, Lauren.Rachel: Oh, hi!Lauren:Hey.Rachel:Hey. Gosh, you look soo familiar.Lauren:Oh, yeah!
26、 I-I rano youhe hallway in your building.It was right after I slept with Joey. He dumped me the nextday.cut to Monica, Pete, and CailinCailin: So. Howd you guys meet?Pete: Well ah, the short veris, I ah pursued her for acouple of was mine.months, then I gave her a check for20,000 dollars, and shesho
27、rt vern.短文版(只登內(nèi)容提要比略詳)/pursued: to keep trying with youto persuade someone tohave a relationshipMonica: Yeah, andhe long ver, I dump him forling peoplethe short ver.cut to Joey as Esle, Joeys agent, approachesEsle: Joey, stheart, you were fabulous!fabulous adj.難以置信的Joey: Hey you guys, this ismy agen
28、t, Esle.Esle: How do you do. (to were outstanding! (to Joey)Rachel and Monica) Ooh, you two girlsDidthey have represenion?represenion n.演出 扮演 代表to 經(jīng)紀(jì)人Joey: No, they-they werenthe play.Rachel: Were notactors.Esle: Ooh, what and her chest (po together.a shame! Because with her face (pos to Monica)s to
29、 Rachel) I could really put somethingChandler: Could I borrow it?cut to laterCailin: (to Ross) Hi! Remember me?Ross: Hi! Yeah! Tommys in line for the bathroom and someone justcut in front of him, I think hes gonna snap. (Hes watching veryently)in line for v.即將得到 排隊(duì)等候/cut v.插隊(duì)/snap v.抓狂/ently adv.專注地
30、/snap: to utter(v.發(fā)出) sharp biting(adj.的) words, bark out(v.大聲喊出)irritable(adj.急躁的)or peevish(adj.帶怒氣的)retorts(n.反駁)Cailin: Ross, Im gonna go.Ross: Go? Why?Cailin: It know. Could be because It feel like standingaround all night waiting for some guy who may or may notscream.Ross: But-bailin, he defin
31、iy will scream.Cailin: Good bye Ross.Ross: Uh, oh-ho bye.The Director: (entering carrying a newsp (starts reading the review) Boxing Day! The blah-la-la-la? Ah-ha! Joey Tribianni, givesr) Here we go Lucille Lorpeople!Theatre,an uneven performance, his production.but Mr. Tribians not the worst thingB
32、oxing Day n.送禮日 圣誕節(jié)的次日 這天應(yīng)送給雇員/uneven adj.不穩(wěn)定的 易變化的/production n.制作 ()攝制 (戲劇)演出Joey: Yes! Ha-ha-ha!The Director: Kate Millers awkward and mannered portrayal islaughable. (Kate walks away depressed.) Badda-badda-badda. Ah-ha!Here it is! The direction by Marshal Talmant again, and throws down the p r
33、in disgust) girls, youve ruined my life. Please, stuffis?(stops, reads it nk you, boys andyour talentless fawith my Mothers crab cakes! (starts to leave) Excuse me 借過(guò)!mannered adj.守規(guī)矩的, 矯飾的/portrayal n.描寫 描畫 詮釋/laughable adj.可笑的/direction n.導(dǎo)演/in disgust adv.厭惡地/stuff v.塞滿 填充/talentless adj.的/crab n
34、.蟹/crab cake n.蟹殼黃crab cake(Joey steps in a picks up the pr, the gang all look at him.)Joey: Anyone mind if I save this?Scene: Monica and Rachels, Monica and Rachel are returning. Phoebe is still on hold.Monica:Hey!Rachel:Hey!Phoebe:Oh, is the play over?Monica:Yeah. Where were you?Hold Voice:nk you
35、for your patience, youre the next caller.Monica: You were the next caller five hours ago. You must be going crazy.Phoebe: Nah. I kept myself busy.(Both Rachel and Monica walko their bedrooms, stop, and come backo the living room with confused looks on their fa.)Phoebe: Oh, okay, yeah. her stuff in y
36、our room.(to Monica) I put your stuffinher room, and(They both look at each follow their stuffoother, nod their heads “their new rooms.)”andScene: The Theatre, after the party. Joey is tryingtocomfort Kate.Joey: Hey! Are you okay?Kate: Fabulous.Joey: Listen, drama critics theyre nothing but, but peo
37、ple whocouldnt make it aors. You know whatyou should do?drama critic n.劇評(píng)家/nothing but adv.只Kate:e a drama critic!The Director: (entering, drunk) I am hurt! on both your houses! (walks away)(to Joey and Kate) An.喻麻煩 禍患/on bothyour houses (對(duì)爭(zhēng)吵on it!:damn it!不停的雙方說(shuō)的話)雙方都不得好報(bào)/Kate: By the way, he dumpe
