1、關(guān)于英語寫作的主題句和段落第一張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月段落的結(jié)構(gòu)“人之立言,因字而成句,積句而成章,積章而成篇?!?劉勰 文心雕龍章句一篇文章只有漂亮生動的句子還是不夠的,我們還必須注意把文意所銜領(lǐng)的句子按照一定的規(guī)律組織起來,成為一個或者數(shù)個段落,從而使要表達的各層意思都清晰分明。只有這樣構(gòu)成的文章,才會給人渾然一體但又清晰有致的美感。第二張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月一、主題句“揭全文之指,或在篇首,或在篇中,或在篇末。在篇首,則后必顧之;在篇末,則前必注之;在篇中,則前注之,后顧之?!边@是劉熙載在藝概中講的話,雖然說的是漢語整篇文章的寫作,但同樣適用于英文段
2、落。在比較正規(guī)的英文寫作(formal writing)中,往往就有這樣的“揭全段之旨”的句子,它就是主題句(topic sentence)。簡單一點說,主題句就是對全段主題的概括性陳述。段落中其他的句子都是對它的擴展、支持或證明。主題句起著統(tǒng)攝全段的作用。在寫作者一方,下筆可以力顧著眼點,做到內(nèi)容醒目突出而且不跑題。而在讀者一方,則可以通過主題句迅速地明確作者的主題,讀起文章來比較快捷。需要指出的是,英語文章對全文的主旨句和段落主題句的要求是非漢語文章所及的。受兩種文化的影響,漢語文章在結(jié)構(gòu)方面往往比英語文章更加隨意,作者既可以開門見山立顯要旨,也可曲徑通幽委婉道來,甚至可以指桑罵槐旁敲側(cè)擊
3、。對于主題的揭示很多情況下都采取“春秋筆法”,隱而不說。英語的文章段落則要明白得多,往往需要規(guī)矩完整的主旨句和主題句。這一點需要每一個英語作文學(xué)習(xí)者寄予相當(dāng)?shù)淖⒁?。為加強這方面的意識,我們下面看毛榮貴和Dorine S. Houston合編的中國大學(xué)生作文評改中的兩個例子:第三張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月In this world, we should think more of other people than of ourselves. By so doing, our world will be full of happiness. This, of course, is
4、 my personal view. But it is a lesson I have drawn from one of my own experience. So now, I would like to share that experience with you, my dear reader.這是一名中國大學(xué)生的作文Applause on the Bus中的開頭。在本書的中國編者看來,這樣的開頭自然而且不俗,符合漢語寫作的習(xí)慣。然而美國編者認為:This is essentially a solid essay. The writer uses an anecdote to mak
5、e a point Now we just need to give it a good, strong topic sentence using the writers own ideas to form it. 她給這個開頭段擬了下面的主題句:第四張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月A little girl taught me, and a busful of people, an important lesson about the importance of thinking more of other people than of ourselves. One day I t
6、ook a very crowded bus to school第五張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月在另外一篇作文Part of My Childhood中,作者開頭是這樣寫的:In my childhood, there were so many things that were worth calling to mind. Some made me happy, some made me excited, and some made me sad. But among them was an unforgettable thing, when I think of it, my
7、good friend Tong Tong will occur to me.作為漢語讀者來說,首先用抒情的筆法奠定一種氛圍,然后引導(dǎo)讀者逐漸進入對于往事的回憶,這樣的開頭是非常自然而且感人的。但是美國編者顯然不這樣認為:This is a moving story about friends who have quarreled. It needs a good topic sentence to bring the reader into the feelings and message the writer wants to convey.這位美國編者提供了這樣的開頭:第六張,PPT共八
8、十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月One of the most unforgettable experience of my childhood involves my good friend Tong Tong. It happened when I was eight years old.我們從上面兩個例子可以看出,盡管有千篇一律的嫌疑,英語的寫作追求的審美效果和漢語寫作是大相異趣的。學(xué)習(xí)英文寫作,對這樣的差異要時刻牢記。第七張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月主題句的位置一般說來,主題句既可以是在段落的開始,也可以處于段落的中間或者末尾。1)主題句在段首主題句放在句首是英語段落寫作中最
9、常見的一種方法。中國大學(xué)生作文評改的中國作者毛榮貴說:“筆者曾就美版的Readers Digest和Time兩本期刊的100篇短文做過調(diào)查,發(fā)現(xiàn)其中僅有兩篇其topic sentence較為模糊,而有68篇的topic sentence均被置于文/段首,其余30篇已經(jīng)將段落的topic sentence升格為小標(biāo)題?!备鶕?jù)這種情況,我們建議所有的英語作文初學(xué)者將段落的主題句放置于段首。下面是幾個相應(yīng)的例子:第八張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Jane and Karen have many things in common. To begin with, both girls hav
10、e the same background. Jane was born and raised in the West, and so was Karen. Next, both girls are interested in the same kinds of subjects in school. Jane likes French, history, and English. In the same way, Karen likes Spanish, history and English. Furthermore, both girls want to be teachers. Jan
11、e plans to become an elementary school teacher. But Karen wants to be a high school teacher. As you can see, the two girls are almost like twins.第九張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Even when we are very careful in the things we do each day, the risk of loss and injury is always with us. Starting the day with a s
12、hower, we risk slipping and falling through the glass door. Riding to work, we risk collision. While we are away from our homes, the risk of fire and burglary is greater. Going to school, our children risk being injured. We also loss through unintentional actions of our own that might injure others.
