1、2BIGGER THAN THE BOARDROOM Introduction3Approach and Methodology4CEO-Specific Data5Key Findings6What Drives CEO Reputation Today7A CEOs Role in Combating Racial & Social Inequality18The COVID19 Moment303IN T R OD U C T ION In early March, the COVID-19 pandemic forced CEOs to take on the role of Cris
2、is Executive Officer as they led their companies, employees, and consumers through unprecedented times. More recently, they are being asked to authentically lead with purpose as the country reckons with racial inequality.To help organizations better understand the role their leaders should play, Mor
3、ning Consult surveyed thousands of consumers, investors, and public opinion leaders on what they expect from CEOs today, and how that is evolving as new challenges emerge at a rapid pace. This research looks at both the most important brand drivers for CEOs when it comes to their reputation and job
4、performance, as well as key insights into how COVID-19 and the Black Lives Matter movement are changingthose expectations.4Morning Consult surveyed over 11,000 consumers, financial decision-makers, high net worth individuals, politically-engaged audiences, and key opinion leaders in May and June 202
5、0 to provide unparalleled insight on evolving expectations, performance evaluations and overall perceptions of top CEOs and business leaders.AP P RO ACH & M E T HO DO L O G YMorning Consult determined the drivers behind CEO reputation by asking respondents to assess 315 CEOs and business leaders, in
6、cluding CEOs of most Fortune 250 companies and nearly all of the CEOs of the 200 most advertised brands in the U.S. Respondents were asked a range of questions about a given CEO, including an evaluation of favorability, news buzz, and overall job performance. Respondents also rated CEOs on 48 attrib
7、utes, evaluating their public persona, leadership style, vision, personal integrity, shareholder value, stakeholder engagement, societal impact, handling of COVID-19, and more.5WANT DATA ONA SPECIFICCEO?Morning Consult tracks the reputation and job performance of over 300 CEOs across a range of metr
8、ics and demographics, including consumers, retail investors and decisionmakers. Contact us to request a custom report on a specific CEO.bit.ly/2MGAQ8xGE T IN T OU C H6Overview Of FindingsBI G G E R T HAN T HE BO ARDRO O M : T HE RO L E CE O s ARE E X P E CT E D T O P L AY T O DAY A CEOs Role in the
9、Context of Society Is Rapidly ExpandingCEOs are in the spotlight today more than ever, and the events of recent months and weeks have only accelerated the evolution of a CEOs remit: The most important attribute that contributes to a CEOs reputation is that they are contributing positively to society
10、.Stakeholder Capitalism is Here to StayPrioritizing customer and employee needs while also acting in the best interest of shareholders, suppliers and society is important to decisionmakers and also drives CEO reputation and performance. This trend has been strengthening since late 2019, when the imp
11、ortance of employees began gaining precedence while that of shareholders began waning.The Current Challenge & Evolving OpportunitySixty-nine percent of adults say that how CEOs react and express themselves on topics such as Black Lives Matter will permanently affect their decision to buy from their
12、company and 71% of consumers feel CEOs are responsible for helping during the pandemic. Companies that step up for consumers in this time will benefit interms of favorability and loyalty.7WHATDRIVESCEO REPUTATIONTODAYCE O BRAND I NT E L8What Matters And What DoesntDRI V E RS O F CE O RE P UT AT I O
13、NTo determine what drives CEO reputation and performance, Morning Consult looked at 48 CEO attributes, comparing those which respondents said were and werent important to them to the proven drivers of CEO performance across KPIs. The results from the driver analysis reveal what matters now, what doe
14、snt, and what could matter in the future.Is contributing positively to societyIs trusted by the general publicHas led / is leading their company to make a positive impact on the worldIs an exceptional role model - sets an exampleof strong and effective leadership for others to followLeads with fairn
15、ess and integrity9Demonstrates a sense of responsibility to act in the best interest of customers and societyLeverages their position of power to help others, give back and/or make a difference in societyIs authentic and realIs credible - delivers on promises10. Is well-respected in their industryTh
