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1、2013 年師范大學 357 英語翻譯基礎試題(回憶版)本試題由網(wǎng)友 Trcy、yolanda198901 提供詞匯短語互譯(30*1)15 個英譯漢 15 個漢譯英(我只把我感覺沒寫對的記下了其他的很簡單像WHO 這樣的)1improve the mechanism fortraining talents2cnt project manager3transnational compangy4transfer of technology5reduce comsumptionofrawmaterialresource1服務種類2消除貧困3多元化融合4天人合一5享有環(huán)境權利6資源調配7轉變發(fā)展方式

2、8實現(xiàn)又好又快發(fā)展心9 房地產(chǎn)市場10 大力發(fā)展11 一個中心兩個基本點12 社會事業(yè)13 人民英譯漢(2 篇 60 分)第一篇There is a strong viewt holdst sucs is a myth, and ambitiontherefore a sham. Does this meant sucs does not really exist?tachievement is at bottom empty?t the efforts of men and women are ofno significance alongside the force of movement

3、s and events now not allsucs, obviously, is worth esteeming, nor all ambition worthcultivating. Which are and which are not is something one soon enoughlearns on ones own. But even the most cynical secretly admitt sucsexists;t achievement counts for a great deal; andt the true mythist the actions of

4、 men and women are useless. To beve otherwiseis to take on a poof viewt is likely to be deranging. It is, inits implications, to remove all motives for competence,erest inattaent, and regard forterity.(網(wǎng)上參考譯文)有一種盛行的觀點認為,成功是一種神話,因此抱負亦屬虛幻。這是不是說實際上并不豐在成功?成就本身就是一場空?與諸多運動和事心件的力量相比,男男女女的努力顯得微?顯然,并非所有的成功都值

5、得景仰,也并非所有的抱負都值得追求。對值得和不值得的選擇,一個人自然而然很快就能學會。但即使是最為憤世嫉俗的人暗地里也承認,成功確實存在,成就的意義舉足輕重,而把世上男男女女的所作所為說成是徒勞無功才是真正的無稽之談。認為成功不存在的觀點很可能造成。這種觀點的本意是一筆勾銷所有提高能力的,求取業(yè)績的和對子孫后代的關注。第二篇Manyelligent people still equate happiness with fun. The truthist fun and happiness have little or nothing in common. Fun is whatxperienc

6、e during an act. Happiness is whatxperience after an act.It is a deeper, more abiding emotion.Going to an amusement park or ball game, watching a movie orevi, are fun activitiest help us relax, temporarily fet ourproblemsand maybe even laugh. But they do not bring happiness, becausetheiritive effecd

7、 when the fun ends.I have often thoughtt if Hollywood stars have a role to play,it is to teach usppiness has nothing to do with fun. These rich,beautiful individuals have constant acs to glamorous parties, fancycars, expensive homes, everythingt spells happiness.心Butemoir after memoir, cerities reve

8、al the unhappinesshiddenbeneall their fun: depres, alcoholism, drug addiction,brokenmarriages, troubled children,profound loneliness.漢譯英(2 篇 60 分)第一篇:獨立、自力更生,同學習外國,吸收世界文明的成果,是相互結合、相輔相成的。中華民族的先人們早就懂得這個道理。中國的漢唐時代,都曾在這方面留下了寶貴的歷史經(jīng)驗,當時既自強不息地發(fā)展自己的昌盛時期,也是積極開展對流,廣泛吸收外來進步文化的時期。成立后,堅持走自己的路,進行經(jīng)濟政治文化建設,把祖國建設成為一

9、個初步繁榮昌盛的社會主義國家。同時,積極吸收和借鑒世界一切先進的文明成果,這些文明成果對于中國的發(fā)展也起了重要的促進作用。當然,這種對外國文明的吸收和借鑒決不能是簡單的模仿。中國既不能照抄西方國家的發(fā)展模式,也不能硬搬其他國家主義的模式,而必須走適合自己國情的發(fā)展道路。這就是通過自己的長期實踐終于找到的建設有的道路將堅定不移地沿著這條道路走下去。Independence and self-relianhould not rule out learning from心other countries and drawing upon the fruits of world civilization

10、. Thetwo are complementary to each other. Our antors came to know this along time ago.his respect, we have valuable historical experiencefrom the Han and Tang Dynasties. Those were periods of prosperity whenChina strove to develop itself on its own, and also periods when it learnedextensively from f

11、oreign advanced cultureshe pros of activelyconducting external exchanges. Since the founding of New China, we Chipeople have perseveredaking our own road and engaginghe economic,political and culturadertakings and turning our motherlando asolist country with initial prosperity. Meanwhile, we have ea

12、rnestlyabsorbed and drawn upon fruits of advanced world civilization, which inturn have grey promoted the development of China. However, it must bepoed outt the absorption and learning pros is by no means oneof simple imiion. China cannot copy the development mof Westerncapitalist countries, nor can it mechanically follow other countriesms of building solism. On the contrary, it must take a road todevelopmentt iited to its national conditions.t is, the roadto building solism with Chicharacte


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