13、 Such events may occur regardless of how careful we may try to be, and they can cost us a lot of money. Rather than taking the chance of being wiped out financially, we transfer some or our risks to others, we buy insurance.第十張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Eating lunch is one of my favorite pastimes. Because
14、lunch comes in the middle of the day, it gives me a welcome break from studying. At school, lunch means thirty minutes out of class and a chance to rest after the mornings work. While eating, I can plan what Im going to do in the afternoon. And besides offering a pleasant break in the day, lunch is
15、always a good meal.第十一張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2)主題句在段落中間The officers of most doctors today are overloaded with people who are convinced that something dreadful is about to happen to them. At the first sign of pain they run to a doctor, failing to realize that pain is rarely an indication or poor health
16、. We are becoming a nation of pill-grabbers and hypochondriacs who regard the slightest ache as a searing ordeal. Instead of attacking the most common causes of pain such as tension, worry, boredom, frustration, insufficient sleep, overeating, poor diets, smoking, or excessive drinking, too many peo
17、ple reach almost instinctively for the painkillers - aspirins, barbiturates, codeine, tranquilizers, sleeping pills, and dozens of other desensitizing drugs.第十二張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Californians and New Englanders are both American. They speak the same language and abide by the same federal laws. But
18、 they are very different in their ways of life. Mobility - both physical and psychological- has made a great impression on the culture of Californians; lack of mobility is the mark of the customs and morality of New Englanders.第十三張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3)主題句在段落末尾At the beginning of a writing course, m
19、any students earn low grades because they are inexperienced writers. They simply dont know how to write an effective essay, and in the process of learning to do so, they make mistakes - and low grades. Such grades affect the students confidence and morale, making writing an unpleasant task associate
20、d with anxiety and failure. As a result, students are discouraged; instead of working seriously on their writing, they spend time worrying about the easiest way to earn a better grade on the next paper- usually by writing “safe” papers that are simple and correct but lacking in thought. Therefore, t
21、he assigning of traditional grades in a freshman writing course often works against the purpose of the course - to help students learn to write better.第十四張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Americans might be embarrassed because their Japanese friends are so formal with them. Japanese might feel insulted because A
22、merican acquaintances greet them casually. Still, the forms of greeting in both countries only show respect for others. It just happens that Americans and Japanese have a different way of looking at human relationships and thus have a different way showing respect.第十五張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4)段落沒有主題句英文
23、正規(guī)的文章,尤其是informative writing很少沒有主題句的,沒有主題句的情況一般出現(xiàn)在記敘文體中。但是也有作者有意隱而不說的情況。The bright child is patient. He can tolerate uncertainty and failure, and will keep trying until he gets an answer. When all his experiments fail, he can even admit to himself and others that for the time being he is not going t
24、o get an answer. This may annoy him, but he can wait. Very often, he does not want to be told how to do the problem or solve the puzzle he has struggled with, because he does not want to be cheated out of the chance to figure it out for himself in the future. Not so the dull child. He cannot stand u
25、ncertainty or failure. To him, an unanswered question is not a challenge or an opportunity, but a threat. If he cant find the answer quickly, it must be given to him, and quickly; and he must have answers for everything. Such are the children of whom a second-grade teacher once said, “But my childre
26、n like to have questions for which there is only one answer.” They did; and by a mysterious coincidence, so did she.(Implied topic sentence: To a bright child a puzzle or unanswered question is a challenge, whereas to a dull child it is a threat.)第十六張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月First you must wait for a sun
27、ny day. Remember that the rays of the sun are most direct between 11 A.M. and 2 P.M. This is the time when you will tan the quickest. At the right time and on the right day, pick an open spot outdoors and lay out a large towel or beach mat. You may want to bring along several things: suntan oil, a p
28、ortable radio, a book or magazine, sunglasses, a pillow. It is a good idea not to stay in the sun too long at first. Begin with a half hour, and then gradually increase the time you spend in the sun. Certain parts of your body will burn more quickly than others. These include the backs of your knees