16、e Top Drivers of CEO ReputationWHAT DRI V E S CE O RE P UTATI O N TO DAYOf the 48 attributes tested, these 10 had the strongest relationship with CEO reputation and performanceDRI V E RS O F CE O RE P UT AT I O NLatent DriversNon- DriversKnown DriversPotential DriversHas played a critical role in ge
17、tting their company to where it is todayIs the face of their company / brand Has a strong presence in their industryIs a critical part of their companys brand / imageIs committed to improving the environmentDelivers shareholder valueHas values that align with mineIs contributing positively to societ
18、yIs trusted by the general publicHas led / is leading their company to make a positive impact on the worldLeverages their position of power to help othersIs well-respectedin their industryTreats employees wellRespects / protects customers privacy and securityPlaces whats best for stakeholders above
19、shareholders / personal gainDemonstrates foresightIs an ethical leaderDelivers products that meet a high standard of excellence and qualityHas successfully managed their company through challenging timesIs a calm and composed leader, even during tough timesIs an exceptional role modelIs authentic an
20、d realLeads with fairness and integrityIs credibleDemonstrates a sense of responsibility to act in the best interest of customers and societyBalances the needs of customers, employees, and shareholdersIs trusted by company employeesThe Reputation Drivers We Tested and Where They RankedComparing clai
21、med drivers of CEO perception with proven drivers of CEO performance across KPIs reveals important insights around what matters and what doesnt10Strong RelationshipLow ImportanceHigh ImportanceWeak RelationshipPerceived ImportanceRelationship with CEO performance on KPIsDRI V E RS O F CE O RE P UT A
22、T I O N11KNO W N DRI V E RS Respondents say these are important, and they areLeads with fairness and integrityIs credible delivers on promisesIs trusted by companyemployeesBalances the needs of customers, employees, and shareholders appropriatelyDemonstrates a sense of responsibility to act in the b
23、est interest of customers and societyLATE NT DRIV E RSRespondents say these are not important, but they appear to beHas values that align with mineIs well-respected in their industryLeverages their positionof power to help others, give back, and/or make a difference in societyHas led/is leading thei
24、r company to positively impact the worldIs trusted by the general publicIs contributing positively to societyPO T ENT I AL DRI VERSRespondents say these are important and may become more so soonDemonstrates foresightHas successfully managed company through challenging timesIs willing to place whats
25、best for customers, employees and/or other stakeholders above shareholders or personal gainRespects / protects customers privacy and securityTreats employees wellNO N- DRI V E RS Respondents say these are not important, and they arentHas a strong presence in their industryIs the face of their compan
26、y / brandIs a critical part of theircompanys brand / imageHas played a critical role in getting company to where it is todayIs committed to improving the environment44%18%38%43%22%35%44%18%38%39%18%44%41%16%43%44%19%37%40%16%44%40%15%45%44%16%41%46%13%40%Is contributing positively to societyIs trust
27、ed by the general publicHas led / is leading their company to make a positive impact on the worldIs an exceptional role model - sets an example of strong and effective leadership for others to followLeads with fairness and integrityDemonstrates a sense of responsibility to act in the best interest o
28、f customers and societyLeverages their position of power to help others, give back and/or make a difference in societyIs authentic and realIs credible - delivers on promisesIs well-respected in their industryTop 20 CEOsGap:12All CEOs vs.Top 20 CEOsAverage “Agree”56%-12%56%-13%56%-12%50%-12%51%-10%54
29、%-10%52%-12%52%-13%55%-11%57%-11%The Average CEO Scores Lower on Top Drivers of Performance, Especially Relative to Top CEOsDRI V E RS O F CE O RE P UT AT I O NAverage of 315 CEOs Morning Consult TestedAgreeDisagreeDont know1376%38%55%58%22%50%13%39%43%8%Name ID (Awareness)Net FavorabilityJob Perfor
30、mance*Should Stay as CEONet BuzzTop 20 CEO AverageAll CEO Average* CEO received an Excellent or Good rating on “In general, how would you describe the job each of the following is doing as CEO?”Highest-Performing CEOs Also Significantly Outperform the Average CEO Across Other Key Performance Metrics
