1、精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)專心-專注-專業(yè)精選優(yōu)質(zhì)文檔-傾情為你奉上專心-專注-專業(yè)前言Preface有人說合肥這幾年長高了、變美了、發(fā)展更快了,只要您在這個城市住上幾天,你就能感受得到這個城市不斷向上的沖動和日新月異的變化,正如圖片中的那些細節(jié)和面孔,總有一股跳動的激情,一種向上的活力,要無法遏制地舒展開來。 People sayHefeihas grown taller, more beautiful and faster in recent years. Staying here for a few days,you canfeel the st
2、rong aspirationsandrapid changes of the city. The scenes and the faces in the photos display a throbbingpassion,anupbeatvitalitythat is spreading dynamically. 于是,有了這樣一次特殊的“采訪”。全國新華社的百名簽約攝影師,用兩天兩夜的時間,不知疲倦地用鏡頭、用眼睛、用心靈,展現(xiàn)這個城市一個個微小而獨到的細節(jié)、鮮活而生動的面孔、幸福而溫潤的美好。 Therefore, a special “photo shoot” was arranged
3、 here. About 100photographersfromXinhua News Agency and its local offices all overChina spenttwo days in the city. They used their cameras, their eyes and their hearts to reveal the unique details of the city in its development, and share the lively faces and happy moments of the people.美國城市學(xué)家雅各布斯說,
4、“一個城市,它承載了所有創(chuàng)造者與見證者的夢想、渴望和驕傲?!弊鳛橐娮C者,他們用自己的方式分享創(chuàng)造者們的夢想、渴望與驕傲,這個城市無處不在的活力、巨變與美好,洋溢在一張張圖片的精彩光影之中。 Americanurbanologist Jane Jacobsis said to have remarked that acity bears the dreams, aspirations and pride of everyone who built and witnessed it. As witnesses, thesephotographerscame tosharethedreams,asp
5、irationsand prideofthe local peopleand they incorporated the ubiquitous vitality, great changes and charm of the city into colorful and inspiringpictures. 如今,環(huán)擁巢湖的合肥,又有了大湖靚市的夢想,按照“科學(xué)發(fā)展新跨越、主要指標進十強”的美好愿景,努力建設(shè)泛長三角地區(qū)繼滬寧杭之后的現(xiàn)代化新興中心城市,朝著區(qū)域性特大城市不斷前行. Today, with Chaohu Lake now in its embrace, Hefeihas ane
6、wdream to become a more enchanting lakeside city. With the vision of “making new strides in scientific development and elbowing into the Top10 interms of major economic indicators”, Hefei spares no effort to build itself into a modern, prosperous and central city next only to Shanghai, Nanjing and H
7、angzhou in the Pan-Yangtze River Delta, and continue its advancement to be a regionalsuper city. “一個城市的未來是它過去合乎邏輯的延伸?!苯裉?,當我們一起閱讀新華社百名攝影師記錄的驚美瞬間的同時,留住的則是明天的歷史,打開的則是一個城市的遠大理想! A citys future is but a logical extension of its past.Whenappreciating the stunning moments shot by the photographers, we feel
8、 what the photos have recorded are the history of tomorrow andthe lofty ideas to be realized in the future!大湖靚市溫泉之都 中國合肥歡迎您WelcometoHefei,a beautiful city home to Chaohu Lake and hot springsinChina這是一座巢湖岸邊美麗的山水城市,氣候宜人、園林如畫。This isabeautiful cityby Chaohu Lake with pleasant climateandpicturesquegarde
9、ns.這是一座充溢著筑造夢想的創(chuàng)新城市,人才輩出、理想輝煌。This isaninnovativecitythat makes dreams come true with talented people andbrilliantideas.千年文明,湖光山色。Thousand years of civilization and beautiful lakes and mountains 合肥,位于中國中部,居安徽之中,處江淮之間,因東淝河、南淝河在此交匯而得名,并因隋唐明清時為廬州路、郡、府治所在而別稱“廬州”,是全國唯一環(huán)擁五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省會城市。 Located in theCent
10、ral Region of China,Hefeiis in the center ofAnhuiProvincebetween the Yangtze River and theHuaiheRiver,the only provincial capital city that embraces one of the five largest freshwater lakes (ChaohuLake) inChina.Geographically, the name ofHefeimeans the converging point of theDongfeiRiverand theNanfe