38、d me tonight after he read my review.review n.評(píng)論Joey: Oh, classy.classy 優(yōu)等的 漂亮的 別致的正點(diǎn) a deeper, more meaningful word forcool/classy: having style or skill notice and admire youhe way you dosth,t makes peopleKate: Yep! I sure know how to pick em, huh?on a soap for this!Yknow I gave up a partpart n.角色
39、/soap肥皂劇Joey:Wow! Yeah I ah, I gave upa job too.Kate:Really. What?Joey:Uh,de-clawing cats. Hey,y every news standt.l ya what.Let me walk you home.Well stand theand burn every copy of their Timesde-claw v.剪爪子/de-clawing cats:to remove the claws from an animalspaws,often to prevent it from injuring or
40、 catching otheranimals, or from和演的戲劇遭到了惡評(píng),scratching or climbing/New York Times,New Yorkt :提議倆人一起去把每個(gè)報(bào)亭的 Times(New York Times)和t(New Yorkt,紐約)都燒了。這其中,是嚴(yán)肅的報(bào)紙,經(jīng)常會(huì)刊登劇評(píng),對(duì)等人的劇評(píng)就在這份報(bào)紙上。而紐約則是一張,以刊登花邊為主。所以問(wèn),為什么要燒呢?也只能裝作自己從來(lái)不看Kate: Why thet?Joey: Oh, you didnt see thet?Kate: No. You?Joey: No. Why?Scene: Kate
41、s Apartment, Joey and Kate are returning from a night out on the town.Kate: (drunk) So you really think those newsp of me?rs are just jealousbe jealous of adj.妒忌 嫉妒Joey:Oh, absoluy!Youre talented and youre good looking.Kate:Oh, youre st and cute.Joey:I know!tswhy they trashed me!trashv.丟棄 把.視為廢物/tra
42、shed:to subject to criticism or invective(n.惡意漫罵);espelly,to disparage(v.蔑視)strongly(Theykiss.)Joey:Whoa. Wait a minute, wait aminute.Kate:What?Joey:I, It get you. I mean, you hatedo with me, nowme. Then you sleepwith me. Then you want nothing toyou want meagain.Kate:What? So you never went outwin a
43、ctressbefore?Joey:Kate, do you even like me?Kate:Of course I do.Joey:Well so, how come you blew me off? Yknow? How come youwerewith him?blow sb off v.Kate: It know! I just, just do this! I-I always have topickthe like the smartest guy, or-or the most talented guy? Why cant Ijust pick someone like yo
44、u?Joey:nks.Kate: You know what I mean. I mean like the stest guy. Joey, youre just so, youre so, so?(She passes out and slumps against his shoulder.)pass out v.昏睡/slump v.猛然落下 頹然Joey: (Checks to see okay, hey. (Lays her lets get your feetif shes drooling on his shirt.) Okay. Okay,down and covers her
45、 wiblet.) There we go,up there. (Looks at her) Good night, Kate. Stdreams. (Picks up a garbage can) Im gonna put this can right here in case you have to hurl.drool v.滴口水/garbage can n.桶/hurl v.厲聲 vomitCOMMERL BREAKScene: Monica and Rachels, the next morning, Phoebe is STILL on hold.Hold Voice: Pleas
46、e stay on to us.the line. Youre call is very importantMonica: (entering from herhours! Go to sleep, honey.bedroom) Pheebs, youve been up for 24 Th-this isnt healthy.Phoebe: No, no, Im fine,riboflavin.and yknow why? Cause of all theriboflavin n. 生化核黃素/riboflavin: vitamin B2,asubstancetexistsinmeat,mi
47、lk,andsomevegetables,andthatis important for your healthJoey: (entering, happily) Hey!Monica: Hey! Didnt you havet outfit on last night?Joey: Yeah! I stayed at Kates,but ah, nothing happened. Hey,Pheebs,where were ya?Phoebe:youreIm so, so, so sorry, Joey. I definiy am gonna seeplay. I swear youre pl
48、ay is very important to us,nk youfor your patience. Your gonna see.play is the next play is the next play ImMonica: Anyway, how didit go with Kate?Joey: Oh, it was great!Yeah, I-I walked her home, and it was amazinghow much we connected, yknow? Then ah, she woke up. Yeah? And we stayed up all like t
49、otally crazy about each other!then she passed out, but then night talking, and now wereMonica: Joey, you had the night!Joey: What?Monica: When two people finally realisetheir feelings for each other,and-and they talk for hours, and they-they learn all about the other!Joey: You-you think?Monica: Did