31、DRI V E RS O F CE O RE P UT AT I O N14Higher Favorability Among CEOs Strongly Corresponds with Higher Brand FavorabilityCO M P ANY & CE O RE P UT AT I O N-40-20020406080100-30-20-100102030405060Company Favorability*CEO Favorability*Source: Morning Consult Brand IntelligenceTheir companys employees44
32、%Their companyscustomers34%The communities their company operates in12%Their companys shareholders8%The companys suppliers2%Their companys employees44%Their companyscustomers31%Their companys shareholders17%The communities their company operates in7%The companys suppliers1%All adultsRetail investors
33、Whose interests and wellbeing do you think CEOs should prioritize most?15US Investors and Consumers Alike Overwhelmingly Want Companies to Prioritize Talent and Customers Above All Other Stakeholders Even ShareholdersTHE RIS E OF S TAKE HOLDE R CAP ITALIS M30%33%44%44%29%30%25%31%30%24%19%17%9%8%9%7
34、%September 2019November 2019April 2020May 2020Their companys clientsThe communities their company operates inTheir companys employees Their companys shareholders Dont Know/No Opinion16Stakeholder Capitalism Has Continued to Grow In Importance Over TimeTHE RIS E OF S TAKE HOLDE R CAP ITALIS MThis tre
35、nd has been strengthening since late 2019, when employees began taking precedence as a priority while shareholders began declining in importanceOf the following, whose interests and wellbeing should CEOs prioritize most?Among retail investorsRecap: What Drives CEO Reputation Today17CE O BRAND I NT E
36、 LThe Top Drivers of CEO ReputationThe most important attributes that contribute to a CEOs reputation is that they are “contributing positively to society,” followed by “trusted by the general public,” and “l(fā)eading their company to make a positive impact on the world.”The Relationship Between A Bran
37、d & Its CEOThere is a strong relationship between a brand and its CEO when it comes to reputation. Its clear that higher favorability among CEOs strongly corresponds with higher brand favorability.Stakeholder Capitalisms Growing Influence on CEO ReputationUS investors and consumers alike overwhelmin
38、gly want companies to prioritize talent and customers above all other stakeholders even shareholders. This trend has been strengthening since late 2019, when employees began taking precedence as a priority while shareholders began declining in importance.18ACEO sROLEINCOMBATING RACIAL&SOCIALINEQUALI
39、TYCE O BRAND I NT E L1966%of adults expect every company, regardless of their industry or location, to have a point of view on or make a statement about Black Lives Matter.62%66%76%57%65%82%62%65%75%75%69%All adultsGen Z MillennialsGen XBoomers Democrats IndependentsRepublicansUrban SuburbanRuralHow
40、 company CEOs react and express themselves on topics such as Black Lives Matter will permanently affect my decision to buy from their company59%67%73%56%62%81%62%65%74%67%69%How businesses react and express themselves on topics such as this will permanently affect my decision to buy from them61%2065
41、%75%51%62%84%64%63%72%72%66%It is now more important to me that companies I buy from have a diverse management teamHow CEOs & Companies React Today Could Have Long-Term Effects on Consumers Buying DecisionsA CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YGiven protests and demon
42、strations across America in response to the death of George Floyd, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following? Among those who said “somewhat” or “strongly agree”26%11%29%10%22%10%18%9%22%9%23%8%14%9%22%8%18%8%21%7%42%12%9%46%10%5%52%9%7%53%9%11%56%8%6%59%6%4%59%6%12%60%5%5%62%6%6%63
43、%5%4%Company CEOsBusiness leadersReligious leadersThe mediaMembers of CongressMayorsPresident Donald TrumpGovernorsPoliceThe general publicVery important21Somewhat importantDont Know / No OpinionNot too importantNot important at all68% of Americans Say its Important for CEOs to Address Racial Inequa
44、lity in the U.S.A CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YHow important is it for each of the following to address racial inequality in the U.S.?35%35%17%13%36%37%15%12%40%33%13%14%Very responsible22Somewhat responsibleNot too responsibleNot responsible at allSetting an e
45、xample for their employees and leading change within their companies on important social issues such as Black Lives MatterPromoting and nurturing a culture of inclusion and diversity in AmericaFighting racism and discrimination in AmericaAmericans Hold Executives Responsible For Setting an Example A
