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1、老撾南奔水電站 1#機組試運行Nam Ben HPP 1# Unit running test作報work report湖北大禹水利水電建設(shè)有限責任公司HUBEI DAYUSHUILISHUIDIAN JIANSHEYOUXIANZERENGONGSI2016 年 3 月 26 日26date3month2016year table of contents工程概況P roject Overview工作內(nèi)容The work content工作計劃the work plane啟動前的調(diào)試及驗收Commissi oning and acce ptance before starte-up充水試驗wa

2、ter-filled test機組首次開機the first start -up test機組空轉(zhuǎn)運行下調(diào)速系統(tǒng)試驗Test of gover ning system in no-load running無勵磁自動開機和自動停機試驗Unit automatic start- up and stop test with no excitati on 過速試驗Unit overs peed test機組空載試驗Test of gover ning system in no-load running115KV設(shè)備及主變沖擊受電試驗Mai n tran sformer and GIS po wer d

3、istributio n equipment sin gle-grouti ng test機組同期并網(wǎng)試驗Prep arati on for synchroni zati on機組帶負荷試驗unit test with load機組甩負荷試驗Load rejectio n test機組72小時試運行Unit 72h commissi on結(jié)論及存在的問題Con clusi ons and p roblems、工程概況 Project Overview539萬m3,水庫正常蓄水位 435m,死水位430m,調(diào)節(jié)庫容318萬 保證出力為5.10MW,年發(fā)電南奔水電站水庫總庫容m3,具有日調(diào)節(jié)能力。

4、電站裝機容量為36MW (3 X 12MW ),3, Normal water level is 430m,量為1.388億kWh,裝機利用小時 4081h。Nam Beng HPP ower reservoirs with a total capacity 5.39 million m Lowest level is 430m, Regulating storage is 3180 thousand.二、試運行工作內(nèi)容1、充水試驗 water-filled test2、機組首次開機 the first start-up test 機組空轉(zhuǎn)運行下調(diào)速系統(tǒng)試驗Test of governing

5、system in no-load running 無勵磁自動開機和自動停機試驗Unit automatic start-up and stop test with no excitation 過速試驗Unit overspeed test升流試驗Test of increasing current 機組空載試驗Test of boosting voltage 發(fā)電機帶主變及 GIS 一次設(shè)備零起升壓試驗Generator increasing current test with main transformer and GIS 115KV設(shè)備及主變沖擊受電試驗Main transformer

6、 and GIS power distribution equipment single-grouting test 機組同期并網(wǎng)試驗Preparation for synchronization 機組帶負荷試驗 unit test with load 機組甩負荷試驗 Load rejection test 機組 72 小時試運行 Unit 72h commission三、1#機組試運行大事記 the Eve nt recordco of mmissi oning of unit 1充水試驗(廠房段)water-filled test2016年1月17日1月18日機組首次開機 the firs

7、t start-up test2016年1月18日機組空轉(zhuǎn)運行下調(diào)速系統(tǒng)試驗Test of gover ning system in no-load running2016年1月18日無勵磁自動開機和自動停機試驗Unit automatic start- up and stop test with noexcitati on2016年1月19日機組過速試驗 Uni t overs peed test2016年1月19日發(fā)電機升流試驗 Test of increasing current2016年1月20日發(fā)電機帶主變及GIS 次設(shè)備零起升壓試驗Gen erator in creas ingcu

8、rre nttest withmain tran sformer and GIS2016年1月20日機組空載試驗 Test of boosting voltage2016年1月20日115kV設(shè)備及主變沖擊受電試驗Main transformerand GIS power distributionequipment sin gle-grouti ng test2016年3月9日機組同期并網(wǎng)試驗 Preparationforsynchroni zati on2016年3月10日機組帶負荷試驗unit test with load2016年3月10日機組甩負荷試驗Load rejection te