29、, the inside of your elbows, your shoulders, and your nose. Be sure to cover these spots with suntan oil when you first go outside. Cover them again with oil after you have been outside in the sun for a while. (Possible implied topic sentence: Taking a sunbath calls for careful planning.)第十七張,PPT共八十
30、六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月主題句的寫作要注意兩個基本要求:第一是要包含主導(dǎo)思想(the controlling idea);第二是要做到概括和具體的統(tǒng)一。在一般情況下,一個段落要求作者只表達一個意思,不同的意思要放在另外的段落中表達,否則容易枝杈橫生,使人不得要領(lǐng)。這個意思就是主導(dǎo)思想。例如我們不能說:“We had a pleasant summer vacation but summer vacation always seems short.”。因為前面一個分句表述了一個事實,后面一個分句表述的是作者的一種看法。你不可能在一個段落中做到兩方面都兼顧。在具體的主題句寫作中,作者還要注意把自
31、己的思想用最切近的語言表達出來。既不能過于概括,也不能過于具體。如果過于概括,作者的寫作往往會漫無目標(biāo)或者以偏概全,從而造成段落因為得不到應(yīng)有的充實而顯得空泛無力;如果主題句過于具體,作者的思想就沒有發(fā)揮的余地,極易造成對一個意思的顛倒重復(fù),而真正的意思卻不能得到充分的表達。在具體的寫作中,最容易出現(xiàn)的現(xiàn)象就是主題句過于概括的現(xiàn)象。第十八張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月寫主題句時要回避以下4個錯誤:IncompleteShould not be a questionMust not be too broadShould not contain phrases like “I thin
32、k”, “In my opinion”, etc.第十九張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月My mother has passed along to me certain rules for getting along with others. Dont argue with parents; they will think you dont love them. Dont argue with children; they will think themselves victimized. Dont argue with spouses; they will think you ar
33、e a tiresome mate. Dont argue with strangers; they will think you are not friendly. My mothers rules, in fact, can be summed up in two words: Dont argue.第二十張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月 Our life today depends very much on energy. In towns and in villages, on farms and in factories, machines have made life e
34、asier than it used to be. The machines use energy, and energy is needed for heating, lighting, communications, carrying goods - everything. Factories and industrial plants use a great deal of energy to make the things that we use and buy and sell第二十一張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月(主題句)No one can avoid being i
35、nfluenced by advertisements. (推展句1)Much as we may pride ourselves on our good taste, we are no longer free to choose whatever we want, for advertising exerts a subtle influence on us. (推展句2)In their efforts to persuade us to buy this or that product, advertisers have made a close study of human natu
36、re and have classified all our little weakness.There are two ways in which one can own a book. The first is the property right you establish by paying for it, just as you have made it a part of yourself and the best way to make yourself a part of it is by writing in it. 第二十二張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月請看下面
37、的病例:I want to talk about my father. He is strict with his children, especially me. He wont let meout of the house unless Ive done all my homework. He is a tall and rather skinny man. Some people say he is good-looking. He has a nice streak of gray in his hair. He laughs a lot and enjoys life. My fat
38、her is interesting.讀完這個段落,我們只能得到對于“我的父親”的一些零亂的印象,但又都不鮮明。造成這種情況的主要原因是作者沒有寫好主題句?!癐 want to talk about my father”這個主題句過于寬泛,沒有起到限定話題的作用。所以作者一會兒講作者父親對待我的態(tài)度;一會兒講父親的外貌特征,過一會兒又說到父親的性格特征。真如同筆下穿著溜冰鞋,滑來滑去,不知所終。第二十三張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月擴展句一個段落是由主題句和擴展句共同構(gòu)成的。擴展句是對主題句的延伸或證明。它們之間的關(guān)系構(gòu)成一個段落好壞的關(guān)鍵。擴展句和主題句之間至少要注意以下兩點:第
41、22年6月病例1、跑題The report indicates that babies of fathers who smoke are likely to be smaller and weaker than babies of non-smoking fathers. Of course it is already well known that pregnant women who smoke can damage the health of their babies. My sister smoked twenty cigarettes a day when she was expec
42、ting her first child. Another worrying point is that smoking just before the start of the pregnancy can affect the baby later. I heard recently that certain foods harm unborn babies.在這個例子中,主題句說的本來是父親抽煙對于小孩子健康的影響,但是支持句講的卻是未來的母親抽煙對孩子的影響。更可笑的是段落最后一句說的是某些食物可能對胎兒產(chǎn)生危害,真可謂離題千里了。第二十六張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2、岔
43、題The main school building contains most of the classrooms. That was our “second home”, the place where my classmates and I worked, studied, and learned for three years. Beyond that is the science building. Thats where we did all our laboratory work for chemistry and physics. On the right side of sci
44、ence building is a library, where there are a large collection of books and periodicals. We all enjoyed reading, and from this we got a great deal of benefits. Since our teachers were rich in knowledge and taught us very earnestly, we had always done better than students of other schools in joint ex
45、aminations.從語言上講這是一篇不錯的段落,而且前半部分的描寫相當(dāng)有序:分別介紹了教學(xué)大樓、實驗樓和圖書館。但是段落的最后兩句話卻又另起爐灶,談到了其它方面,嚴(yán)格說來這是不容許的。另外本段還缺少一個主題句,請同學(xué)們?yōu)橹鷶M。第二十七張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3、重復(fù)Watching TV too much is harmful to your eyes. If you stay in front of TV for too long time your eyes might get hurt. You will be near-sighted. You cannot s