11、iRiver. As it was made prefecture seat of Luzhou in the Sui, Tang, Ming and Qing dynasties, it is also known as Luzhou.現(xiàn)轄肥東、肥西、長豐、廬江4個縣,巢湖市,瑤海、廬陽、蜀山、包河4個區(qū)和合肥高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)開發(fā)區(qū)、合肥經(jīng)濟技術(shù)開發(fā)區(qū)、合肥新站綜合開發(fā)試驗區(qū)、合肥巢湖經(jīng)濟開發(fā)區(qū)4大開發(fā)區(qū),市域總面積1.14萬平方公里,常住人口752萬人。 Under itsjurisdiction, there are four counties (Feidong,Feixi,Changfen
12、gand Lujiang), one sub-city (Chaohu) and four urban districts (Yaohai, Luyang, Shushan and Baohe). The city also possesses 4 development zones, namely, Hefei Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, HefeiEconomic & TechnologicalDevelopmentArea,Hefei XinzhanComprehensive DevelopmentPilot Zoneand Hefei Ch
13、aohuEconomic Development Zone.The total area of Hefei is11,400 square kilometersandthe permanent resident populationis7.52million. 作為國家級皖江城市帶承接產(chǎn)業(yè)轉(zhuǎn)移示范區(qū)的核心城市,合肥承東啟西、連南接北,正因為其全國重要的區(qū)域性綜合交通樞紐之地位,勾連起半徑500公里范圍內(nèi)7省1市、近102萬平方公里、5億人口這一中國經(jīng)濟實力最強、消費群體最多、發(fā)展活力最大的經(jīng)濟區(qū)域。As thecore city of thenationalWanjiang city-clus
14、ter demonstration area for industrial relocation, Hefei stands in the crossroads, linkingeast and west, connectingsouthand north.It is its position as a nationally important regional comprehensive transportation hub city that has made it possible to link 7 neighboring provinces and Shanghai within a
15、 500 km radius of Hefei and form a new powerful economic area, covering almost 1.02 million square kilometers with a population of half a billion. This area has become the strongest economy in China with the largest number of consumer groups and greatest potential for development.山水合肥一城串聯(lián)萬千美景Hefei,
16、a city unfolding countless enchanting views 合肥,是中國優(yōu)秀旅游城市,以“包公故里”、“三國故地”、“科教基地”、“淮軍搖籃”、“溫泉之鄉(xiāng)”、“環(huán)湖新城”名揚天下。 Hefeiis an excellent tourist city inChina, known to the world as the hometown of Lord Bao, a famous battlefield during the Three Kingdoms period, a national science and education base, the birthp
17、lace of the Huai Army, a hot spring resort and an emerging lakeside city. 合肥,是中國唯一環(huán)抱五大淡水湖之一巢湖的省會城市,800里巢湖煙波浩淼,湖光、奇花、溫泉、溶洞被稱之為“四絕”,銀魚、白米蝦和大閘蟹被譽為“三珍”;半湯溫泉是安徽休閑療養(yǎng)的主要區(qū)域,富含30多種活性元素;素有“溫泉之都、風(fēng)情小鎮(zhèn)”之美譽的廬江縣湯池溫泉則享有“華東第一泉”的美譽,4A級金孔雀溫泉旅游度假村已逐步成為華東著名的旅游度假療養(yǎng)勝地。Hefeiis the onlyprovincialcapital city inChinathat emb
18、races one of the biggest freshwater lakes.ChaohuLake,avast expanse of water stretching about 800 square kilometers, is endowed with wonderful scenery and delicious aquatic products. Four wonders to see includewaterscape,rare flowers,hotspringsandKarstCaves; three local specialties are whitebait, whi
19、te shrimp and hairy crab. Bantang is a major spa resort for leisure and rehabilitation inAnhui, for the water from thehot springsis rich in more than 30 kinds of active mineral elements. Tangchi, a small beautiful town inLujiangCounty, is another spa resort known as the place with the No. 1 hot spri
20、ng inEast China. Golden Peacock Spa Resort, a4Arated holiday village, is now a famous health resort for tourists inEast China. 合肥,群山相擁,層巒疊翠,是全國首批3個“全國園林城市”之一,兩次榮膺“中國人居環(huán)境示范獎”。 With green hills nestling into each other, Hefei is one of the first three national garden cities. It won the China Best Habi