9、st2016年3月10日機組72小時試運行Unit 72h commission7月25日7月27日四、充水試驗 water-filled test流道充水分兩步進行,第一步,確定機組上游蝶閥處于關(guān)閉狀態(tài),鎖定蝶閥機械 鎖定,蝶閥處于就地位置;確定活動導(dǎo)葉處于關(guān)閉狀態(tài),調(diào)速器處于就地位置。 打開尾水平壓充水閥、打開蝸殼排水閥、打開蝸殼排氣閥,對尾水管及蝸殼充水。 檢查尾水管、尾水進人門、蝸殼進人門、蝶閥下游側(cè),蝶閥伸縮節(jié)、導(dǎo)水機構(gòu)各 組合面等無滲漏,工作密封漏水量通過自流滿足排水要求,廠房檢修排水泵、滲漏排水泵能滿足排水要求,再根據(jù)尾水開啟程序進行閘門開啟操作,開啟尾水閘 門。Filled w

10、ith water into The flow cha nnel be divided into two ste ps . the first confirm that all Inlet valve is turned off,all Locking device ofIn let valve is Pu tted in, Op erati on method of In let valve is On the spot; confirm that the Vanes 0f un it 1# is turned off, the Op erati on method of 1# Sp eed

11、 gover nor is On the spot. open the Byp ass valve of Tail water sluice 1# ,open spiral case Drain valve of unit 1#, openspiral case exhaustvalve of unit 1#,fill water into draft tube andspiral case of unit 1#. Affter Inspectingtube、spiral case 、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amountof work the

12、 seal leakage suffice op erati onal requireme nts, P la nt maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage suffice operational requirements, open Tail water sluice 1#.第二步,確認蝶閥手動旁通閥處于關(guān)閉,關(guān)閉蝸殼排水閥、關(guān)閉尾水平壓閥,打 開液壓旁通閥,再慢慢打開手動旁通閥,向蝸殼充水,觀察尾水管、尾水進人門、 蝸殼進人門、蝶閥下游側(cè),蝶閥伸縮節(jié)、導(dǎo)水機構(gòu)各組合面等無滲漏,工作密封 漏水量通過自流滿足排水要求,廠房檢修排水泵、滲漏排水泵能滿

13、足排水要求, 再根據(jù)進水口閘門開啟程序進行閘門開啟操作,開啟進水口閘門。The sec ond ste p, close Manual byp ass valve of unit 1# Inlet valve is turned off, close sp iral case exhaust valve of unit 1#,close the Byp ass valve of Tail water gate 1#,the n open Hydraulic byp ass valve ,open Manual byp ass valve slowly, Affter Inspecting tu

14、be、spiral case 、Inlet valve and guide no leakage, The amount of work the seal leakage suffice operational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump, drain pump leakage sufficeoperationalrequirements, openinletsluice .五、機組首次開機unit first start-up按照啟動試運行規(guī)程、1#機組啟動試運行大綱中機組首次啟動和空轉(zhuǎn)試驗的 要求,對1#機組各部位、各系統(tǒng)進行檢查,

15、使其處于手動開機狀態(tài),滿足手動 開機要求后,正式開始首次啟動和空轉(zhuǎn)試驗。in accordanee with requirements of the first time start and idling tests intart test run procedures、unit 1# Start test run Outline ,Initial unit start- upafter unit 1# suffice op erati onal requireme nts.1手動打開主軸密封排水閥,退出空氣圍帶、風閘,頂起轉(zhuǎn)子5-7mm保持10min, 保證推力瓦潤滑。落轉(zhuǎn)子,打開蝶閥,打開

16、技術(shù)供水電動閥,調(diào)整技術(shù)供水水壓0.4 MPaOpenunit 1# exhaust valve of work the seal leakage with Manually, RemovalP ressure of unit 1# the maintenance seal Jack ing Rotor 5-7mm keeping 10 min. go down Rotor, open1# Inlet valve, open electric valve adjustingPressure ofCooli ng water to 0.2-0.4 MPa.2手動拔出接力器鎖定,打開調(diào)速器的導(dǎo)葉開

17、度限制機構(gòu), 待機組開始轉(zhuǎn)動后將 導(dǎo)葉關(guān)回,由各部觀察人員檢查和確認機組轉(zhuǎn)動與靜止部件之間有無摩擦、碰撞及其它異常情況。drop out locking of Servomotor, open the guide vane opening of Speed governor, as soon as unit run ,close the guide vane ijnspect unit ,all are normal when unitrunning ” and“丄力stop .3確認各部正常后再次打開導(dǎo)葉啟動機組。當機組轉(zhuǎn)速升至接近50%定轉(zhuǎn)速時 暫停升速,觀察各部無異常后繼續(xù)升速,機組在額