46、ee clearly when you read. You even cannot see clearly a friend when you meet him in street.在這個例子中,我們可以發(fā)現(xiàn),這位同學(xué)的思緒總是要在一個地方停留一兩步,然后才肯離開。第一句作為段首句是相當(dāng)不錯的,可是第二句卻對它進行了重復(fù),意思基本雷同。這完全是對有限空間的浪費。第二十八張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4、片面Our school is an Army school, so we must obey many rules. Because of this my house is spe
47、cial in some ways. First, our house is very clean, have no piece of paper on the ground. Everything in my house is neat. Perhaps some other house is dirty, but if my house is dirty we would be punished and forced to clean it.這是一年級學(xué)生的習(xí)作,其中有不少語言錯誤。但就內(nèi)容來講,本段的支持句只講了一個內(nèi)容,也就是We must keep our rooms clean。這
48、是不足以證明We must obey many rules這一段首句的。第二十九張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月練習(xí)1、首先找出主題句,然后排列各句:1. a. Computers speed up registration by providing up-to-date information on open classes.b. They assist instructors by marking multiple-choice tests.c. Computers now perform many tasks on my campus.d. Computers can supp
49、ly advisors with instant and complete information on requirements, career information, and personal data while they are talking to a student.e. Computers keep records for the bookstore, library, cafeteria, and maintenance department.第三十張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2. a. My new Future camera has several feat
50、ures that I like.b. It advances the film after each shot and automatically rewinds it after each roll.c. Compared to other cameras, it is inexpensive.d. If I get too close to the subject, it alerts me with a buzzer.e. It beams out an infrared ray that focuses for me, even in the dark.f. It is lightw
51、eight and compact.第三十一張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3. a. Sometimes rapidly, sometimes slowly, they went relentlessly upward.b. Last week the Labor Department reported, however, that the economys seventeen-year inflationary spiral had, for one month at least, finally been broken.c. During March, inflation ac
52、tually went down instead of up.d. This turned a trend of what economists call disinflation into outright deflation.e. Since 1965, prices in the U.S. economy have been heading one way.第三十二張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月4. a. Moving back home with his parents would save him quite a bit.b. He was glad that he no
53、 longer had to work full-time while going to school.c. His income tax refund was enough to cover his expenses for the rest of the semester.d. The deans office approved his student loan, and he could cut his working hours.e. He had finally paid off his car.f. Things were beginning to look up.第三十三張,PP
54、T共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月5. a. Two young girls took turns throwing their Frisbee to their dog, which leaped into the air to catch it.b. A family of tourists stood in front of the fountain, studying a map and trying to remember where they had left their car.c. It was a typical May Sunday afternoon at the par
55、k.d. From the freeway that circled the park the sound of a fire engine could be heard.e. A couple sat on a blanket, their baby crawling on the nearby grass.第三十四張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月2、根據(jù)下面的主題詞完成一個主題句,然后展開構(gòu)成一個段落:The reason why I read books is that The stupidity of the nuclear arms race.Traffic is one
56、of the essential activities in our society.Smoking is harmful to health.Television presents a vivid world in front of us.第三十五張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月3、根據(jù)下面的主題句,思考需要哪些內(nèi)容來支持它:The thrill of a big city. Owning a car is expensive.What a satisfying career should be Spring is the most pleasant season of the y
57、ear.People take part in sports for various reasons overgrowth of population presents a threat to the existence of human society.第三十六張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月Spring is the most pleasant season of the year. In spring, it is warm and comfortable and the air is fresh and soft. The flowers are in full bloom,
58、 attracting bees and birds to dance around. With the snow melting, the trees budding, eggs hatched, everything comes back to life. The mild days of the Spring makes it the best season for traveling, which not only brings you into close contact with nature, but also makes you feel refreshed from the
59、tiring and tedious work. Spring is the season for sowing. If we want to have a good harvest or a good result, we have to make a good plan in the season of the spring 第三十七張,PPT共八十六頁,創(chuàng)作于2022年6月People take part in sports for various reasons. Some take part in sports just because they love it and it can
60、 bring them pleasure. Others go in for sports for the simple reason that they want to be physically healthy/fit. They believe that regular exercise will keep the doctors away. Still others take part in sports because they can make friends with those who share the similar interests. They think throug
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