21、tat Environment Award twice. 合肥以“園在城中、城在園中”而獨負盛名。敞開式環(huán)城公園,構(gòu)成了環(huán)繞老城、連接新城、水陸相依的獨特景致,宛如一條翡翠項鏈鑲嵌于城市之中。合肥是全國生態(tài)旅游城市,巢湖是國家級重點風(fēng)景名勝區(qū),包公文化園、紫蓬山、岱山湖、三河古鎮(zhèn)等14個國家級4A景區(qū)風(fēng)光旖旎。 The harmonious pattern of gardens intermingling with the city makesHefeiremarkably unique in the whole country. The open around-the-city park i
22、s just like a jadeite necklace around the old urban area, forming a distinctive and pleasant view of lands and waters.Hefeiis a national ecological tourist city, withChaohuLakeas a national key scenic spot. It also owns 14 national4Atourist attractions, likeLordBaoCulturePark,Mt.Zipeng,Daishan Lakea
23、ndSanheAncientTown.文化合肥徽風(fēng)和韻兼容南北風(fēng)情Hefei, a cultural integration ofAnhuistyle with both northern and southern flavors 合肥,自秦置縣,合肥至今已有2200多年歷史。三國時期,魏吳交兵長達32年之久,在此留下了逍遙津、教弩臺、三國新城等眾多歷史遺跡。1949年合肥解放,同年2月建市,1952年成為安徽省省會。 More than 2,200 years have passed sinceHefeiwas made a county seat dating back to the Qi
24、n Dynasty. During the Three Kingdomsperiod (220-280), the forces of Wei and Wu had battles here for 32 years, leaving many historical remains like the Leisure Ferry (nowXiaoyaojin Park), the crossbowmen training terrace (now a temple on Jiaonutai) and the ancient garrison of theWeiKingdom(also calle
25、d Sanguo Xincheng). Hefeiwas liberated in 1949, made a city in February the same year and became the provincial capital in 1952. 合肥人杰地靈,自古名人輩出。三國名將周瑜,五代十國的吳王楊行密,宋代清官包拯,晚晴重臣李鴻章,首任臺灣巡撫劉銘傳,世界著名科學(xué)家楊振寧,著名將軍馮玉祥、張治中、李克農(nóng)等,均出自合肥。 Reputed historical figures makeHefeimore famous. Influential ones born here inc
26、lude, to name but a few, Zhou Yu, a famous general in the Three Kingdoms period, Yang Xingmi, the King of the Wu State in the Five Dynasties and Ten States period (907-960), Bao Zheng (999-1062), an upright official in the Song Dynasty, Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), a leading official in the late Qing D
27、ynasty, Liu Mingchuan (1836-1896), the first governor of Taiwan in the Qing Dynasty and Dr. Chen Ning Yang, a world famous scientist, as well as famous modern generals Feng Yuxiang, Zhang Zhizhong and Li Kenong. 今天,周瑜墓、包公祠、李鴻章故居、劉銘傳故居、楊振寧故居等歷史景觀,串聯(lián)起城市綿延千年的記憶。渡江戰(zhàn)役紀念館、安徽名人館、合肥大劇院、國際會展中心、塘西河水街、世博安徽館、中國
28、(合肥)非遺園和安徽省博物館等一批標志性文化設(shè)施的建成開放,成為中外客人鐘情眷顧所在。 Today, the historical sites like Zhou Yu Tomb,LordBaoTemple, former residences of Li Hongzhang, Liu Mingchuan and Chen Ning Yang respectively outline the history of the city with lingering memories of thousands of years. In addition, a number of symbolic c
29、ultural facilities were built and open to the public, such as theYangtze-crossingCampaignMemorialMuseum, Anhui Hall of Fame,Hefei Grand Theatre,AnhuiInternational Convention andExhibitionCenter,TangxiheWater Street,AnhuiPavilion of Expo 2010,China(Hefei)IntangibleCulturalHeritageParkandAnhui Museum,
30、 attracting numerous visitors at home and abroad. 合肥,文化鼎盛,韻味悠長的廬劇、巢湖民歌,是合肥獨特的文化符號。 Hefeiis culturally flourishing; the appealing Luju Opera and Chaohu folk songs are unique cultural symbols of the city. 合肥,美食薈萃。傳統(tǒng)的四大名點歷千年而不衰,曹操雞、包公魚、廬州烤鴨、吳山貢鵝、李鴻章大雜燴等傳統(tǒng)名菜回味綿長,遍布食肆的小龍蝦則成就“中國淡水龍蝦之都”,并與星巴克、俏江南、馬克西姆等豐富多元