50、you like learn about her family?Joey: Two brothers, one died!Monica: Yes!Joey: Yeah?!Monica: Oh! (They hug, triumphantly.)Scene: Central Perk, Chandler and Monica are sitting on the couch, Rachel is on the chair.Gunther: (bringing Chandler a cup) This is from the woman at the bar.Chandler:Oh-ho-ho-h
51、o.(He turns who comesand looks at her. The woman whispers something to Gunther; back and takes the mug away from Chandler.)Gunther: Sorry. She thought you were somebody else 她認(rèn)錯(cuò)人了.Rachel: What time is it?Monica: One.Ross: One.Chandler: 7:15. (Monica looks at him) Watch doesnt work.Rachel: Tommyped t
52、o be here soon, were going toch.Ross: Look.but.Look,I wasnt going to 本不想 say anything to you,It think you should be seeing Tommy anymore.Rachel: Yout?!Ross: No! The guy is mean. I mean really mean. I think you should stay away from him.Rachel: Umm, or, maybe, I should stay away from all men.stay awa
53、y from v.離遠(yuǎn)點(diǎn)Ross: No, its not just cause Im jealous. (Both Monica and Chandler give him a“Come on?”look) I mean Im not, Im not, Im not jealous, okay? Its? Look, the guy, he screamed, he actually screamed at this couple sitting in our seats.Chandler: Yeah, and athe just started like, (clapsof the pla
54、y, he, his hands) banginghe got up yknow, and his hands together!bang v.發(fā)巨響 重?fù)鬜oss: Okay, fine, fine. Youfine. (starts to leave)t want to beve me? No,tsMonica: Were kidding!Chandler: Ross,t. Ross!Monica; Ross!cut to outside of Central PerkRoss: Yout want to beve me, Im Mr. Funny to you. Mr.Funny?(tu
55、rns around and almost spills his coffee on Tommy)Tommy: Whoa!Ross: Whoa, sorryTommy.Tommy: Whatshe cup, Ross?Ross: Umm?Tommy: What ishe cup?!Ross: Okay, itscoffee.Tommy: Ice coffee?l me its ice coffee!Ross: Its-its hot?Tommy: Hot coffee! over me, huh?! WhatYou idiot! You were gonna spill hot coffee
56、allare you just some big, dumb, stu irdo, huh?! Huh?!, doofy idiot,widoofy idiohairdo n.(好)發(fā)型發(fā)式/doofy adj. Someone how acts reallygoofy(adj.愚笨的) and does stu, idiotic things.cut to inside Central Perk, we see Ross quietly tapon thewindow, desperay trying to get the gangs attention, while Tommyis sti
57、ll screaming at himRachel: (not seeing Ross) Whats your favourite thing aboutsummertime?summertime n.夏季Monica: Umm, going to the beach. When it stays light real late.stay light v.保持天亮Rachel: Yeah?Tommy: (entering, finished with yelling at Ross, who follows him insshocked) (happily) Hey!sn.彈/sshock p
58、h.彈休克 彈震癥 震嚇癡呆癥/sshocked:Stunned, distressed(adj.哀傷的),or exhausted from a prolonged(adj.拖延的)trauma (n.外傷) oran unexpected difficultyRachel: Tommyyyy! Say, whats your favourite thing about summer?Tommy: Ooh, It know. Probably the smell of freshly cutgrass.freshly cut v.新割地Chandler: Ohh,ts a gooe.(Ros
59、s is having a fit, about how calm Tommy is now)fit n.(感情等的)突發(fā) (活動(dòng)等的)一陣緊張 昏厥 痙攣/have a fit吃一驚 大發(fā)脾氣v.大Scene: Backstage at Joeys play, Joey is arriving, late.backstage n.Joey: and aSorry! Sorry, Im late; sorry, Im late! My duck andfight, it-it was ugly.my chickStageManager: Look, we held the curtain fo
60、r you buddy. Comeon,lets go! Lets go!hold the curtain for you 特地為你不拉開帷幕 大家都在等你cut toonstage with Lauren standing in for Kate, the doorbell rings.onstageadj.舞臺(tái)表演區(qū)的臺(tái)上的 臺(tái)上演出的/stand in for 為L(zhǎng)auren:(answering the door) Vic! Where have you been, baby?!Joey: (surprised its Lauren) (hugs her) (whispering) W
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- 2025年湖南理工職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院?jiǎn)握新殬I(yè)技能測(cè)試題庫(kù)必考題
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- 2023版北京協(xié)和醫(yī)院重癥醫(yī)學(xué)科診療常規(guī)
- 不銹鋼管道拆除施工方案方案
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- 中國(guó)移動(dòng)-單位證明參考模板
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- 監(jiān)理大綱(范本)