18、定轉(zhuǎn)速下運行。上游水庫水位432.5m,尾水水位351m機組額定轉(zhuǎn)速下的導(dǎo)葉開度 20.7%。Rated sp eed. Con ti nue to in crease sp eed to 428.6r/m in running ifResevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is351m, the guide vane opening isAfter confirm all are normal, open the the guide vane and start-up unit 1#. Stop increasing sp eed whe n sp

19、 eed nears 50% all are no rmal .20.7% whe n sp eedreachs Rated speed(428.6r/mi n).4在機組升速過程中派專人嚴密監(jiān)視推力瓦和各導(dǎo)軸瓦的溫度,無急劇升高或下降現(xiàn)象。機組達到額定轉(zhuǎn)速后,前階段每隔 5分鐘記錄瓦溫,之后可適當延長時 間間隔,機組空轉(zhuǎn)4小時后瓦溫穩(wěn)定,此時的最高溫度見下表.In the p rocess of Unit in creases ing the sp eed, keep watch over Thrust Pad Temp 、 Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guide Temp

20、、Turb ine Guide Temp ,all Temp can not Sudde n in crease and Sudden decrease. When unit running at Rated speed,_ record Thrust Pad Temp 、Upper GuideTemp、 Lower Guide Temp 、 Turbine Guide Temp. After unit running 4h, Temp is steady. this time the highest of Thrust Pad Temp、Upper Guide Temp、Lower Guid

21、e Temp、Turbine Guide Temp suffice operational requirements.部位Place水導(dǎo)瓦溫Turbi ne Guide Temp推力瓦溫上導(dǎo)瓦 Upper Guide Temp下導(dǎo)瓦 Lower Guide TempThrust TempPad允許值C)Allowed values65 C報警Alarm65 C70 C停機stop C50 C報警Alarm50 C55度停機Sto p55 C65度報警Alarm65C70度停機stop70 C65度報警Alarm65C70度停機stop70 C最高值(C)Highest value46.8 C3

22、3.8 C50.7 C44.7 C5機組導(dǎo)瓦間隙調(diào)整值為,上導(dǎo)瓦綜合間隙 0.20mm下導(dǎo)瓦綜合間隙0.24mm 水導(dǎo)瓦綜合間隙0.28mm實際最大運行擺度上導(dǎo)軸承0.098mm,下導(dǎo)軸承0.08mm 水導(dǎo)軸承0.1mm滿足規(guī)范要求。Upper Guide Adjusti ng Total gap is 0.20mm. Lower Guide Adjusti ng Totalgap is 0.24mm, Arial Adjusting Total gap is 0.28mm.thehighest RunningTurbine bearing swing is 0.1mm.檢修排水泵調(diào)整至72h

23、,滿足運行要求。滲漏排水泵調(diào)整至自 8h,滿足運行要求。The amount of work the seal leakage sufficeswing suffice operational requirements. Upper bearing swing is 0.098mm, Lower bearing swing is 0.08mm, 6機組運行過程中,主軸密封漏水通過自排,滿足設(shè)計要求。自動位置,自動啟動排水間隔時間為 動位置,自動啟動啟動排水間隔為In the process of unit running ,op erati onal requireme nts, Plant

24、maintenance drain pump and drain pump leakage sufficeoperational requirements, Plant maintenance drain pump automaticstart- up Every Seve nty-two hours. drain pump leakage automatic start-up Every eight hours.7機組運行過程中,機組各部位振動值最大值滿足規(guī)范及設(shè)計要求。In the process of unit running ,unitVabrationsufficeoperation

25、alrequireme nts.序 號No方向direc tion振動允許值(mm ) Vabrati on Allowed values上機架Upp er Guide下機架LowerGuide水導(dǎo)Turbi ne Guide序號No.振動允許值(mm Vabratio n Allowed values定子 機架StatorIchassis定子 鐵芯StatorCore1水平level0.050.0230.0230.02630.030.0150.0092垂直plumb0.040.0120.0130.01340.020.0120.009六、機組空轉(zhuǎn)運行下調(diào)速系統(tǒng)試驗gover ning syst