31、的中外美食一起,讓每個來到合肥的人,都能真切的感受到“舌尖上的愜意中國”。Hefeiis a desirable place for gastronomes. The 1,000-year time-honored Four Local Pastries, namely, Honggao (baked cake), Mabing (sesame cake), Baiqie (white sesame slices), Cunjin (sesame cookie) remain appealing today. Traditional dishes likeCao Cao Chicken, Lo
32、rd Bao Fish, Luzhou Roast Duck, Wushan Tribute Goose, and Li Hongzhang Hotchpotch give diners endless aftertaste, and the popularcrawfishin restaurants make Hefei a nice place to enjoy the so-called freshwater “l(fā)obster. All those above make every visitor truly feel a bite of agreeableChina. In addit
33、ion, you can enjoy famous domestic and foreign food and drinks in Starbucks, South Beauty and Maxims.樞紐合肥承東啟西連南北通江達海Hefei, a land transport hub inChinaand a river port leading to the Yangtze and coastal regions 合肥,區(qū)位優(yōu)越,是全國重要的綜合交通樞紐。已構(gòu)建起“一環(huán)七射”高速公路網(wǎng),已有6條鐵路、7條高速公路(合寧、合徐、合巢蕪、合安、合銅黃、合六葉、合淮阜)在此交匯,已實現(xiàn)1小時內(nèi)到
34、南京,2小時到上海、武漢,2012年底將實現(xiàn)3小時到北京。已開通直達香港、澳門、臺灣,韓國、新加坡、日本的航班,到北京、上海、廣州、重慶等大城市的航程均不超過一個半小時。2012年10月,年吞吐能力1200萬人次的4E級新橋國際機場即將投入運營。合肥水運通過巢湖直通長江,合肥新港1500噸級貨船可通江達海合肥海關(guān)已與長江三角洲地區(qū)實行了區(qū)域一體化通關(guān)。 Being a nationally importanttransportation hub,Hefeiisgeographically advantageous. It has built a highway network featurin
35、g “one ring and seven spokes”. Sixrailwaysandseven highways meet here. Specifically, the seven highwaysare those of Hefei-Nanjing,Hefei-Xuzhou,Hefei-Chaohu-Wuhu, Hefei-Anqing, Hefei-Tongling-Huangshan, Hefei-Luan-Yeji,and Hefei-Huainan-Fuyang.The high-speed railways now enable you to travel from Hef
36、ei to Nanjing within one hour, to Shanghai or Wuhan in two hours, and, by the end of 2012, to Beijing in about three hours.There are also directflights toHong Kong,Macao, Taiwan, South Korea,SingaporeandJapan. The flying time to such big cities asBeijing,Shanghai,GuangzhouandChongqingis all about on
37、e and a half hours.ByOctober 2012, the 4EXinqiaoInternationalAirportwith anannual handling capacityof12 millionperson times willbe put into operation.The waterway of Hefei leads to theYangtze RiverviaChaohuLakeandthe newly-built HefeiPort can accommodate1500-toncargo shipsfrom the ocean. Hefei can n
38、ow implement regional integratedcustoms clearancein the Yangtze RiverDelta region.活力合肥先行先試的創(chuàng)新DNAHefei,a place full of vitality owing to its innovative pioneering DNA 合肥是一個敢于先行先試的城市,創(chuàng)新無所不在。這里誕生了世界上第一臺DVD和仿生洗衣機、全球首個城域量子通信試驗示范網(wǎng)、中國第一臺空調(diào)、第一輛微型汽車、第一臺微型計算機、第一臺直寫式光刻機、第一條純電動公交線路、第一臺4G基帶芯片原型機 Hefei is aboldci
39、ty that dares to be a forerunner in innovationand it is the birthplace of the worlds firstDVD player, bionicwashing machine, quantum communicationnetwork in an urban area,as well as the firstair conditioner,mini-car,microcomputer,direct-writephotoetchingmachine,pure electricbus line andthe first4G b
40、asebandchipprototypein China. 合肥是世界科技城市聯(lián)盟(WTA)會員城市,作為中國四大“科教基地”之一,合肥擁有中科院合肥物質(zhì)科學(xué)研究院等各類研發(fā)機構(gòu)562個,在肥工作的兩院院士60人,各類科技人員30余萬人;擁有以中國科學(xué)技術(shù)大學(xué)為代表的各類高校61所,在校大學(xué)生50余萬人,科技人才比例居全國同類城市前列;是國內(nèi)除北京以外大科學(xué)工程最密集的地區(qū)。 Hefeiis amember cityoftheWorld Technopolis Association(WTA).Asoneofthefour science and education basesin China