46、round Diversity and Inclusivity Within Their Organization and America More BroadlyA CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YHow responsible do you think CEOs and company executives are for each of the following?7%14%23%30%26%9%24%22%29%16%11%30%21%26%12%Reducing and helpi
47、ng to combat police violenceReducing and helping to combat racial inequalityNurturing a culture of diversity, inclusion, and acceptance within their organizationsVery effective23Somewhat effectiveDont Know / No OpinionNot too effectiveNot effective at allHowever, Americans Feel Companies and Their L
48、eaders are Failing to Effectively Combat Racial Inequality Within Their Organizations and More BroadlyA CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YHow effective do you think companies and their leaders are at each of the following?28%23%12%22%14%34%27%10%18%11%44%26%10%11%9%
49、46%25%11%12%7%47%20%9%10%15%56%17%9%6%13%64%21%8%4%4%66%20%8%4%67%16%8%4%5%PoliceGovernors MayorsPresident Donald TrumpThe media Members of Congress Religious leaders Business leaders Company CEOsVery importantSomewhat important24No OpinionNot too importantNot important at allMore Than Half of Ameri
50、cans (51%) Find it Important for CEOs to Play a Role in Handling Recent ProtestsA CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YHow important is it for each of the following to help handle the protests and demonstrations in dozens of U.S. cities in response to the death of Geor
51、ge Floyd?Dont Know /Local government leaders59%29%6%6%State government leaders59%28%7%6%Local police departments and law enforcement58%27%8%7%President Donald Trump52%18%8%22%2539%39%32%29%33%32%18%11%44%9%8%46%14%8%48%11%12%33%20%14%CEOsMilitary officialsSmall business ownersCongressThe White House
52、 administration officialsAnd Nearly Three Quarters (71%) Find it Appropriate for CEOs to Deliver Statements About Recent ProtestsA CE O S RO L E I N CO M BAT I NG RACI AL & S O CI AL I NE Q UAL I T YHow appropriate is it for the following to deliver statements on the protests and demonstrations?Very
53、 appropriateSomewhat appropriateNot very appropriateNot appropriate at all2683%of Americans say that while they appreciate CEOs making a public statement about important social issues like Black Lives Matter, their actions speak louder than their words81%Express or reaffirm their commitment to ensur
54、ing their organizations hiring process is equitable, inclusive, and accessible to diverse populations and provide specifics on how they will ensure this happens79%Express or reaffirm their organizations commitment to fighting racism and discrimination, and provide specifics on how they will ensure t
55、his happens79%Clearly outline how their organization is taking steps to improve social, racial and economic equality in their organization and how they will remain committed moving forward79%Express or reaffirm their organizations commitment to promoting diversity, inclusion, equality, and advocacy,
56、 and provide specifics on how they will ensure this happensCEOs Should:What Consumers Want to Hear and See from CEOs in This MomentGiven protests and demonstrations across America in response to the death of George Floyd, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?ACT I O NS S P E AK
57、 L O UDE R T HAN W O RDS 2778%Express or reaffirm their commitment to demanding diversity, inclusion, and equality throughout their organizations supply chain, including partners, providers, and clients77%Express or reaffirm their commitment to more diverse and equitable representation at all levels
58、 of their organization, such as diversity pledges, and provide specifics on how they will ensure this happens71%Use their power and influence to demand action from government entities who have the power to enact systemic change70%Make a statement, whether official or personal, about their commitment
59、 to be an allyCEOs Should:What Consumers Want to Hear and See from CEOs in This MomentGiven protests and demonstrations across America in response to the death of George Floyd, to what extent do you agree or disagree with the following?ACT I O NS S P E AK L O UDE R T HAN W O RDS 28Recap: A CEOs Role
60、 In Combating Racial & Social Inequality29OVERVIEW OF RESULTS What CEOs Do Today Could Impact Their Brands Bottom Line in the FutureConsumers across generations and regions as well as high-income and high-influence audiences say corporate responses to recent Black Lives Matter protests will influenc
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