26、em in no-load running檢查調(diào)速器測頻信號正確,符合要求。Freque ncy sig nal of sp eed gover norsuffice op erati onal requireme nts.機組瓦溫基本穩(wěn)定后,調(diào)速器測頻裝置工作正常,進行調(diào)速器手動和自動切換, 接力器無明顯擺動。After all Temp sufficeoperational requirements and Frequency measuringdevice is correct, Switch Operation mode of speed governorbetween manual

27、and automatic,Servomotor has not Sign ifica nt swing. I頻率給定的調(diào)整范圍符合設(shè)計要求。Adjustme nt range of Freque ncy give nsuffice op eratio nal requireme nts.調(diào)速器空載擾動試驗符合設(shè)計要求,調(diào)速器自動運行穩(wěn)定時,加入擾動量分別為 1% 2% 4%勺階躍信號,調(diào)速器電氣裝置能可靠的進行自動調(diào)節(jié),調(diào)節(jié)過 程正常,最終能夠穩(wěn)定在額定轉(zhuǎn)速下正常運轉(zhuǎn)。Whenthe speed governor running stable with automatically, Join

28、 different disturbance( 1% 2% 4%Rated frequency). Electrical installations of speed governor canautomatic regulate, running Stable at Rated speed.七、無勵磁自動開機和自動停機試驗Unit automatic start- up and stop test with no excitati on1、啟動機組LCU1空轉(zhuǎn)開機。 automatic start- up un ite 1#.按照機組自動開機流程,檢查各自動化元件動作情況和信號反饋正常。開機程

29、序滿足設(shè)計要求。1#, Actioncorrect,signalof Automationsuffice op eratio nal requireme nts.automaticstart- upun itecomponents Feedback correct,機組自動停機。機組轉(zhuǎn)速降至30%額定轉(zhuǎn)速2、機組LCU1自動停機 由機組LCU1發(fā)停機指令,(128.6r/min )時制動器正常投入。機組停機過程中各停機流程與設(shè)計順序一致?,F(xiàn)地、機旁、中控室等部位,檢查緊急事故停機按鈕動作可靠。模擬機組各種機械、電氣事故及故障信號,進行事故停機流程試驗,事故和故障信號響應(yīng)正確,事故停機信號的動作

30、流程正確可靠。事故停機均關(guān)閉蝶閥,關(guān)閉活動導(dǎo)葉,打開調(diào)壓閥,調(diào)壓閥復(fù)歸在調(diào)速器室調(diào)速器控制柜手動復(fù)歸,其余流程與正常停機相同。剪斷銷剪斷信號出現(xiàn)在機組停機過程中,停機流程與其他事故停機相同,不 同之處為停機后制動器不復(fù)歸,待故障消除后手動復(fù)歸。Send out stopping order, unit 1# stop automatic. Whe n sp eed at 30%Ratedspeed (128.6r/min),brake is Putted in automatic, Stopping Action correct.Emerge ncy.SimulateAccide ntIn t

31、he cen ter con trolroom and Low -p ressure room op eratestopping Push butt on On the spot, unit stop and Action correct Mecha nical and electrical Accide nt sig nal ,unit stop andActio n correct .In allstopping Action , Inlet valve is closed, Vanes is close, regulating valve is open ed, closed regul

32、ati ng valve on the sp eed gover nor with Manu ally, others is the same as Normal stopping acti on. Only break pin is breaked in the p rocess of unit stopping action, Brakes do not automatic drop out after Brakes Pu tted in , dropping out Brakes n eed op erat ing with Manu ally On the spot in gover

33、nor room.3、遠方開停機命令正確、動作正常。dista nee.All automatic starting-upand stopping action are correct with八、過速試驗overs peed test1#機組進行過速試驗,上游水庫水位 432.5m,尾水水位351m 115%定轉(zhuǎn)速收 到報警信號,140%自動緊停動作,導(dǎo)葉開度38.56%,最高速度70.01Hz,蝸殼壓 力過速前0.74MPa,過速中最大蝸殼壓力0.81MPa,蝸殼壓力上升率9.46%,蝶 閥關(guān)閉,導(dǎo)葉關(guān)閉,調(diào)壓閥全開,流程正常,停機后檢查機組正常,調(diào)壓閥調(diào)速 器室現(xiàn)地復(fù)歸。過速過程中最大振