41、, Hefeiboasts562 various R&D institutions with CASHIPS (HefeiInstitutes of Physical ScienceundertheChinese Academy of Sciences) in the leading position, 60academicianswith Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering, 300,000-odd scientific and technical professionals and more than
42、 half amillioncollege studentsin 61colleges and universitieswith USTC (theUniversityofScience and Technology of China) at thetop of the list. The city keeps itself at the forefront in terms of proportion between the scientific and technological personnel and the entire population in comparison with
43、other similar cities in China. It is also known as an area that houses the most densely-distributed number of National Major Scientific Projects, next only to Beijing. 合肥,創(chuàng)新實力位居2011年中國大陸創(chuàng)新能力最強城市排名第19位。英國自然雜志發(fā)布,合肥基礎(chǔ)科研實力位居全國第三。如今,合肥正依托國內(nèi)首個科技創(chuàng)新型試點市,致力于用5至10年時間基本建成國家創(chuàng)新型城市。 In 2011, Hefeiranked 19th amon
44、g all the most powerful innovationcities in Chinesemainland. According to the Britishscience journalNature,Hefei ranks third place in terms of basicscientific researchstrength inChina.Based onits being thefirstscientific and technological innovationpilot city inChina, Hefeiisnow committedto building
45、 itself into a national innovation city in 5-10years.神奇合肥一城精彩演繹彎道超越Hefei, a miracle city that gets going even when the going hits a turn 合肥,是一座現(xiàn)代化的新興工業(yè)城市,并以全新的姿態(tài)成為全國區(qū)域經(jīng)濟版圖上的“新坐標”。35個工業(yè)行業(yè)、200多個工業(yè)門類、2000多種工業(yè)大類產(chǎn)品,已深植于合肥工業(yè)沃土;汽車、裝備制造、家用電器等八大重點產(chǎn)業(yè)碩果累累;新型平板顯示、太陽能光伏、節(jié)能環(huán)保、生物、新材料、公共安全、新能源、新能源汽車等戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)從無到有,迅速集
46、聚,工業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)不斷提檔升級。 Hefeiis a rising modern industrial city. It is positioning itself with a new image on the national economic map. The deep and solid foundation ofHefeis industry is showcased by its 35 industry sectors, producing over 2,000 kinds of major industrial products in more than 200 categories.
47、 The eight pillar industries including automobile, equipment manufacturing and household appliances have made innumerable great achievements. Such strategically important new industries as flat panel display, photovoltaics, energy-saving, environmental protection, biotechnology, new materials, publi
48、c safety, new energy and new energy vehicles are growing from scratch. The quick clustering of these industries helpsHefeito restructure and upgrade its industrial set-up in a constant manner. 先后榮膺“加工貿(mào)易梯度轉(zhuǎn)移重點承接地”、“國家級汽車及零部件出口基地城市”、“國家流通領(lǐng)域現(xiàn)代物流示范城市”、“中國服務(wù)外包示范城市”和“國家動漫產(chǎn)業(yè)基地”等稱號。 Hefeihas won various tit
49、les, such as key industrial relocation destination for the gradient transfer of processing trade, nationalautomobiles and auto partsexport base city, national model city for modern logistics in commodity transportation,serviceoutsourcing demo cityinChina,and national animationindustry base. 合肥,已成為中國
50、最大的家電生產(chǎn)基地、重要的汽車城,(努力建成)全國重要的戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè)基地,主要經(jīng)濟指標平均增速連續(xù)六年位列全國省會城市第一。 Hefeiis now thelargesthousehold appliances production base and an important auto-making city inChina.It is also an emerging nationally importantstrategic industrial base under construction. Theaverage growth rateofmajor economic indicat