34、動擺度值見下表。Overs peed test of Unit 1#suffice op eratio nal requireme nts.ln the p rocess ofovers peed test, Resevoir Level is 432.5m, Tail Water Level is 351m, Alarm sig nal is acce pted at 115% Rated sp eed, stopping sig nal is acce pted at 140%Rated speed and the unit is stopped, Vanesopening 38.56%,

35、the highest freque ncy is 70.01Hz, Sp iralcase p ressure before overs peed test is0.74 MPa, in the p rocess of overs peed test the biggest Sp iral case p ressure is 0.81M Pa, Sp iral case p ressureRate of rise is 9.46%, I niet valve isclosed, Vanes is close, regulat ing valve is open ed, closed regu

36、lati nginsp ect unit Compr ehe nsivly.Fix ing member and Rotat ing membervalve on the speed governor with Manually, Action correct. in the process of overs peed test Run-out and Vabrati on data arelooked over in next table.時間time振動UpperGuide 上導(dǎo)XUpperGuide 上導(dǎo)YUpp er Guide 上導(dǎo)ZLowerGuide下導(dǎo)XLowerGuide下導(dǎo)

37、丫LowerGuide下導(dǎo)ZStator定子XStator定子丫Stator定子ZTurbi neGuide水導(dǎo)XTurb ineGuide水導(dǎo)丫Turb ineGuide水導(dǎo)Z過速前 beforeovers peed222312232213151412212613過速over sp eed475311444814131729354023擺度swing時間timeUpper Guide 上導(dǎo)XUpper Guide 上導(dǎo)YLowerGuide 下導(dǎo)XLowerGuide下導(dǎo)丫Turbi neGuide水導(dǎo)XTurb ineGuide水導(dǎo)丫過速前 beforeovers peed98981762

38、1170100過速over sp eed11011520023377117過速試驗停機后,全面檢查機組各部分,如轉(zhuǎn)子聯(lián)軸螺栓、磁極連接、磁極引線、 阻尼環(huán)、組合軸承、水導(dǎo)軸承、主軸密封等轉(zhuǎn)動部分,未發(fā)現(xiàn)螺栓松動和焊縫裂 開等異常現(xiàn)象。After Stopping unit ,are not bno rmal.九、機組空載試驗1# Unit No load Characteristic Test(一)、發(fā)電機升流試驗 Test of boostingCurrent with generator1、合上發(fā)電機接地刀JD2;Put in earth ing switch JD2 of gen era

39、tor.手動開機至額定轉(zhuǎn)速,機組各部運行正常。Start- up the un it to running at Rated sp eed,all are no rmal.勵磁變自然通風良好,勵磁功率柜風冷回路正常。natural ventilationof Excitatingtransformer works well, Air Cooling Systemin rectifier cubicle works well.將勵磁調(diào)節(jié)器電流給定降至最小,投入它勵電源。檢查短路范圍內(nèi)的 CT二次殘 余電流,無開路現(xiàn)象。Adjust Curre nt Set point ofrectifier t

40、o the Least, put in otherExcitati ng po wer.Secon dary curre nt of CT is not Open circuited.合滅磁開關(guān),緩慢升流至(34)滋電機額定電流,檢查升流范圍內(nèi)各 CT二次 無開路,繼續(xù)升流至10%額定電流,檢查各CT二次三相電流平衡相位正確;檢 查測量表計接線及指示正確;檢查發(fā)電機保護、勵磁變壓器保護、主變保護、測 量回路的電流幅值相位顯示正確。Close de-excitati on switch,In crease gen erator curre nt slowly at (34)%Rated gen

41、erator curre nt, Secon dary curre nt of CT is not Open circuited.Kee ping on In crease gen erator curre nt slowly at 10% Rated gen erator current,Three-phase currentPhase sequenee and Phase are correct,Amp litude and P hase of gen erator p rotect ion /excitati on /1# tran sformer p rotectio n/Measur

42、i ng circuit are correct.退出電氣事故回路保護。drop out electric p rotecti on.在發(fā)電機額定電流下,跳滅磁開關(guān)檢驗滅磁情況正常。When gen erator curre nt is Rated, drop out de-excitati on switch ,all are no rmal.&額定電流下的機組振動與擺度滿足設(shè)計要求,碳刷與集電環(huán)工作情況正常。Vabrati on and Run-out suffice op eratio nal requireme nts unit running at the Rated current

43、, carb on brush and Collecti ng ring worke correctly.9、試驗過程中檢查發(fā)電機主回路、勵磁變、共箱母線等各部位運行正常,無異 常聲響或溫升。gen erator,gen eratorcorrectlyIn the process of Test boostingvoltage with/Excitat ing tran sformer/Total box bus bar worke(二)發(fā)電機帶主變、GIS 升流試驗 Test of boosting Current with MT& GIS1、斷開發(fā)電機接地刀JD2,合上接地刀FES13;O

44、pen gen erator grounding Knife JD2,close grounding Knife FES13.2、合上發(fā)電機斷路器 GCB及 GIS斷路器CB21 CB11,合上隔離開關(guān)DS22 DS21DS11 DS12,檢查升流范圍以外的斷路器、隔離開關(guān)、接地開關(guān)在分閘位置。Close GCB / GIS CB21 and CB11,close DS22/ds21/ds11 and DS12 ,open other CB / grou ndi ng Kn ife FES and DS.2、手動開機至額定轉(zhuǎn)速,機組各部運行正常。correct.Start- up un it

45、and running at rate sp eed, unit works3、勵磁變自然通風良好,勵磁功率柜風冷回路正常。Natural ventilationof Excitatingtransformer works well, Air Cooling Systemin rectifier cubicle works well.4、將勵磁調(diào)節(jié)器電流給定降至最小,投入它勵電源。檢查短路范圍內(nèi)的CT二次殘余電流,無開路現(xiàn)象。Adjust Curre nt Set point ofrectifier to the Least, put in otherExcitati ng po wer.Se

46、con dary curre nt of CT is not Open circuited.5、 合滅磁開關(guān),緩慢升流至(34) %發(fā)電機額定電流,檢查升流范圍內(nèi)各CT 二次無開路,繼續(xù)升流至10%額定電流,檢查各CT二次三相電流平衡相位正確; 檢查測量表計接線及指示正確;檢查發(fā)電機保護、勵磁變壓器保護、主變保護、測量回路的電流幅值相位顯示正確。Close de-excitati on switch,In crease gen erator curre nt slowly at (34)%Rated gen erator curre nt, Secon dary curre nt of CT

47、is not Open circuited.Kee ping on In crease gen erator curre nt slowly at 10% Rated gen erator current,Three-phase currentPhase sequenee and Phase are correct,Amp litude and P hase of gen erator p rotect ion /excitati on /1# tran sformer p rotectio n/Measuri ng circuit are correct.6、退出電氣事故回路保護。drop

48、out electric p rotecti on.7、在發(fā)電機額定電流下,跳滅磁開關(guān)檢驗滅磁情況正常。When gen erator curre nt is Rated, drop out de-excitati on switch ,all are no rmal.&額定電流下的機組振動與擺度滿足設(shè)計要求,碳刷與集電環(huán)工作情況正常。Vabrati on and Run-out suffice op eratio nal requireme nts unit running at the Rated current , carb on brush and Collecti ng ring w

49、orke correctly.9、試驗過程中檢查發(fā)電機主回路、勵磁變、共箱母線等各部位運行正常,無異 常聲響或溫升。In the process of Test boostingvoltage with generator,generator/Excitati ng tran sformer/Total box bus bar work correctly.(三)發(fā)電機升壓試驗Test of boost ing voltage with gen erator投入發(fā)電機各保護.機組在空轉(zhuǎn)位置運行。Put in all gen erator p rotecti on .Start- up unit

50、 and be running at ratedsp eed and de-excitatio n.測量發(fā)電機升流試驗后的殘壓值,并檢查三相電壓的對稱性滿足試驗要求。Measure Residual voltage value after boosting Current with generator,Three-p hase voltagesuffice skills requireme nts.手動升壓至25%額定電壓,檢查:發(fā)電機及引出母線、分支回路等設(shè)備帶電正常。 機組各部振動及擺度正常。測量發(fā)電機 PT二次側(cè)三相電壓相序、幅值正常,測 量PT二次開口三角電壓值滿足設(shè)計要求。Boost