51、ors has ranked the city firstfor six consecutive years compared with all the other provincial capital cities inChina.投資合肥一個不錯而無悔的選擇Hefei, a better choice for your investment 合肥是一座注重效率的城市。在實施投融資體制、城市建設(shè)管理體制、招投標管理體制、行政審批制度等12項改革之后,合肥以全國審批環(huán)節(jié)最優(yōu)、辦事效率最高、服務(wù)意識最強的城市之一的標簽,先后被評為“全國十大經(jīng)商成本最低城市”和“浙商投資最佳服務(wù)城市”,還是“跨國
52、公司眼中最具投資價值的中國城市”、“全國十大經(jīng)商成本最低城市”。先后榮獲“中國投資環(huán)境50優(yōu)城市”、“中國城市整體競爭力和成長競爭力30強”、“中國最具幸福感城市”。(是不是多了一個“全國十大經(jīng)商成本最低城市”) Hefeiis an efficiency-oriented city. After the implementation of the reform on 12 administration systems including the investment and financing system, urban construction management system, bid
53、ding management system and the administrative examination and approval system,Hefeiis labeled as a city with the most optimized project approval procedures, the highest efficiency in administration and the strongest sense of service. It has been listed in the “Top 10 Chinese Cities with the Lowest B
54、usiness Cost” and “Cities with the Best Investment Services to Zhejiang Investors” and also won itself a place in the “Most Profitable Chinese Cities for Investment in the Eyes of Multinationals”, Top 50 Chinese Cities in Investment Environment”, Top 30 Chinese Cities in Overall and Growing Competit
55、iveness and The Happiest Cities inChina.在中國社科院中國城市競爭力藍皮書中被列為未來10年“中國最具發(fā)展?jié)摿Φ某鞘小?,其中合肥的社會公平競爭力指?shù)在全國城市中排在第一位。 In the Blue Book ofAnnual Report on Urban Competitivenesscompiled by theChineseAcademyof Social Sciences,Hefeiis listed as a city with the greatest potential for development in the next decade.
56、Among all the indicators,Hefeis social equity competitiveness index ranked first in the nation.開放合肥胸納四海走向全球Hefei, an open city going global 合肥,開明開放,求是創(chuàng)新,正以海納百川的胸懷和放眼世界的魅力,喜迎八方賓朋,先后與日本久留米、美國哥倫布、英國貝爾法斯等12個市結(jié)為友好城市或友好合作關(guān)系城市,同180個國家(地區(qū))建立經(jīng)貿(mào)往來,麥德龍、江森自控、日三洋、三菱重工、聯(lián)合利華、ABB、可口可樂、布依格、家樂福、佳通、正大、統(tǒng)一、偉世通、大陸輪胎、住友化學(xué)
57、、法液空、沃爾瑪、特易購、丸紅等30家境外世界500強企業(yè)在合肥投資興業(yè),進出口總額在全國省會城市名列前茅。Hefei isopen, pragmatic and innovative, welcoming friends from all over the world wholeheartedly. It has twinned with 12 international sister or partner cities like Kurume in Japan, Columbus, Ohio in the United States and Belfast in the United Ki
58、ngdom, and established economic and trade relations with 180 countries and regions. 30 Top-500 world companies have investedorlaunched businesses in Hefei, such as Metro, Johnson Controls, Sanyo, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Unilever, ABB, Coca Cola, Bouygues, Carrefour, Giti, Chaitai, Uni-President
59、, Visteon, Continental Tire, Sumitomo Chemical, Air Liquide, Wal-Mart, Tesco and Marubeni. The total volume of import and export trade ranksHefeiin the leading echelon among all the provincial capital cities in China.合肥山水之城,夢想之都。Hefei, a landscape city full of dreams今日合肥在憧憬中放飛理想,在憧憬中勵志前行,在現(xiàn)代化濱湖大城市的發(fā)
60、展基礎(chǔ)之上,合肥正按照“科學(xué)發(fā)展新跨越,主要指標進十強”的要求,激情滿懷地建設(shè)現(xiàn)代化新興中心城市,朝著在全國有較大影響力的區(qū)域性特大城市的方向筑造夢想。Today, Hefei is striving to make dreams come true and advancing towards its vision of building itself into a modern, emerging central city. It is turning itself into a nationally influential and regionally super-large city b
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