51、 voltage with Manu ally at 25% rated sp eed, inspect gen erator/ Bus bar and circuit, these work correctly . Vabration and Run-out of unit suffice skills requireme nts. Measure Secon dary side voltage of gen erator PT,Three-phase voltage suffice skills requirements. 逐級升壓至發(fā)電機額定電壓,檢查帶電范圍內(nèi)一次設(shè)備的運行情況正常。B

52、oost voltage with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV).檢查發(fā)電機PT回路相序、電壓、頻率應(yīng)正確。Inspect circuit of generator PT, Phase sequence/ Voltage and frequency are correct.測量額定電壓下機組的振動與擺度滿足設(shè)計要求。When Unit run at rated Voltage, Vabration and Run-out suffice skills requirements.定子鐵芯各部溫度正常。

53、Stator core temp suffice skills requirements. 退出電氣事故回路保護。 分別在 50%、 100%發(fā)電機額定電壓下跳滅磁開關(guān),檢查 滅弧情況正常。at 50%and 100%保護非電量事故Drop out electric protection. Opende-excitation switch rated Voltage, de-excitation switch works correctly. 投入電氣事故回路保護。 試驗完畢后模擬發(fā)動機偷跳滅磁開關(guān), 停機,停機流程正確。open de-excitation switch ,unit auto

54、maticPut in electric protection. stop urgently.發(fā)電機帶主變及 GIS 次設(shè)備零起升壓試驗 Test of boosti ng Voltagewith MT & GIS1、將發(fā)電機斷路器GCE置工作位置,并處于合閘位置,斷開所有的接地開關(guān)和 其它分支的斷路器,母線PT處于工作位置。DS andClose generator GCB and put GCB in Working position. open other CB, put in Bus PT in Working position.2、合上 GIS 隔離開關(guān) DS22 DS21 DS11

55、 DS12 DS31 及斷路器 CB21 CB11 分 DS51 隔離開關(guān),檢查升壓范圍以外的斷路器 隔離開關(guān) 接地開關(guān)在分閘位 置。Close GIS DS22/ds21/ds11 / DS 12 and DS31 , Close CB21 and CB11,open DS51,inspect other CB / DS and grounding Knife FES In the openning position.開機至空轉(zhuǎn),合滅磁開關(guān),合發(fā)電機出口斷路器。Start-up unit and be running at rated speedwith no excitation. clo

56、sede-excitation switch,close generator GCB.零起升壓至 10%的發(fā)電機額定電壓,檢查主變工作情況,檢測相關(guān)電壓互感 器二次及開口三角的幅值 相序,檢測電壓互感器送至保護 測量 同期 調(diào)速 器、勵磁的電壓幅值、相序,確定 11kV第1段母線的相序與外來電源一致。Boost Voltage at 10% rated Voltage , Main transformer works well, Secondary side amplitude and Phase sequence of Voltage transformer are correct.Seco

57、ndary side Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct, Phase of part I Bus bar is sameas from outer power.5、逐步升壓,分別在 25%、 50%、75%、100%發(fā)電機額定電壓下檢查帶電一次設(shè) 備及主變工作情況無異響、溫度突然升高等問題。Boost voltage of

58、 generator with Manually step by step until speed arrives rated voltage (11KV) with GIS and MT, GIS and MTappear no abnormal, temp has not boost suddenly .6、在額定電壓時,檢測電壓互感器送至保護、測量、同期、調(diào)速器、勵磁的電 壓幅值、相位、頻率滿足設(shè)計要求。Boost Voltage at rated Voltage ,Secondary side Voltage amplitude / Phasesequence and frequenc

59、y of Circuit in protection cubicle/measuring cubicle/ Synchronization device/ Speed governor and excitation are correct7、檢測發(fā)電機出口斷路器同期電壓幅值、相位。sufficingMeasure Voltage amplitude and Phase sequence of generator GCB skills requirements.GCB。8、升壓完畢,降低勵磁電流至零,分滅磁開關(guān),分發(fā)電機出口斷路器After boosting Voltage test finis

60、h ,cut back Exciting Current untilExciting Current arrive at 0 KV, open thede-excitation switch,open generator Export GCB.十、發(fā)電機空載下的勵磁調(diào)整和試驗 Test of Excitating system in no-loadrunning1、機組勵磁變已恢復(fù)正常接線,機組采用自勵方式。Electrical wiring of Unit 1#Exciting transformer is restored.Exciting transformer work with Se


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